Re: [computer-go] FW: 2006 Cotsen Go Tournament

2006-10-16 Thread Ray Tayek
. hope to see many of you there. thanks On 7, Sep 2006, at 6:02 PM, Ray Tayek wrote: X-Originating-IP: [] From: "Casie Rizer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: FW: 2006 Cotsen Go Tournament Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 17:07:39 -0700 X-Ma

Re: [computer-go] FW: 2006 Cotsen Go Tournament

2006-10-16 Thread Ray Tayek
have not heard from the author. here is the url again: <>. thanks On 16, Oct 2006, at 2:02 PM, Ray Tayek wrote: At 11:33 PM 9/30/2006, you wrote: At 09:25 PM 9/26/2006, you wrote: ... Any updates on how the Cotsen will be dealing wi

Re: [computer-go] Positions illustrative of computer stupidity ?

2006-11-23 Thread Ray Tayek
At 11:44 AM 11/22/2006, you wrote: ... why writing a Go-playing program is so difficult ... in addition to the things that you mentioned is the following: the stronger the player, the longer they will leave a position unresolved and the position will be as complicated as that player can grok

Re: [computer-go] .. if Monte-Carlo programs would play infinite strong

2006-11-26 Thread Ray Tayek
At 04:24 AM 11/26/2006, you wrote: This is something that should not be neglected because shodan players approach perfect play ... pm4ji, and i may have the context wrong, but shodan players are about 10 stones from perfect play. if you have a pro review a shodan's game, *many* of his mo

Re: [computer-go] .. if Monte-Carlo programs would play infinitestrong

2006-11-27 Thread Ray Tayek
At 05:59 AM 11/27/2006, you wrote: On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 07:35:58PM +0900, igo wrote: > It is said if has 4 stones handicap, every Pro will accept games play > with God even if bet his life. isn't there more than 4 stones difference between a 1-dan pro and a 9-dan pro? It might be that the all

Re: [computer-go] post

2006-12-02 Thread Ray Tayek
At 08:47 AM 12/2/2006, you wrote: I am looking for tutorials and articles on the web to learn go. Would you please direct me to these resources if possible. if you have a windows box, get --- vice-chair

Re: [computer-go] language choices

2006-12-06 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:53 PM 12/3/2006, you wrote: A note: we're working on converting Orego back from C++ to Java, great! and we're getting 5,000 (totally random at this point) simulated games per second. We'll probably continue in this direction. please keep us posted. thanks --- vice-chair http://ocju

Re: [computer-go] language choices

2006-12-08 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:53 PM 12/3/2006, you wrote: A note: we're working on converting Orego back from C++ to Java, ... this is probably a silly idea, but i was recalling how you defined location in some of your previous code. also, you had arrays of boards and neighbors. something like board[], north[], sou

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-23 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:12 AM 12/22/2006, you wrote: Le vendredi 22 décembre 2006 14:50, Don Dailey a écrit : [...] > It seems that playing the best move possible (best in the sense of > maximizing your territory gain) is not the best strategy when playing > a handicap game. You literally have to play foolishl

RE: [computer-go] My experience with Linux

2008-04-09 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:11 AM 4/9/2008, you wrote: ... Does Linux have a decent development environment yet? After using Visual studio, it would be a horrible loss of productivity to go back to vi/make/gdb. .. eclipse has the cdt and there are some unit testing packages. thanks

[computer-go] malibu beach go party

2008-07-11 Thread Ray Tayek
hi, eric cotsen (sponsor of the cotsen open) is having a go party at his house on the beach in mailbu on saturday, july 26'th. mr. yang (7p) will be there. anyone on this list that is in the area is welcome to come. send me an email off the list for the details. thanks --- vice-chair http://o

[computer-go] cotsen open will be on september 20-21'st

2008-07-11 Thread Ray Tayek
The dates for the Cotsen Go Tournament have been decided. The tournament will be held on September 20 and 21 at the Tom Bradley International Hall on the UCLA campus. This is the same location where the Toyota Denso North American Oza was held this past January. thanks --- vice-chair http://o

Re: [computer-go] cotsen open will be on september 20-21'st

2008-07-11 Thread Ray Tayek
At 03:08 AM 7/11/2008, you wrote: In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ray Tayek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes The dates for the Cotsen Go Tournament have been decided. The tournament will be held on September 20 and 21 at the Tom Bradley International Hall on the UCLA campus. This

Re: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most?

2008-07-27 Thread Ray Tayek
At 06:23 PM 7/27/2008, you wrote: I have a strong interest in seeing a 19x19 computer go program that is at least 3-dan by 2010. we all do. but as the programs are only about 10-kyu these days, we will be lucky to get to the small kyu ratings by 2010 and then you will hit a hard wall. i thi

RE: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most?

2008-07-27 Thread Ray Tayek
> -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go- > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Tayek > Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 7:09 PM > To: computer-go > Subject: Re: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most? > > At 06:23 PM 7/27/2008, you wrote: > &

RE: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most?

2008-07-28 Thread Ray Tayek
ts on kgs. can you tell me the name of yours and some of the stronger ones? thanks > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go- > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ray Tayek > Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 11:44 PM > To: computer-go > Subject: RE: [c

Re: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most?

2008-07-28 Thread Ray Tayek
At 12:43 AM 7/28/2008, you wrote: 2008/7/28 Ray Tayek <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> At 07:53 PM 7/27/2008, you wrote: The traditional programs are around 10 kyu, but the new ones are 2 to 4 kyu,... wow. that's impressive. can one buy these or just play the

Re: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most?

2008-07-28 Thread Ray Tayek
At 02:18 AM 7/28/2008, you wrote: For example, CrazyStone [1k] and MoGoBot1 [2k]. i will try these. thanks > > i found and played a few bots on kgs. can you tell me the name of yours and > some of the stronger ones? ... --- vice-chair

Re: [computer-go] What Do You Need Most?

2008-07-28 Thread Ray Tayek
At 02:36 AM 7/28/2008, you wrote: You can download for free an "old" version of MoGo ... the exe just sits there. iirc, i need some sort of gui ? can you tell me what that is? Yes you need some sort of gui. In the section "Installation and use instructions" I give some name and links to some

Re: [computer-go] cotsen open will be on september 20-21'st (computers are welcome to enter)

2008-07-28 Thread Ray Tayek
At 03:08 AM 7/11/2008, you wrote: In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ray Tayek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes The dates for the Cotsen Go Tournament have been decided. The tournament will be held on September 20 and 21 at the Tom Bradley International Hall on the UCLA campus. This

Re: [computer-go] CGOS donations

2008-07-31 Thread Ray Tayek
At 12:33 PM 7/31/2008, you wrote: There is now a donate button ... seems to wok fine too. thanks --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Java SGF Parser

2008-08-03 Thread Ray Tayek
At 05:55 PM 8/3/2008, you wrote: I'm looking for a nice Java SGF library that allows you to parse SGF files into a simple tree, and to serialize your own tree back to SGF. ... i wrote one in java a few years ago. iirc, i based it on gnugo's parser. i was trying to compile annotations from prev

Re: [computer-go] sgf standard

2008-08-03 Thread Ray Tayek
At 01:58 PM 7/29/2008, you wrote: ... had a burst of activity related to the addition of new properties to the standard. The properties relate to the representation of common subtrees. i just dusted off an old sgf parser/merger in java. i can eat the example file ok. where are the new prope

Re: [computer-go] mogo beats pro!

2008-08-08 Thread Ray Tayek
At 10:07 PM 8/7/2008, you wrote: ... Check out the KGS records. If my memory is correct, the userid was MogoTitan. ... yes, there are some games there. but not all are viewable. which one is *the* game? thanks --- vice-chair ___

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-10 Thread Ray Tayek
At 04:46 AM 8/9/2008, you wrote: ... Which reminds me: the Cotsen tournament is coming up in late September. I'm not sure whether computers are allowed to play or not. they are allowed to enter. afaik, the hardware must be on-site. the prize is a trophy (no cash). thanks --- vice-chair htt

Re: [computer-go] Re: mogo beats pro!

2008-08-10 Thread Ray Tayek
At 01:50 AM 8/10/2008, you wrote: Yeah, I am really on a roll ... ... On 9, Aug 2008, at 9:34 PM, terry mcintyre wrote: I was present; David Doshay said that in ten years, it would be reasonable to expect computers to play even games with pros. david d, do you *really* think that they will p

[computer-go] Fwd: 2008 Cotsen Go Tournament

2008-08-14 Thread Ray Tayek
if you enter a program, make a note on the entry forn that you are doing so. thankj From: "Casie Rizer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Casie Rizer'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: 2008 Cotsen Go Tournament Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:02:32 -0700 2008 COTSEN GO TOURNAMENT Sponsored By Lloyd Eric Cotsen

Re: [computer-go] Disputes under Japanese rules

2008-09-15 Thread Ray Tayek
At 04:06 PM 9/15/2008, you wrote: I've asked this question of a couple of people and got different answers, so I thought I'd check here. Suppose, under Japanese rules, I throw a (hopeless) stone into your territory. I keep passing until you've actually removed it (playing four stones inside your

Re: OT: Teaching Go (was Re: [computer-go] Re: Disputes under Japanese rules)

2008-09-18 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:14 PM 9/17/2008, you wrote: ... . I want to be able to give a tiny set of rules and then let players loose to discover things on their own. i have had good luck with just explaining capure by surrounding and starting with 9 handicap stones on a 9x9 board (you can't win and that's a go

Re: [computer-go] Results of recent Computer Go events

2008-09-29 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:27 AM 9/28/2008, you wrote: Does anyone have any information on the results of [the computer Go aspects of] these events? Cotsen go tournament 2008 mr. kim played mogo again. this time he won with 7 stones. don't know where a game record is. thanks --- vice-chair

[computer-go] 11'th Annual Malibu Go Party

2009-07-05 Thread Ray Tayek
please join us for an afternoon of surf, sand, and go. saturday, august 22'nd 2009, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m or so, at 26918 malibu cove colony drive (,+malibu+california&sll=33.8565,-118.148904&sspn=0.007431

[computer-go] Fwd: Cotsen Go Tournament 2009

2009-07-21 Thread Ray Tayek
X-Cloudmark-Score: 0 X-RR-Connecting-IP: X-Authority-Analysis: v=1.0 c=1 a=C4v/ZMOA4qtYH1lHA7UZjA==:17 a=cU7zCnic:8 a=zyR4pCUn:8 a=pykkHMQbfmE35MBUPzAA:9 a=-RzIqdY0jXT7c2Uhn8EA:7 a=woLhyhkLnKWqYCQWF-kjyS9XCCgA:4 a=MT1dNXXSkG4A:10 a=81mRD-bMRAsA:10 a=ipLnR88f3p0A:10 a=Z

Re: [computer-go] IGS?

2009-09-05 Thread Ray Tayek
At 12:29 PM 9/5/2009, you wrote: ... this tuesday i'm going to bring a visit to the local Go-club to get them to teach me how to really play Go, beyond placing stones on the board following the most basic rules. please allow me to suggest that you start playing on small boards. there is a nice

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-18 Thread Ray Tayek
At 06:30 PM 1/18/2007, you wrote: > In my opinion lowering the time limit just forces players (human and > computer) towards random play. I am sure there exists a time limit > where a random playing program can beat Lee Chang-Ho 50% of the time. ... I watched a top 9-dan pro play a program; ...

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-19 Thread Ray Tayek
At 08:45 PM 1/18/2007, you wrote: On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 20:05 -0800, Ray Tayek wrote: > > yes. i would easily give my opponent *much* more time than a few > handicap stones. the effect of time making someone (or thing) play > better (or worse) is non-linear and probably only effecti

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-20 Thread Ray Tayek
. there is some range of time say 20 minutes to 200 minutes (for me) with no byo-yomi. i won't have time to think too much at 20 minutes, but doubt that could use more than 200 minutes effectively. thanks On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 17:29 -0800, Ray Tayek wrote: > At 08:45 PM 1/18/2007, you w

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-20 Thread Ray Tayek
At 04:23 PM 1/20/2007, you wrote: On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 15:34 -0700, Arend Bayer wrote: > ... > On 1/20/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > If what you are saying is true, this is a waste of time. ... But I'm not talking about opening preparation. My point is all about just a fe

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-20 Thread Ray Tayek
At 05:30 PM 1/20/2007, you wrote: ... > I don't really know how much 1 extra dan represents at this level - I think it translates to 200 or > more ELO points. We can figure this out - what is the win expectancy of 5 dan over 4 dan without handicap? >

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-21 Thread Ray Tayek
At 03:43 AM 1/21/2007, you wrote: - Oorspronkelijk bericht - Van: Ray Tayek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Datum: zondag, januari 21, 2007 4:18 am Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank. > > also i suspect that at least 33%

Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs time

2007-01-21 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:38 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote: On Sun, 2007-01-21 at 20:29 -0800, terry mcintyre wrote: ... > Most programs reach scalability limits at some point. ... Where most people go wrong is to assume that for a computer to beat a human it must be able to understand every single thing a human does bu

Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs time

2007-01-22 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:27 AM 1/22/2007, you wrote: ... Don believes there is probably no difference and states a rule: doubling thinking time = linear improvement in play. i agree with this over some small range of powers of two. ..., as breaking the game into regions and doing local reading and global analy

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-23 Thread Ray Tayek
At 01:22 PM 1/23/2007, you wrote: ... It plays the best game you could ever program it to play. How fast would the computer have to be to beat a human? ... but I would say a computer with perfect software, 32 GB of RAM (so a lot) and a 300 Mhz processor (slow processor) would be able to beat

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-23 Thread Ray Tayek
At 01:51 PM 1/23/2007, you wrote: Let me clear one thing up... I mean, a professional go player. ... this would be equivalent to somewhere between 7-10 dan amateur. at least decades. probably much longer. (at least without quantum stuff). thanks --- vice-chair _

Re: [computer-go] Best computer go development library?

2007-01-24 Thread Ray Tayek
At 02:52 PM 1/23/2007, you wrote: ... I'm interested in doing some experiments in developing a computer go algorithm. ... I'll probably be writing in C++ on Linux or C# on Windows, depending on the software available for each. take a look at it was in java, he

Re: [computer-go] Why not forums?

2007-02-04 Thread Ray Tayek
At 04:17 PM 2/4/2007, you wrote: Why can't we use proper forums instead of this outdated list? Forums are easier to keep track of and search for messages. As a start we can use Yahoo groups. What do you think? -2 --- vice-chair ___

Re: [computer-go] Serializing a very large object in Java

2007-02-09 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:55 AM 2/9/2007, you wrote: ..., Java has a stack overflow error. i assume you have tried the java -Xss to set the stack size (type java -X for help on these)? thanks --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list computer-g

[computer-go] Algorithm helps computers beat human Go players

2007-02-22 Thread Ray Tayek --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list http:/

Re: [computer-go] Big board, ++physics

2007-02-22 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:03 PM 2/22/2007, you wrote: 4/ shape/size resonance (un)fortunately the 19x19 size is just the critical size to have problems. -17x17 is too small, corners influence is too strong, it is quickly possible to take the border. (= 3 bubbles) -21x21 is too wide, it is not possible to quic

Re: [computer-go] Turing test

2007-04-05 Thread Ray Tayek
At 02:47 PM 4/5/2007, you wrote: I don't play go, so apply whatever discount seems appropriate But when one of the engines reaches shodan at 19x19 (not so far away, I think) ... probably still *very* far away. the best programs are rated at about 10-kyu. 10 stones is a *long* way. it's n

Re: [computer-go] professional knowledge

2007-04-07 Thread Ray Tayek
At 06:17 AM 4/6/2007, you wrote: On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 13:48 +0100, Jacques Basaldúa wrote: > Darren Cook wrote: > > > All except joseki-knowledge is board-size independent. > > Maybe human player's adapt to different board sizes without > even noticing. But if you try to model strategy with alg

[computer-go] From Surreal Numbers to Games

2007-04-07 Thread Ray Tayek
fyi: Today we're going to take our first baby-step into the land of surreal games. A surreal number is a pair of sets {L|R} where every value in L is less than every value in R. If we follow the rules of surreal construction, so that the m

[computer-go] malibu go party

2007-07-09 Thread Ray Tayek
Hi, Eric Cotsen (sponsor of ) will be having a go party on Sunday, August 19'th from around 10 am to around 10 pm. Food will be provided. Please bring a 6-pack of your favorite drink. Optional: If you have a favorite dish you like to make, please d

Re: [computer-go] SGF parsing

2007-07-12 Thread Ray Tayek
At 08:49 AM 7/9/2007, you wrote: ... Any help is appreciated, trying to write a parse in C you might try some of the people on the mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@computer-go

[computer-go] Bit Twiddling Hacks

2007-07-19 Thread Ray Tayek
those of you using c might find some of these useful: --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go datastructures

2007-07-20 Thread Ray Tayek
At 08:38 PM 7/19/2007, you wrote: In the engine I've been working on for a week or two (I'm brand new to computer-go) I use: typedef int INTERSECTION; typedef enum { BLACK, WHITE, EMPTY } COLOR; i used: typedef enum { BLACK, WHITE, EMPTY,OFFBOARD } COLOR; once. it eliminated tests for array bo

Re: [computer-go] Differences..

2007-08-02 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:05 PM 7/26/2007, you wrote: What is the difference in Go and Mathematical Go? Is Mathamatical Go a subset of Go as the rules look the same to me as regular go. not sure. but i belive that the last rule needs to be qualified with the statement t

[computer-go] 2007 cotsen open

2007-08-30 Thread Ray Tayek
will be held at the mayfair (same place as last time) in los angeles on november 10-11. computer programs may enter. more details later. thanks --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list http://www.comp

[computer-go] 2007 Cotsen Open wants your program to enter

2007-09-13 Thread Ray Tayek
details are here: please make a note that you are entering a program on your entry form and also send me a note. thanks --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list computer-go@compute

Re: [computer-go] 2007 Cotsen Open wants your program to enter

2007-09-13 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:17 AM 9/13/2007, you wrote: In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ray Tayek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes details are here: ... Are platforms provided, or do entrants have to bring their own? you must bring your own hardware. Do p

Re: [computer-go] 2007 Cotsen Open wants your program to enter

2007-09-13 Thread Ray Tayek
At 12:49 PM 9/13/2007, you wrote: ... I would also like to list the results from past years, as far as computer participation goes. But I can't find any Cotsen results listed on the web. Do you happen to know what program won in the last two years? we've only done this twice. slug beat smar

[computer-go] Slaying Mighty Dragons: Competitive Ranking and Matching Systems

2007-09-25 Thread Ray Tayek
mentions elo and m$'s variation --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Slaying Mighty Dragons: Competitive Ranking and Matching Systems (with url)

2007-09-26 Thread Ray Tayek
mentions elo and m$'s variation --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-10 Thread Ray Tayek
At 02:33 PM 10/7/2007, you wrote: Found this link and thought you all might find it interesting. thread on slashdot: --- vice-chair ___

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-12 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:36 AM 10/12/2007, you wrote: Chris Fant wrote: > Ho can I find Go vids on youtube? Searching for "go" obviously does nothing. > > Atari was also a good keyword here. There it is: searching for: go baduk weiqi returns a bunch. --- vice-chair

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-12 Thread Ray Tayek
are in english. searching for: Guo Juan gives a few hundred! here is a new guy: i found searching on: go baduk weichi. On 10/12/07, Ray Tayek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > At 07:36 AM 10/12/2007, you wrote: > >Chris Fant wrote: > &g

[computer-go] Amazon EC2 Open To All

2007-10-17 Thread Ray Tayek
if a bunch of us signed up? --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-27 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:53 AM 10/27/2007, you wrote: At 10 minute time limits Many Faces rated over 2000 and was top of the list. At 30 minutes it's 1650. Many Faces 11 was tuned for the machines in the 1990s, and clearly it needs work for modern machines. i have a copy of 11. is there any way to crank it up ot

RE: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-28 Thread Ray Tayek
At 09:27 AM 10/28/2007, you wrote: Would anyone be interested in a highly configurable version 11 with gtp interface? ... i'll buy one. thanks --- vice-chair ___ computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: use for Monte Carlo on 19X19? (unconditionally alive)

2007-11-06 Thread Ray Tayek
At 03:50 PM 11/6/2007, you wrote: ... in a typical endgame board under Japanese rules, the number of unconditionally alive stones is zero. maybe for pro games. for amatuer 1-kyu to 10-kyu games, i suspect that after about 1/2 of the moves in the entire game have been made, enough groups are a

Re: [computer-go] [OT] All-integer scalable distribution algorithm.

2007-11-06 Thread Ray Tayek
At 07:03 PM 11/6/2007, you wrote: ... Returns an integer in [0-range] distributed depending on the value of degree-of-randomness. At degree-of-randomness 100, I want the distribution to be uniform. At degree-of-randomness 0, I want the distribution to be -- I don't even know what to call th

[computer-go] Fwd: Re: [math-fun] Computer Go and Euler number

2007-11-27 Thread Ray Tayek
steve's post went to another list (probably by accident). the reply may be of interest: Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:59:06 -0800 (GMT-08:00) From: Dan Asimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: math-fun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Euler number (often called "Euler characteristic") for nicely behaved topological spa

Re: [computer-go] Re: Euler numbers

2007-12-02 Thread Ray Tayek
At 10:19 AM 11/27/2007, you wrote: ... Back at my first computer job, where Steve Gray was a mentor, we had a special purpose computer called a BIP which did this quad counting as a basic operation. ... i also used to work with steve and dave. steve replied to a post i just sent him with: "

Re: [computer-go] Difficult and strong move

2008-01-08 Thread Ray Tayek
At 10:03 AM 1/8/2008, you wrote: - Original Message From: Stuart A. Yeates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >I recommend "Mathematical Go: Chilling Gets the Last Point" by Elwyn ... Most intere

RE: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Ray Tayek
At 05:25 PM 1/30/2008, you wrote: It also helps to get good instruction right from the start to avoid learning bad habits that are hard to unlearn later. this is really important. i learned from books and some japanese pros for many years and then met mr. yang (7p). i had a bunch of stiff

Re: [Computer-go] Tromp Taylor rules

2015-03-11 Thread Ray Tayek
On 3/11/2015 4:08 AM, folkert wrote: ... After 3 years of not working on my Go software, ... First thing I noticed is that it is very slow. ... you may want to look at how orego does things, you can find it on github

[Computer-go] sgf reader/editor/write in java?

2015-03-11 Thread Ray Tayek
hi, i need a java program that lets me read, write and edit an sgf file. thanks -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap people - Warren Buffet ___ Computer-go mailing list h

Re: [Computer-go] sgf reader/editor/write in java?

2015-03-11 Thread Ray Tayek
On 3/11/2015 6:40 PM, Dave Dyer wrote: Read and Write is easy, I have some classes I use for all my games that I've distributed several times. please send me a copy. can it read that big joseki dictionary? Edit implies a full gui, which is a little more complicated. I have a fairly primitiv

[Computer-go] implementing simple ko

2015-03-11 Thread Ray Tayek
i need to implement a simple ko rule. looks like you need to keep track of 2 points for each ko and who took it last. so it looks like a list of (point,point,who) that can change each turn? any pointers will be appreciated. thanks -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it fro

Re: [Computer-go] implementing simple ko

2015-03-16 Thread Ray Tayek
On 3/12/2015 9:49 AM, Hiroshi Yamashita wrote: ... i need to implement a simple ko rule. I wrote simple pure-MC and UCT sample. put() function handles a simple ko. got it. thanks -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap

Re: [Computer-go] implementing simple ko

2015-03-16 Thread Ray Tayek
On 3/12/2015 6:16 AM, Robert Jasiek wrote: On 12.03.2015 06:07, Ray Tayek wrote: i need to implement a simple ko rule. Supposing you want a strategically simple AND complete ko ruleset, you can choose from: 1) short cycle loss (2 or 3 successive plays, see below) + long cycle tie ko

Re: [Computer-go] What's a good playout speed?

2015-03-28 Thread Ray Tayek
On 1/14/2015 12:14 AM, Urban Hafner wrote: ... I'm currently in the early stages of writing my own Go engine and right now I'm trying to make my playouts reasonably fast. I've come a long way in the past few days. Probably not because the payouts are really fast right now, but because they we

[Computer-go] A Data-Driven Exploration of the Evolution of Chess

2015-04-10 Thread Ray Tayek -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap people - Warren Buffet ___ Computer-go mailing list Computer-g

[Computer-go] RR[Normal] in sgf file

2015-04-21 Thread Ray Tayek
hi, working on an sgf editor which seemed to be in good shape as it reads a lot of sgf files. but i downloaded a game i played on igs recently through their social net thing and it has: an RR[Normal] in it (please see below). i can't find an RR at red bean . doe

[Computer-go] topological go & gtp

2015-05-07 Thread Ray Tayek
hi, i am writing a go program in java that will let you play on a torus like little golem and on a board with holes in it. i need to be able to somehow play with someone over the net. so i guess i need a version of gtp in java. i thi

Re: [Computer-go] topological go & gtp

2015-05-07 Thread Ray Tayek
s in many games. So, you will likely see how your programs acts in such difficult situations. this program was not intended to play go, just to let a human play and edit sgf files on donuts with extra holes. thanks *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 07. Mai 2015 um 18:22 Uhr *Von:* "Ray Tayek" *

Re: [Computer-go] topological go & gtp

2015-05-13 Thread Ray Tayek
On 5/7/2015 9:22 AM, Ray Tayek wrote: hi, i am writing a go program in java that will let you play on a torus like little golem <> and on a board with holes in it. ... i have gogui hooked up to gnugo and i have the source for go

[Computer-go] gtp question for topological go program

2015-06-07 Thread Ray Tayek
hi, still implementing gtp for my topological go program. it sorta works with gogui. looking at the gnugo implementation, it seems all passive in that it simply reacts to commands. so it looks like one side (or some other controller) has to be the passive side and react to the commands (like

Re: [Computer-go] gtp question for topological go program

2015-06-08 Thread Ray Tayek
as to be active. the passive client has a thread that reads a socket and executes commands. if this program were to send a command through the socket, then the other side's response to the command would be read as a command. thanks 2015-06-08 7:28 GMT+02:00 Ray Tayek <mailto:rta

Re: [Computer-go] gtp question for topological go program

2015-06-08 Thread Ray Tayek
hanks 2015-06-09 4:25 GMT+02:00 Ray Tayek <>>: On 6/8/2015 12:58 PM, Xavier Combelle wrote: It's not clear why you would want that your engine have control on communication. Can you explain your use case ? our main use case is: two

Re: [Computer-go] Determining the final board state for finished games

2015-07-26 Thread Ray Tayek
On 7/25/2015 8:57 PM, Rafael Sakurai wrote: ... I'm also new with computer Go, and I have the same doubt. ... Hi Justin, I started to draft a Go API in Java, the goal is to create an API with the main game logic and anyone can use with their own visual interface ... Please, let me know if th

[Computer-go] gtp question - can black make 2 moves in a row.

2015-09-05 Thread Ray Tayek
i am guessing that the client should make the moves if he gets them. does anyone know for sure? thanks -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap people - Warren Buffett ___ Computer-go mailing list Comput

Re: [Computer-go] gtp question - can black make 2 moves in a row.

2015-09-06 Thread Ray Tayek
On 9/6/2015 12:03 AM, Hellwig Geisse wrote: On Sa, 2015-09-05 at 23:51 -0700, Ray Tayek wrote: i am guessing that the client should make the moves if he gets them. does anyone know for sure? From the GTP specification, page 18, 6.3.3 Core Play Commands: "play: [...] Consecutive moves o

[Computer-go] Neural Network Chess Computer Abandons Brute Force For "Human" Approach

2015-09-14 Thread Ray Tayek Posted by samzenpus on Monday September 14, 2015 @06:53PM from the how-about-a-nice-game-of-global-thermonuclear-war dept. An anonymous reader

Re: [Computer-go] Go Aesthetics

2016-01-12 Thread Ray Tayek
On 1/11/2016 7:10 PM, Gonçalo Mendes Ferreira wrote: Hi, some time back I mentioned creating a program that evaluates the aesthetics of a game of Go. Has anyone given it some thought? I'd love to have a comparison between professional and amateur dan matches, ... shape

[Computer-go] mf 12 & igs

2016-02-17 Thread Ray Tayek
done rtayek5 (W:O): 87.5 to Littlewolf (B:#): 96.0 game completed. Removed game file rtayek5-Littlewolf from database. Game rtayek5-Littlewolf-18-09-25 mailed *Littlewolf*: Thx.(by Go Bible Android client) mf 12 says: White has: 74 surrounded points (marked) 13 prisoners 6.5 points komi 93 1/2

Re: [Computer-go] Would a larger board (25x25) dramatically reduce AlphaGos skill?

2016-03-22 Thread Ray Tayek
On 3/22/2016 11:25 AM, Tom M wrote: I suspect that even with a similarly large training sample for initialization that AlphaGo would suffer a major reduction in apparent skill level. i think a human would also. The CNN would require many more layers of convolution; the valuation of positions

Re: [Computer-go] Would a larger board (25x25) dramatically reduce AlphaGos skill?

2016-03-22 Thread Ray Tayek
AlphaGo. It would be fun to see which can adapt better. human would adapt quickly after a few games (say 10 or so). thanks On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Ray Tayek <>> wrote: On 3/22/2016 11:25 AM, Tom M wrote: I suspect that even with a simila

Re: [Computer-go] Beginner question : how to choose a board representation

2016-04-10 Thread Ray Tayek
On 4/10/2016 12:19 AM, Jean-Francois Romang wrote: Hello to everyone ; I'm a newcomer in this list and computer go programming. I have a chess programming background, but I want to start something new. :-) I'm currently in the early phases of developing GTP compatible go engine ; now it's time

[Computer-go] it's alphago

2017-01-04 Thread Ray Tayek -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap people - Warren Buffett

[Computer-go] alpga go

2017-02-21 Thread Ray Tayek
about 3 hours and 13 minutes into this tensorflow video , there is some stuff about how alphgo works. thanks -- Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap people - Warren Buffett http://tayek

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