Re: KVO on Distributed Objects with exception handling.

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Lee
On Sep 7, 2009, at 21:45 , Edward Chan wrote: Great... How long ago did you ask the Apple engineers? I haven't tried this piece of code with Snow Leopard actually... This was back in February, I was probably testing on Leopard. The difference between what you and I tried was that I used - b

Re: KVO on Distributed Objects with exception handling.

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Lee
On Sep 7, 2009, at 20:02 , Edward Chan wrote: Hello, I'm using KVO on a Distributed Object, and I am binding my UI controls based on the observer. Hi, not much of constructive help from me I'm afraid, just a warning. I also did the same thing once, and the reaction from Apple engineers w

Re: CCCrypt()

2010-06-24 Thread Graham Lee
yptorCreate 001064b3 T _CCCryptorCreateFromData 00106446 T _CCCryptorFinal 00106466 T _CCCryptorGetOutputLength 0006fb93 T _CCCryptorRelease 00106486 T _CCCryptorReset 0006f06d T _CCCryptorUpdate Which SDK are you linking against? Graham. -- Graham Lee http:/

Re: Re : Proper way to initialize application support file

2010-02-18 Thread Graham Lee
n the > application folder > to anybody. > > Is there another way to do this ? You could _distribute_ them in the app bundle, then copy the files to ~/Library/Application Support/com.yourcompany.yourapp/ when it is first launched. Use and change the deployed copies from then on. C

Re: Looking for info on anti-piracy and trial-mode techniques for my app . . .

2010-02-24 Thread Graham Lee
bad can find the issues. Good people fix 'em. Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Coming soon - Professional Cocoa Application Security ___ Coco

Re: Looking for info on anti-piracy and trial-mode techniques for my app . . .

2010-02-24 Thread Graham Lee
On 25 Feb 2010, at 01:41, Greg Parker wrote: > On Feb 24, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Graham Lee wrote: >> On 24 Feb 2010, at 22:57, Michael A. Crawford wrote: >>> Part of your response suggests that if there was an existing framework that >>> was openly available, it wouldn&#

Re: Looking for info on anti-piracy and trial-mode techniques for my app . . .

2010-02-24 Thread Graham Lee
that's not foolproof either :-( Graham. -- Graham Lee Pre-order now! - Professional Cocoa Application Security

[meet] cocoaheads Swindon tonight!

2009-07-06 Thread Graham Lee
aking about WebKit. As always there'll also be general NSDiscussion, and the occasional pint of beer. Hope to see you there, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Mac Software Engineer tel: +44 1235 540266 SOPHOS - simply secure Sophos Plc, The Pentagon

Re: Clarification on accessors? (was: Yet another memory management question)

2009-07-08 Thread Graham Lee
ing those methods (it either hasn't yet entered it's "initial" state or is transitioning out of its "final" state). If your accessors rely on the internal state of the object being "normal", they could blow up when called in these methods. Cheers, Graham.

Re: what is this currency symbol?

2009-07-21 Thread Graham Lee
cognize. Anybody know what the "ยค" is, and how I can get "$" back > as the default? > That's the "generic currency symbol". Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Mac Software Engineer tel: +44 1235 540266 SOPHOS - simply secure Sophos Plc, The Pent

Re: [iPhone] Data protection clarification needed.

2010-08-02 Thread Graham Lee
/conceptual/iphoneosprogrammingguide/RuntimeEnvironment/RuntimeEnvironment.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH2-SW1 Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Author - Professional Cocoa Application Security http://www.amazo

Re: Best Practice for Returning Immutable Objects?

2008-06-03 Thread Graham . Lee
ells the ObjC runtime what class the instance is. I.e. given an NSMutableData *foo: (NSData *)foo "is a" NSMutableData (NSObject *)foo "is a" NSMutableData (id) foo "is a" NSMutableData Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Tel: 01235

Re: Running a daemon

2008-06-18 Thread Graham . Lee
(you probably want [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]). Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Tel: 01235 540266 (Direct) Web: Sophos - Security and Control Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3

[meeting] CocoaHeads Swindon, Monday August 4th

2008-07-30 Thread graham . lee
site: See you* there! * [cocoaDevSubscribers intersectSet: peopleLivingNearSwindon]; Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Tel: 01235 540266 (Direct) Web: Sophos - Security and Control Sophos Plc, Th

[meeting] Swindon, UK: upcoming cocoaheads

2008-08-28 Thread graham . lee
Hi all, September's CocoaHeads Swindon will be at the Glue Pot pub, at 20:00 BST on Monday 1st September. As ever, the website for more information is: See (some of) you there! Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, S

Re: Design Question: Bindings & Custom Views

2008-08-28 Thread graham . lee
but also means you directly use the model class. An example of that approach is NSAttributedString(AppKitAdditions). Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Tel: 01235 540266 (Direct) Web: Sophos - Security and Control Sophos

Re: Open-source NSToolbar?

2008-04-08 Thread Graham . Lee
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 2008-04-07 17:47:30: > I'm looking for an open-source NSToolbar-like toolbar implementation... > do any exist? I haven't found any yet. has one :-) Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Macintosh S

Re: How is "Apple + Ctrl + D" implemented?

2008-04-28 Thread Graham . Lee
ence/reference.html Should fit the bill ;-) Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Tel: 01235 540266 (Direct) 01235 559933 (Reception) Web: Sophos - security and control Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP,

Re: More - Safari Download Security Alerts

2008-12-15 Thread Graham Lee
l Particularly the 'udifrez' command. Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, United Kingdom. Co

Re: More - Safari Download Security Alerts

2008-12-16 Thread Graham Lee
ptions] image Attaches resources (software license agreements, for example) to a disk image. Hope that helps, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park,

Re: More - Safari Download Security Alerts

2008-12-17 Thread Graham Lee
of a problem. You can use a VolumeCheck script as described in the Apple developer documentation for installer packages to restrict which volumes the package can be installed to. In general, you'll have more luck with installer questions in Cheers, Graham. -- Graham

Re: Using the security framework

2009-01-07 Thread Graham Lee
pass it to the helper - the helper then only performs privileged operations if it agrees that it has received the authorisation. Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, A

Re: Security With Show Package Contents?

2009-01-12 Thread Graham Lee
in replacements for their legitimate antecedents. But I'm pretty sure that while it's possible people will do it, even if the pay-off were to disappear :-( Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 Sophos Plc, The

Re: Security With Show Package Contents?

2009-01-12 Thread Graham Lee
ileged operations. Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, United Kingdom. Company Reg No 2096520.

Re: Question about the Foundation Framework

2009-02-19 Thread Graham Lee
, NSTemporaryDirectory() should be somewhere like: /var/folders/6G/6GtcG4aOHt0FanslHMn1Hk+++TI/-Tmp-/ which includes the security session ID in the path. That means that even if the same user is running your Foundation code multiple times in different login sessions, they won't be able to clobber

Re: One IBAction, multiple results from multiple methods

2009-02-26 Thread Graham Lee
p > switch (tag) > { > case IDC_CUT: > ... > case IDC_COPY: > ... > case IDC_PASTE: > ... > } You could call it a SELector. Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 Sophos Pl

Re: Mutable arrays

2008-10-20 Thread graham . lee
roject like that in a previous job, where we had a requirement to process thousands of things/sec and our existing solution was capable of tens/sec. Rather than see what we could eke out of our solution, we went back to the whiteboard and optimised the design. In that case, this was not a foolis

Re: Lack of Initializers or Factory Methods

2008-11-03 Thread graham . lee
ich is is for each factory > method. > File bugs :-) Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Tel: 01235 540266 (Direct) Web: Sophos - Security and Control Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, United

Re: Number of Files on Volume

2008-11-26 Thread Graham Lee
ct f_ffree to find the number of nodes which are occupied. Also, you need to test that neither of these numbers is -1, as some filesystems don't support telling you that stuff. Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Macintosh Software Engineer, Sophos Plc. +44 1235 540266 http://www.soph

Re: C string constant->NSString constant without defining twice?

2009-04-28 Thread Graham Lee
switching on the same box? Both apps are using the same temporary data... Cheers, Graham. -- Graham Lee Senior Mac Software Engineer tel: +44 1235 540266 SOPHOS - simply secure Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, United Kin