Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
package MyModule; use Module; use base 'Module'; use Cwd;
If you moved that above the use Module line then when was compiled it would know Cwd::cwd was a function.
Sorry I could not see wood for the trees!
What is happening is that in MyModule you 'use Cwd', which EXPORTS 'cwd' by default - so now there is a MyModule::cwd which is a legitimate over-ride of base class's version so...
You call MyModule->new which inherits from Module->new - so far so good.
But then Module::new calls MyModule->cwd which is the imported one.
So fix is:
package MyModule; use Module; use base 'Module'; use Cwd (); # No imports!
Alternatively Module's new could do
sub new {
my $p = shift;
Module->cwd; # ignore override by derived class. }
But that rather spoils it as a base class.
Ok, both of these work. I see now where I was flawed in understanding this one.
Many thanks to Nick, Adi, and Yitzchak (May I ask how to pronounce your name?) for the explanations and solutions.
BTW, strictly speaknig, wouldn't this still be considered a bug, since the behaviour difers depending on platform.
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