I updated my cygwin system on my W2K SP4 systemto the latest release of
cygwin and the man command started to display man pages as follows:
ln - make links between files
ESC[1mln ESC[22m[ESC[4mOPTIONESC[24m]... ESC[4mTARGETESC[24m
Igor -
Thanks for the reply. This is a complete mystery to me. See answers to your
questions below.
-Original Message-
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:46 AM
To: Andy Hall
Subject: Re: Upgraded man command
man.conf, ensured the
options matched yours and it now works. Go figure.
Thanks for the help.
-Original Message-
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 1:22 PM
To: Andy Hall
Subject: RE: Upgraded man command
On Tue
ss -r when I was having the problem.
All is well now.
-Original Message-
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:32 AM
To: Andy Hall
Subject: RE: Upgraded man command
Do you have both /etc/postinstall/man.s
It seems that somewhere between cygwin 1.5.19-4 and 1.5.21-2 some change was
made that causes this error. I have a bash script that is used to create a
number of client processes that run in parallel and generate TCP/IP
conversations with a remote server being tested This script can configure
The answers to Larry Hall's questions on my original posting are below.
Andy Hall wrote:
It seems that somewhere between cygwin 1.5.19-4 and 1.5.21-2 some change was
made that causes this error. I have a bash script that is used to create a
number of client processes that run in paralle
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote
> > if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then NATIVE="$(cygpath -ml "$2")" ; fi
> That might better be written as this
> [ "$2" ] && NATIVE=$(cygpath -ml "$2")
> You do not need the extra quotes when setting a variable in thi
> On Mar 2 14:20, Frank Fesevur wrote:
> > 2014-02-28 22:08 GMT+01:00 Corinna Vinschen:
> > > That's not really a problem but a case of "it is as it is". To get the
> > > user and group info, Cygwin has to contact the DC and/or GC and then
> > > runs into a timeout. Right now, the LDAP timeout
subsequent invocation of the same
command will bring up the window maximized.
No combination of options to cygstart seems to overcome this. What other
approaches are available.
Andy Hall
ServicePower, Inc.
744 San Antonio Road
Phone: (650) 739-0988
E-Mail: a.h...@servicepower.com
atable. All I have to do is induce certain errors
detectable by the child script, $PROGRAM_CMD.
I have been unable to create a simple test case that exhibits this
behavior, probably because of #1.
The scripts are pretty much platform independent and run on Linux,
Solaris and HP-UX without a problem.
handled differently.
If you watch memory consumption on windows while grep is running, it
remains flat for about 30 seconds and then starts growing in sizeable
chunks until it fails.
And BTW, there was an earlier version of grep that worked but I have
since lost the version number.
Andy Hall
I have a very strange permission problem with running bash scripts on a
Wndows server (2000) from a remote Linux box. Here's the scenario.
The Windows Server where the bash scripts are run has a remote file
system mounted as F: The file system mounted is from a samba server.
When the drive is m
If I ssh into the same cygwin account from a remote machine, and perform
the identical test, that is, changing directory to a directory in F:,
then run echo test >zap fails with permission denied.
I am sure is some weird problem with NT permissions or the account under
which the sshd is run, but I
I sometimes get these as well. My e-mail address is @ comcast net. So
it's a problem contacting the Comcast mail
servers, but it should be recoverable.
Andy Hall
Fixpertise Consulting
> -Original Message-
> From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com] O
-f$1 | sed s/$'\r'//
Now the nice thing about this approach is that all the platform differences
can be isolated / migrated to one place and tuned as you need.
Andy Hall
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
exe" isn't handled as a special case in the exec call
(and all its flavors) and no place else? For example, it would seem that if
exec is asked to run "file" with no .exe extension and that file does not
exist or is not executable, then it could try "file.exe" if that exists and
is executable.
Andy Hall
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
> > 2. Since this is a "Windows thing", is there some reason why the
> execution
> > of "file" or "file.exe" isn't handled as a special case in the exec call
> > (and all its flavors) and no place else?
> make, for example? If you have a rule that creates "foo" from foo.c,
> gcc will actuall
thing because I never had any mount points to
begin with.
I don't particularly want to ask the sys admins to upgrade Samba and am
looking for a workaround. Any help would be appreciated.
Andy Hall
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http:/
hing because I never had any mount points to
begin with.
I don't particularly want to ask the sys admins to upgrade Samba and am
looking for a workaround. Any help would be appreciated.
Andy Hall
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: htt
I have a vanilla 1.7.7 installation on Windows XP Professional which is a
standalone machine not in a domain. The /etc/passwd and /etc/group files
have been refreshed from scratch.
The system has a remote file system (Samba) mounted as F: via the normal
Windows mechanism for mapping network dri
the documentation changes. I
have to leave this to somebody else more qualified.
Cheers, Andy
> On Oct 6 1:48 Corinna Vischen wrote:
> On Oct 5 15:40, Andy Hall wrote:
> > If instead, I map F: to /cygdrive/c with the following entry in
> /etc/fstab
> >
t mounting of //vega/repository is the workaround I eventually
settled on.
> On Oct 6 12:43, Corinna Vischen wrote:
> On Oct 6 13:19, Andy Hall wrote:
> > Notice that the test -w /cygdrive/f/builds reports that
> /cygdrive/f/builds
> > is not writeable, yet yo
fstab actually seems to work, although it simply
> reproduces the same behavior as the default.
> Even if I understood the actual behavior, I regret that am not familiar
> with the ways of Cygwin source maintenance to make the documentation
> changes. I have to l
I have recently upgraded to 1.7.7 from 1.5.X. In 1.5.X, it used to be that
in bash I could type lines like
P4 edit hydra_c
and hit the tab key to complete the file name. A command like
p4 edit hydra_config
would be then executed.
In 1.7.7, when I type
P4 edit hydr
On 11/5/2010 David Rothenberger wrote:
> On 11/5/2010 10:13 AM, Andy Hall wrote:
> > I have recently upgraded to 1.7.7 from 1.5.X. In 1.5.X, it used to be
> that
> > in bash I could type lines like
> >
> > P4 edit hydra_c
> >
> > and hit the
pts that run on multiple platforms including Cygwin, Linux, Solaris,
HP-UX and AIX. You can cover up all sorts of differences that way. Its
about the only clean way of dealing with platform specific differences. And
sadly, you may even have to stick with /bin/sh if you really want to be
Andy Hall
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
> -Original Message-
> From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com] On Behalf Of
> Kiehl, Horst
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 8:10 AM
> To: Kertz, Denis (D)** CTR **; cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: RE: Unable to run excel via cron
> (Trying to remove TOFU to make the
> On 06/23/2015 09:39 AM, Kertz, Denis (D)** CTR ** wrote:
> > I changed the cron setup to use cygserver as Corinna suggested. I used
> > cron-config and cygserver-config to setup the cron and cygserver services
> > and passwd -R to establish my password. Normal cron jobs run under this
> > setu
> On Jan 8 13:44, cyg Simple wrote:
> > On 1/8/2016 6:14 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > > $ ./gai leapsecond.utcd.org
> > > ret = 11004
> > >
> > > I have no idea why Windows' getaddrinfo chokes on leapsecond.utcd.org
> > > at all.
> >
> > utcd.org doesn't resolve for me. So getaddrinfo has n
> -Original Message-
> From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com] On Behalf Of
> Brian Inglis
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 12:14 AM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: getaddrinfo fails with EAI_NODATA for some valid hosts with A
> records
> Corinna Vins
registry setting.
I am at a loss, Does anybody have an idea?
BTW, I would have expected the reverse to be the case: works in Windows but
not Cygwin.
Andy Hall
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/
ry puzzled,
Andy Hall
> Greetings, Andy Hall!
> > This is a puzzle that I have not been able to sort out despite trying all
> > sorts of variations. Basically, I maintain a bunch of Crystal Reports based
> > on Crystal reports XI R2. Sorry, I have no choice there.
> >
trary to Corrinas posting at
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-01/msg00173.html, the underlying OS
must effectively evaluate a path from left to right. Otherwise it cannot
locate the file in questions. Now the OS may optimize this in a number
of ways, but in the end, the resulting optimization has
> From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com] On Behalf Of
> Stephen Anderson
> Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 4:31 PM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: unzip, find broken by auto handling of .exe file extension
> > On Sep 12, 2016, at 4:53 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com On Behalf Of Thomas
> Wolff
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 12:08 AM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty 2.9.4
> Am 12.11.2018 um 22:50 schrieb Andrey Repin:
> > Greetings, Thomas Wolff!
> >
> >>
This behavior of join surprised me:
$ join -1 3 <(echo a b col3 c d | unix2dos) <(echo col3 f2 f3 f4 f5)
f2 f3 f4 f5
Join parses the input line well enough to execute the join, but the presence of
the DOS line endings suppresses the
output of fields from the first input.
Compare with
$ join
> On 7/22/2019 12:59 PM, Eliot Moss wrote:
> On 7/22/2019 12:50 PM, Andy Hall wrote:
> > This behavior of join surprised me:
> >
> > $ join -1 3 <(echo a b col3 c d | unix2dos) <(echo col3 f2 f3 f4 f5)
> > f2 f3 f4 f5
> >
> > Join parses the inp
Here is a strange one. I have two scripts, conv.sh and conv.bat that do the
same thing: scan the current directory for
.doc files and convert them to .docx files. Here are the two scripts.
$ cat conv.sh
OFFICE_BIN="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16"
for doc in
On 1 June Doug Henderson wrote:
> On 1 June 2017 at 18:01, Andy Hall wrote:
> >
> > Here is a strange one. I have two scripts, conv.sh and conv.bat that do
> > the same thing: scan the current directory for
> > .doc files and convert them to .docx fi
Here is some more information
The sequence:
Andy@Andy-Work ~
$ export OFFICE_BIN="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16"
$ strace "$OFFICE_BIN"/Wordconv.exe -oice -nme "Post-Install.doc"
"Post-Install.docx" >strace.out
Segmentation fault
$ echo $?
Produces the attached stra
40 matches
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