Re: [deal.II] Anisotropic diffusion implementation

2020-12-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 12/17/20 8:56 PM, Corbin Foucart wrote: I have a problem with direction-dependent diffusion (that is, the diffusivity \nu depends on the derivative direction but not spatial location) such that the horizontal diffusivity and vertical diffusivity are different, leading to a Laplacian as follo

Re: [deal.II] Div-conforming elements in 3D

2020-12-18 Thread Konrad Simon
Dear Deal.II community, Suppose I chose FE_Nedelec<3> of some order as finite element. 1. Is there a way to query for a given cell_dof_index whether it is a face_dof and to get the face_index? 2. If this dof is a line_dof is it by definition also a face_dof? I need to exclude line_dofs and tre

Re: [deal.II] New Build Error? Usable debug flags failed

2020-12-18 Thread Daniel Arndt
Zachary, are you using CMake 3.19 by any chance? We have had some problems with that recently but a recent develop version should work. Best, Daniel Am Fr., 18. Dez. 2020 um 11:00 Uhr schrieb Zachary 42! <>: > Hello, > > I recently tried to build deal.II locally because

[deal.II] New Build Error? Usable debug flags failed

2020-12-18 Thread Zachary 42!
Hello, I recently tried to build deal.II locally because the cluster is down and I have the error below. How can I attack this? I appreciate any guidance in advance! -- Include /Users/zachary/Documents/Coding/dealii/cmake/setup_finalize.cmake -- Performing Test DEAL_II_HAVE_USABLE_FLAGS_DEBUG