Re: [deal.II] Install error with p4est

2021-11-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/13/21 7:43 PM, wrote: Sorry for omitting a more detailed description, my platform is Ubuntu 20.04 and zlib install at /usr/local/zlib. I'm trying to install the p4est version2.8. Now, I install p4est version2.2 and success, and compile the dealii with this p4est (versi

Re: [deal.II] Question about distribute_local_to_global

2021-11-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/16/21 9:34 AM, Joss G. wrote: / / /*My question is, */if thee /distribute_local_to_global function / is performing something that I am missing, which can be changing the system_matrix so that I need to do something else with the exported operators when I create the /system_matrix /in the

[deal.II] Question about distribute_local_to_global

2021-11-16 Thread Joss G.
Dear all, I am having an issue that I would like to share and hopefullyI can get some feedback. In my code, I first do an assemble and I store the operators in the corresponding variables. Then, I have an* update()* function, where I use the pre-anssambled operators and change some values to

Re: [deal.II] simplex meshes in deal.II

2021-11-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/15/21 6:53 PM, y choi wrote: FESystem fe; fe(FE_Q(1), dim) -> ??? FE_SimplexP should be what you are looking for instead of FE_Q. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.ed

[deal.II] Re: parallel SolutionTransfer and LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector

2021-11-16 Thread Bruno Turcksin
Hello, Which line triggers the error? Is it the zero_out_ghost() line? This line should not be there, the ghost elements are set to zero when you do =0 Best, Bruno On Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 3:13:23 AM UTC-5 SALMAN wrote: > Dear all, > > I am developing a time dependent code which util

[deal.II] parallel SolutionTransfer and LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector

2021-11-16 Thread SALMAN
Dear all, I am developing a time dependent code which utilizes dealii adaptive meshing capabilities. I am having a problem with the solution transfer during the program. At a particular time step, the following error occurs: An error o