stand why a supposedly fast enumerator is doing such
a seemingly stupid thing as to get the description of the array each
time around.
Any clues?
Matt Gough
BTW - OS X 10.6.1
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do not post a
Can someone let me know if there is something magical about a file having its
creation date set to:
1946-02-14 08:34:56 +
I am guessing it is a special flag used by Finder to let it know that a file is
busy (since even after a restart a file with such a creation date is shown
Am I
Try duplicating a large file in Finder and do Get Info while it is copying.
On 16 Nov 2009, at 18:20:57, Knut Lorenzen wrote:
> Am 16.11.2009 um 18:16 schrieb Matt Gough:
>> Can someone let me know if there is something magical about a file having
>> its
On 27 Nov 2009, at 01:08:28, Graham Cox wrote:
> Does Objective C support multiple catch blocks, like C++? In other words you
> could do:
> @try
> {
> ...
> }
> @catch( NSException* e)
> {
> // deal with NSException
> }
> @catch(...)
> {
> // deal with any other sort of exception
> }
The e
ut as Steve said, why should it matter?
Matt Gough
On 25 Mar 2010, at 23:22:54, Steve Christensen wrote:
> I'm curious why you need to know where the drag originated since it generally
> shouldn't matter. Do you have to do some extra work in one case? And what
> happens if you
FYI, kMagicBusyCreationDate is 8:34:56am on 14th Feb 1946 (GMT).
When copying an entire folder, it only sets the top-level folder's creation
time to this, not all the sub-items.
I suspect, but haven't tested, that anything going through FSCopyObject
will exhibit the same behaviour.
On 16 Apr 2010, at 09:46:27, Jeremy Pereira wrote:
> On 16 Apr 2010, at 08:22, Graham Cox wrote:
>> Don't.
>> The only app that the user wants to empty the trash is Finder, not yours. If
>> they want it emptied (or emptied securely), they'll go to the Finder and use
>> the menu there. It
On 28 Apr 2010, at 15:37:59, Scott Ribe wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 1:04 AM, Kubernan wrote:
>> Did you try to use NSDateComponents for building your reference date
>> (2001/01/01) such as :
> No, reasonable idea though. But even better, I should have been logging the
> reference date af
I have an observer for a Dist notification in my app. In Lion, my observer
doesn't actually get called until I interact with my app in some way (i.e show
a menu, or click on a window). Until I do that it doesn't get delivered.
I have checked that the notification gets posted when I expect it fro
Thanks, that was exactly the problem
On 7 Sep 2011, at 17:38, Ben Gollmer wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:48 AM, Matt Gough wrote:
>> I have an observer for a Dist notification in my app. In Lion, my observer
>> doesn't actually get called until I interact with
They should have a File type of 'APPL'.
(There are a few other file types that are also used for applications, but I
can't remember them off hand.)
Or you can get launch services to let you know if its an app or not. See LSInfo.
On 16 Sep 2011, at 12:14, Rick C. wrote:
> Hi,
> This mi
Firstly there is no official way to do this, all the solutions you see in the
wild are hacks of one sort or another.
Having said that, I had to implement what you are asking for (overlays on
icons) and did it via SIMBL. Unfortunately I can't share code or say too much
about what what is
you really need NSDecimalNumber support? Seems that doubles are fine for
your needs.
Matt Gough
On 3 Feb 2011, at 16:35, Jerry Krinock wrote:
> -[NSScanner scanDecimal:] takes an average of 4 milliseconds to scan a short
> string of decimal digits, which means tens of seconds for th
I wonder if your memory issues are related to autorelease issues when using
[NSDirectoryEnumerator nextObject:]
If you are using enumeratorAtPath, I suggest doing you loop like this (from
NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator = [[NSFileManag
>> But as the font name "LastResort" is nowhere documented (or is it?), Apple
>> is free to change it to "LionsLastResort" this summer.
I doubt they'd rename it, seems they just extend it as necessary:
I've just been adding code to support NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification. Having
lowered my Computer sleep time right down and left the Mac untouched for
several minutes, my code never fires and the Mac doesn't actually go to sleep.
Even without my app running and leaving the Mac for several hours
On 16 Mar 2011, at 15:32, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 5:37 AM, Matt Gough wrote:
>> So it seems that something else is preventing idle sleep, but I've no idea
>> how to find the culprit. Is there some defaults setting I can use that will
>> log
How about calling just calling [NSWindow
setFrameAutosaveName:@"YourAutosaveName"] during awakeFromNib?
On 28 Apr 2011, at 11:32, Vyacheslav Karamov wrote:
> I can't use Interface builder, because it crashes while opening NIB file. I'm
> currently using XCode 3.2.6, but NIB file was crea
There is some discussion that our cross-platform app should switch to using
WebKit for its UI (using embedded HTML/CSS/JavaScript), instead of the current
divergent code paths of Cocoa on Mac and native Windows stuff on PC. Our app
doesn't have much UI. Just a few configuration panels and error
Does anyone know where I can find the previous version of the ComplexBrowser
example NSBrowser code?
The current version is here:
But I want to look at the version for Mac OS X 10.5
Looking through the examp
Can you not make use of:
"Ignore events generated by this client. For example, an application might want
to watch for changes to a file so that it can reread it, but should not
needlessly reread it if the change to the file was caused by the application
I have a runloop running in an NSThread. In this thread is a timer which fires
every 2 seconds. In the timer, I check [NSThread isCancelled] and if so, stop
the runloop via CFRunLoopStop.
The runloop is run via runUntilDate:distantFuture.
Shouldn't runUntilDate terminate once CFRunLoopStop has
antee that the run loop will exit. Mac OS X can install
> and remove additional input sources as needed to process requests targeted at
> the receiver’s thread. Those sources could therefore prevent the run loop
> from exiting."
> -Jeff
> On Jul 4, 2011, at 11
> As everyone else has been saying, NSWorkspace image for
> type/file APIs and +[NSImage imageNamed:] are the API, and if it isn't
> there, you can file a bug but should use your own artwork. (As it says in
> the NSImage header.)
Even if it isn't available via imageNamed, you might still be able
> But on the FSPathMakeRef line I keep getting the warning that "pointer
> targets in passing argument 1 of 'FSPathMakeRef' differ in signedness."
> Would someone mind telling me why I'm getting this error? Thanks you very
> much!
Because FSPathMakeRef takes a UInt8* as its first parameter,
Unfortunately I don't have a 10.4.x capable Mac to try this on myself, so can
someone please confirm that NSImage will be able to make use of Windows ico
format icons in 10.4.x.
Matt Gough___
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
On 19 Jan 2010, at 09:51:36, Richard wrote:
> OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.7 (9J61)
Maybe he's the only one still using 10.5.7 and some bug that was fixed in
10.5.8 is causing it.
Just a thought
Matt Gough___
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lis
Are you checking that that first event doesn't have the
kFSEventStreamEventFlagHistoryDone flag set?
On 29 Jan 2010, at 12:22:38, Chris Idou wrote:
> It seems like if you pass an explicit event id into FSEventStreamCreate in
> absolutely insists on giving you an immediate callback that so
What symbol should I put a break point on to track down which part of my code
is responsible for trying to autorelease without a pool in place.
i.e, what prints out the "__NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0xc74bc0 of class
NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking" messages.
I t
On 5 Feb 2010, at 09:49:19, Stefan Wolfrum wrote:
> Feb 5 10:45:52 Tigger Twunes[74359]: SetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu() failed
> with error -50
That is paramErr (in MacErrors.h).
Basically you passed an invalid parameter into SetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu
Matt Gough_
Don't know, but maybe 'id' is reserved.
I seem to recall a similar issue with archiving strings that were "NULL" or
"nil" or something.
On 18 Feb 2010, at 11:25:10, Graham Cox wrote:
> I have a structure I'm trying to write as an xml plist. The structure is an
> array of dictionaries, eac
I need to calculate (with an accuracy of 0.1 of a second) a real-time time
interval. This interval should:
1. Not be affected by whether the system has been put to sleep and woken up
while timing. (i.e If I start the timer then sleep the Mac for an hour and wake
it up again, my interval should
Yes, but you should leave the window's alpha at 1.0.
Off top of my head, it goes something like this:
Create a subclass of NSView and set that class as the class for the contentView
of the window (in IB)
Change that class's drawRect to :
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
// Clear the drawin
On 5 Oct 2010, at 15:18:06, Remco Poelstra wrote:
> Op 5-10-2010 16:11, Dave DeLong schreef:
>> Then you have much bigger problems.
> I already thought so :). But I noticed that [NSArray arrayWithCapacity] also
> never returns nil. But I can create a very large array, and I can make it
> big
OK, but please consider providing the user the ability to tap the screen to
skip the splash screen[s]. (e.g See Angry Birds)
On 8 Dec 2010, at 15:50:45, Jason Bobier wrote:
> Hi Glenn,
> This is for a game, which is an exception to this rule.
> Jason
> On Dec 8, 2010, at 9:27 AM,
Not sure its related, but I have noticed that using Finder nowadays to create
an alias of a plain folder results in a 1MB alias file. Seems its also stashing
away a copy of the plain folder icon. (Actually it is stashing two copies, one
in the resource fork for compatibility and one in the data
And as a side note, NSNotFound != kCFNotFound.
This has caught me out a couple of times in code that is dealing with both NS
and CF objects.
On 18 Jan 2011, at 04:58:06, Uli Kusterer wrote:
> On 17.01.2011, at 19:50, Quincey Morris wrote:
>> In a slightly larger, conceptual sense, this mea
I have seen similar hangs in other apps while trying to access recent items
On my Mac I put it down to occasional disk freezing issues quite common on the
model of disk I am using, but maybe its software related after all.
On 15 May 2012, at 00:44, Graham Cox wrote:
> Hi a
On 15 May 2008, at 00:20, Jens Alfke wrote:
Because it would be orders of magnitude slower. Even the property
list parser can read the iTunes library in a few seconds. Extracting
all that information via AppleEvents would certainly take minutes.
Taking that amount of time, it would be subjec
It isn't explicitly mentioning anywhere, but is:
[someImageView setImage:nil];
the correct way to have an empty image view.
Often the Appkit documentation calls out the validity of nil
parameters (e.g [NSActionCell setImage:] and [NSLevelIndicator
setImage:]), so the lack of such a statemen
When the SDK comes out of NDA it would be nice if there were a
separate list for iPhone related issues, otherwise I can imagine this
list being swamped with postings that a lot of us here have no
interest in (since we aren't developing iPhone apps). General
questions about common APIs could
According to
An even simpler way to cause negative values to be displayed in red is
to include the constant [Red] in your format string, as shown in this
I have an action method for a disclosure button :
-(IBAction) toggleText:(id) sender
[self doSomethingUseful];
I now want it to behave slightly differently if the command key was
down when the button was clicked, but can see no 'simple' way to get
the state of the modifier keys
I knew there would be a simple way.
On 20 May 2008, at 14:21, Graham Cox wrote:
[[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags];
On 20 May 2008, at 10:16 pm, Matt Gough wrote:
I have an action method for a disclosure button :
-(IBAction) toggleText:(id) sender
According to the documentation:
This method accepts positive and negative values, excluding 0. The
default value is 0.05.
It seems that 0 is exactly the value I want to use to ensure there is
no tightening. Is the documentation wrong?
On 21 May 2008, at 15:31, Torsten Curdt wrote:
So it also disabled passing values IN ...not just OUT. Why?
Any idea on how to enable paste in NSSecureTextFields?
From a security point of it makes some sense to prevent pasting. You
don't really want people keeping plain text versions of the
On 21 May 2008, at 16:05, Torsten Curdt wrote:
From a security point of it makes some sense to prevent pasting.
You don't really want people keeping plain text versions of their
passwords around. Also, whatever was pasted would be left on the
clipboard. That would be very easy for someone
On 21 May 2008, at 16:06, Torsten Curdt wrote:
If the script can paste into the box and hit the "OK" button I
assume it could also simulate key strokes
No, Its my understanding that the NSSecureTextField is very particular
about how it will get its input. i.e You can't use the Acces
Maybe you could set up a timer to run once every second or so that
checks the pasteboard's changeCount. Not sure there is an explicit
notification of changes.
On 22 May 2008, at 14:08, Adil Saleem wrote:
Actually i want my application to be notified whenever
there is a new text copied/
On 22 May 2008, at 14:18, Graham Cox wrote:
Do read this:
(by the way, does pasting the file URL
10 Jun 2008, at 11:21, Ken Tozier wrote:
My app opens several palettes and uses the following line to store
the palette positions
[[self window] setFrameAutosaveName: @""];
I ran into a problem with the stored size and want to flush the old
prefs and start over. Where are these types
Safari's history.
Matt Gough
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)
Help/Unsubscribe/Update yo
On 11 Jun 2008, at 03:09, Jens Alfke wrote:
That way you won't run into the issue that NSArray objects can't
contain empty (nil) elements...
Another thing that is often overlooked by Cocoa newbies is that you
can add NSNull to NSArray objects (and other collection objects)
MyObj* a
27;Other Linker
flags' in the target. For libzlib, you would use -lz
I think the reason for this is to avoid hard-coded dependancies on a
particular version of the library.
Matt Gough
P.S - Yes, this should really be on the xcode list, not here.
On 11 Jun 2008, at 16:48, Jens Alfke wrote:
You can avoid that by adding the library file that doesn't have a
version number in it, i.e. "libz.dylib" not "libz.1.2.3.dylib". This
is a symlink that always points to the current version, and it's the
same file the linker would use if you adde
On 27 Jun 2008, at 3:30pm, Uli Kusterer wrote:
If you read the documentation closely, you'll see that it would be
perfectly valid to implement this method so the string goes away
when the original (non-uppercase) string is released.
Hmmm, not sure I'd read it that way (depending on what yo
On 8 Jul 2008, at 6:24am, Phil wrote:
However, I would urge you not to mess around with the user's volume
control, even you think it is an "emergency"---the user may feel very
differently. Your application should play an alert sound, and trust
that the user's system output volume and alert volu
On 8 Jul 2008, at 1:52pm, Andreas Mayer wrote:
Am 08.07.2008 um 12:46 Uhr schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
2. Bring up an alert and after a set amount of time without the
user responding to it, then start making things louder.
If I mute the sound, I don't want to hear a thing, even if th
I know this issue has cropped up before (probably on the Quartz list).
Have your searched its archives?
A simple answer to this sort of question involves painting the path
into a bitmap and hunting for the boundary
On 8 Jul 2008, at 2:16pm, Graham Cox wrote:
I need to know
You can do this (and a lot of other stuff not covered by NSWorkspace )
with a CarbonEvent handler on kEventClassApplication,
On 9 Jul 2008, at 5:44pm, Jens Alfke wrote:
On 9 Jul '08, at 3:22 AM, Александр Даровских wrote:
Is there any way to subscribe to
On 10 Jul 2008, at 5:16pm, Matt Neuburg wrote:
Copy and paste is pretty easy:
EventHandlerUPP handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(appSwitched);
InstallApplicationEventHandler (handlerUPP, 1, &eventType, self,
Sounds like you want to use [NSColor colorWithPatternImage] and use
that as the fill color.
On 14 Jul 2008, at 4:48pm, David Harper wrote:
I'm hoping to find a way to fill an NSBezierPath with a bitmap
pattern of arbitrary size - probably something like 32x32. It will
be a 2
On 17 Jul 2008, at 1:41pm, em wrote:
Every computer that Apple sells contains both fire-wire as well as
built-in Ethernet. Is there any generally re-useable technique
(API?) for utilizing
TCP/IP over both the built-in Ethernet connection as well as 'TCP-IP
over firewire' for high-speed ne
On 22 Jul 2008, at 4:50pm, em wrote:
And by the way, do you always answer a
question with another question? Isn't that bizarre?
I don't know; is it?
(Sorry couldn't resist :) )
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
On 11 Sep 2008, at 14:49, Frank Illenberger wrote:
I breaked at objc_addExceptionHandler and it gets called a lot. Here
are some example traces:
I guess this is normal behavior as these are regular cocoa calls.
But why does this consume so much CPU time?
Dunno, maybe now t
On 12 Sep 2008, at 10:17, Daniel Luis dos Santos wrote:
Hello !
I have an objective C class and want to call a method on a class in C
++. As argument to the C++ class is a map instance of the STL.
The ObjC class definition is on a file with a mm extension.
I have std::map *var as a member v
On 30 Sep 2008, at 08:07, Chris Idou wrote:
Does anyone know how OS-X and/or the Finder treats files without an
If I have a plain text file without an extension, then changing the
program that opens txt files will make it change for plain text
files without an extension.
On 4 Mar 2008, at 18:43, Alexander Cohen wrote:
Whats the best way to get an NSString from a wstring?
This is what I do:
@interface NSString (wstring_additions)
+(NSString*) stringWithwstring:(const std::wstring&)string;
-(std::wstring) getwstring;
@implementation NSString (wstri
Maybe you aren't looking in their localized resource folders?
On 11 Mar 2008, at 18:08, James Hober wrote:
In the Finder, when I open up my app's package, I find all my nib
files and other resources. If I open the package of an Apple app,
some nibs and other resources are in there, b
Some points of interest:
1. vm_allocate(size=1069056) - Is each of your 'thousands and
thousands of records' this large? If so then it is no wonder that you
will run out of address space after a couple of thousand (on 32-bit)
2. If not, then after you have parsed each record, are you sure
OK, so where is that documented then? As I said, the CFBoolean
says not a word about it:
By contrast, every other toll-free bridged CF class I can think of
explicitly do
On 1 Apr 2008, at 14:40, Leslie Smith wrote:
I'm sure I'm missing something.
Yes. An understanding of Autorelease pools (and presumably Cocoa
memory management in general)
The unoptimal way to fix your m
On 3 Apr 2008, at 13:29, Graham Cox wrote:
Using -valueForKeyPath, returning an id.
Is there an easy way to convert whatever is into a common form
(a string, in my case), or do I have to have a huge switch statement
that checks the class and calls different code for each kind to
On 8 Apr 2008, at 11:33, Jere Gmail wrote:
I'm looking for a way to switch parameters order in order to use the
same parameters for different languages.
something like
NSString string1=@"you"
NSString string1=@"hello"
NSString str=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2 %1", string1,string2];
will mak
On leopard or later, you can just do:
[[[NSApplication sharedApplication] dockTile] setBadgeLabel:[[NSNumber
numberWithInt:42] stringValue]];
to put 42 as a badge
On 8 Apr 2008, at 14:06, Adam P Jenkins wrote:
See [NSApplication setApplicationIconImage: (NSImage*)]. This
changes th
I'd second that. The OS (well, Finder) also adds things to the
resource fork of files (custom icons, info about which app to open a
file with when you changed it from the default etc). Just as long as
you respect the existing contents this is exactly where you should put
your data.
On 23
maybe some future update to
NSTableView will break this.
2. Whenever I think I am being far too cunning it usually means I have
overlooked a much simpler way to do what I want.
Does anyone else have any suggestions
Matt Gough
On 30 Apr 2008, at 11:24, Trygve Inda wrote:
If the compression is successful, and I later release the (compressed)
NSData, buffer is still around, right?
No, from the documentation for + (id)dataWithBytes: length:
"The returned object takes ownership of the bytes pointer and frees it
on de
On 30 Apr 2008, at 12:35, Trygve Inda wrote:
So why the need for + dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone: ?
It would seem that if freeWhenDone is YES, these are identical calls?
Because sometimes you might want to use NO. i.e maybe its a non-
malloced buffer that you want to treat as NSDa
Or you could go with:
-(IBAction) Generate:(id) sender
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSImage* tempSource = [[[NSImage alloc]
initWithContentsOfFile:sPath[i]] autorelease];
// autorelease tempSour
ing it over the custom cell subclass
method? I need to support 10.4 and later so alas NSCollectionView is a
no-go. I assume that you have real-world code running in real software
that uses SubviewTableViewCell. Have you had any issues with it that
On 14 May 2008, at 16:52, Keith Duncan wrote:
The only problem however is that iTunes periodically replaces this
file, if this were to happen whilst I have the original mapped,
would my app crash? Essentially, whilst I have the file open, will
it remain readable?
Well, if iTunes is alre
On 16 Dec 2008, at 15:25, Dave wrote:
In response to this I was advised to use PackageMaker in order to
create an Installer, which would in turn suppress the Security
dialogs. So I built an installer but I can't get it to install the
folder containing file, so far I have only managed to ge
On 16 Dec 2008, at 13:54, Dave wrote:
I don't install files into that folder, my application writes files
to that location (by default, the user can change it) once
installed. From the above document:
"It is important to remember that the user domain (/Users) is
intended for files created
ewhere on the disk:
4a. In Components, turn off the Allow Relocation checkbox
5. Build and Run
That's it
My guess is that for Step 3, you just had /Applications. That's what I
had the first time I tried it and everything did indeed get put
you could ask the same question on Carbon-Dev. At
least one Finder engineer hangs out there.
Matt Gough
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Contact the moderator
On 16 Jan 2009, at 10:33, wrote:
What are you doing that could throw an exception? After all,
exceptions are used to indicate programmer error, and are expensive to
throw. Something tells me that you shouldn't be worrying about
exceptions in your drawing code to begin wi
*)sortedArrayUsingFunction: context: hint:
- (NSData *)sortedArrayHint
Matt Gough
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list.
Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at
On 20 Jan 2009, at 09:10, Reza Farhad wrote:
The Problem is that the exception is occurring within the Apple
call, so there is no way for me to break into it.
Also I have tried to catch it locally but it get propagated to
uncaught exceptions.
Break on objc_exception_throw. Investig
I have an NSButton subclass which sets the cursor to the
pointingHandCursor whenever the mouse is over it. This button is in an
NSPanel (Utility-styled).
@implementation PointingHandButton
[self addCursorRect:[self bounds] cursor:[NSCursor
indow hides.
Matt Gough
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list.
Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)
On 26 Jan 2009, at 18:12, Nick Rogers wrote:
- (NSString*)suggestedRepeatFileName:(NSString *)fileName inDir:
(HDIR *)dir
// some code here
NSString *fileNameReturned = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",
return fileNameReturned;
Is there any problem with th
lar to Oleg and also gave
up trying to accomplish the same thing over a background that was not
under the control of the text drawing code.
Another option is just to use a straight clip, instead of fade or
truncate. If you resize Mail's Size column you will see that this is
what i
On 29 Jan 2009, at 11:13, Stefano Pigozzi wrote:
Is there a way to display "half ratings" with NSLevelIndicator? For
example having a rating of 4.5 would correspond to 4 stars and a
half. It would be cool because I have to display some ratings on a
scale from 0 to 10.
Not trie
On 13 Feb 2009, at 10:00, Chunk 1978 wrote:
if ((![currentDesktopBackgroundImage isEqualToString:firstPath]) ||
(![currentDesktopBackgroundImage isEqualToString:secondPath]))
//Go South
lets assume that currentDesktopBackgrou
I just looked and it is there. Open that page and search for -6.
On 16 Feb 2009, at 11:53, Graham Cox wrote:
I did look there first thing. I don't see that option or that text.
On 10 Oct 2008, at 11:48, Daniel Kennett wrote:
// Allocate a buffer.
void *buffer = malloc(length);
// Fill the buffer with the requested bytes.
[_data getBytes:buffer range:NSMakeRange(streamPosition, length)];
Are you sure that buffer has actually been created? Maybe you are
olume /
kEventVolumeUnmounted carbon events would do what you need. This will
tell you the cRefNum of the unmounted volume (once again though after
it had gone).
Matt Gough
* kEventClassVolume / kEventVolumeUnmounted
* Summary:
*An existing volume has been unmounted (or media ej
On 27 Oct 2008, at 12:30, Gregory Weston wrote:
The documentation you attached included a caveat that the volume
reference number I'd receive isn't useful for anything except
comparison against cached data. Can't use FSGetVolumeInfo.
The assumption being that you already have a cache of vR
You can do this using the Accessibility APIs. (I know I've done it)
Unfortunately I no longer have access to the source code of the ap I
did it in, but its not too tricky.
Once you have read up on Accessibility, you just want to change the
kAXMinimizedAttribute of an AXWindow.
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