Re: [Computer-go] Frisbee Go Simulation

2015-11-21 Thread
Hi Ingo, Thanks, yes I see it is good to keep it simple to begin with, not least, to encourage entrants that it is not a big hurdle. Due to the lack of definite answer to "what epsilon?" the core idea was simply that if you keep epsilon small, then the restriction you made about only displac

Re: [Computer-go] Frisbee Go Simulation

2015-11-13 Thread
If this catches on, perhaps the rules will be referred to as the Ingo rules ;-) Since this is based on a real world variant of Go, why not base epsilon on that? The fact that the limit of displacement from the intended position is limited to the immediately

Re: [Computer-go] AMAF/RAVE + heavy playouts - is it save?

2015-11-03 Thread
You have to be careful what heuristics you apply. This was a surprising result: using a playout policy which in itself is a stronger go player can actually make MCTS/AMAF weaker. The reason is that MCTS depends entirely on accurate estimations of the value of each

Re: [Computer-go] Building a Go AI Machine

2015-09-26 Thread
One list of go specific papers can be found here: Of course you will also need tools for writing software. On 26-Sep-15 16:24, Gonçalo Mendes Ferreira wrote: On 26/09/2015 16:23, Cai Gengyang wrote: Hello Compute

Re: [Computer-go] open bank

2015-09-07 Thread
Thanks - looks like a bit of a goldmine. On 06-Sep-15 11:39, Erik van der Werf wrote: ___ Computer

Re: [Computer-go] Building A Computer Go AI

2015-08-21 Thread
Hi, Good news. There are a variety of open source projects out there, including both complete programs (Fuego, Pachi) as well as libraries to build your own Go engine (libEgo). There are also a wealth of papers explaining the theory behind the top algorithms. Try googling "AMAF algorithm" or

Re: [Computer-go] Cogito--another minimal Go engine

2015-03-27 Thread
I suspect some people may not be curious enough to follow the link, but may be intrigued if they saw the code... #define S W*W #define A B.s[1]-B.s[2]-K #define F(x,l)for(x=0; xL{ L{ C h[4],p,l; } M[S]; C b[S],c,u[S],i[S],I,p,J,s[3]; } B,F; g; Z; m; i; e[S][4]; a[S][4]; E; J=2; char T[9]; long