Dear WB,
Thank you for your reply.
I will give QtCreator a go otherwise, I will continue setting up projects
manually because it is working.
On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 3:47 AM Wolfgang Bangerth
> > The indexer does absolutely nothing and there are lots of unresolved
> >
The indexer does absolutely nothing and there are lots of unresolved
objects. In the Problems view I get "Include paths not found".
I once got automatic setup to work once before but not anymore. I had to
revert to manually setting up a project with:
1. cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=/usr/include/de
Those arriving at the step-20 tutorial from step-6 (following the video
lectures) can be taken by surprise by the above statement (since this
may be a big jump in concepts to be understood). I know that this is not
the responsibility of the library to impart the theoretical knowledge,
but am
Dear dealii developers,
I have a quick question on non-linear solvers in dealii.
As far as I could gather, the only option for a newton solver is the
wrapper SUNDIALS::KINSOL, and for DAE the wrapper SUNDIALS::IDA. Is that
correct ?
In that event, is it possible to set up inequality constraints.
On 2/3/20 12:16 PM, Andrew Davis wrote:
I have not looked deeply into whether this function is called in a lot
of places. Attached is an implementation of a time-dependent advection
equation with an adaptive mesh. It seems like it is working given the
changes that I made but it does not work gi
On 2/4/20 8:50 AM, David Wells wrote:
since the eigenvalues of the leftmost matrix are all 1 (its triangular
with 1s on the main diagonal). The eigenvalues of the rightmost matrix
are the eigenvalues of A and the eigenvalues of -B A^-1 B^T. Since A
is SPD, we can rewrite A^-1 = L L^T (its Chole
Wolfgang pointed out to me that the pivot based answer is wrong -
fortunately I have another explanation :)
If we have the block matrix
B 0
where A is SPD and B has linearly independent rows, this matrix has
equal eigenvalues to
I 0A B^T