I know I'm late to the game here but I just took my app for a compile
under XC3.2 for the first time…
A few NSString encoding loose ends OK but WHAMO my .xib files are
hammered with ~100 errors (not warnings!)
".. This view overlaps one of its siblings. Overlapping sibling views
p 10, 2009, at 2:51 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
My base SDK is set to 10.6 and a deployment of 10.4.
Everything was peachy under 10.5 and XC3.1 no such warnings or
Sooo does this mean I cannot use XC3.2 unless I fix all these issues?
Nib deployment targets are actually set in the nib
I am trying to understand whether ABAddressBook will permit
interaction with Exchange.
I don't see anything in the documentation specifically on this point.
Can anyone comment on this?
Am I missing a resource?
Is it currently not supported?
Thanks for any thoughts!
I'm trying to develop a stand alone service in Snow Leopard.
The issue I'm running into is how to update the system as I compile a
new version.
The pbs command shows that the bundle path is the one in my Release
Build folder
"pbs -dump_pboard"
That's good information but I don't see how it helps with a stand-
alone service - how do I (or user) launch the .service bundle?
On Sep 14, 2009, at 1:12 AM, John C. Randolph wrote:
On Sep 13, 2009, at 10:55 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
I have convinced myself that th
r your time and consideration!
On Sep 14, 2009, at 1:16 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
That's good information but I don't see how it helps with a stand-
alone service - how do I (or user) launch the .service bundle?
On Sep 14, 2009, at 1:12 AM, John C. Randolph wrote:
I have an app with a 10.4 Deployment target.
I have recently begun using XC 3.2 and IB 3.2 - spp compiles cleanly
and all IB 'sibling' issues have been resolved.
I've gotten a field report (release) where I'm seeing:
15:01:38.292 XYZ[11756:20b] HIToolbox: ignoring exception '***
c970 x86_64)
How I do I hone in on where the problem is??
On Sep 15, 2009, at 1:50 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
On 15/09/2009, at 4:44 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
15:01:38.292 XYZ[11756:20b] HIToolbox: ignoring exception '***
-[NSCFString substringToIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds'
, at 12:46 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
Got another report today from the field also a MacBookPro5,1
running 10.5.8
2009-09-16 03:01:53.954 XYZ[329:20b] Error loading /Library/
QXPScriptingAdditions: dlopen(/Library
Alert - potential boneheaded-ness lies ahead - please be gentle.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm much happier in ObjC than C…
I thought I would try static analysis and see what turned up.
On the whole I must say I'm pleased but this one has me questioning my
basic understanding
MDItemCopyAttributes. The object that you create inside that call
is never released.
On Sep 18, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
Alert - potential boneheaded-ness lies ahead - please be gentle.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm much happier in ObjC than C…
I thought I
I've adapted the code to accomodate your's and Chris' answer to
question 2.
Here's the entire method, which now shows not static analyzer issues
but I still would like to understand why not.
+ (NSDictionary *)metadataForFilePath:(NSString *)thisPath {
NSDictionary *md = [NSD
I have recently converted to XC & IB 3.2
I've updated my project to be a 3.2 project using a baseSDK of 10.6
with deployment target of 10.4
I've run the static analyzer and have no analyzer issues as well as no
compiler nor IB warnings
I'm feeling good about this but now code that wo
, 2009, at 11:35 AM, Steve Cronin
I have an instance variable which is an NSMutableDictionary *
You need to post the code that creates this dictionary.
--Kyle Sluder
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
ettings release];
myBaseSettings = [newSettings retain];
Does this provide you the information you are looking for?
On Sep 20, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Sep 20, 2009, at 11:35 AM, Steve Cronin
I have an instance variable which is an NSMutableDictionary *
On Sep 20, 2009, at 5:01 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Steve Cronin
essentially it is:
"Essentially" isn't good enough; actual copy-paste is necessary to
ensure you're doing it correctly.
NSMutableDictionary *localDict = [
I have recently converted to XC & IB 3.2
I've updated my project to be a 3.2 project using a baseSDK of 10.6
with deployment target of 10.4
I have a Core Data model that I've been very happy with starting in
10.4 and continuing in 10.5..
In readying for the brave new world ahead I ha
I have an app that receives AppleScript calls
App passes Clang with no warnings; using XC 3.2 w/ 10.6SDK
The call is made successfully and performs beautifully -- the first
Everything works just as intended.
The second script call is processed by the app but crashes immediately
I have a Clang issue that is making me a little crazy.
I have a modestly complex Core Data application with several thousand
lines of code.
I've run Clang and at this point I have only one issue:
"…. Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1
(owning) retain count is
YES Bingo! + newWidgetID
I love how Cocoa can so drive you crazy and then when insight happens
it's often nearly painful in its elegance and simplicity…
Breathtaking sometimes….
Thank-you all,
On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
"…. Object with
I have converted to using SL; XC3.2; IB 3.2.
I have an app with a deployment target of 10.4
There are no IB warnings; the dev target is IB 3.2
Things have been working reasonably well but now when I test on a
Tiger I crash immediately
Leopard and Snow Leopard are fine
2009-09-30 01:34
Kyle * Graham;
The IB Info says:
Deployment Target: 10.4
Development Target: IB 3.2
There are no error or warnings!
What should I be looking at?
On Sep 30, 2009, at 1:56 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
Check your IB compatibility settings. Looks like you've archived an
image into your nib th
I opened the .xib file in a text editor -searched for 'NSCoreUIImageRep'
I found one instance (thankfully) and by 'reading' the text was able
to determine that it was a matrix of 2 radio buttons.
I removed the offending matrix and re-instantiated a fresh one.
I monitored the .xib text
(thePhrase) : Geschäftsführer (CEO):
(tString): Geschäftsführer (CEO)
curPos = [thePhrase rangeOfString: tString
NSLocale *tLocale = [[[NSLocale alloc]
initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"de_DE"] autorelease];
curPos = [thePhrase r
Thanks for your time!
On Oct 4, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Clark Cox wrote:
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Steve Cronin
(thePhrase) : Geschäftsführer (CEO):
(tString): Geschäftsführer (CEO)
curPos = [thePhrase rangeOfString: tString
I have a dozen or so strings that I use over and over in various classes.
So here's what I've done
I have a CommonStrings.txt file added to the project. It looks like this:
NSString *gLeftBracket =@"<";
NSString *gRightBracket =@">";
If I #include this file somewhere in
> .txt looks wrong.
> Why not create .h and .m and import the .h?
> Usually you #import, not #include in ObjC.
> .h
> extern NSString *gLeftBracket;
> .m
> NSString *gLeftBracket=@"<";
> atze
> Am 14.03
I have an iPhone application that is used for a very specific purpose.
After perusing and modifying data the user is given the option to effectively
[Cancel] or [Save]
After they have made their decision the app's purpose has been served for this
What I would like to do is e
I'm puzzled by a configuration
Here are my assumptions:
#import //generally a framework reference - is relative
to /System/Library
#import "foo.h" //source file found in $(SRCROOT)
#import "bar/foo.h" // source file found in a directory relative to
On Apr 1, 2010, at 5:58 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
>> I have an import statement like the last example but I can't find any "bar"
>> directory
>> I'm unable to determine the particular
I'm trying to build my first framework.
I added a new target of type framework.
There are 4 build steps: Copy Headers, Compile Bundle Resources, Compile
Sources, and Link Binary With Library
I've added all the .h files to the 'Copy Headers' and all the .m files to
'Compile Sources'
I have an Automator action that is giving me a confusing result.
If I include an 'Executable File' key in the info.plist
- debug compile - with no executable this key is pointless
- release compile - no warning
If I remove the 'Executable File' key from the info.plist
- debug compile - no
On Apr 10, 2010, at 3:08 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
> You don't say what kind of Automator action you are building — script,
> AppleScript, or Cocoa?
> And what do you mean by "compile warnings?" The compiler doesn't know or care
> about the contents of Info.plist. The build system might
On Apr 10, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
> Did you change the action type to Cocoa after starting with AppleScript or
> shell script?
> Have you examined the contents of the action bundle in the problem case?
> Clean the target first, then build. Control-click Products > yourBund
Subclassed NSObject now getting compiler warnings - don't understand why?
@interface ABC : NSObject {
@implementation ABC
+ (void)initialize
keys = [NSArray ..];
[self setKeys:keys triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey:@"xyz"];
I'm seeing compiler
On Apr 20, 2010, at 8:53 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 21/04/2010, at 11:48 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
>> I'm seeing compiler warnings -> : warning: 'ABC' may not res
I need to pare back a project, remove some of the cruft.
I copied the entire project directory and renamed the project and bundle
identifier for now.
I've removed various IB widgets as well as objC classes.
I can now build without any issues in debug and release.
If I double click the re
On May 11, 2010, at 4:53 AM, Jonathan del Strother wrote:
> Long shot : has it hit a breakpoint?
> And if not, what happens if you pause the debugger and step through?
Here's the stack after I launch, see "Run", then hit 'Pause'
#0 0x9809d2fa in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x9809da67 in ma
I have a feeling that this is an embarrassing one so try and go easy on me…
XC 3.2.2
I have a main nib that opens a window and that works fine.
I used to have an NSPanel in this nib to handle preferences.
I've decided it's a good idea to split the nib into two different nibs: the
main ni
ontroller already
exists or has just been alloc'ed and init'ed..
What I am just not understanding here?
On May 20, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
> Folks;
> I have a feeling that this is an embarrassing one so try and go easy on me…
> XC 3.2.2
variable the window now now opens.
Hopefully this is helpful to someone else….
>> On May 20, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
>>> Folks;
>>> I have a feeling that this is an embarrassing one so try and go easy on me…
>>> XC 3.2.2
In Snow Leopard an Address Book user now has a preference setting for setting
the 'default account for new contacts'
-save always stores to the local machine regardless
Am I just missing something?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
I am trying to understand the ABAddressBook's ABLocalizedPropertyOrLabel()
I can find descriptions of what it is supposed to do but no actual examples or
guidance on how to use it or the necessary conditions for it to work.
I have configured a Snow Leopard machine to use Danis
I've found through field testing that some of my customers are keeping several
copies of my application on their computer.
At various points in the usage, it is possible to launch the application using
AppleScript as well as by invocations of -launchAppWithBundleIdentifier:
However, whe
This is a Mac application.
I have a helper app that I want to transport inside of a larger app (Mother)
At the user's discretion I want to deploy the helper app
The helper app CAN be called by AppleScript.
In order to help with Mother's file size and inadvertent calling of Helper
(when n
Thanks Again
On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
> On 23 Feb 2010, at 2:11 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
>> I have all of this working including a build step that compresses the
>> appropriate release version of Helper
>> (/usr/bin/ditto -c -k --se
I'm a big fan of Snow Leopard's revised support for Services.
In fact my application has a service that I would like most of my customers to
What I have found from watching test subjects install my software is that many
folks stumble on enabling the service.
I understand that user n
My Mac-based Cocoa application is now available as a free trial download from
the internet.
The first time a user opens the software a warning is shown informing the user
that this software has never been used and was downloaded from the internet --
thanks redmond =[:-(
I understand
Thanks for the thoughts on this matter!
I think Matt raises an great point about hijacking on subsequent launches.
Personally I'm mistrustful of installers..
why does a simple application need to go mucking around on my system?
why is this application different than all th
estigation' impulse a the potential customer…
I'm on a tear to reduce these reasons for abandoning….
My research shows if folks actually install and try my program - they tend to
buy it!
On Feb 26, 2010, at 3:59 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2010, at 2
I have a tableView which is working pretty handily.
I support a form of import by dropping a text file on it.
The backing arrayController returns an NSTableViewDropAbove for UI
feedback purposes.
(the row the file is dropped on (or above) doesn't actually matter)
I want to provide a service which will open a small HUD for fine-tuning the
It seems to me that this HUD should open nearby where the context request
I've poked around some and haven't hit anything promising.
As the recipient of the service call 'xyz: userData:error:'
I want to allow users to drag selected text between text fields.
I have subclasses NSTextField and implemented:
- (void)awakeFromNib { [self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray
- (unsigned int)draggingEntered:(id )sender { ...
- (BOOL)performDragOp
Using 10.5 SDK deploying to 10.4 on an Intel 10.5.7 machine running XC
I have a Core Data model against which I have successfully loaded data.
Now I want to display some data in a tableView - so I drag a stock
arrayController from IB onto a window.
I set the Mode to 'Entity'
I would like to solicit feedback on the best approach to solve this
problem: "phrase contains any word in set {a,b,c...}"
I have a user supplied phrase (usually 3-5 words; max of 10 words) ->
The user may provide any random phrase...
I also have a user managed array of w
Ken & Jerry;
Thanks for the quick response!
So I've been pondering and testing...
1) Why would I have to bust up/loop on thePhrase? This makes me face
Jerry's issue of a universal solution for breaking on words.
Just on general principal what would that solution be?
[thePhrase componentsSep
know there remains the root forms issue
but let's not drag that issue in here
On Jun 22, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:
On Jun 22, 2009, at 3:10 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
So I've been pondering and testing...
1) Why would I have to bust up/loop on thePhrase?
BUT in
10.5.7 - 10.5 SDK - target 10.4
I have a managed core data entity working pretty nicely.
I can display values in a tableView blah-blah
Clicking on table column headers does as expected IN RELEASE versions
for both Tiger and Leopard.
However, in the debugger a click on table col
Hey thanks for some useful data!
BUT it is not what is happening in this case.
I have a base class MyManagedObject that all entities are derived from.
MyManagedObject has the - setNilValueForKey: method defined.
I set a breakpoint there and a log message as well. Neither are ever
Do you in fact have a "code" property? On the app delegate? What's
does it's @property (or accessor prototype) look like?
The 'code' property is declared on an entity: MyEntity.
The accessors were created by XCode itself using the 'Copy Method
Declaration/Implementation to Clipboard'
I have a simple one column tableView of a managed object.
The text field in the table view is editable.
I want to keep the table sorted when the user manually changes a value,
I have registered for the notification:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
g the binding does get the UI job done but leaves me at a dead
end in my understanding of why the code I submitted doesn't accomplish
my goal!
Thanks for your time and help!
On Jul 4, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:
On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 17:00:59 -0500, Steve Cronin
From my Cooca app I want to call an AppleScript with several
parameters one of which is an AppleScript record.
I've got everything about calling and return values working smoothly.
What I can't seem to get is how to create that parameter record.
I have been able to build AppleScript l
I have several text fields bound to a mutable dictionary in the window
Works fine.
I want to provide drag-n-drop text snippets into these text fields.
I have all the drag-n-drop working just fine -- (uses custom text
fields and the window field editor)
Within the perfor
Found the answer:
NSDictionary *bindDict = [self infoForBinding:@"value"];
[[bindDict objectForKey:@"NSObservedObject"] setValue:newString
forKeyPath:[bindDict objectForKey:@"NSObservedKeyPath"]];
On Aug 2, 2009, at 1:32 PM, Steve
NSTextView <- NSText <- NSView <- NSReponder <- NSObject
NSTextField <- NSView <- NSReponder <- NSObject
At runtime if I have access to an instance of NSTextView how can I
address the NSTextField?
I know I should know this but I having a 'moment'...
I have a logging facility built into my application to assist in
troubleshooting from the field.
These 4 lines appear SOMETIMES in user submitted log files:
2009-08-12 10:57:55.383 MyApp[296:20b] .sdef error: (null)
2009-08-12 10:57:55.383 MyApp[296:20b] line number: 2
2009-08-12 10:5
I have a Core Data entity that has a dateCreated and a dateModified -
both NSDates in the object files.
I'd like to construct a predicate that will retrieve all records where
a record's dateModified is greater than that record's dateCreated.
Its deceptively easy to setup something th
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I believe that I was blinded by a build issue in my allegation that
the Predicate Builder mechanism was not giving correct results.
This seems to be working fine now.
I'm glad you have expressed the fragility issue on equivalence - I'll
remember t
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] ;
[dateFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_0];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %z"];
NSDate *myDate = [dateFormatter dateFromString:@"06/27/2008 02:51:52
myDate = 06/27/20
I find if I have a method which returns an NSString for example, that
often, in the interior of that method I will use an NSMutableString to
construct the string I intend to return. My question concerns the
actual final return statement.
Is there ANY reason to choose A over B?
I'm really trying to learn how to write smart fast code.
Code that takes maximum advantage of all of the battle-tested
intelligence built into Cocoa/ObjC2.
Now days with the "halo" and the "JesusPhone", I personally smell an
excellent book opportunity... But enough chit-chat.
I have
I'm looking for some advice on how to code around a Leopard bug
(radar 5905139 & 5599887).
Leopard broke the following:
OSStatus returnCode = TransformProcessType(&psn,
TransformProcessType used to bring a background app to the foreground,
, Steve Cronin wrote:
I'm looking for some advice on how to code around a Leopard bug
(radar 5905139 & 5599887).
Leopard broke the following:
OSStatus returnCode = TransformProcessType(&psn,
TransformProcessType used to bring a b
I'm trying to do something that seems like it should be easy, but I'm
stymied by what I think is a permissions error I don't understand.
I'm trying to run a script using NSTask.
I have the static script stored as a separate file in my bundle.
I have created a folder in my "Applications
Aug 2, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Andrew Farmer wrote:
On 02 Aug 08, at 13:01, Steve Cronin wrote:
I'm trying to do something that seems like it should be easy, but
I'm stymied by what I think is a permissions error I don't
I'm trying to run a script using NSTask.
TransformProcessType(), since the call to SetFrontProcess() is spelled
out as necessary, that my solution will not break nor result in
undesired behavior.
Maybe someone else will find this useful...
Thanks to all,
On Aug 2, 2008, at 6:11 PM, Andrew Merenbach wrote:
On Aug 2, 2008, at 9:
I am trying to simply restart my app. To my dismay, I cannot find a
way to do this in Cocoa.
Please enlighten me if I have failed to understand something!!
After perusing the archives, what makes the most sense to me is to
launch a detached shell that executes a simple AppleScript.
ers/steve/Library/Application Support/XYZ/Scripts/
Restart.unixscript': No such file or directory
NOTE: enlosing in double quote doesn't change the result; nor
obviously does not enclosing the paths in a delimiter at all
Seems like I'm missing something
Thank-you for your
Here's the pretty simple tool I'm trying to create (THANK-YOU Michael
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char dummy;
read(STDIN_FILENO, &dummy, 1);
[NSAutoreleasePool new];
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString
I'm building a tool that I want to allow the user switch 'modes'
either running as a menubar statusItem or as regular dock-based
NOTE: The info.plist has LSUIElement=1.
If the user designates the application to run as regular dock-based
application then, early in sta
I'm building a data driven submenu programmatically.
The submenu appears correctly in the UI with the correct titles but
nothing happens when these items are selected.
submenu build code:
menu1 = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"__"] retain];
[menu1 setAutoenablesItems
On Aug 25, 2008, at 1:20 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:
On Aug 25, 2008, at 12:53 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
I'm building a data driven submenu programmatically.
The submenu appears correctly in the UI with the correct titles but
nothing happens when these items are selecte
OK this behavior has me a little spooked...
This behavior occurs the first time through the method!
I have a breakpoint set at the first line of a method, which happens
to be a NSLog(@"Ready");
As is normal I have my local variable declarations at the beginning of
the method:
style may be only possible with certain C dialects. I use Objective C
++, therefore I’m not sure).
Hope this helps.
On 5.9.2008, at 09:04, Steve Cronin wrote:
OK this behavior has me a little spooked...
This behavior occurs the first time through the method!
I have a breakpo
I'm trying in 10.4+ to implement dragging data from a tableView to the
My problem is probably a dunderhead oversight but I can't see it.
I have NOT subclassed an NSTableView.
In a windowController I do the following in -awakeFromNib:
(myTableView is an Outlet)
I have a horizontal split bar inside of a resizable view -the parent
view grows both horizontally and vertically.
The standard behavior for horizontal split views appears to be that
the the bottom view is grown or shrunk.
(In my testing this is true regardless of the resize attributes
Tiger 10.4.11 -- XC 2.4.1
I'm baffled by an IB error.
Reasonable development has been on-going.
Pretty stringent Build Rules and no errors or warnings.
I decide to do a clean build, torch the app's prefs file and the
CoreData store.
I want to focus on the initial installation phase of
loc" in the Xcode "Run"
Good Luck -
Jon Hess
On Mar 6, 2008, at 10:36 PM, Steve Cronin wrote:
Tiger 10.4.11 -- XC 2.4.1
I'm baffled by an IB error.
Reasonable development has been on-going.
Pretty stringent Build Rules and no errors or warnings.
I decide to
I've finally begun to use XCode3 and I know I need to learn my way
around the new world.
I have an existing Tiger project that I will be shipping under Tiger
but I need to ensure Leopard compatibility.
So I can't convert it to the new world - I just need to be able to
run/debug it.
I am now testing a Tiger application on Leopard and learning the new
Leopard way at the same time.
I admit I have a lot of Leoparding to do!
I use Core Data (SQLite) pretty extensively on Tiger - life is good.
I take the project and run it without any changes to the model or the
When I start XCode3 in Leopard I am seeing the following in
Any ideas on what is going on?
3/18/08 8:27:39 AM Xcode[110] Xcode(110,0xb0103000) malloc:
free_garbage: garbage ptr = 0x2963030, has non-zero refcount = 1
3/18/08 8:27:39 AM Xcode[110] Xcode(110,0xb0103000
etty basic in the Leopard world
but I sure would appreciate a pointer to what that might be!
On Mar 18, 2008, at 2:33 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
I am now testing a Tiger application on Leopard and learning the
new Leopard way at the same time.
I admit I have a lot of Leo
On Tiger, I have an app that has a popup button which allows a user
to make a selection from a supporting array.
Once a new selection is made a collection of images are redraw in a
Has been working reasonably well...
Now sometimes, not consistently, when the selection is made t
I'm trying to build a test case for a DTS support incident regarding
an issue I posted earlier concerning CoreData in Leopard.
I have an existing app which compiles without inicident on both Tiger
& Leopard.
To build the DTS test project, in Leopard I added the data model and
I'm having some difficulty getting consistent contextual menu behavior
in NSTableView.
In the Finder and iTunes (what I feel most users are familiar with) if
a row is selected but the user causes a contextual menu on a different
row then row selection changes.
(I don't want to star
I've seen some inconsistent behavior on AppleScript running under
Here's an example:
NSString *theScript =@"some valid dynamic script text"
NSDictionary *errorDict = [NSDictionary dictionary];
NSAppleScript *appleScriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc]
On Apr 22, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
On Apr 22, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
will OCCASIONALLY crash at the NSAppleEventDescriptor specification:
Are you using NSAppleScript in the main thread? The only time I've
ever seen compiling a script crash was
, at 10:47 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:
I've seen some inconsistent behavior on AppleScript running under
Here's an example:
NSString *theScript =@"some valid dynamic script text"
NSDictionary *errorDict = [NSDictionary dictionary];
Is there a straight Cocoa means to detect the System Preferences/
Universal Access setting for 'Enable access for assistive devices'?
I've found plenty of references on using Applescript to detect this
The Cocoa Assistive API seems pretty extensive but I can't glean a way
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