[deal.II] Re: How to display displacements "in-plane" with paraview, not warp in the z-direction out of plane

2016-05-20 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
if you have vector-valued displacements in your solution files, you can use the filter "warp by vector" instead of "warp by scalar" On Friday, May 20, 2016 at 7:44:01 AM UTC+2, David wrote: > > Hi, all: > > I am doing a plane stress problem and have already got the solution > vection of x-y disp

[deal.II] Re: which version of trilinos for dealii-8.4.1

2016-06-14 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Roc The version 12.4.2 (shipped by default in candi https://github.com/dealii/candi ) works. Can you specify what you mean by "doesn't work"? Best Uwe On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 5:10:15 AM UTC+2, Roc Wang wrote: > > Hi, > > it seems trilinos-12.6.3 doen't work for dealii.8.4.1. Jus

[deal.II] Re: Reuse factorization in Trilinos direct solver

2016-06-20 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
No, this interface uses a solve function, in which the algebraic and numeric factorisation is done each time the solve() function is called. This has something to do with the common interface for the direct and iterative solvers. But it is easy to implement yourself, take a look into lac/trilino

Re: [deal.II] Re: Reuse factorization in Trilinos direct solver

2016-06-20 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Here you can find some class, which I'm using for that: https://github.com/koecher/meat/blob/master/source/DTM%2B%2B/core/lss/SolverAmesos.cc Best Uwe On Monday, June 20, 2016 at 6:22:40 PM UTC+2, Praveen C wrote: > > Thanks Uwe. I will try that. > > Best > praveen > > On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at

[deal.II] Re: Direct Solvers in Parallel

2016-10-25 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Hamed, I think you can only use the TrilinosWrappers::SolverDirect classes for TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector 's and of course TrilinosWrappers::Vector 's. Unfortunately, I've no experience with PETScWrappers::SparseDirectMUMPS

Re: [deal.II] Re: Trouble with VisIt 2.11

2016-10-27 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Praveen, I do not use visit, but deal.II + hdf5 + paraview. Your attached file can be opened with paraview. But this does not mean, that we have a correct implementation within deal.II, but I suppose it has something to do with your visit versions or installations. Kind regards Uwe On T

[deal.II] Re: what do SolverControl do for Direct Solvers?

2016-10-31 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Hamed, when we installed dealii and its dependencies on the cluster, I think we > didn't uncomment the "#PACKAGES="${PACKAGES} once:superlu_dist" in > candi.cfg so it seems we need to install them again. > indeed, but make sure that parmetis is enabled also. > I want to solve my proble

[deal.II] Re: question on doxygen

2016-11-15 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Hej Mike, sometimes I also use latex for code documentation with doxygen, for an equation line: \f[ \partial_t u -\nabla \cdot \epsilon \nabla u + \boldsymbol b \cdot \nabla u = f\,,\quad \text{in } \Omega \times I\,, \f] and \f$ \Omega = (0,1)^d \f$ for latex within the text line. I'

[deal.II] Re: deal.ii from candi

2016-11-30 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Just an idea: parmetis is disabled for some reason by default in candi, this can be changed by enabling: PACKAGES="${PACKAGES} once:parmetis" (no # in front) in the file candi.cfg Maybe this helps. On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 8:02:59 PM UTC+1, Luca Heltai wrote: > > Ciao Dirk, > > unfort

[deal.II] Re: deal.ii from candi

2016-11-30 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
2nd answer to Dirk as reference: Hej Dirk, I see now your real problem, you should not force to download parmetis within petsc - this is not supported in the way you do this by candi - (it may pick another mpi-compiler and forces your problem) Please change your petsc options in the file ./can

Re: [deal.II] Unsuccessful integration of p4est with dealii

2016-12-10 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Kartik, I cannot help you out in your specific problem, but have you tried out candi: https://github.com/dealii/candi to download, compile and install deal.II with MPI + p4est (and other tools if you like)? Kind regards Uwe On Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 6:14:04 PM UTC+1, Kartik Juja

Re: [deal.II] Unsuccessful integration of p4est with dealii

2016-12-12 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Kartik, well, candi has users around the world - if it reports a successful installation, then everything should be fine. But anyhow, you can go to each installation folder, e.g. deal.II, and try to run their specific test suite, if available. Kind regards Uwe On Monday, December 12, 20

Re: [deal.II] Re: what a pain trying to install deal.II

2017-01-27 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Henri, candi is now hosted additionally as a official deal.II github repository: https://github.com/dealii/candi Indeed, the documentation on the website for candi is still not there. (I did not find the time to contribute in this). On Friday, January 27, 2017 at 6:51:14 PM UTC+1, Henri

[deal.II] Re: Exec format error when using mpirun -n 2 ./parameters_sneddon_2d.prm

2017-02-13 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
@Daniel, I think he Qing is referencing to a crack propagation code from Timo and Thomas: https://github.com/tjhei/cracks @Quig: Yes, you have to compile the application and then run as Daniel said. "mpirun -n 2 ./cracks parameters_sneddon_2d.prm" Best Uwe On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 10:5

Re: [deal.II] Re: Exec format error when using mpirun -n 2 ./parameters_sneddon_2d.prm

2017-02-13 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Quig, you have to install a recent version of the library first. To do so, look at https://www.dealii.org/download.html For instance, you can use our automated build script candi: https://www.github.com/dealii/candi and follow the instructions from there. Best Uwe On Monday, February 13, 2

Re: [deal.II] Re: Exec format error when using mpirun -n 2 ./parameters_sneddon_2d.prm

2017-02-13 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Qing, you are welcome. Thats what why we have made it. On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 12:19:46 AM UTC+1, Qing Yin wrote: > > Uwe, > > Thanks. It works after reinstalling a recent version of the > library!"candi" is awesome! Before that the manual installation almost made > me cry. > > Best, >

Re: [deal.II] Re: Who is owning the instance in an exception raised by Subscriptor?

2017-02-14 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
I'm wondering, if it is impossible to call dof.clear(), which should remove the link to triangulation object, in python or the c++ code beyond? I've included such a line in a destructor within my c++ codes, to get rid of a similar message as posted above. On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 4:21:00

Re: [deal.II] Re: Who is owning the instance in an exception raised by Subscriptor?

2017-02-15 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Hi Sebastian Hmpf, in this way it might be difficult to do that. Maybe after "run" you could include a new function or something python-equivalent, which make a call like state.dof.clear() I think, then the garbage collect should work in any permutation. I've designed my software in a way such t

[deal.II] Re: installation problem

2017-02-16 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Dip, you may take a look at our automatic installation script located under: www.github.com/dealii/candi or take a look on our freshly updated Download-Page: https://www.dealii.org/download.html for other installation sources. On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 2:37:31 PM UTC+1, Dip Ghosh

[deal.II] Re: 8.4.1 Installation failure

2017-02-20 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Chao, you may check also our download page https://www.dealii.org/download.html There we have an additional list for installers and binary packages. I suggest that you are on a linux machine, then you should take a look into our automated build script (with system package installation note

[deal.II] Re: Configuring deal.ii error - can't pinpoint what the issue is

2017-03-01 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Phil, to compile and use aspect, you need more dependencies (like Trilinos, p4est, MPI) for the deal.II library. To simplify your life, you can use the automated build script as announced on https://www.dealii.org/download.html or the direct link: https://github.com/dealii/candi It will h

[deal.II] Re: Configuring deal.ii error - can't pinpoint what the issue is

2017-03-03 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
The list of system depencies shown up by candi assumes, that you do not have other compilers installed. (usually we test this on freshly installed (virtual) machines). As far as I know, the default compiler suite (gcc, gfortran) is recent enough for everything we need. But what we really need, i

[deal.II] Re: Superlu_dist usage in dealii

2017-04-18 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Kartik, as Jean-Paul said, but if you want to use SuperLU Dist, than you have to use "Amesos_Superludist" as "solver_type". Kind regards Uwe On Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 11:37:44 AM UTC+2, Kartik Jujare wrote: > > Dear Jean, > > Thank you for your answer. I will try this. > > Regards, >

[deal.II] Re: Trouble with integrating Trilinos with Deal II

2017-05-09 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Jean-Paul, Trilinos v12.4.2 was correctly picked up by deal.II v8.4.0, v8.4.1 and v8.4.2. I have such a configuration running on CentOS7, RHEL 7 and various Fedora versions. The switch to Trilinos v12.10.1 we have done in candi after the deal.II v8.5.0, so it could be that this version is

[deal.II] Re: Step 13 & 14 -- Different BCs on different boundary indicators

2017-05-16 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Elena, in your case you do not really need a second boundary indicator. You have the position argument "Point x" in the value function and from that you can compute the radius and decide if the first or second boundary condition holds and return the respective value. Then you have not to change a

[deal.II] Re: get errors when installing dealii on openSUSE Leap 42.1 by using candi

2017-06-01 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Tuanny, if you have zlib already installed on your system, *remove* the line with zlib from the linux_cluster.platform, it is located in ./candi/deal.II-toolchain/platforms/supported/linux_cluster.platform. If you not have zlib installed, you should try to modify the package file of zlib.

[deal.II] Re: candi installation error - syntax error near unexpected token `('

2017-06-27 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Phil, I did not see something like this before. You are using a quiet new version of bash (newer than my bash-4.3.43-4.fc25.x86_64) The first lines in the created candi_configure are pasted variable from the system environment and also candi. The error occurs for some line I could not reproduce

[deal.II] Re: candi installation error - syntax error near unexpected token `('

2017-06-27 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Looks like we are facing a similar error as posted here: https://github.com/singularityware/singularity/issues/177 The "variable" is a bash function. Please try to unset those functions before running candi. You need to add "-f" to unset to unset a bash function. E.g. this should do the thing:

[deal.II] Re: slepc installation error - How does one find the CHECKSUM for slepc to put in /candi/deal.II-toolchain/packages/slepc.package ?

2017-06-28 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Looks like they have moved the download location, I'll fix this in the next minutes... -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[deal.II] Re: slepc installation error - How does one find the CHECKSUM for slepc to put in /candi/deal.II-toolchain/packages/slepc.package ?

2017-06-28 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
the download location for slepc is fixed now, should work with the current version of candi -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[deal.II] Re: PETSc and dealII clashes when compiling without MPI

2017-06-28 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
I'm not that sure, but you are forcing to use a parallel direct solver (-- with-mkl_pardiso) asdf maybe this forces PETSC to use a default mpi compiler. Why are you not using a mpi-compiler? -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https:/

[deal.II] Re: PETSc and dealII clashes when compiling without MPI

2017-06-28 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
>From my point of view, it is nowadays usually easier to compile everything with mpi, but use for instance only one process (simply start your application with ./app). Then you do not really need the mpi-compiler but you have the full potential for further developments. (For instance, the insta

[deal.II] Re: candi installation error - syntax error near unexpected token `('

2017-06-28 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
oh dear, never have seen this before, but the discussion is quiet linear and it should be resolved in the current master of deal.II... Maybe try to install the current development version of deal.II, you can do it by setting STABLE_BUILD=false in candi.cfg On Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 9:03:2

Re: [deal.II] PETSC error with candi installation

2022-01-18 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear David, go to the folder dealii-candi/tmp/petsc build and take the file 'candi_configure' This is a script file, which is called to configure petsc. Best Uwe On Tuesday, 18 January 2022 at 05:50:28 UTC+1 dmon...@umich.edu wrote: > Thank you, Wolfgang. I will send them a message. > > Rega

[deal.II] Re: candi installation error - syntax error near unexpected token `('

2017-06-29 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Phil, please open a new issue in this group and reference the issue discussion from github. Kind regards Uwe On Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 10:28:55 PM UTC+2, Phil H wrote: > > Hi Uwe - I managed to work around the USABLE FLAGS by simply commenting > out the relevant lines of code in th

[deal.II] Re: Linking errors in candi/dealii build

2017-07-03 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear All, can someone who is familiar with that error comment on that. Then, I ran into this issue "CMake stuck at Performing Test DEAL_II_HAVE_USABLE_FLAGS_DEBUG with -Wl,--as-needed and ld.bfd" I suggested to switch to the current master of deal.II, since I thought the problem is fixed. Ki

[deal.II] Re: Now more than 1000 publications using deal.II :-)

2017-07-18 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Wolfgang, nice to hear. I have an update for our publication: No. 14 (2015) is now online as open access publication. The online first and later open access link is http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00211-017-0894-6 M. Bause, F.

[deal.II] Research Associate Position, Helmut Schmidt Univ. Hamburg

2017-08-15 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Applications are invited to a full Research Associate Position at the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg in the fields of numerical analysis and/or high performance computing at PhD or Postdoc level. Teaching in German language is mandatory. Full details can be found at: https://www.hsu-hh.de/jobs

[deal.II] Re: Assembly of matrices for the heat equation when using Sacado generates -nan-values

2017-08-28 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
looks like your system matrix might be wrong. I think this line system_matrix.add(local_dof_indices[i], local_dof_indices, residual_derivatives); has a missing [i] or [j] or similar on the second local_dof_indices. Getting nan is typical if you have a wrong matrix or right hand side (e.g. forge

Re: [deal.II] Re: PETSC_HAVE_MUMPS not set correctly ?

2017-08-30 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
I think the problematic line is to be found here in the cmake build system: [koecheru@lillehammer deal.II-v8.5.1]$ find . -type f -exec grep -H 'DEAL_II_PETSC_WITH_MUMPS' {} \; ./cmake/configure/configure_3_petsc.cmake:SET(DEAL_II_PETSC_WITH_MUMPS ${ PETSC_WITH_MUMPS}) it should be ./cmake/conf

Re: [deal.II] Looking for more info on FE_RaviartThomas

2017-08-31 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Praveen, Dear Guido and Wolfgang, to additionally support this discussion, I have some remarks here. I'm using the RT-spaces for the diffusion equation (i.e. a heat equation with H^div conforming flux for local mass conservation between elements, which is needed in porous media flow). And

Re: [deal.II] PETSC_HAVE_MUMPS not set correctly ?

2017-08-31 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Wolfgang I don't think there is anything you can do about this situation at some > fundamental level. If some of our dependencies are in /usr/include, you > need to have that path accessible. The fact that you may find other > dependencies there as well if they have been installed there is

Re: [deal.II] PETSC_HAVE_MUMPS not set correctly ?

2017-08-31 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Wolfgang, the case you describe: Imagine you had two different versions of PETSc installed in /usr/ and > /usr/local/, and you had two different versions of Trilinos installed in > /usr/ and /usr/local/. If you want the version of PETSc in /usr and the > version of Trilinos from /usr/loca

Re: [deal.II] Compilation problem: obj_numerics_release/data_out.cc

2017-09-12 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Victor It looks like gcc is getting hold of an old TBB, not the one in the Intel > compiler tree. An extra include dir fixes it. Thanks. > > just for the audience: this must be something specific to your system configuration. I have no trouble at all using gcc 7.1.1 Kind regards Uwe --

Re: [deal.II] Installation: Candi on cluster (Platform)

2017-10-04 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
usually it does not matter, when you specify a platform file. But here a boost error occurs (name clash for v1.63). I think something will be wrong in your configuration. Do you have zlib and bzip2 installed via your system (with devel packages) or via candi? On Wednesday, 4 October 2017 19:50:

Re: [deal.II] Installation: Candi on cluster (Platform)

2017-10-04 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Ah okay, now I understand. Since the package boost (from candi) has failed here, deal.II should have used its own bundled version I think. If the tests are fine, then it should work. You could switch off the package boost in the candi.cfg if you need another run. regards Uwe On Wednesday, 4

Re: [deal.II] Installation: Candi on cluster (Platform)

2017-10-05 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Thanks for reporting. We still had some individual packages in the generic linux_cluster.platform file. I've created a pull request to remove them https://github.com/dealii/candi/pull/54 Kind regards Uwe On Thursday, 5 October 2017 17:01:00 UTC+2, Kartik Jujare wrote: > > That is exactly the

[deal.II] Re: Copy example without compiling them

2017-10-06 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
I'm wondering about your question. Without doing anything specific, the examples are copied to [InstallPath]/examples/stepXX without compiling. By backchecking the cmake configuration DEAL_II_COMPONENT_EXAMPLES=ON is set. But it does not compile them. Does this help? -- The deal.II project is

Re: [deal.II] Re: Copy example without compiling them

2017-10-06 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
curious, this should not be the case, even the documentation states > The programs are in the examples/ directory of your local deal.II > installation. After compiling the library itself, if you go into one of the > tutorial directories, you can configure the program by typing cmake ., > build

Re: [deal.II] Re: Copy example without compiling them

2017-10-06 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
ah sorry, cmake-gui did not showed me all variables directly, there is a switch: -D DEAL_II_COMPILE_EXAMPLES=off you should set this. -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received

Re: [deal.II] deal.II on Mac OS Sierra

2017-11-01 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Hej Pawan, I tried compiling 8.5.1 .tar.gz file, but make failed on that as well with > newer versions of MacOS. I look forward to your .dmg file. > you can try to use the candi installer for deal.II https://github.com/dealii/candi With that, it was possible to compile deal.II with dependencies

Re: [deal.II] deal.II on Mac OS Sierra

2017-11-08 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Hi Pawan, what do you mean by .3) /step-1 (does not run). > ? I only can see warnings and 100% Built & Linking, no errors. Those warnings relates to the apple-clang compiler. -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google

Re: [deal.II] deal.II on Mac OS Sierra

2017-11-08 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
ah, it seems that you have installed oce as well... I've checked my modulefile for macOS, an I set all the lib-pathes... depending on the packages you have installed, it should be export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/apps/candi/deal.II-toolchain/v8 .5.1/brew-openmpi/OCE-0.18/lib:/apps/c

Re: [deal.II] Boost errors

2017-11-15 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Indeed, One of the many reasons why using preprocessor #defines is not a good idea. > Make these regular variables: >const double T0 = 0.8; > This would likely have worked. > or even better, make use of the dealii::ParameterHandler and corresponding input files, iff you have the time for

Re: [deal.II] error in SolverFGMRES related destructor

2017-11-23 Thread 'Uwe Köcher' via deal . II User Group
Dear Sebastian, please follow the instructions from Timo and include additionally an object of dealii::FGMRES<>::AdditionalData and set the max. Numbers of allowed vectors to a smaller size than the default (I think the default is something like 30 vectors). I'm think the allocation problem com

[deal.II] Re: compile master without examples using Candi

2017-12-02 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
that is correct. Alternatively, you can pass by this (and other) deal.II configuration in the candi.cfg variable here: #Choose configuration and components of deal.II DEAL_CONFOPTS="" -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://grou

[deal.II] Re: candi deal.ii

2017-12-12 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Peimeng, the error is: Fortran error! mpif.h could not be located at: looks like that you either have not installed the development packages of your mpi compiler, or something else is wrong with your mpi installation (e.g. multiple installations, etc.) It is hard to say what is going wrong.

[deal.II] Re: candi deal.ii

2017-12-13 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
it was an user problem: > > > HI Uwe, > I finallly found the problem, the "FC" was defined in bashrc, which is > different from candi. After I delete my definition, it works. > Best, > Peimeng -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https

[deal.II] Re: Why does the L2-norm increase when the number of nodes becomes too large?

2017-12-20 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Jie, I'm with Bruno, you definately have a bug in your code. Maybe the application of the Dirichlet boundary is incorrect. When you use the 1d grid generation the left and right boundary nodes are coloured by different numbers. This is a different behaviour compared to 2d or 3d grid genera

Re: [deal.II] Re: Why does the L2-norm increase when the number of nodes becomes too large?

2017-12-21 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Luca (and Jie) due to your comment On Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:20:43 UTC+1, Luca Heltai wrote: > > M… > > I’m actually not sure it’s a bug… The point where the error starts growing > is at 10e-12. This is basically machine precision, considering the fact > that you are computing

Re: [deal.II] Bugs by using candi

2018-05-02 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Yaakov you provide a little to less information to help you. Your error shows up that your compiler does not work. You need to have mpi-compilers for parmetis. Make sure you have done the steps on the first page of candi. If everything is well, the last lines of the second page should show

[deal.II] Re: Candi -ubuntu 17.10.1

2018-05-02 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Yaakov, as long as we ship a platform file in the directory platforms/supported of candi, you can be sure that someone has tested it to run. Just recently I've merged a pull request for ubuntu 18 LTS. Best regards Uwe On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 02:09:19 UTC+2, fea...@gmail.com wrote: >

[deal.II] Re: Publications based on deal.II

2018-05-02 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Wolfgang. the final publication of our paper (it is already on the list): - M. Bause, F. Radu and U. Köcher: "Error analysis for discretizations of parabolic problems using continuous finite elements in time and mixed finite elements in space", Numer. Math. 137(4):773-818, open

[deal.II] Re: Publications based on deal.II

2018-05-03 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
and I missed a paper yesterday. - M. Bause, U. Köcher, F. A. Radu, F. Schieweck: "Post-processed Galerkin approximation of improved order for wave equations", Math. Comput., submitted, p. 1-34, 2018. [ arXiv:1803.03005 ] -- The deal.II project is l

Re: [deal.II] Re: Problem with installing dealii with macOS 10.13.4

2018-05-04 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Indeed Timo - a long time ago we had the compilation of cmake but we decided to do download only - this works only on linux We should consider the case for macos and download a different version or do the compilation again. PS. I use brew for installing cmake and the compilers, from there you a

Re: [deal.II] Re: Problem with installing dealii with macOS 10.13.4

2018-05-04 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
now I understand the problem, the cmake is too know. I'm working on a candi patch. On my mac it seem to run. You can check it out by git clone https://github.com/koecher/candi cd candi git checkout install-cmake-3.9-from-src bes

Re: [deal.II] Bugs by using candi

2018-05-04 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
curious, petsc gets installed after trilinos, there should not be any conflict. But if you disable petsc, you need to disable slepsc as well. Otherwise you may get an error after the trilinos setup. Maybe this helps. Kind regards Uwe On Friday, 4 May 2018 19:36:56 UTC+2, fea...@gmail.com wrote

[deal.II] Re: installation issue on quarks

2018-09-03 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Peng, maybe you can try to add the package "git" from candi before "dealii". Then you would have a more recent version of git, which should be working. Kind regards Uwe -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.

Re: [deal.II] make run error: "dyld: Library not loaded"

2018-09-04 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Jean-Paul and Zhibo, curious. We use modulefiles with "prepend-path" as of #%Module 1.0 # # deal.II module for use with 'environment-modules' package: # module-whatis "Provides the deal.II toolbox." #module load mpi/mpich-x86_64 setenv DEAL_II_DIR /ap

Re: [deal.II] Is parallel direct solver extremely slow?

2018-09-06 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear Pai, > In TrilinosWrappers:: I found two amg > preconditioner: PreconditionerAMGMueLu > > and PreconditionerAMG. What is the general difference between these two > > preconditioners? For a linear elasticity problem, which one should I > use? > > Pai -- PreconditionerAMG uses the Trilinos

[deal.II] Wrong sparsity pattern for vector-valued dG (IPDG) methods with fluxes over faces with (FE_DGQ) and deal.II v9.0

2018-10-26 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear all, I'm facing a (new?) problem for deal.II v9.0.x by getting an obviously wrong sparsity pattern for IPDG methods for vector valued problems (i.e. linear elasticity, elastic wave propagation etc.). Fortunately, I'll get an internal Assert coming from a Trilinos function whenever I want t

[deal.II] Re: Wrong sparsity pattern for vector-valued dG (IPDG) methods with fluxes over faces with (FE_DGQ) and deal.II v9.0

2018-10-26 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
as proposed, I've opened an issue on github https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/7390 -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[deal.II] Re: Trouble building from source on MacOS

2018-11-05 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
you may try out candi; for your selected needs this should be fine https://github.com/dealii/candi kind regards Uwe -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message bec

[deal.II] Re: deal.II at SIAM CSE (Spokane, WA)

2019-02-25 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
I'm in as well. -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this grou

Re: [deal.II] Installation error

2019-03-04 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
alternatively, you could run the same configuration on a workstation and copy the tmp/src and tmp/unpack to your cluster. Maybe you need the developer_mode as given by the last line of the config file as well - I'm not sure on that since I never run it without git access. Best Uwe On Friday, 2

Re: [deal.II] Candi installation fail

2019-04-01 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
On Sunday, 31 March 2019 18:54:22 UTC+2, 杨荣伟 wrote: > > Dear Mr.Kourakos, > Thanks a lot for your kindly response. Could you please show me how > to set up the cmake configuration? I am curious that is Mac 10.14 > compatible with deal 9.0.0? > just checking that and patch candi if anything

Re: [deal.II] Candi installation fail

2019-04-01 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
On Friday, 29 March 2019 20:10:27 UTC+1, Giorgos Kourakos wrote: > > I was able to pass that point. By the way, I specified in the > candi.cfg file the following STABLE_BUILD=false to force candi to download > the master. > you could try not to build all packages in their development version, b

Re: [deal.II] Error installing with Candi

2019-10-15 Thread &#x27;Uwe Köcher&#x27; via deal . II User Group
Dear David, sorry, macOS Mojave (and further Catalina) do not have candi support - there is something strange happening in the recent past with the base compilers and homebrew installed mpi compilers. (I had a similar problem as you reported) Currently I recommend to install the deal.II toolch