First - I had NO IDEA this list was still going.
Blew me away to see a post on it.

Second, look at flexbox or something similar that
lets you set those break points.
Registered Linux User: #480675
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Linux since June 2005

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 11:59 AM Sandy Feldman <> wrote:
> hey all,
> I would love some input on how to get the look I would like on a bit of
> navigation and keep it accessible.
> I have a horizontal nav, and I would like to prevent a widow by
> controlling where the break happens as text size is increased or the
> browser window is made smaller.
> I've got a version with nth child, but I haven't figured out the syntax
> to control the wrap. I'm not sure it's possible. It would be great to be
> able to write the media-query so that it kicks in when the links wrap,
> instead of at a px size. Anyone know how to do that?
> This is the code I would like to use - the HTML is very plain, the last
> two links are style using nth child. It validates.
> this is the look I'm after.
> The last two links wrap onto the second line together. They are wrapped
> in a span styled to "white-space:nowrap".
> This sounds ok to me in VoiceOver. It passes WAVE, but breaks validation
> in everything else I've tried.
> thanks all, for your time and attention!
> --
> Sandy
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