Maybe we just need to patch and sendpr.1 to state this as
Peter Jeremy
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e more attractive - it would still use KVA but at least
something else could usefully utilise the RAM.
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graphics/libungif via ports/163592. Having done some searching,
I've found ports/163591 which includes the patch you applied.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
It is difficult to see why a postscript interpreter needs to do any
sort of DNS resolution. ports/165338 contains an alternative (and to
my mind cleaner) fix.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
On 2012-Mar-05 09:39:52 +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
>Peter Jeremy wrote
> in <>:
>pe> Could you please provide a rationale for ghostscript requiring libidn.
>pe> It is difficult to see why a postscript interpreter needs
commit, worked out how to
clean up and moved on. I didn't speak up because I didn't think it
would help by then. portmaster made this mostly painless (though I'm
not sure if going from 5.10 to 5.14 has broken any of my scripts).
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
upgrade that port?
(And a recent SANS @RISK also listed CVE-2012-1257 - which is fixed in
libpurple/pidgin 2.10.1) These should probably all be listed in vuxml.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
e fix is
- Handling of command line options is broken on FreeBSD. The fix is:
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
that NLS is a configure-time option but USE_GETTEXT is
unconditionally set (as well as being set within the !WITHOUT_NLS
condtiional block). I presume this is a cut-and-paste error.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
ons & thanks.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
vendors would publish programming details...
Peter Jeremy
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n mean
wading through NFS's maze of twisty large macros).
Peter Jeremy
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ze,md5,shd-256} (where
anything except the filename is optional). A downloaded file would
have to completely match one of the tuples for it to be acceptable.
How many cases are there where there are multiple, equivalent,
versions of distfiles on the net?
Can I suggest that this module be committed into tools/regression or
similar so that it is generally available.
Peter Jeremy
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t;again from single user? We've been suffering from this for 2 months now.
"mount -r" also no longer works if the FS is marked "rw" in /etc/fstab.
Instead you have to use "mount -o norw". How about having "ro" imply
"norw" and vice versa.
Peter Jeremy
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On Sat, 2006-Jan-28 23:57:00 +0100, Wilko Bulte wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 29, 2006 at 09:33:43AM +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote..
>> On Fri, 2006-Jan-27 21:57:25 -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
>> >On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 06:40:17PM -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
>> >>
warn that a file already existed and rename
it rather than over-writing it - whilst package infrastructure can't
do this, you could do it yourself in a pre-install script.
Peter Jeremy
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OpenDX project. The included license
>says some restrictions, but not on redistribution:
>3. RESTRICTIONS. ... Licensee may not: ... (iii) redistribute,
>encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer rights
>to the Product; ...
That seems to state the oppos
(what == RW_RLOCKED || rw_owner(rw) != curthread)))
Note that the behaviour in 1.2 and 1.3 is different if
(rw->rw_lock == RW_UNLOCKED)
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. done]
Has anyone else seen this?
Peter Jeremy
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unreasonable to expect a developer to expend effort in updating some
tools that he created several years ago to assist with some testing
but isn't actively using. Likewise, it's difficult to insist that
another developer provide updates t
On Tue, 2006-Jan-31 14:20:33 -0500, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 05:28:42AM +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> On Sat, 2006-Jan-28 02:11:36 +, Mark Linimon wrote:
>> > Modified files:
>> >.Makefile
>> >
>Alpha floppies?
We don't seem to have an AXP emulator in ports. Is DECs AXP emulator
publicly available? (Did it actually emulate a full system or just the CPU?)
Peter Jeremy
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>an option.
I still administer two (P-1) boxes that can only boot from HDD or
floppy but one is due to be de-commissioned Real Soon Now and I
suspect an inability to run 7.x on the other one will not be a
BTW, when will FreeBSD support booting from punch cards, paper tape and
On Wed, 2006-Feb-01 01:48:36 -0500, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 05:15:51PM +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> I've done some checking and if I change PORTSDIR to /home/ports then
>> the messages disappear. This implies that PORTSDIR must be the
>> absol
h in order to be able to upgrade to the next branch. (Though
/usr/src/UPDATING does not actually state that you can only jump from
one major to the next).
Otherwise, I'll complain that I can't get to -current from RELENG_2_2 :-)
Peter Jeremy
be a better sollution.
>There is in C99: printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", foo);
Max was asking for a _better_ solution. I respectfully suggest that
the above is an abomination forced upon us because of shortcomings in
the C language/library.
Peter Jeremy
\' in:
LIB_DEPENDS+= gtk-x11-2.0:\${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk20
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There are a couple of primers/tutorials linked from - though I haven't actually
used any of these.
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supplied e-mail
address will be visible on the web etc.
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My sole concern with this is that this means that syslogd will keep
trying to write to the full filesystem - and the kernel will log the
attempts to write to a full filesystem. Whilst there's rate limiting
in the kernel, this sort of feedback loop is undesirable.
sible) to merge this bit into 6.x earlier to
provide greater exposure and therefore more statistics on the occurrence
of this race?
Peter Jeremy
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ffe698) at praat.c:1071
#3 0x00412a9e in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffe698) at main_Praat.c:59
Peter Jeremy
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r non-standard optimization levels.
This just masks the problem. assert(0) is not guaranteed to abort the
program because you can disabled asserts using NDEBUG.
Peter Jeremy
___ mailing list
c sis_ds.c sis_ds.h sis_mm.c
> Log:
> Update to DRM CVS as of 2006-04-09.
Will this get MFC'd to 6.x?
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d replaced their config files.
In either case, installing the new port version won't do anything.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
On Fri, 2006-Apr-21 04:24:50 +, Peter Wemm wrote:
> Log:
> Introduce minidumps. Full physical memory crash dumps are still available
> via the debug.minidump sysctl and tunable.
Thank you very much. Is this likely to find its way into 6-STABLE?
kva block.
>FWIW, this idea appears to work. For the curious:
Care to explain how this works in slightly more detail than "truely evil".
Peter Jeremy
___ mailing l
page queues
>mutex. We can avoid doing pte invalidations (tlb shootdowns) because
>there can never be any tlb entries corresponding to them.
Nice piece of lateral thinking by Stephan and yourself.
Peter Jeremy
___ mailing
embedding a flight simulator in a spreadsheet :-)
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
of doing the same thing. Sometimes this
>diversity is good, other times it gets in the way of project making
>progres. To properly manage the project, we have to make sure that
>there's a balance between these two extremes.
I totally agree. My concern is the (apparent) lack of a for
On Mon, 2006-May-22 10:37:09 +0200, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Jeremy writes:
>The main reason it does not work is that whenever some feature is
>put on notice, a number of very vocal people will come out defending
>exactly that feature as t
a single arbitrary filesystem.
/media is a container to hold mountpoints for (typically automatically)
mounting a number of filesystems. We've been through this bikeshed -
please refer to the archives for details.
Peter Jeremy
- -r, ro and norw are equivalent
- rw and noro are equivalent
- -r/ro/norw and rw/noro are complementary.
Peter Jeremy
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compat3x, misc/compat4x and misc/compat5x should probably all
have maintainers in the src group. A quick suggestion would be re@
but it's not exactly within their scope.
Peter Jeremy
___ mailing list
en that much faster.
Overall, I'd like to thank Guido for his efforts.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
t;> Coherent noise is often used by graphics programmers to generate
>> natural-looking textures, planetary terrain, and other things. The
Judging by the second paragraph, it probably belongs in graphics...
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
Does anyone know if those files can just be removed to avoid the
vulnerability whilst still have the remaining win32 codecs work?
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
th m_next pointing
to the byte after the MAC addresses in the original data.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
header to allow data to be pre-pended. The code to
kludge up the VLAN tag insertion would be similar (though somewhat
more complex).
Overall, I believe this approach is probably preferable to just
disabling hardware VLAN tagging if there is a bpf filter.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
o process the packet. The problem is that it isn't
where bpf expects.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
looked thru the CSRG CDs and I can only find them in 4.4 and
later. If they are in 4.2 or 4.3, they aren't obvious.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
ld be left untouched (not deleted).
This is the only way that the user can be protected both against
accidently over-writing a wanted file when an unwanted link is
removed and failing to over-write an unwanted file which had a
stray additional link.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
y not too many people have
accidently destroyed the content of a file they still wanted when
deleting an unwanted link to the file.
IMHO, rm.1 should explicitly state that "rm -fP" on a multi-linked
file will destry the file contents as seen via the remaining link(s).
This probably belon
On Mon, 2006-Jul-24 13:36:19 +0930, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
>Ktrace is almost useless "out of the box" because for any non-trivial
>operation you run out of requests.
Some changes were made to improve this and this problem has mostly
gone away.
Peter Jeremy
using it. ;-) 32-bit archs are not
IMHO, this warrants a note in UPDATING.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
lable but with no
debugging overheads until a problem occurs. IMHO, having
kdb_backtrace() invoked unconditionally is a step towards this (as
is having debug versions of -RELEASE kernels available).
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
27;t believe the answers have
been collected by anyone.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
.h with stdlib.h
(But I wouldn't make fuss if it was skipped).
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
t do not affect the
FreeBSD port. But, IMHO, by taking this step, you are stating that
openfire-3.7.0.beta is suitable for production use.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
sr/ports/www/xpi-jslib/../xpi-adblock/Makefile.xpi", line 196:
warning: duplicate script for target "post-extract" ignored
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
ed, fewer people would be confused.
I had been wondering why I was accumulating a collection of copies
of the GPL in a new location despite the Project's intent to stop this.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
ommit and QAT
>processing it. I can go digg it up but I was just trying to fix the QAT
>nag mail at the time.
Given that we've very recently had an instance where the ProFTPD
backdoor was initially missed because the committer didn't follow the
correct process, I am amazed that any
I suspect the 'APACHE_VERSION' needs to be removed.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
/usr/ports/security/tor-devel /usr/ports/textproc/qt4-xml
I suspect that the problem is '!=' is executed immediately and ${PKG_INFO}
is undefined because this comes before is .included.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
On 2010-May-03 17:15:15 +, "Philip M. Gollucci"
>On 05/01/10 11:19, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> On 2009-Dec-25 18:47:48 +, "Philip M. Gollucci"
>> wrote:
>>> pgollucci2009-12-25 18:47:48 UTC
>>> FreeBSD p
gainst that, it is expected that before committing an update to the
distinfo file, the committer will diff both the old and new distfiles
and verify that any changes are not harmful.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
Howard, II" (original
> creator) via ports@
There has been a request to remove devel/freelibiberty but I don't recall
seeing any request to remove misc/freedialog. Was this removal in error?
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
not use CVS to update your
local src and ports trees? You can always NFS export it to other
hosts and FreeBSD's CVS supports read-only repositories.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
tistics will build and
then fail to install or work with a non-obvious error message. A
CONFLICTS line could explicitly explain what the problem is.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
freebsd-x11@ or at least
mention significant updates there. I only found them when someone
else mentioned their existence and the main Xorg maintainer
(rnoland@) was unaware that this chapter had been updated.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
ake index":
Generating INDEX-8 - please wait..make_index: mod_webapp-4.1.24_3: no entry for
make_index: mod_webapp-4.1.24_3: no entry for /usr/ports/www/apache1.3.6
The problem appears to be that can't handle
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
ting input from device xxx' whereas
'input-xxx' doesn't indicate what it interfaces to.
> I don't really care what it is called,
>as long as one can clearly determine what drivers are provided by xorg
>and which are not.
Why is this important?
Peter J
I think the problem is that the '!=' is executed immediately whilst
${PORTSDIR} is not defined until is included at the end.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
Description: PGP signature
>> lang/perl5.10
I'm less keen on having a perl5 port that is (effectively) obsolete.
Any lang/perl or lang/perl5 port should be the latest stable release.
(Java fell into that hole and a significant number of people were
caught trying to install java 1.1 w
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
===> textproc/urlview failed
Whilst there is /usr/ports/Mk/, there's no
/usr/share/mk/ so a direct '.include' fails.
Looking at other Makefiles, I suspect the .include should be
spelt "${.C
On 2010-Jan-08 01:24:56 +, "Philip M. Gollucci"
>pgollucci2010-01-08 01:24:56 UTC
> Log:
> - Update to 2.3
This broke "make index" - the last change hunk in the Makefile includes
an extraneous newline and is indented with spaces instea
orbidden" trying to fetch and "not found" from all
other master sites.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
The text leading up to this was:
|--- src/xml/Makefile.orig 2009-12-04 16:04:02.944271152 +1000
|+++ src/xml/Makefile 2009-12-04 16:07:07.986728782 +1000
Patching file src/xml/Makefile using Plan A...
Hunk #1 failed at 533.
1 ou
generic list of possibilities:
===> foo-1.0 is marked as dead: No master site found
You may still build this port on your own rish by adding TRYDEAD=yes
to make arguments or enironement. Note that dead port will be
eventually removed from the ports tree if nobody steps forward to
become its maintainer and/or fix it.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
bmitted by: bsam
This is a bit belated but why does xterm need a hard dependency
on gnome? Could you please look at making this optional so that
those of us who don't run bloatware can turn it off.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
orts that
still always depend on update-desktop-database to do the same...
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
or without SSP. One
solution would seem to be to embed libssp_nonshared.a into all non-
shared libraries when the world is built using SSP.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
eaning to the large number of developers and
ports maintainers who also don't have commit bits.
Peter Jeremy
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an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
Description: PGP signature
bly you are not
correctly handling CVSROOT commits.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
Description: PGP signature
ed files:
>> databases/mysql323-server Makefile
>Do we still need 3x?
OTOH, whilst it still works, why remove it? I can understand removing
it if it breaks and no-one wants to put the effort into fixing it but
there doesn't seem much point in removing a port that currently w
ne. All other NIC drivers have both a comment
line and an actual device line apart from msk(4) and stge(4) (both of
which you also committed).
This bug has been carried through in your MFCs.
Could you please update NOTES to include both lines for all three devices
in all relevant branches so
We will, of course, get the 'I just upgraded to 8.0-RELEASE and I still
have' questions in a few years.
Peter Jeremy
Description: PGP signature
On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 11:22:22AM +, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>P.S. I'm starting to get a bit frustrated about the whole 7.x
>thing. With every release of it, something gets broken, and nothing
>gets fixed.
I'll second that. IMO, 7.3 is a regression on 7.2 in both reliability
and func
ntion this. It still contains
the old "strings kernel|grep ___" instructions. The new MIB entry
should also probably be documented somewhere outside the commit log.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an RFC2821-compliant MTA.
eBSD sources are only available in American. What (if any) effort
should the FreeBSD project make to ensure that the source code is
accessible to non-native speakers by avoiding unusual terms?
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA t
^ There is a word missing here and I'm not sure if it is
'unused' or 'broken'. Could you please clarify.
> is broken in a different way (it does too much).
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is
es depending on various scheduler debug settings:
The improvement is quite substantial. Congratulations Jeff.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or m
On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 01:12:02AM -0800, Colin Percival wrote:
>Are you trying to elicit an admission that Marc is complicit in an illicit
>attempt to solicit explicit "implicit"s?
>Colin "perfectly licit" Percival
Another one for the fortune file I think...
they'll double threads/chip every 12-18 months.
[*] I thought there was a dual-chip T5xxx which would have 128 threads)
but it doesn't show up.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant o
s the x87
emulate double (53-bit) precision rather than its native 64-bit long
double. Doesn't this change also need a corresponding change to npx.h
to make the x87 run with 64-bit precision?
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA tha
ies between running the same program natively
vs running it in compatibility mode.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
Description: PGP signature
OSIX-compatibility selection. Applying a similar fix to moused is a
logical extension.
Peter Jeremy
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an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
Description: PGP signature
2 -1 ports/MOVED
This seems to have broken pkgdb - the textproc/p5-Text-ParseWords entry is
missing a field.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
Description: PGP signature
d on the server?
In general, I agree that powerd should be enabled but actually
implementing this may have some adverse side-effects. I know using
acpi_throttle with powerd on my HP nx6125 causes it to wedge randomly.
Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability
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