RE: Cygwin/X fails post Windows 10 version 1909

2021-05-20 Thread Galbraith, Randy via Cygwin
Randy Galbraith – MCPS AppDev – Scottsdale 480-445-2685 – cell: 602-531-0957 – wendy: 602-909-9901 – home: 602-539-1817 Absolutely critical: “Universal wearing of masks. Stay away from crowds. Close the bars." - Dr. Anthony Fauci, PBS NewsHour, 7/17/20. Data classification: PROPRI

Re: Cygwin/X fails post Windows 10 version 1909

2021-05-20 Thread Galbraith, Randy via Cygwin
On 19/05/2021 19:03, Galbraith, Randy via Cygwin wrote: >> Hi Everyone. >> >> Following a Windows 10 version 1909 update Cygwin/X fails to start. It ends >> with: >> >> (--) 16 mouse buttons found >> (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31 >&

Cygwin/X fails post Windows 10 version 1909

2021-05-19 Thread Galbraith, Randy via Cygwin
n how to debug this problem will be greatly appreciated. Several on our development team rely on Cygwin/X and are rather unhappy to now be restricted to command line tools until we can get this resolved. Kind regards, -Randy Galbraith -- Problem reports: FAQ:

Re: *shell* buffer freezes within Cygwin and Emacs 27.1

2021-02-04 Thread Randy Galbraith via Cygwin
On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 11:22 AM Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote: > [Please don't top-post on this list. Thanks.] > > On 2/4/2021 11:54 AM, Randy Galbraith via Cygwin wrote: > > Good morning Takashi. > > > > Thank you so much for your response. I just tried: > &g

Re: *shell* buffer freezes within Cygwin and Emacs 27.1

2021-02-04 Thread Randy Galbraith via Cygwin
Good morning Takashi. Thank you so much for your response. I just tried: env CYGWIN=disable_pcon emacs-q and cmd input/output works again. I'll now need to document this for our team and seek out what this does. Kind regards, -Randy On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 5:08 PM Takashi Yano wrote:

*shell* buffer freezes within Cygwin and Emacs 27.1

2021-02-03 Thread Randy Galbraith via Cygwin
gwin, GTK+ Version 3.22.28) of 2020-10-29 ** details end ** See below for *shell* buffer and cygcheck output. Kind regards, -Randy Galbraith ** *shell* buffer ** ^[]0;~^G x@xxx ~ $ cmd $ Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1697] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights res

Help troubleshooting X

2020-06-16 Thread Randy Dawson via Cygwin
. I did not change anything. Is windows messing up with things, like the HOME directory, that cygwin X depends on? What tools or trace debug log files, (and where are they) to track this problem down? Randy -- Problem reports: FAQ: https

debuging a flaky X11 client connection

2020-04-22 Thread Randy Dawson via Cygwin
look at to resolve this? Randy -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info:

Clients don't connect to xwin server

2020-04-20 Thread Randy Dawson via Cygwin
appear in the window. Randy -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info:

gfortran console I/O quit working

2018-08-03 Thread Randy Dawson
I recently upgraded/re-installed, and the following example used to work. uname reports: CYGWIN_NT-10.0 --- program test write(6,700) 700 format('hello from write') print *, 'hello from print' end No compile errors with gfortra

warning message

2017-04-11 Thread Randy Stokes
2 [main] rsync 6252 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to the public mailing list sending incremental file list -- Problem reports: FAQ: Docu

Executable from x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe waits for input before prompt in Cygwin terminal but not Win Command Prompt

2015-04-11 Thread Randy Decker
term waits for input before usage hint FROM CYGWIN64 TERMINAL Randy@Hartford ~ $ cat countbytes.c /* This program counts the number of bytes in a C source file. The program prompts the user for a file name and then concatenates the ".c" extension to this name. It uses th

Errors with Cygwin Installation and Missing tools needed for program operation

2014-12-19 Thread Clark, Randy
another cygwin DLL. In summary, I am asking if someone will help me clear up these error messages and also tell me which packages I need to install to get the tools ar.exe and make.exe. Very Respectfully, Randy Clark cygcheck.out Description: cygcheck.out -- Problem reports: http

shell commands won't run from within a shell script bash version 3.2.9-11

2007-02-13 Thread Randy
following message is produced: : command not found env I just did a scratch install today. Thanks, Randy Rainwater -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ

Re: Cwd::cwd() bug??? on Cygwin

2003-11-22 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 11/21/2003 4:03 PM, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote: Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: package MyModule; use Module; use base 'Module'; use Cwd; If you moved that above the use Module line then when was compiled it would know Cwd::cwd was a function. Sorry I could not see wood fo

Re: Cwd::cwd() bug??? on Cygwin

2003-11-21 Thread Randy W. Sims
Nick Ing-Simmons wrote: Randy W. Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: sub cwd { require Cwd; Cwd::cwd; If you made that Cwd::cwd(); it would work. nope. I already tried that. } 1; -><8- -><8- # package MyModule; use Module; use base 'Mod

Re: Cwd::cwd() bug??? on Cygwin

2003-11-20 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 11/15/2003 10:56 AM, Randy W. Sims wrote: Ok, this might in fact be a Cygwin problem. Cygwin & Cwd. The following produces the error "Usage: Cwd::cwd() at line 6." under Cygwin Ok, I finally had a chance to look into this one. Finding the problem was easy, but I

[Fwd: Re: [Module::Build] Alzabo / Module::Build Cygwin installation problem]

2003-11-15 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 11/14/2003 5:42 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote: > There is still a problem to be worked out, but I'm not yet sure where the problem is. Can you tell post your perl & Cwd version. > > Dave, What versions of perl, Cwd, & M::B have you tested Alzabo with? > > This problem d

cuteftp pro 2.0 won't connect

2003-09-25 Thread Randy Connelly
We recently upgraded to OpenSSH version 3.7.1p2 and our CuteFTP Pro 2.0 users cannot connect. We're using SSH2, 3des encryption, no compression. Now users that attempt to connect using WinSCP, same settings can successfully connect no problem. Any ideas? Randy Connelly Vermont Public

Cygwin DLL 1.3.14-1 "cygdrive flags" registry entry

2002-11-22 Thread Holmes, Randy
ody point me to some documentation which explains the "cygdrive flags" entry: What flags are available? What effect they have on application behavior? Can they be set programmatically? etc... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Randy Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] (512) 340-6893 -- Unsubscribe i

'ut' library

2002-05-01 Thread Randy Reitz
Libc.a contains 'getutline' but not 'pututline'. How come? I'm using Cygwin version 1.3.10-1. Thanks Randy Reitz -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: http:/