I have a question about the Dirichlet boundary conditions.
I'm using fe(FE_DGP(1),1, FE_FaceP(1),1) as the finite element
space, FE_DGP is defined in interiors, FE_FaceP is defined on faces.
When I try to set the Dirichlet boundary conditions to the system by
Dear Professor,
My name is Hu Zhang, I’m an undergraduate student who is trying to
solve Poisson Equations by using deallii. Recently when I was using the
step-28 of the tutorial of the deal.ii library, I found that there is a
little problem in the assemble_cross_group_rhs function. When I o
On 6/6/21 3:55 AM, Zhuoran Wang wrote:
I thought that FE_FaceP has support points on boundaries. Does it mean that I
can't set the Dirichlet boundary conditions in this way? Or did I
misunderstand anything?
Hi Zhuoran,
nice to see that you're still using deal.II :-)
I believe that the FaceP
On 6/6/21 7:05 AM, TGCMr. Anonymous wrote:
From figure b, we can see the values on the refined grid are very lower than
that before refine. I am thinking, the distribution on refined grid should
look same as before, whatever the grid is refined or not. I was confused that
the distribution afte
Hi Dr.Bangerth,
Thank you for your quick reply!
Yes, I'm still using deal.II to implement the WG.
I'm now trying to use WG(P1,P1) to solve Darcy. For WG(P0,P0), I used
FE_DGQ and FE_FaceQ which are the same as FE_DGP and FE_FaceP. But for
higher elements, I need to use FE_FaceP.
If the face dof