[css-d] using nth child to control widows

2020-05-09 Thread Sandy Feldman
hey all, I would love some input on how to get the look I would like on a bit of navigation and keep it accessible. I have a horizontal nav, and I would like to prevent a widow by controlling where the break happens as text size is increased or the browser window is made smaller. I've got

Re: [css-d] using nth child to control widows

2020-05-09 Thread Wade Smart
First - I had NO IDEA this list was still going. Blew me away to see a post on it. Second, look at flexbox or something similar that lets you set those break points. -- Registered Linux User: #480675 Registered Linux Machine: #408606 Linux since June 2005 On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 11:59 AM Sandy Fe