Dear Animesh,
Let me preface my suggestion by saying that you can introduce some
heterogeneity in more than one way. That is, you're not bound to using a
material ID (which is what I'm going to suggest), but you could use some
geometric arguments to determine which class or material properties
When you helped me implement the operator N_c which is added to my
linear_operator , i.e.
auto N_c = temp1_coef*M + temp_coef*Kronecker;
auto system_matrix = linear_operator(linear_part) + N_c;
the first term is not complete.
Really I want,
auto N_c = temp1_coef*|Psi^m|^2 *M + t
Dear Nikki,
A "linear operator" in deal.II is an object that linearly transforms a
vector into another one, i.e., it has a vector space as domain of
definition and a vector space as range space.
In your case M.matrix_scalar_product(u,u) is (u^T M u), this is a
quadratic operation, not a linear
Hello all,
I am struggling to turn a matrix scalar product into a linear operator. I
currently have:
temp = M.matrix_scalar_product(u,u);
and I need to turn 'temp' into a linear operator.
I have tried turning 'M' into a linear operator first and then performing
the multiplication and have
>Thanks for you suggestion. I tested step-1 and step-2 again and they ran
> successfully after I set the number of OpenMP threads to 1. I only plan plan
> on running MPI codes without any multi-threading. The BLAS implementation I
> am using is a part of the Intel MKL library which is alread
Hi Timo,
Thanks for you suggestion. I tested step-1 and step-2 again and they ran
successfully after I set the number of OpenMP threads to 1. I only plan
plan on running MPI codes without any multi-threading. The BLAS
implementation I am using is a part of the Intel MKL library which is
Can you try setting
before running any of the examples?
If you are planning on running MPI-only codes, you don't need to use
OpenMP in your BLAS implementation.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 7:25 PM Aaditya Lakshmanan
> Hi Timo,
>I cleaned the previous installa
Hello All,
I am trying to solve the wrinkling problem of a thin stiff film attached to
a soft substrate in dealii. I am using the code - from the code gallery for
this purpose. For the simulations, I would have to consider the film and
the substrate with different material properties.
I unders