
When you helped me implement the operator N_c which is added to my 
linear_operator , i.e. 

auto N_c = temp1_coef*M + temp_coef*Kronecker;

auto system_matrix = linear_operator(linear_part) + N_c;

the first term is not complete.

Really I want,

auto N_c = temp1_coef*|Psi^m|^2 *M + temp_coef*Kronecker;

auto system_matrix = linear_operator(linear_part) + N_c;

So I was trying in some way to represent that so I can add that term to 
'temp_coef*Kronecker' which is of type linear operator. 


On Monday, October 26, 2020 at 3:07:39 PM UTC-4 Matthias Maier wrote:

> Dear Nikki,
> A "linear operator" in deal.II is an object that linearly transforms a
> vector into another one, i.e., it has a vector space as domain of
> definition and a vector space as range space. 
> In your case M.matrix_scalar_product(u,u) is (u^T M u), this is a
> quadratic operation, not a linear one. You cannot represent this
> operation with a linear operator. Did you intend to simply scale with
> that value?
> Best,
> Matthias
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2020, at 13:40 CDT, Nikki Holtzer <
>> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am struggling to turn a matrix scalar product into a linear operator. 
> I 
> > currently have:
> >
> > temp = M.matrix_scalar_product(u,u);
> >
> >
> > and I need to turn 'temp' into a linear operator. 
> >
> > I have tried turning 'M' into a linear operator first and then 
> performing 
> > the multiplication and have also tried something like 
> > linear_operator(temp). Neither has compiled.
> >
> > Thank you in advance!

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