gner, regardless of whether
it is of type id or not.
This will not break anyone's code as most legacy code that required id-typed
ivars to be visible in IB doesn't use visibility specifiers.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
anyone accidentally
assigning over it in IB.
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Hi Paul
Le 13 mars 2010 à 12:12, Paul Sanders a écrit :
> Try:
> #define PRIVATE_ID id
> ...
> PRIVATE_ID myPrivateiVar;
Hmmm, messy. I much prefer the developer tools to respect the visibility
specifier. :-)
Joanna Car
using id is because I want to hold a delegate and call methods on
it without compiler warnings. Or have I got the wrong idea there?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Hi Alexander
> Yes your idea is wrong.
> You are free to specify NSObject *delegate;
Great. I've learnt so much but there is still so much more to learn :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list
m really enjoying putting my
OO design expertise to work writing code for a decent OS rather than for (sshh,
you know who :-) )
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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t is as good as state as
any to leave the app in, displaying something like a table view. So, what is
wrong with just returning to the browsing view?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
g and
object. AFAICT, you need to take two different approaches. The tutorial is
available at
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
urceListController fetch:nil] to ensure that the original browsing list
is not just refreshed but that the sort descriptors are honoured to include the
new object.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-d
merge changes on the original context.
Changes are being saved back to the original MOC and the NSTableView is being
updated correctly when the editing form closes.
The only thing that I can't get to work is to update the NSTableView when I
call Undo after the saved edit.
Joanna C
e main MOC, when
the change has only been saved to the secondary MOC and merged to the main one?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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e you've called save: on the MOC there is no (automatic) going
But, now I know what does and doesn't happen, I have a cunning plan...
I'll let you know when I get it sorted.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
her ideas please?
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ly way around this is to insert an editing
object in a secondary MOC, then, upon saving, insert a second object in the
main MOC, copy the properties over from the editing object to the object in the
main MOC, before rolling back the inserted object in the secondary MOC.
Wow!!! that is a whole
roller fetch:nil];
// close the dialog
[sheet orderOut:self];
// clear temporary object from controller
[wordController setContent:nil];
Of course, this doesn't account for 1..N relationships, but it certainly works
with N..1.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
ng the content of an NSObjectController
after editing?
Customer *editedCustomer = [self.customerController content];
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Hi Fabian
> Is it possible to prevent a window from hiding when NSApp is hidden, so it
> always stays on screen? I only want the menu bar to go away.
Simply uncheck the "Hide on Deactivate" option for the window in IB.
Joanna Carter
monstrate that you might want to access the object
that is the content of an NSObjectController, as that my be the only way to
determine which object is being edited.
Or am I missing your point? :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
es mean populating the dictionary before editing
and then shoving it into the object controller, then doing the reverse after
Unless, I bind the controls directly to the dictionary?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev ma
eadaches.. There may be only one modal window at a time,
> isn't it?
I think you are used to Windows programming. Cocoa modal sheets are modal to
the owning form, not the whole app.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev ma
oller but, to work with the
tree itself. If the data is retrieved from a Core Data store, you can mark each
item with a "Valid" property and use a predicate on the fetch.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list
at a time. Simply specify a property and
bind the NSTextFields to that.
@interface MyClass
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *aTextValue;
@implementation MyClass
@synthesize aTextValue;
With the later versions of the compiler, you don't even need to specify an
d class, you need a KVO compliant property instead,
otherwise the notifications of change will not get sent to the observing object.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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asses for an iPhone app.
Can I ask what is considered the best route to go?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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We really can't tell too much from the built app bundle - the nibs are compiled
and cannot be opened and the source files for the controller are not there.
The app runs here - Macbook Pro OS X 10.6.3 French. British English and (US)
ing imbedding an SQLite database into my application,
> but wasn't sure if I could use core data some how.
Since Core Data uses SQLite, why not go that route?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@li
licated, just
> the document specific data.
You can have multiple Core Data stores, each with a different storage mechanism.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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del, but this is not
true for programatic changes. The MVC pattern and bindings work when you change
the value in the model programatically, not the text field. As long as the
property in the model is KVO compliant, the text field will follow the changes
to the property.
Joanna Carter
xt field
is bound.
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Carter Consulting
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guess is that you have a resource that know how to update its state and that
change in state is observed by the controller/UI. However, you also want to be
able to provide a user with an update button, in case they want to ensure that
the state is up to date between automatic refreshes. In whic
you write your own caching, I doubt if you are going to
get what you want without saving.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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ny:(NSSet *)value;
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use an NSDictionary?
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se the following code to update the
object to be stored:
//assume your object to be stored is called originalObject
[originalObject setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:self.editingValues];
> I hope it is a bit clearer, despite my rusty English.
I speak French if that helps? :-)
Hi Jack
> Good question. I believe a simple release/autorelease will do.
If the object has been created by inserting into the context, then it would
have to be removed from the contrext.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Hi Jack
> Right, but we were talking about passing in nil as the context when
> creating the object, so there's no context to remove it from.
That's interesting. I have never tried using a nil context. Something more to
add to my knowledge repository :-)
Thank you
dans une langue étrangère, ça c'est beaucoup plus difficile :-)
Si je m'étais trompé en traduction, n'hésites pas de m'avertir.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Hi Vincent
> nice, thanks a lot for talking some time explaining me this.
De rien.
> Your French is almost perfect, congratulations!; far superior to my own
> English.
I am glad my lack of skill in technical French didn't get in the way :-)
Joanna Carter
lationships, without the need to
work with a secondary context, as well as not affecting any UI components that
might be displaying the original list.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
would agree, in that case, it could be equally valid. The only other benefit
I have found in using a dictionary, with the category, is the simplicity of
copying the state to and from the original object.
But, I wouldn't make a doctrine out of it :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulti
in count (by honest means) drop
> below 2. Is this normal expected behavior?
The docs state that the MOC retains a reference to the MO until it is saved, so
with the reference you are holding, that should make 2.
Joanna Carter
Hi Matt
> I see now, however, *why* the compiler is silent: it's because it weren't,
> it would be too chatty. I turned on -Wselector and got 114 warnings... :)
You too eh? Wow, was that a surprise - my tutorial project gave me 3679!!!
Joanna Carter
ips fetched from the MOC, without
affecting the display of any other array controllers.
I have a tutorial that uses this approach. Would it help if I sent it to you?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lis
y this :
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Certainly you can use IB. Simply copy the model file and associated code to the
second project.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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a single project.
My apologies. I had my Visual Studio head on when I wrote that. You are, of
course, absolutely right.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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e id* as the return type, it should be simply id.
- (id) init
if (self = [super init])
// rest of initialisation
return self;
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
thods are just as dynamic as instance methods.
> So the adjective "static" is inapplicable.
Unfortunately, "static" seems to have developed a mind of its own :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing li
ight code generation to
"emulate" virtual class methods.
I must admit, virtual constructors and class methods, available in Delphi, were
something I missed in C#, and am glad to be back in more friendly territory.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Hi Kyle
> As they say, it's not a new version of the C without an additional
> definition of "static"!
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Le 11 mai 2010 à 12:36, steven Hooley a écrit :
> Not really valid, given xcode doesn't support code coverage.
Try Googling "Xcode code coverage"
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-d
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"UpImage"];
- (void) setDownImage:(NSImage *) _image
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"DownImage"];
[[self cell] setDownImage:_image];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"DownImage"];
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Le 11 mai 2010 à 20:45, Joanna Carter a écrit :
Sorry, the case of the property names is wrong in my code.
Assuming the properties are called cornerSize, upImage and downImage:
- (void) setCornerSize:(NSSize) _size
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"cornerSize"];
[[self cell] set
using it for at least 15
years and see no reason for changing now :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Contact the mod
> willChangeValueForKey: and didChangeValueForKey: when mutating properties via
> key-value coding and key-value coding compliant methods."
I understand that but Aaron seemed to be saying that his setters weren't
causing notifications, which is why I suggested the manual pa
at is complaining that...
> -[NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x20001ab40
I have just copy/pasted your code into a test project, in which I did the same
thing. All I did was change the entity and property names to match my model,
and everything works fine.
ons and they are disabled, this can also be a
> reason why.
Thank you for one of those superb little gems that can save so much time. I
have filed it away under one of those things to remember before starting to
tear my hair out :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
s to the Finder toolbar!! Thanks.
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ean out the Build folder before zipping and sending it :-)
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Carter Consulting
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Contact the mode
tion code to the awakeFromNib method. This is
called after the Nib is fully loaded.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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open the xib of slovak lang it says 'slovensky" so
> the code its being detected.
> MMM now I wonder if I have the localization installed...
If you can change the OS language to French and restart any of the Apple apps
in French, then that doesn't sound likely.
Send me
Hi Gustavo
> Joanna hello. here is the app.
I cannot get the Slovak localisation to work either. But, then I read that the
localisation is not included in Snow Leopard by default and I don't want to
have to buy the licence for it.
Sorry about that.
Joanna Carter
Carter Co
from the
bundle. Maybe someone else knows better :-)
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Carter Consulting
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Noted. Thank you.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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endButton = nil;
nameLabel = nil;
numberLabel = nil;
myModel = nil;
[super dealloc];
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Hi Sherm
> If you set the ivars directly, as above, the synthesized setters will
> NOT be called. For that to happen, you need to use dot-syntax, like
> this:
You are absolutely right. I keep slipping back to previous languages :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter C
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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tly, self->myFoo is capable of reaching the synthesised ivar.
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@interface Sub : Base
int i;
This code demonstrates what I would understand by overwriting, and it fails to
compile. Although, it should be possible to redeclare such private ivars, it
certainly is in C# and Delphi.
iscussion evolved. Overwriting is just something
that I would never imagine a decent compiler allowing, which is why I tended to
avoid being thought of as stupid to assume it was possible.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailin
Inspector for the array controller, expand the Managed Object Context
section and bind to the File's Owner and the name of the MOC property that you
declared, as the Model Key Path.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing
not very well written) example, but
you should get the idea that any code that talks to the MOC can be located in
the Controller and accessed from the View via a delegate.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Can anyone tell me if Cocoa provides a ready made framework for accessing NNTP,
or is there a third-party framework that is recommended?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do not
of a nifty editor, and remember
> saying to
> myself, "Gosh, here we go again, competition is catching up with Apple with a
> 10
> years delay. They've just reinvented NIB files"
NIB (or XIB) files are not singletons, or do I misinterpret what you are
Hi Vincent
> Thanks Kyle. As I said (privately) to Graham...
No you didn't. I got that message with the list in the CC field. :-)
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do
omatically be set to the same name as the
entity. Then all you have to do is to select those entities in the designer and
select File|New File… menu item to generate the Managed Object Classes for the
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
more than one way to tackle this folder management
and others may have their own opinions.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Hi Sean
I tried this and found that most of its functionality is already present in
Also, the Autocustomize Entity Classes script doeszn't work in later versions
of Xcode.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev ma
The problem I have is that specifying NSViewWidthSizable as part of the
resizing mask means that the parent form can no longer resize.
Have I missed something simple?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Once I recreated the NIB from scratch, everything worked as expected.
I have come across this kind of problem, where the NIB seems to get corrupted
or something, before. Is it a well known problem?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
itself and can simply be called without having to go through any
gymnastics to get the target object. Isn't this what IMPs do?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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onary wrapper class and that that the wrapper class
returns a valid (typesafe) instance with the three delegates available.
I really am going to have to do some more reading to find out if and when I
might want to use an IMP.
Thank you
and shall remember it
for future use. IMO, this is truly the next best thing to a delegate (as it is
known in C#).
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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y take
the protocol/method approach.
In addition to pointing me to NSInvocation, you have lifted the mist from my
eyes as to how NSUndoManager can work.
Once again, many thanks.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing li
ors -- what's not clean about that?).
There is certainly a design problem here. Why would two different callers
expect a different result from a property, when one of those results is going
to be nil?
If one of the callers is expecting nil returned, why both
m/to something else that
should contain the tag value, then what about using a variation of the Visitor
design pattern?
Are you creating something from the event, or an event from something else? Can
you let us see an idea of the two classes involved?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Xcode.pdf and
would value feedback on whether 1. I am on the right track, 2. there is already
a better tutorial on this.
Many thanks
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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d is used elsewhere?
> Would it be correct that mutating the original string in its list should
> modify the value that had been passed on to a different context? Maybe yes,
> maybe no. There's a small can of worms lurking there.
Oh yes, plenty of worms :-) But that's what you en
Hi Quincey
> Use 'will/didChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey:'.
Now how did I miss that? :-)
The trouble is, when you have spent years learning Delphi's VCL, then even more
years learning the.NET libraries, the brain starts to get a bit crammed :-)
Joanna Carter
p in IB.
> All those things you basically got for "free" in Delphi by dropping down a
> component and double clicking on it.
Yes, I've already done that in presentations and articles for the UK Developers
> --corbin
> (known in the Delphi world about
t always helps to pass on good information.
I just need to spend even more time getting into the Cocoa way.
Thanks again
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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essible from all these different
> files?
Simply place it in a separate header file, in the project, and #import that
file into whichever implementation files you need to use it.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
called, I'm back in instance#1 without any knowledge about the value of
> NSTextfield of instance#2.
The way I would usually handle this would be to add an extra -init method,
which takes the object as a parameter, to the controller class, and hold the
object in a private ivar in the contr
ion with going to all the trouble of creating a singleton
rather than using the "static class" approach?
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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o that any reference
to the derived singleton is implicitly also a reference to the base singleton?
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is just a matter of adding/modifying class files in
the templates folder to make this happen every time?
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Hi Greg
> A narrow technical reason: Objective-C's type system is limited when it comes
> to class objects. Singleton instances are better supported.
Do you mean in that static fields are not supported, or something else?
Joanna Carter
e and setup
return managedObjectContext;
This can then be accessed from other code as…
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [StaticClass managedObjectContext];
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
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he Controller Key.
I think the problem is in the value transformer; could you post your code?
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array? Hmmm, now I'm going to have to try that out :-)
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