cvs commit: www/de Makefile about.sgml applications.sgml availability.sgml docs.sgml features.sgml includes.navabout.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml includes.navdocs.sgml i

2005-11-06 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2005-11-06 22:00:09 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de Makefile about.sgml applications.sgml availability.sgml docs.sgml features.sgml includes.navabout.sgml includes.nav

cvs commit: www/de/ipv6 Makefile www/de/java index.sgml www/de/platforms ppc.sgml sparc.sgml sun4v.sgml www/de/share/sgml header.l10n.ent news.xml

2012-02-12 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-12 10:47:26 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/ipv6 Makefile de/java index.sgml de/platforms ppc.sgml sparc.sgml sun4v.sgml de/share/sgmlheader.l10n.ent news.xml Log: MFde: Resync the German web

cvs commit: www/share/sgml usergroups.xml

2012-02-12 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-12 13:47:41 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml usergroups.xml Log: PR: www/163090 Add to the FreeBSD usergroup list. They offer an active user forum where all BSD related topics can be discussed. Requested b

cvs commit: www/share/sgml commercial.isp.xml

2012-02-12 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-12 14:12:00 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml commercial.isp.xml Log: PR: www/164375 Update the entry for (an ISP with FreeBSD support). Requested by: Patrick Stump (info ett rokabear dott com) Revisi

cvs commit: www/share/sgml

2012-02-14 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-14 10:29:09 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml Log: PR: www/164397 Add BSRSoft LTDA from Brazil to the list of "FreeBSD Software providers". Requested by: Andre Luis Pereira dos Santos (andre ett

cvs commit: www/share/sgml commercial.isp.xml

2012-02-23 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-23 17:21:22 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml commercial.isp.xml Log: PR: www/164848 Add from the Netherlands to the list of ISPs providing FreeBSD based hosting services. Requested by: Michiel Kreijger (

cvs commit: www/de index.xsl where.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2012-02-23 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-23 17:51:00 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de index.xsl where.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Resync the German website www/de/index.xsl1.176 -> 1.178 www/de/where.sgml

cvs commit: www/share/sgml events2012.xml

2012-02-24 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-02-24 10:21:41 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml events2012.xml Log: Add BSDDay2012 to the events list. BSDDay is a meeting of *BSD developers/user from Middle Europe. The 2012 meeting takes place in Vienna/Austria on 05th May 201

cvs commit: www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2012-03-29 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-03-29 17:43:39 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Resync the German website www/de/share/sgml/news.xml 1.420 -> 1.427 Obtained from: The FreeBSD German Documentation Project Revision Cha

cvs commit: www/de administration.sgml www/de/releases index.sgml www/de/security security.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml www/de/support bugreports.sgml

2012-04-19 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2012-04-19 15:50:28 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de administration.sgml de/releases index.sgml de/security security.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml de/support bugreports.sgml Log: MFde: R

cvs commit: www/de Makefile about.sgml includes.navabout.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml includes.navdocs.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml includes.navsupport.sgml index.xsl

2005-12-05 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2005-12-05 18:51:45 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de Makefile about.sgml includes.navabout.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml

cvs commit: www/de includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl internet.sgml www/de/docs books.sgml man.sgml webresources.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms pc98.sgml www/de/projects newbie

2006-01-01 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-01-01 11:48:11 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl internet.sgml de/docs books.sgml man.sgml webresources.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/version-guide article.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/writing-style chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/ha

2006-01-14 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-01-14 17:02:29 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/version-guide article.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/writing-style chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook book.sgml de_DE

cvs commit: www/de where.sgml www/de/docs books.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms amd64.sgml ppc.sgml www/de/releases index.sgml

2006-01-22 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-01-22 19:49:53 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de where.sgml de/docs books.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de/platforms amd64.sgml ppc.sgml de/releases index.sgml Log: MFbed:

Re: cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml

2006-02-11 Thread Johann Kois
On Thursday, 9 February 2006 15:36 Jesus R. Camou wrote: > jcamou 2006-02-09 14:36:21 UTC > > FreeBSD doc repository > > Modified files: > en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml > Log: > o Update content: > - FreeBSD versions and series. > - Copyright year. > - Use entitie

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook boo

2006-02-18 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-02-18 14:54:28 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook book.sgml chapters.ent de

cvs commit: www/de Makefile applications.sgml community.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl relnotes.sgml where.s

2006-02-18 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-02-18 16:54:01 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de Makefile applications.sgml includes.navcommunity.sgml includes.navdevelopers.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml include

cvs commit: www/de Makefile includes.navsupport.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl send-pr.sgml support.sgml www/de/news news.xml

2006-02-21 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-02-21 18:02:21 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de Makefile includes.navsupport.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl support.sgml de/news news.xml Added files: de

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook Makefile doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/config chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/b

2006-03-13 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-03-13 21:13:28 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook Makefile de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/config chapte

cvs commit: www/de includes.sgml includes.xsl mailto.sgml send-pr.sgml where.sgml www/de/docs books.sgml www/de/news news.xml www/de/platforms arm.sgml www/de/projects newbies.sgml

2006-03-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-03-15 19:48:10 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.sgml includes.xsl mailto.sgml send-pr.sgml where.sgml de/docs books.sgml de/news news.xml de/platforms

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/basics chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kern

2006-04-06 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-04-06 16:44:07 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/basics chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml

Re: cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/introduction chapter.sgml

2006-04-07 Thread Johann Kois
On Friday, 7. April 2006 11:54 Matteo Riondato wrote: > matteo 2006-04-07 11:54:57 UTC > > FreeBSD doc repository (src committer) > > Modified files: > en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/introduction chapter.sgml > Log: > Correct some mistakes: > a) we no longer have Perl in the base

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/introduction chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors chapter.sgml

2006-04-10 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-04-10 18:42:42 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/introduction chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors chapter.sgml Log: MFbed: Update the German documentation set.

cvs commit: www/de/docs books.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms amd64.sgml arm.sgml i386.sgml

2006-04-11 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-04-11 16:29:35 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/docs books.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de/platforms amd64.sgml arm.sgml i386.sgml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/docs/books.sgml

cvs commit: www/de includes.sgml includes.xsl www/de/news news.xml press.xml

2006-04-18 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-04-18 19:22:37 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.sgml includes.xsl de/news news.xml press.xml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/includes.sgmlfixes only www/de/includes.xsl

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/sgml-markup chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook Makefile doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks c

2006-05-02 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-02 19:30:10 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/sgml-markup chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook Makefile de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8

cvs commit: www/de index.xsl where.sgml www/de/news news.xml

2006-05-02 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-02 19:52:27 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de index.xsl where.sgml de/news news.xml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/index.xsl1.142 -> 1.143 www/de/where.sgml

cvs commit: www/de includes.sgml includes.xsl www/de/news news.xml

2006-05-03 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-03 19:42:43 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.sgml includes.xsl de/news news.xml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/includes.sgmlfixes only www/de/includes.xsl

cvs commit: www/de includes.navabout.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl www/de/community webresources.sgml www/de/news news.xml www/de/platforms pc98.sgml www/de/relea

2006-05-09 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-09 19:26:07 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.navabout.sgml includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl de/community webresources.sgml de/new

cvs commit: www/de includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms/ia64 index.xsl todo.xsl www/de/security security.sgml

2006-05-18 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-18 17:19:38 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl de/news news.xml press.xml de/platforms/ia64index.xsl todo.xsl de/security security.sgml Log: MFbed: Update t

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook Makefile book.sgml chapters.ent doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/boo

2006-05-20 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-20 17:47:39 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook Makefile book.sgml chapters.ent de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors chapter

cvs commit: www/de includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl www/de/docs books.sgml man.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/releases index.sgml www/de/security security.sgm

2006-05-31 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-05-31 21:10:48 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de includes.navdownload.sgml includes.sgml includes.xsl index.xsl de/docs books.sgml man.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de/relea

cvs commit: www/de where.sgml www/de/docs webresources.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms/ia64 refs.sgml www/de/security security.sgml

2006-06-10 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-06-10 20:44:08 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de where.sgml de/docs webresources.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de/platforms/ia64refs.sgml de/security security.sgml Log: MFbed:

cvs commit: www/en/docproj translations.sgml

2006-10-20 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-10-20 18:54:41 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/docproj translations.sgml Log: Reroute the link to the FAQ for the German translation team to a new location. Approved by:remko@ Revision ChangesPath 1.87 +2 -2 www/

Re: cvs commit: www/share/sgml press.xml

2006-10-20 Thread Johann Kois
On Thursday, 12 October 2006 16:53 Joseph Koshy wrote: > jkoshy 2006-10-12 14:53:15 UTC > > FreeBSD doc repository > > Modified files: > share/sgml press.xml > Log: > Add an Open For Business article ``Desktop FreeBSD: Fully Optimized > 6.x Installation''. > > Revision

cvs commit: www/de Makefile about.sgml applications.sgml availability.sgml community.sgml docs.sgml features.sgml index.xsl internet.sgml mailto.sgml relnotes.sgml send-pr.sgml support.sgml where.sgml

2006-10-21 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-10-21 12:37:44 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de Makefile about.sgml applications.sgml availability.sgml community.sgml docs.sgml features.sgml index.xsl internet.s

cvs commit: www/de index.xsl www/de/share/sgml news.xml press.xml

2006-10-26 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-10-26 14:37:50 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de index.xsl de/share/sgmlnews.xml press.xml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/index.xsl1.156 -> 1.157 www/de/share/sgml/news.xml 1.16 -

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/laptop article.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/new-users article.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/version-guide article.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq b

2006-10-26 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-10-26 15:01:49 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/laptop article.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/new-users article.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/version-guide article.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859

cvs commit: www/de/docs books.sgml www/de/security security.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml press.xml

2006-11-01 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-11-01 08:49:07 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/docs books.sgml de/security security.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml press.xml Log: MFbed:  Update the German website. www/de/docs/books.sgml 1.24 -

cvs commit: www/de index.xsl www/de/news news.xml press.xml

2006-07-10 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-07-10 18:14:33 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de index.xsl de/news news.xml press.xml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/index.xsl1.151 -> 1.152 www/de/news/news.xml1.406 -> 1.409 www/de

cvs commit: www/de/docs books.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms alpha.sgml

2006-07-27 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-07-27 18:12:16 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/docs books.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de/platforms alpha.sgml Log: MFbed: Update the German website. www/de/docs/books.sgml 1.21 -> 1.22 ww

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/explaining-bsd article.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/transla

2006-08-01 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-08-01 19:43:14 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/articles/explaining-bsd article.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations chapter.sgml de_

cvs commit: www/de about.sgml www/de/community mailinglists.sgml www/de/news news.xml press.xml www/de/platforms index.sgml www/de/security security.sgml

2006-08-19 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2006-08-19 07:30:51 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de about.sgml de/community mailinglists.sgml de/news news.xml press.xml de/platforms index.sgml de/security security.sgml Log: MFbed:

cvs commit: www/share/sgml news.xml

2010-12-17 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-17 12:52:50 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml news.xml Log: The FreeBSD Foundation has pushlished their "End-of-Year" Newsletter: Revision ChangesPath 1.

cvs commit: www/de/projects newbies.sgml www/de/security security.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml press.xml

2010-12-17 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-17 18:09:44 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/projects newbies.sgml de/security security.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml press.xml Log: MFde: Update the German website www/de/projects/newbies.sgml

cvs commit: www/en where.sgml www/nl where.sgml www/share/sgml news.xml release.ent

2010-12-17 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-17 19:30:15 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en where.sgml nl where.sgml share/sgml news.xml release.ent Log: Better late then never - Announce the availability of 8.2-BETA1 and 7.4-BETA1. Whil

cvs commit: www/de where.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2010-12-17 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-17 20:13:15 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de where.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Update the German website. www/de/where.sgml 1.105 -> 1.106 www/de/share/sgml/news.xml

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/ipv6 chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug

2010-12-18 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-18 13:37:04 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/ipv6 chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug

cvs commit: www/share/sgml commercial.consult.xml

2010-12-21 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-22 07:55:01 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml commercial.consult.xml Log: PR: www/152819 Add "Sheridan Computers Limited" from UK (Europe) to the consultant list. Requested by: Sam Sheridan (info ett sheridancomputers

cvs commit: www/share/sgml commercial.consult.xml

2010-12-22 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-22 08:06:39 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml commercial.consult.xml Log: PR: www/152967 Add "Open Software Research and Education (OSRE)" from Texas/USA to the consultant list. Requested by: James Shupe (jshupe ett o

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook book.sgml

2010-12-22 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-22 08:28:51 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook book.sgml Log: PR: docs/153196 "pkg_info" uses the content of the "COMMENT" variable in a ports Makefile to display a one-line summary of the port. But it will

cvs commit: www/share/sgml news.xml release.ent

2010-12-27 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-27 09:20:24 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml news.xml release.ent Log: Say hello to 7.4-RC1/8.2-RC1! :) Revision ChangesPath 1.357 +18 -2 www/share/sgml/news.xml 1.52 +3 -3 www/share/sgml/release.ent

cvs commit: www/share/sgml news.xml www/en where.sgml

2010-12-27 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-27 15:24:24 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml news.xml en where.sgml Log: Document that 8.2-RC1 is now also available for the powerpc architecture. Noted by: ryusuke@ While here also fix the rele

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/sockets chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/cutting-edge ch

2010-12-30 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-30 15:45:35 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/sockets chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1

cvs commit: www/de where.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2010-12-30 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2010-12-30 15:48:16 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de where.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Update the German website - last time in 2010 www/de/where.sgml 1.106 -> 1.107 www/d

cvs commit: www/share/sgml commercial.isp.xml

2011-01-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-04 19:05:02 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml commercial.isp.xml Log: PR: www/153151 Add "Midland Computers" from UK to list of ISPs with FreeBSD support. Requested by: Kevin Wincott (noc ett midlandcomputers dott com)

cvs commit: www/en index.xsl www/en/security Makefile mkindex.xsl security.sgml www/share/sgml libcommon.xsl navibar.ent

2011-01-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-04 20:14:37 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en index.xsl en/security Makefile mkindex.xsl security.sgml share/sgml libcommon.xsl navibar.ent Log: PR: www/153524 PR: www/142437 Patch the websi

cvs commit: www/en/security notices.sgml

2011-01-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-04 20:34:38 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Added files: en/security notices.sgml Log: Unbreak the build. Add www/en/security/notices.sgml to the build. PR: www/153524 PR: www/142437 Revision ChangesPath 1.1 +20 -0 www/en

cvs commit: www/de index.xsl where.sgml www/de/share/sgml header.l10n.ent navibar.l10n.ent

2011-01-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-04 21:16:22 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de index.xsl where.sgml de/share/sgmlheader.l10n.ent navibar.l10n.ent Log: MFde: Update the German website www/de/index.xsl1.169 -> 1.170

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook book.sgml

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 08:39:27 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook book.sgml Log: PR: docs/153960 Fix a typo introduced by the last commit. Pointed out by: Aldous Penaranda (aldous ett penaranda dott name) Revision Ch

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 09:16:23 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent Log: PR: docs/153821 The three public technical mailing lists: freebsd-alpha freebsd-qa

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 09:22:33 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent Log: PR: docs/153868 Make the new mailinglist "freebsd-chromium" known to the world. Patch

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 12:06:37 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent Log: PR: docs/153821 Undo Revision 1.74 for the moment. Seems some of the entities - a.alpha - - a.smp are still used somewhere in the

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/releng article.sgml doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/arch-handbook/locking chapter.sgml doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 12:51:40 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/releng article.sgml en_US.ISO8859-1/books/arch-handbook/locking chapter.sgml en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml Log: PR: docs/153821 Remove some references to the n

cvs commit: www/en/search search.sgml

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 13:25:11 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/searchsearch.sgml Log: PR: docs/153868 Add a search option for the mailinglist freebsd-chromium under Revision ChangesPath 1.119 +7 -1

cvs commit: www/en/security security.sgml

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 14:08:38 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/security security.sgml Log: Add a link to the unsupported FreeBSD releases to the "page menu". Revision ChangesPath 1.219 +3 -2 www/en/security/security.sgml __

cvs commit: www/de administration.sgml www/de/releases index.sgml www/de/security security.sgml

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 14:17:41 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de administration.sgml de/releases index.sgml de/security security.sgml Log: MFde: Synchronize the German website www/de/administration.sgml

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install c

2011-01-15 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-15 16:07:00 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent

2011-01-17 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-01-17 08:41:19 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml mailing-lists.ent Log: PR: docs/153821 Create a new "section" with "deactivated mailinglists" to make it easier to remove them completely at a later date. Revision Ch

cvs commit: www/share/sgml commercial.isp.xml

2011-02-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-04 10:39:34 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml commercial.isp.xml Log: PR: www/154130 Add "Rokabear Hosting Services" to our IPS list with FreeBSD support. Requested by: Patrick Stump (listings ett rokabear dott com)

cvs commit: www/share/sgml news.xml release.ent

2011-02-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-04 11:03:18 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml news.xml release.ent Log: Announce the availability of FreeBSD 7.4-RC3 and 8.2-RC3. This should be the last Release Candidate before the -RELEASE. Revision ChangesPath 1.3

cvs commit: www/en/releases/7.4R schedule.sgml www/en/releases/8.2R schedule.sgml

2011-02-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-04 11:38:26 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/releases/7.4R schedule.sgml en/releases/8.2R schedule.sgml Log: Synchronize the information with what we have in the Wiki. Revision ChangesPath 1.3 +9 -2 www/en/releases/

cvs commit: www/share/sgml events.xml

2011-02-04 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-04 11:57:42 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml events.xml Log: Add the "LinuxFest 2011" to our events list. This FOSS conference will be held in Indianapolis/USA in March 2011. During this event it will also be possible to take

cvs commit: www/de/security security.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2011-02-05 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-05 09:48:21 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/security security.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Resync the German website www/de/security/security.sgml 1.219 -> 1.220 www/de/share/sgml/news.mxl

cvs commit: www/share/sgml usergroups.xml

2011-02-05 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-05 11:06:38 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml usergroups.xml Log: PR: www/154513 Update the information for RLUG, the Reno Linux User Group. Requested by: From: Grant (gkelly ett gmail dott com) Revision Change

cvs commit: www/share/sgml usergroups.xml

2011-02-05 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-05 11:15:31 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml usergroups.xml Log: PR: www/154171 Add BUGOR, the "BSD User Group Oak Ridge" to the list. Requested by: James Rieve (BUGORTN ett gmail dott com) Revision ChangesP

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install chapter.sgml doc/de_D

2011-02-05 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-05 15:22:01 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/i

cvs commit: www/de/docs books.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2011-02-20 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-20 14:13:49 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/docs books.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Minor update to the German website. www/de/docs/books.sgml 1.40 -> 1.41 www/de/share/sgml/news.xml

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install chapter.sgml

2011-02-22 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-22 20:57:42 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install chapter.sgml Log: PR: docs/154931 Fix some problems/hickups in the "Prepare Boot Media" section. Problem found by: Taras (ds ett ukrhub dott net) Pa

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x11 chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.IS

2011-02-23 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-23 13:16:27 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x

cvs commit: www/en/releases index.sgml

2011-02-25 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-25 09:52:43 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/releases index.sgml Log: Rearrange the list of past releases. This list is ordered by version number, not by release date. Revision ChangesPath 1.130 +12 -12www/en/releases/in

cvs commit: www/de/releases index.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2011-02-25 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-02-25 10:21:14 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/releases index.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Sync the German website. www/de/releases/index.sgml 1.128 -> 1.130 www/de/share/sgml/news.xml

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers chapter.sgml

2011-03-03 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-03 17:08:18 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers chapter.sgml Log: Fix the link to list of public available NTP servers. Revision ChangesPath 1.128 +1 -1 doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/

cvs commit: www/de/security security.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2011-03-06 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-06 16:11:54 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/security security.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Sync the German website www/de/security/security.sgml 1.220 -> 1.221 www/de/share/sgml/news.xml

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1

2011-03-06 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-06 16:21:22 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-ser

cvs commit: www/share/sgml

2011-03-07 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-07 09:18:04 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml Log: Remove QDDB from the commerical software gallery. Why? No site updates since 2002. And all the download links are dead. Revision ChangesPath

cvs commit: www/share/sgml press.xml

2011-03-07 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-07 10:46:54 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml press.xml Log: Add a review of PC-BSD 8.2 to our "In the press" list. Published in March 2011 on Suggest

cvs commit: www/share/sgml press.xml

2011-03-07 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-07 11:14:26 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml press.xml Log: Add a press article discussing the status of "ZFS under FreeBSD":

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml

2011-03-08 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-08 17:46:12 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml Log: PR: docs/150124 Fix/Update the instructions on "how to build a custom kernel". - The fact that you need the whole source tree for thi

cvs commit: www/en/support webresources.sgml

2011-03-08 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-08 17:55:46 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/support webresources.sgml Log: PR: www/155369 Remove the link to Darwin/OpenDarwin: - OpenDarwin has been closed down in 2006. - Apple has stopped providing binary install images for

cvs commit: doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handboo

2011-03-08 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-08 18:18:58 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/faq book.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors chapter.sgml

Re: cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml

2011-03-08 Thread Johann Kois
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 03/08/2011 18:51, Kostik Belousov wrote: > On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 05:46:12PM +0000, Johann Kois wrote: >> jkois 2011-03-08 17:46:12 UTC >> >> FreeBSD doc repository >> >> Modified files: >> en_U

Re: cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig chapter.sgml

2011-03-09 Thread Johann Kois
On 08.03.2011 19:48, Remko Lodder wrote: > > On Mar 8, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Johann Kois wrote: > >> -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- >> Hash: SHA1 >> >> On 03/08/2011 18:51, Kostik Belousov wrote: >>> On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 05:46:12PM +, Johann Koi

cvs commit: www/en/support webresources.sgml

2011-03-10 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-10 09:07:58 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/support webresources.sgml Log: Remove the link to "Intel Secrets". The site has been replaced with some kind of "IT news blog". Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +1 -4 www/en/suppo

cvs commit: www/en/platforms alpha.sgml ppc.sgml

2011-03-10 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-10 10:48:45 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en/platforms alpha.sgml ppc.sgml Log: Update the platform section: - Remove references to 6.X (if necessary). - Note that the mailing list "freebsd-alpha" is now closed. Suggested some time

cvs commit: www/de administration.sgml www/de/platforms alpha.sgml ppc.sgml www/de/ports categories www/de/share/sgml news.xml www/de/support webresources.sgml

2011-03-11 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-11 17:17:50 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de administration.sgml de/platforms alpha.sgml ppc.sgml de/ports categories de/share/sgmlnews.xml de/support webresources.sgml Log: M

cvs commit: www/de administration.sgml www/de/projects newbies.sgml www/de/share/sgml news.xml

2011-03-23 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-23 13:13:01 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de administration.sgml de/projects newbies.sgml de/share/sgmlnews.xml Log: MFde: Sync the German website. www/de/administration.sgml 1.4

cvs commit: www/share/sgml events.xml

2011-03-24 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-03-24 13:23:58 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml events.xml Log: Add the "Grazer Linuxtag 2011" to the event list. Location: Graz/Austria Date: 2011-04-09 Language: German FreeBSD Stuff: - Booth - BSD

cvs commit: doc/share/sgml mirrors.xml

2011-04-03 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-04-03 13:55:02 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: share/sgml mirrors.xml Log: PR: www/146089 Some Austrian mirrors will be taken down soon due to very low activity. So remove them from the mirror list: - - ftp2.

cvs commit: www/de/platforms/ia64 todo.xsl www/de/share/sgml header.l10n.ent navibar.l10n.ent news.xml

2011-04-10 Thread Johann Kois
jkois 2011-04-10 07:49:20 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: de/platforms/ia64todo.xsl de/share/sgmlheader.l10n.ent navibar.l10n.ent news.xml Log: MFde: Sync the German website www/de/platforms/ia64/todo.xsl 1.9 -> 1.10

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