
Am Donnerstag, 29. September 2016 07:32:04 UTC+2 schrieb Erik Svensson:
> Hi, 
> I’m trying to implement homogeneous Neumann bc on part of the boundary in 
> tutorial example step-20. 
> The Neumann bc should be imposed strongly (as for Dirichlet bc in normal, 
> non-mixed, formulation). Is this correct?
> In any case, I’m trying to impose the Neumann bc strongly using the 
> technique from step-22.
What exactly are you doing? As far as I see step-22 just uses weak Neumann 
bc and if theses are homogeneous you normally don't have to implement 
anything additional.

> Running program I get the error:
> ---
> An error occurred in line <1878> of file 
> </usr/local/dealii/dealii-8.4.1/include/deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.templates.h>
> in function
>     void 
> dealii::VectorTools::{anonymous}::do_interpolate_boundary_values(const 
> M_or_MC<DoFHandlerType:: dimension, DoFHandlerType:: space_dimension>&, 
> const DoFHandlerType&, const typename dealii::FunctionMap<DoFHandlerType:: 
> space_dimension>::type&, std::map<unsigned int, double>&, const 
> dealii::ComponentMask&, dealii::internal::int2type<dim_>) [with 
> DoFHandlerType = dealii::DoFHandler<2>; M_or_MC = dealii::Mapping; int dim_ 
> = 2; typename dealii::FunctionMap<DoFHandlerType:: space_dimension>::type = 
> std::map<unsigned char, const dealii::Function<2, double>*, 
> std::less<unsigned char>, std::allocator<std::pair<const unsigned char, 
> const dealii::Function<2, double>*> > >]
> The violated condition was: 
>     cell->get_fe().is_primitive (i)
> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
>     ExcMessage ("This function can only deal with requested boundary " 
> "values that correspond to primitive (scalar) base " "elements")
> Additional Information: 
> This function can only deal with requested boundary values that correspond 
> to primitive (scalar) base elements
> ---
For non-primitive FiniteElements (e.g. FE_RaviartThomas) you can't use 
VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values. Use 
VectorTools::project_boundary_values [1] instead.



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