cvs commit: ports/korean/pinetreefonts Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 07:01:23 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: korean/pinetreefonts Makefile Log: Unfetchable, no new home found: deprecate Revision ChangesPath 1.22 +3 -0 ports/korean/pinetreefonts/Makefile

cvs commit: ports/lang/sr Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 07:04:05 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: lang/sr Makefile Log: Remove obsolete master_sites Revision ChangesPath 1.26 +1 -3 ports/lang/sr/Makefile ___ cvs-all@freebsd.or

cvs commit: ports/mail/cmail Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 07:06:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: mail/cmail Makefile Log: Unfetchable, no new home found: deprecate Revision ChangesPath 1.15 +3 -0 ports/mail/cmail/Makefile ___ cv

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/curly Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 07:08:48 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/curly Makefile Log: Unfetchable, no new home found: deprecate Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +3 -0 ports/sysutils/curly/Makefile __

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/Tee Makefile ports/audio/bladeenc Makefile ports/devel/p5-Include Makefile ports/www/p5-PLP Makefile ports/graphics/jgraph Makefile ports/games/wmpuzzle Makefile ports/sysut

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 07:30:16 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/Tee Makefile audio/bladeenc Makefile devel/p5-Include Makefile www/p5-PLP Makefile graphics/jgraph Makefile games/wmpuzzle Makefile sy

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-Include Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 07:32:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-Include Makefile Log: fix typo Revision ChangesPath 1.27 +1 -1 ports/devel/p5-Include/Makefile ___ mailing l

cvs commit: ports/science/py-DendroPy Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Wen Heping
wen 2011-06-16 08:07:58 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: science/py-DendroPy Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 3.8.1 Revision ChangesPath 1.14 +1 -1 ports/science/py-DendroPy/Makefile 1.14 +2 -3 ports/science/py-DendroPy/distinf

cvs commit: ports/graphics/mupdf Makefile ports/graphics/mupdf/files patch-apps_x11_main.c

2011-06-16 Thread Wen Heping
wen 2011-06-16 08:11:44 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/mupdf Makefile graphics/mupdf/files patch-apps_x11_main.c Log: - Makes use of xdg-open instead of $BROWSER PR: ports/157756 Submitted by: Zhihao Yuan (maintainer)

cvs commit: ports/Mk ports/lang/python31 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist

2011-06-16 Thread Wen Heping
wen 2011-06-16 08:18:09 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: Mk lang/python31Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Log: - Update lang/python31 to 3.1.4 Revision ChangesPath 1.132 +3 -3 ports/Mk/ 1.

cvs commit: ports/www/ Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Anton Berezin
tobez 2011-06-16 08:35:45 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/p5-CGI.pmMakefile distinfo Log: Update to 3.55. Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.50 +3 -1 ports/www/

cvs commit: ports/cad/calculix Makefile ports/cad/calculix/files patch-ccx_VER+src+Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Maho Nakata
maho2011-06-16 08:39:15 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: cad/calculix Makefile cad/calculix/files patch-ccx_VER+src+Makefile Log: Make multithreading works. Bump PORTREVIISON. Submitted by:Pierre Smars Revision ChangesPath 1.

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Wen Heping
wen 2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/tmuxMakefile Log: - Fix build when CFLAGS is set in /etc/make.conf PR: ports/157918 Submitted by: Grzegorz Blach Revision ChangesPath 1.28 +5 -4 p

cvs commit: ports/editors/ Makefile distinfo ports/editors/ patch-i108197 patch-i116477 patch-i116699 patch-i65514 patch-i91318 patch-i91861 patch-icu patch

2011-06-16 Thread Maho Nakata
maho2011-06-16 08:44:01 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: editors/ Makefile distinfo editors/ patch-i108197 patch-i65514 patch-i91318 Added files: editors/

cvs commit: ports/editors/ Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Maho Nakata
maho2011-06-16 08:46:33 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: editors/ Makefile Log: Mark as IGNORE. As development towards 3.5 has been stopped, and OOO340_m0 is the newest milestone. Revision ChangesPath 1.512 +2 -0 ports/

cvs commit: ports/www/mod_auth_kerb2 Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Palle Girgensohn
girgen 2011-06-16 09:13:37 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/mod_auth_kerb2 Makefile Log: mod_auth_kerb2 needs gsed to build Revision ChangesPath 1.29 +2 -0 ports/www/mod_auth_kerb2/Makefile ___ c

cvs commit: ports/devel/mono-addins pkg-plist

2011-06-16 Thread Romain Tarti�re
romain 2011-06-16 10:02:22 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/mono-addinspkg-plist Log: - Fix make package when WITHOUT_GTK2 is set. Do not bump PORTREVISION because it does not affect default package. PR: ports/157883 Submitted by:

cvs commit: ports/mail/bincimap Makefile ports/sysutils/i855vidctl10 Makefile ports/audio/id3ed Makefile ports/audio/libconvolve Makefile ports/audio/linux-vsound Makefile ports/audio/mpegaudio Makefi

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 10:22:47 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: mail/bincimapMakefile sysutils/i855vidctl10 Makefile audio/id3ed Makefile audio/libconvolveMakefile audio/linux-vsound Makefile audio/mpegaudio Makefile a

cvs commit: ports/cad/gplcver Makefile pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 10:41:31 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: cad/gplcver Makefile pkg-descr Log: Point to the new home Make it fetchable again Revision ChangesPath 1.10 +1 -1 ports/cad/gplcver/Makefile 1.2 +1 -1 ports/cad/

cvs commit: ports/cad/linux-gid Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 10:43:22 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: cad/linux-gidMakefile Log: Mark as broken, it is no more fetchable Revision ChangesPath 1.11 +2 -0 ports/cad/linux-gid/Makefile ___ c

cvs commit: ports/biology/L-Breeder Makefile ports/biology/crimap Makefile ports/biology/lsysexp Makefile ports/benchmarks/rawio Makefile ports/benchmarks/tmetric Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 10:43:58 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: biology/L-BreederMakefile biology/crimap Makefile biology/lsysexp Makefile benchmarks/rawio Makefile benchmarks/tmetric Makefile Log: Another bunch of deprecation: no

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/xfce4-power-manager Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/sysutils/xfce4-power-manager/files patch-configure patch-src__xfpm-battery.c patch-src__xfpm-battery.h patch-src__xfpm-

2011-06-16 Thread Max Brazhnikov
makc2011-06-16 11:42:29 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/xfce4-power-manager Makefile distinfo pkg-plist Added files: sysutils/xfce4-power-manager/files patch-configure patch-src__xfpm-battery.c

Re: cvs commit: ports/print/latex-ltablex Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread Raphael Kubo da Costa
Hiroki Sato writes: > Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote > in <>: > > st> stephen 2011-06-16 04:12:16 UTC > st> > st> FreeBSD ports repository > st> > st> Modified files: > st> print/latex-ltablex Makefile distinfo pkg-descr > st> Log:

cvs commit: ports/databases/py-psycopg Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 12:32:19 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: databases/py-psycopg Makefile Log: Make it fetchable again Revision ChangesPath 1.25 +1 -1 ports/databases/py-psycopg/Makefile ___ cvs-all@fr

cvs commit: ports/databases/xbase Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 12:39:01 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: databases/xbase Makefile Log: Mark broken, does not fetch Revision ChangesPath 1.9 +2 -0 ports/databases/xbase/Makefile ___ cvs-all@fre

cvs commit: ports/deskutils/gdesklets Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 12:43:14 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: deskutils/gdesklets Makefile Log: Mark broken does not fetch Revision ChangesPath 1.62 +2 -0 ports/deskutils/gdesklets/Makefile ___ cvs-all@

cvs commit: ports/deskutils/gkrellm-timers Makefile ports/comms/gsmlib Makefile ports/comms/mserver Makefile ports/deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon Makefile ports/chinese/ntuttf Makefile ports/chine

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 13:03:20 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: deskutils/gkrellm-timers Makefile comms/gsmlib Makefile comms/mserverMakefile deskutils/multi-backgrounds-daemon Makefile chinese/ntuttf Makefile chinese/tocps

cvs commit: ports/devel/bnf Makefile ports/deskutils/gemcal Makefile ports/deskutils/mhc Makefile ports/deskutils/org-mode.el6 Makefile pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 13:03:52 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/bnfMakefile deskutils/gemcal Makefile deskutils/mhcMakefile deskutils/org-mode.el6 Makefile pkg-descr Log: Mark broken some ports with unfetchable distfiles

cvs commit: doc/mn_MN.UTF-8/books/handbook/security chapter.sgml

2011-06-16 Thread Ganbold Tsagaankhuu
ganbold 2011-06-16 13:37:08 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: mn_MN.UTF-8/books/handbook/security chapter.sgml Log: MFen: Resync with the English version of the handbook Obtained from: FreeBSD Mongolian Documentation project Revision ChangesPath 1.28

cvs commit: doc/mn_MN.UTF-8/books/handbook/config chapter.sgml

2011-06-16 Thread Ganbold Tsagaankhuu
ganbold 2011-06-16 13:38:04 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: mn_MN.UTF-8/books/handbook/config chapter.sgml Log: MFen: Resync with the English version of the handbook Obtained from: FreeBSD Mongolian Documentation project Revision ChangesPath 1.21

cvs commit: ports/audio/xtuner Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 14:36:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: audio/xtuner Makefile Log: Another bunch of deprecation: no more public distfiles and/or abandonware Revision ChangesPath 1.28 +3 -0 ports/audio/xtuner/Makefile

cvs commit: ports/audio/ Makefile ports/chinese/chm2html Makefile ports/archivers/ha Makefile ports/comms/qicosi Makefile ports/chinese/reciteword Makefile ports/comms/sms_client Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 14:37:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: audio/ Makefile chinese/chm2html Makefile archivers/ha Makefile comms/qicosi Makefile chinese/reciteword Makefile comms/sms_client Makefile co

cvs commit: ports/devel/cmake Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Pietro Cerutti
gahr2011-06-16 14:46:44 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/cmake Makefile Log: - make the FindDCMTK.cmake module LOCALBASE-aware Approved by:avilla (on behalf of kde@) Revision ChangesPath 1.47 +2 -0 ports/devel/cmake/Ma

cvs commit: ports/archivers/ha Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 14:58:19 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: archivers/ha Makefile Log: Update maste_site, undeprecate Submitted by: Alex Kozlov (mail) Revision ChangesPath 1.23 +1 -4 ports/archivers/ha/Makefile __

cvs commit: ports/devel/llvm Makefile ports/devel/llvm-etoile Makefile ports/lang/clang Makefile ports/devel/llvm-devel Makefile Makefile.svn_rev distinfo pkg-plist ports/lang/clang-devel Makefile dis

2011-06-16 Thread Brooks Davis
brooks 2011-06-16 15:07:40 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/llvm Makefile devel/llvm-etoileMakefile lang/clang Makefile devel/llvm-devel Makefile Makefile.svn_rev distinfo pkg-plist lang/clang

Re: cvs commit: ports/www/mod_auth_kerb2 Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Philip M. Gollucci
Since when ? On 06/16/11 09:13, Palle Girgensohn wrote: > girgen 2011-06-16 09:13:37 UTC > > FreeBSD ports repository > > Modified files: > www/mod_auth_kerb2 Makefile > Log: > mod_auth_kerb2 needs gsed to build > > Revision ChangesPath > 1.29 +2 -0 por

cvs commit: ports/archivers/ha Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 15:22:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: archivers/ha Makefile Log: Over to new volunteer Revision ChangesPath 1.24 +1 -1 ports/archivers/ha/Makefile ___

cvs commit: ports/devel/dmake Makefile distinfo pkg-descr ports/devel/dmake/files patch-fix-overlapping-stcpys.diff

2011-06-16 Thread Julien Laffaye
jlaffaye2011-06-16 15:44:20 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/dmake Makefile distinfo pkg-descr Added files: devel/dmake/filespatch-fix-overlapping-stcpys.diff Log: Add a patch from Debian Update pkg-descr Bump portrevision PR:

cvs commit: ports/games/stonesoup Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Julien Laffaye
jlaffaye2011-06-16 15:45:00 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/stonesoup Makefile distinfo Log: Update to 0.8.1 Add USE_NCURSES PR: ports/157909 Submitted by: Tobias Rehbein (maintainer) Approved by:bapt (mentor) Revision C

cvs commit: ports/www/MT Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/russian/MT Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Julien Laffaye
jlaffaye2011-06-16 15:45:59 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/MT Makefile distinfo pkg-plist russian/MT Makefile Log: Update www/MT, japanese/MT, french/MT, german/MT and russian/MT to 5.11 PR: ports/157889 Submitted

cvs commit: ports/comms/libticables2 Makefile distinfo ports/comms/libticalcs2 Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/converters/libticonv Makefile distinfo pkg-plist ports/devel/libtifiles2 Makefile disti

2011-06-16 Thread Julien Laffaye
jlaffaye2011-06-16 15:46:36 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: comms/libticables2 Makefile distinfo comms/libticalcs2Makefile distinfo pkg-plist converters/libticonv Makefile distinfo pkg-plist devel/libtifiles2Makefile distinfo pkg-plist emulat

cvs commit: ports/devel/py-sqlcc Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 16:38:48 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/py-sqlcc Makefile distinfo Log: Change maste_site to make it fetchable again Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +1 -1 ports/devel/py-sqlcc/Makefile 1.2 +0 -1 ports/devel

cvs commit: ports/games/amphetamine Makefile ports/devel/c_c++_reference Makefile ports/devel/libcoyotl Makefile ports/devel/libfs++ Makefile ports/devel/mkmf Makefile ports/databases/pgcluster Makefi

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 16:41:25 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/amphetamineMakefile devel/c_c++_reference Makefile devel/libcoyotl Makefile devel/libfs++Makefile devel/mkmf Makefile databases/pgcluster Makefile d

Re: cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Alexey Dokuchaev
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 08:42:28AM +, Wen Heping wrote: > wen 2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC > > Modified files: > sysutils/tmuxMakefile > Log: > - Fix build when CFLAGS is set in /etc/make.conf Hmm, default CPPFLAGS is empty. Judging just from the diff, instead of introd

cvs commit: ports/textproc/kmfl-khmer Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Julien Laffaye
jlaffaye2011-06-16 16:50:47 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: textproc/kmfl-khmer Makefile Log: Fix plist. PR: ports/157924 Submitted by: Kuan-Chung Chiu (maintainer) Approved by:bapt (mentor) Revision ChangesPath 1.4 +1 -

cvs commit: ports/net-mgmt/argus3-clients Makefile pkg-plist

2011-06-16 Thread Julien Laffaye
jlaffaye2011-06-16 16:53:21 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: net-mgmt/argus3-clients Makefile pkg-plist Log: Fix installation and plist when the MYSQL option is off PR: ports/157905 Submitted by: Derek Brost Approved by:Alexander Demin (ma

cvs commit: ports/devel/geany-plugins Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Pav Lucistnik
pav 2011-06-16 17:15:28 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/geany-plugins Makefile Log: - Disable failing plugin and unbreak Submitted by: Sergey V. Dyatko Revision ChangesPath 1.5 +1 -3 ports/devel/geany-plugins/Makefile ___

cvs commit: ports/biology/kinemage Makefile ports/graphics/xmms-msa Makefile ports/graphics/yafray Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 17:33:07 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: biology/kinemage Makefile graphics/xmms-msaMakefile graphics/yafray Makefile Log: Another bunch of deprecation: no more public distfiles and/or abandonware Revision ChangesPa

cvs commit: ports/games/abuse_sdl Makefile ports/devel/getxml Makefile ports/ftp/gproftpd Makefile ports/irc/ircd-rusnet Makefile ports/graphics/libart Makefile ports/graphics/peps Makefile ports/deve

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 17:42:42 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: games/abuse_sdl Makefile devel/getxml Makefile ftp/gproftpd Makefile irc/ircd-rusnet Makefile graphics/libart Makefile graphics/pepsMakefile de

cvs commit: ports/www/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Database Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Frederic Culot
culot 2011-06-16 17:42:51 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Database Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.05 - Add LICENSE PR: ports/157920 Submitted by: Henk van Oers Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +5 -2

cvs commit: ports/www/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Frederic Culot
culot 2011-06-16 18:03:47 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: www/p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 1.07 - Add LICENSE PR: ports/157921 Submitted by: Henk van Oers Revision ChangesPath 1.2 +5 -2

cvs commit: ports/multimedia/zoneminder Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Boris Samorodov
bsam2011-06-16 18:07:50 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: multimedia/zoneminder Makefile Log: . ZM_V4L2 -> ZM_HAS_V4L2 (at monitorprobe.php); [1] . == -> = (at configure); [2] . bump PORTREVISION. Reported by:pointyhat (via pavmail) [1] Discussed

cvs commit: ports/devel/py-pyro Makefile pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-16 19:11:11 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/py-pyroMakefile pkg-descr Log: Over to new volunteer, keep broken as it still doesn't fetch Revision ChangesPath 1.12 +3 -3 ports/devel/py-pyro/Makefile 1.5 +1 -1

cvs commit: ports/devel/p5-Data-Serializer Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Frederic Culot
culot 2011-06-16 19:21:23 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/p5-Data-Serializer Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to 0.58 - Add LICENSE Changes: Revision ChangesPath 1.24 +12 -3

cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml

2011-06-16 Thread Simon L. Nielsen
simon 2011-06-16 19:40:12 UTC FreeBSD doc repository Modified files: en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide article.sgml Log: Clean up the "Administrative Details" section of committer's Guide: - Force column width to improve rendering. - Remove a number of pieces of

cvs commit: ports/sysutils/duply Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread Dennis Herrmann
dhn 2011-06-16 20:06:26 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: sysutils/duply Makefile distinfo Log: - Update to PR: ports/157923 Submitted by: Vlad V. Teterya Approved by:Michael Ranner (maintainer) Revision ChangesP

cvs commit: ports/emulators/gns3 Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Pav Lucistnik
pav 2011-06-16 20:15:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: emulators/gns3 Makefile Log: - Mark BROKEN: conflicting dependencies pkg_add: package 'dynamips-devel-0.2.8.r2_3' conflicts with dynamips-community-0.2.8 Reported by:pointyhat Revisi

cvs commit: ports/editors/xxe Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Pav Lucistnik
pav 2011-06-16 20:20:05 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: editors/xxe Makefile Log: - Mark BROKEN: unfetchable Reported by:pointyhat Revision ChangesPath 1.20 +2 -0 ports/editors/xxe/Makefile _

cvs commit: ports/devel/libdispatch Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Pav Lucistnik
pav 2011-06-16 20:48:11 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: devel/libdispatchMakefile Log: - Mark BROKEN: bad depobj Reported by:pointyhat Revision ChangesPath 1.12 +2 -0 ports/devel/libdispatch/Makefile

cvs commit: ports/security/samhain Makefile distinfo

2011-06-16 Thread David Thiel
lx 2011-06-16 20:56:14 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: security/samhain Makefile distinfo Log: Update to 2.8.5. Revision ChangesPath 1.81 +1 -1 ports/security/samhain/Makefile 1.62 +2 -2 ports/security/samhain/distinfo _

cvs commit: ports/astro/orsa Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Stephen Montgomery-Smith
stephen 2011-06-16 22:38:41 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: astro/orsa Makefile Log: - Track updated dependency - Bump PORTREVISION Approved by:gabor (mentor) Pointyhat to: gabor Revision ChangesPath 1.42 +2 -2 ports/ast

Re: cvs commit: ports/astro/orsa Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Sahil Tandon
On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 22:38:41 +, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > stephen 2011-06-16 22:38:41 UTC > > FreeBSD ports repository > > Modified files: > astro/orsa Makefile > Log: > - Track updated dependency > - Bump PORTREVISION Please remember to bump other por

Re: cvs commit: ports/print/latex-ltablex Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote: Hiroki Sato writes: Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote in<>: st> stephen 2011-06-16 04:12:16 UTC st> st>FreeBSD ports repository st> st>Modified files: st> print/latex-ltablex Makefile distinfo pkg-

Re: cvs commit: ports/print/latex-ltablex Makefile distinfo pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread Raphael Kubo da Costa
Stephen Montgomery-Smith writes: > Hi Raphael, > > Thanks for the diff file. I had to make a few other changes to get it > to work. I am attaching the diff file, which I have tested, and it > does seem to fix everything. > > I used the print/latex-pgf port as a very helpful guide. > > I'll comm

Re: cvs commit: ports/astro/orsa Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Sahil Tandon wrote: On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 22:38:41 +, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: stephen 2011-06-16 22:38:41 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: astro/orsa Makefile Log: - Track updated dependency - Bump PORTREVISION Please remember to bum

Re: cvs commit: ports/astro/orsa Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Sahil Tandon
On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 18:38:52 -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > Sahil Tandon wrote: > >On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 22:38:41 +, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > > > >>stephen 2011-06-16 22:38:41 UTC > >> > >> FreeBSD ports repository > >> > >> Modified files: > >> astro/orsa

Re: cvs commit: ports/astro/orsa Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Sahil Tandon wrote: On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 18:38:52 -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: Sahil Tandon wrote: On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 22:38:41 +, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: stephen 2011-06-16 22:38:41 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: astro/orsa M

Re: cvs commit: ports/astro/orsa Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Sahil Tandon
On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 19:05:57 -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > Sahil Tandon wrote: > >On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 18:38:52 -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > > > >>Sahil Tandon wrote: > >>>On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 22:38:41 +, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > >>> > stephen 2011-0

cvs commit: CVSROOT modules

2011-06-16 Thread Edwin Groothuis
edwin 2011-06-17 00:09:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: .modules Log: Ports modules update at Friday 17 June 2011 at 00:09 Feature safe: yes Revision ChangesPath 1.21173 +1 -0 CVSROOT/modules __

Re: cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread wen heping
2011/6/17 Alexey Dokuchaev : > On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 08:42:28AM +, Wen Heping wrote: >> wen         2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC >> >>   Modified files: >>     sysutils/tmux        Makefile >>   Log: >>   - Fix build when CFLAGS is set in /etc/make.conf > > Hmm, default CPPFLAGS is empty.  Judging

Re: cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Sahil Tandon
On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 16:47:33 +, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote: > On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 08:42:28AM +, Wen Heping wrote: > > wen 2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC > > > > Modified files: > > sysutils/tmuxMakefile > > Log: > > - Fix build when CFLAGS is set in /etc/make.conf >

Re: cvs commit: ports/devel/py-pyro Makefile pkg-descr

2011-06-16 Thread wen heping
I am heartbroken that the port created by me was marked BROKEN :) Would you unbreak it with this patch ? wen 2011/6/17 Baptiste Daroussin : > bapt        2011-06-16 19:11:11 UTC > >  FreeBSD ports repository > >  Modified files: >    devel/py-pyro        Makefile pkg-descr >  Log: >  Over to new

Re: cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread b. f.
On 6/17/11, Sahil Tandon wrote: > On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 16:47:33 +, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote: > >> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 08:42:28AM +, Wen Heping wrote: >> > wen 2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC >> > >> > Modified files: >> > sysutils/tmuxMakefile >> > Log: >> > - Fix buil

Re: cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread wen heping
2011/6/17 b. f. : > On 6/17/11, Sahil Tandon wrote: >> On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 16:47:33 +, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote: >> >>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 08:42:28AM +, Wen Heping wrote: >>> > wen         2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC >>> > >>> >   Modified files: >>> >     sysutils/tmux        Makefile >>

Re: cvs commit: ports/sysutils/tmux Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread b. f.
On 6/17/11, wen heping wrote: > 2011/6/17 b. f. : >> On 6/17/11, Sahil Tandon wrote: >>> On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 16:47:33 +, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote: >>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 08:42:28AM +, Wen Heping wrote: > wen 2011-06-16 08:42:28 UTC > > Modified files: >>

cvs commit: ports/graphics/xfig Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-17 05:35:41 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/xfigMakefile Log: Update master site unbreak Submitted by: Scott Allendorf (by mail) Revision ChangesPath 1.68 +2 -3 ports/graphics/xfig/Makefile

cvs commit: ports/security/libident Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-17 05:50:26 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: security/libidentMakefile Log: Distfile is back remove deprecation Revision ChangesPath 1.32 +0 -3 ports/security/libident/Makefile ___ c

cvs commit: ports/audio/libconvolve Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-17 05:54:06 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: audio/libconvolveMakefile Log: Point to new public distfile Undeprecate Submitted by: (by mail) Revision ChangesPath 1.7 +1 -4 ports/audio/libconvolv

cvs commit: ports/graphics/peps Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-17 06:00:57 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/pepsMakefile Log: Fix master_site, unbreak Revision ChangesPath 1.19 +1 -4 ports/graphics/peps/Makefile ___ cvs-all@freebsd.

cvs commit: ports/misc/hotkeys Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-17 06:25:36 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: misc/hotkeys Makefile Log: Remove X_CONTRIB mirrors from master_site Revision ChangesPath 1.17 +1 -2 ports/misc/hotkeys/Makefile ___

cvs commit: ports/lang/php5 Makefile ports/lang/php5/files patch-ext_standard_string.c patch-main_rfc1867.c ports/net/php5-sockets/files patch-sockets.c

2011-06-16 Thread Alex Dupre
ale 2011-06-17 06:40:03 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: lang/php5Makefile Added files: lang/php5/files patch-ext_standard_string.c patch-main_rfc1867.c net/php5-sockets/files patch-sockets.c Log: Fix CVE-2011

cvs commit: ports/graphics/allegrogl Makefile ports/textproc/atom Makefile ports/mail/biabam Makefile ports/sysutils/busybox Makefile ports/java/castor Makefile ports/irc/charybdis Makefile ports/deve

2011-06-16 Thread Chris Rees
crees 2011-06-17 06:46:07 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: graphics/allegrogl Makefile textproc/atomMakefile mail/biabam Makefile sysutils/busybox Makefile java/castor Makefile irc/charybdisMakefile de

cvs commit: ports/misc/py-pexpect Makefile

2011-06-16 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
bapt2011-06-17 06:50:08 UTC FreeBSD ports repository Modified files: misc/py-pexpect Makefile Log: remove broken master_site from the list Revision ChangesPath 1.12 +1 -2 ports/misc/py-pexpect/Makefile ___