Here is a strange one. I have two scripts, and conv.bat that do the same thing: scan the current directory for .doc files and convert them to .docx files. Here are the two scripts.
$ cat #!/bin/bash OFFICE_BIN="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16" for doc in *.doc; do echo "converting: $doc" "$OFFICE_BIN"/Wordconv.exe -oice -nme "$doc" "${doc}x" done $cat conv.bat @echo off set OFFICE_BIN=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16 for %%a in ("*.doc") do ( rem This is necessary because *.doc can match *.docx! Need to check the actual extension. if "%%~xa" == ".doc" ( echo "converting: %%a" "%OFFICE_BIN%\Wordconv.exe" -oice -nme "%%a" "%%ax"a ) ) When is run on a directory containing three .doc files, the conversions work but I get three seg faults at three different locations. E.g. $ converting: Post-Install.doc ./ line 5: 6060 Segmentation fault "$OFFICE_BIN"/Wordconv.exe -oice -nme "$doc" "${doc}x" converting: Post-InstallB.doc ./ line 5: 13264 Segmentation fault "$OFFICE_BIN"/Wordconv.exe -oice -nme "$doc" "${doc}x" converting: Post-InstallTest.doc ./ line 5: 13260 Segmentation fault "$OFFICE_BIN"/Wordconv.exe -oice -nme "$doc" "${doc}x" When conv.bat is run in the same directory, the conversions work and I don't get any seg faults (or they are not being reported!) E.g. $ conv.bat "converting: Post-Install.doc" "converting: Post-InstallB.doc" "converting: Post-InstallTest.doc" Now Wordconf.exe is a 32-bit executable running on a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit installation. My cygcheck.out is attached. I guess I can get an strace if need. Andy
Description: Binary data
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