Hi all,
In my current development project, I have numerous dots that will be
moved around periodically, each connected by a line.
The dots are represented as CALayers, with the "contents" set to a
simple 20x20 dot, and they are moved around by animating the
"position" property.
The conn
Hi all,
I've been unable to find anything on this through Google searches...
I'm building for x86_64 on Snow Leopard.
I have a window containing a view whose layer has two sublayers, set
up like this:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[self setWantsLayer:YES] ;
About the only thing that I'd recommend is that the "static" be inside
the +sharedSingleton method so that you aren't able to take the cheap-
way-out and call that variable directly in other class methods before
it's created.
For the rest of it: it seems to follow Apple's patterns - for
Hi all,
I've been trying to make a class to record CALayers and their
animations to QuickTime movies.
I've only found two ways to do this:
Poll and renderInContext
I can have a timer running at some rate, and I use that to tell the
layer's presentationLayer renderInContext:(someBitmapCon
(Note: I apologize for not having this nicely formatted. My previous
message - 8kB over the size limit - was rejected because it was too
large, so I had to remove the extra HTML)
I have a CAKeyframeAnimation that simply will not work.
I have a layer. When I apply a CABasicAnimation to it, i
last object being set as exactly 0 and 1, but still nothing
On 1 Oct 2009, at 3:05 PM, David Duncan wrote:
On Oct 1, 2009, at 2:45 PM, Christopher J Kemsley wrote:
The output, from the print statements, to show that it has VALID
values, is:
2009-10-01 13:11:00.887 Whose
Hmm I have a few comments:
It look like you're seeing the superposition of two problems that look
like one:
1) The status bar is covering up the very top of your view in the sim
2) The bottom button is 20px further from the bottom in the sim
The interface builder likes to make views defaul
I'm not sure how to begin this, so I'll start off with what I have.
What I have:
Device A and Device B.
Device A is connected to the internet (at address The Address, and has
port The Port routed to it for instance)
Device B is also connected to the internet, but is not on the same
This is just a quick question for anyone who may know (or, at least I
hope it's quick)
If I declare a port:
port = [ [NSSocketPort alloc] initRemoteWithTCPPort:portNumber
host:hostName ] ;
And use it with an NSConnection, it works.
If I use that same port in any other way (such as NSFile
Hi all,
I'm looking to write a program to run in the background and do the
• Listen for Event A
• If Event A occurs, either Sleep Display or Display Login Screen
• Listen for Event B
• If Event B occurs, log-in to a specific account
Listening for the event is not a problem. How
Ok, so here's the deal:
I have a class (CYMethod) that provides a standard interface for
multiple implementations of the same type (multiple ways in which to
read a file, for instance). Here are its constructors:
+ (CYMethod*) method {
return [ [ [CYMethod alloc] init ] a
Oh yeah - I thought I did that once and it didn't work... Though, now
that I think about it, I think I did it the other way in the past
(used self in a +method to refer to a newly created object)
So, in all reality, the +method could be boiled down to:
[self.new autorelease] ;
Hi all,
I have a project where I will be drawing nothing more than simple
circles with lines connecting them. At some point, I will be animating
these lines and circles to move them to another position.
I would like to:
(1) Display these, animated, on the screen; and
(2) Render the animat
I'm new to Obj-C, and I'm trying to make sure I start off writing good
code so I don't have to come back and learn how to avoid dirty code
and/or memory leaks.
That being said, if I do the following:
NSString *someString = [ NSString stringWithString:@"Hello World!" ] ;
[ someNSTextField se
I have an NSTableView object and an NSPopUpButton that I use to select
a category of information to display in the table...
The problem is this:
If I select a category with 0 items in it, the table view will update
as expected... but, if I select one with more than one item right
I'm writing a program that, in one table view, has the following code:
id receivedName = [theDatabase itemAtIndex:editedRow] ;
editedRowName = [receivedName mutableCopy] ;
[receivedName release];
where "editedRowName" is defined as an NSMutableString.
[theDatabase itemAtIndex:editedRow]
Instead of replying to everybody individually, let me say this:
I neglected to mention in my original post that, when this object is
deallocated, it explicitly deallocated the editedRowName before
calling a [super dealloc], so the thing should be deallocated.
A bit more information about what's going on:
The object is a subclass of UIViewController. When I click on
something in a UITableView, it allocates this object and initializes
it to use as an editor.
Example: You're looking at a list of stuff, and you click on one of
the object to bring
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