
I have a question about the Dirichlet boundary conditions.

I'm using fe(FE_DGP<dim>(1),1, FE_FaceP<dim>(1),1) as the finite element
space, FE_DGP is defined in interiors, FE_FaceP is defined on faces.
When I try to set the Dirichlet boundary conditions to the system by
*VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values* to *constraints*, I got the
error message:

*An error occurred in line <1080> of file
in function*

*    virtual Point<dim - 1> dealii::FiniteElement<3,
3>::unit_face_support_point(const unsigned int) const*

*The violated condition was: *

*    unit_face_support_points.size() == this->dofs_per_face*

*Additional information: *

*    You are trying to access the support points of a finite element that
either has no support points at all, or for which the corresponding tables
have not been implemented.*

I thought that FE_FaceP has support points on boundaries. Does it mean that
I can't set the Dirichlet boundary conditions in this way? Or did I
misunderstand anything?

Thank you.



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