On 11/16/21 9:34 AM, Joss G. wrote:
/*My question is, */if thee /distribute_local_to_global function / is performing something that I am missing, which can be changing the system_matrix so that I need to do something else with the exported operators when I create the /system_matrix /in the sanity check
at the other environment.

I *think* that your question is whether a sparse matrix is characterized only by its entries (which you can write out) or whether there is some additional hidden state that also affects the solution of a linear system. The answer is the former. If you output the entries of a matrix and a right hand side and solve the linear system in a different environment, then you better get the same result.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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