re, but then when I added proxy animation and an
autosavename to preserve the divider position across relaunches of the app, it
went south again. It was worse in Yosemite, but it is still unusable in El
Bill Cheeseman -
'self' is not
referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1"
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rWithDomain:PFAssistiveErrorDomain code:err userInfo:userInfo]];
return nil;
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reveal anchor "Privacy_Accessibility"
end tell
end tell
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work in
storyboards, so i think maybe it still isn't ready for prime time. (This was in
OS X 10.11 El Capitan late-beta.)
Bill Cheeseman -
> On Sep 16, 2015, at 9:58 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
> Thank y’all for the replies. The omission is in bot
my point of
view -- you can compromise with Apple's new paradigm by allowing them to be
detached into separate windows when you want to have several of them open at
once for interaction.
I there any alternative better than popovers for this?
Bill Cheeseman - wjcheese...@comcast.n
> On Jan 21, 2016, at 5:04 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> Yup, the road map got leaked last month. And 10.14 will be Rancho Cucamonga
> and 10.15 is Manteca*.
and 10.16 Death Valley.
Bill Cheeseman -
You'll find Xcode 7.2.1 (February 1, 2016) here:
> On Feb 4, 2016, at 10:03 AM, Dave wrote:
> Could someone please point me to where I can download XCode from the Apple
> Developer site?
Bill Cheeseman -
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clear to me
what will become of the temporary window controller. Or, in other words, how do
I find or create a valid window in this method, as the header file comments say
I should?
I'm having difficulty finding my way. All guidance appreciated.
Bill Cheeseman - wjcheese...@comcast.
ation to the window controller. I’ll
> come back to that point later
Quincey, that was very helpful and thought-provoking. It will take me a day or
so to digest and play with it, but you have opened my eyes to more of the
workings of state restoration. Thanks. If I come to any useful con
Me and Mark Publishing, "Connecting Menu Items to IBActions in a Mac
;terminate:" selector
is performed in next iteration of run loop
return true
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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> On Mar 5, 2016, at 1:35 PM, Gary L. Wade wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2016, at 11:20 AM, Bill Cheeseman <>> wrote:
>> Broadening my horizons is *always* one of my purposes.
> Sounds like your book will be getting a sequel by the end
(I tried returning 'controller as! MainContentViewController', but I got this
warning: "Treating a forced downcast to 'MainContentViewController' as optional
will never produce 'nil'." I have to declare the variable as an Opt
NSApplication has a
'mainwindow' property and NSWindow has a 'contentViewController' property.
Bill Cheeseman - <>
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
> On Mar 9, 2016, at 1:00 PM, Quincey Morris
> wrote:
> On Mar 9, 2016, at 05:59 , Bill Cheeseman wrote:
>> But the main thrust of my question was whether this is a safe and sensible
>> way to crossreference other storyboard scenes -- at least when
Like so:
static var controller: MainContentViewController? {
get {
return MainContentViewController.controller
set(newController) {
MainContentViewController.controller = newController
is a big organization, with lots of different
departments, and it's hard to see consistency. The one thing I'm very confident
about is that well written bug reports get better attention than poorly written
bug reports.
Bill Cheeseman -
nstance variable in every
class that needs access to this controller and struggle to find some way to set
its value. Type variables promise to be a very powerful feature of Swift. It
will be hard to go back to Objective-C.
Bill Cheeseman -
ason, if your application implements the
-applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: delegate method and return
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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ing similar. (b) Horizontal constraints are easily made
complete, because I account for each piece one step at a time from left to
right: leading constraint, width constraint, trailing constraint, etc. (c) I
don't worry about hugging priorities and the like until all else fails, because
#x27;t know for sure) that using drawRect on a stationary
full-screen window to move the visible portion will be much faster than moving
a small overlay window, because you won't have any of the window movement
overhead. I've never gotten around to trying that in UI Browser.
Bill Chee
ttings are in NSCell.
You can control trucation behavior in an NSTextView by using NSTextStorage,
which is a subclass of NSMutableAttributedString. The truncation methods are in
Bill Cheeseman -
describing text fields in my first paragraph, about nib files and
storyboards. My second paragraph was about text views, which you have to do
programmatically as far as I know.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing
rogramming Topics, and the Attributed String Programming Guide. The
"Paragraph Attributes" section of the Text Attribute Programming Topics is
especially pertinent to your question, including its cross reference to the
much more detailed Ruler and Paragraph Style Programming Topics.
tring and friends. I had thought that there
> was a higher level interface to it as it seems like a common thing to want to
> do.
> Basically my ScrollView is just a scrolling line log similar to XCode’s NSLog
> window.
Bill Cheeseman - <m
item for a TextEdit window refers to an AXTextArea UI element, and the AXSearch
item for a Finder or Xcode window refers to an AXTextField with a subrole of
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list
> On May 7, 2016, at 6:48 AM, David Burgun wrote:
> To clarify it seems to send AXFocusedWindowChanged for the newly focused
> element *only*, not to the old one too.
Correct. That's what I said.
Bill Cheeseman - wjchee
der, then drag the Zip file off to external storage. Then I just keep
working on the project because the project folder itself is not disturbed when
the Zip file is created. I've been doing this for years, and I have
successfully uncompressed old Zip files and rebuilt the old version
the current state of NSSplitView would be welcome here.
I am using NSplitViewController in a Mac application with a storyboard, and I
think it's working well. I had tried it with a nib-based version of my
application first, without success despite a lot of time put into it.
performance level differs randomly in critical respects
between machines, causing everybody's experience to differ based on their own
individual hardware. That doesn't bode well for a software fix.
Bill Cheeseman -
itably going to get asked this:
> Why on earth are you overriding release? It’s an incredibly niche thing to
> do, and the answer probably depends a lot on why you’re overriding it.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailin
cessary to include [super release] at the end of the
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Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Contact the
don’t want to just give you
>> a cookie cutter answer. One of the main signs of an intelligent person in
>> my mind :-)
>> Thanks,
>> Jon
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing li
happens in the second column of the browser
view. If the third and fourth rows also have rows scrolled out of view, they
scroll normally in the second space.
Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround?
Bill Cheeseman -
> On Feb 15, 2017, at 7:18 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
> After I switch to a different space, rows in one column of the browser view
> do not become visible when I scroll the column vertically.
I figured out that the problem is a conceptual misfit between Mission Control
and t
and around the Dartmouth College campus it is extremely
On Sep 16, 2014, at 10:57 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
> Is it possible to add an external GPS to a Mac such that Core Location will
> use it?
Bill Cheeseman -
in the
release notes an inside joke? Google turns up no references to
NSAnimationSlowMotionOnShift other than these Release Notes, and searching the
Yosemite headers turns up nothing.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing
cularly stupid today. Thanks for straightening me out.
> Slow animations are a debugging aid; testing for the shift key often results
> in legitimate key combinations taking forever to animate.
I'm careful to avoid side effects. As far as I can tell.
Bill Cheese
Dock in slow motion and only
then does the new sticky note appear. But how often is anybody going to do that?
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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e to turn off the slow-motion-on-shift feature,
but that will run up against Apple's design guideline to avoid over-doing
preference settings relating to trivial details. If I had to balance that
design guideline against the likelihood of a shift-key based keyboard shortcut
conflict, I th
the keyboard shortcut. I would suggest that this is worthy of a bug report.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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Don't forget to reset the
duration after the animation completes if you reuse the animation.
if (([NSEvent modifierFlags] & NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask) ==
NSShiftKeyMask) {
[viewAnimation setDuration:5.0]; // the Shift key by itself is down
veloper community
without advance warning.
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ttings so it can be used by multiple
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On Oct 12, 2014, at 12:42 PM, Scott Ribe wrote:
> On Oct 12, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
>> ...both the UI Browser application and the framework pass all of the
>> codesign tests for proper signatures on disk.
> spctl --assess???
> I've
On Oct 12, 2014, at 12:21 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
> The code signing warning is surprising, because both the UI Browser
> application and the framework pass all of the codesign tests for proper
> signatures on disk.
> Is code signing now making it impossible to use share
ndow except the icon image,
but I have no idea how to create an inverse mask image.
If you're curious about what kind of application would do this, I am updating
my Applidude application for Yosemite: <>.
how I understand the discussion of
maskImage in the AppKit Release Note or the WWDC 220 video. (I have already
applied a rectangular maskImage with rounded corners, and it removes the square
corners from the NSVisualEffectView perfectly.)
Bill Cheeseman -
the nontransparent parts of the icon image to block the
vibrancy effects, is more in keeping with the way vibrancy is designed, and
more likely to work.
But I don't know how to create the hole in the right shape. I am researching
CGImageRef routines that supp
mplement a registration key issuing and
monitoring framework myself.
You normally do have to write some code to integrate the e-commerce provider's
software into your application, if you support in-app purchase. The eSellerate
software comes with a very detailed programmer's guide and exa
ase, and the documentation that exists is not very helpful.
Can anyone outline a strategy for reproducing Apple's application switcher?
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please do no
ere we are
at 10.10.1 already, with 10.10.2 presumably looming on the horizon.
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roach? Apple's application switcher
(Command-Tab), which I am trying to imitate, seems to solve the problem. Or
maybe it takes a completely different approach.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists
> On Dec 1, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
>> On 2 Dec 2014, at 6:19 am, Bill Cheeseman > <>> wrote:
>> Can anyone suggest another approach?
> Not another approach, but a possible alternative explanation. Antial
tting breakpoints
everywhere in the launch process (e.g., -awakeFromNib,
-applicationDidFinishLaunching:), and the trigger happens after all of them
have finished executing.
I'm building on OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite with Xcode 6.1.1.
Bill Cheeseman - b...@chee
se this delegate method to be triggered. It doesn't seem likely,
but I can imagine that NSVisualEffectView might be doing things behind the
scenes that are very deep in the system.
Bill Cheeseman - <>
every launch we see
the move back to the default location, although I can easily fix this cosmetic
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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onality of my application, I think I will have to
maintain a list of screens and their resolutions in user defaults, and look for
changes limited to those attributes in the applicationDidChangeScreenParameters
delegate method. Those are the only changes my application needs to know about,
). That should resolve the difficulty I brought up in
my original post as well as the difficulty you pointed out regarding changes to
the NSScreen 'visibleFrame'.
I will not respond to your comments on application design choices, as they are
not the subject of my question.
x27;ve downloaded it but won't be able to try it out until
later. Do you happen to know if it works on the latest Mac Pros as well as
MacBook Pros?
I also have a Late 2013 MacBook Pro on which I can presumably use gfxCardStatus.
Bill Cheeseman -
n the Mac Pro doesn't give me a gfxCardStatus
notification, either, but again I don't yet know why. I haven't tried it yet on
the MacBook Pro -- later today.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@list
discussion of what you have to do to avoid unwanted color changes in text
fields with NSVisualEffectView in back.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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ng on because the documentation is so skimpy. I am
unable to get much that is helpful out of the two WWDC 2014 sessions on
advanced Yosemite UI, either.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.ap
> On Dec 11, 2014, at 4:31 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
> The problem is that the delegate method is being triggered now at every
> single launch of my application, but the screen resolution and monitor
> arrangement have not changed. The user's ability to choose a new
w, with vibrancy, there is
no longer any temptation to try to read them.
Bill Cheeseman - <>
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ss when my application is launched and my class's calls
into the eSellerate API do the rest.
Bill Cheeseman -
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in the window. To connect an action, drag FROM the UI
element TO File's Owner.
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practice of creating
separate MainMenu.xib and MainWindow.xib files. The only difference is that
your menu and window will be in the same .xib file and controlled by the same
window controller. You won't need a separate AppDelegate class because the
window controller is designated
e where I got the idea in the first place,
although 15 years of writing Objective-C code has convinced me that just about
every project should be comparmentalized as much as it reasonably can be.
Bill Cheeseman -
#x27;t imagine that such an important Cocoa object would be left inoperable for
very long.
Bill Cheeseman - <>
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Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-de
> On Feb 20, 2015, at 7:45 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
> I'm writing a single-window utility application in Xcode 6.1.1 on OS X
> 10.10.2 using Swift 1.1. This code statement crashes:
> let panel = NSOpenPanel()
> For the first several days after I ad
> On Feb 23, 2015, at 3:43 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2015, at 02:00 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
>> But I appear to have solved the problem, based on something I found by
>> doing a broader Google search. At some point I had added a breakpoint
ng since I used C++ that I had forgotten some programming
environments rely on exceptions for flow control. I used to keep my Xcode
debugger set to "All Objective-C Exceptions" all the time. I don't know how it
got changed to "All Exceptions." A word to the wise.
e document doesn't
say and I can't find any discussion.
3. Are there any flat-file (non-bundled) applications out there any longer? I
think I've noticed some in the System folder.
Bill Cheeseman -
> On Mar 11, 2015, at 4:13 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
> Thanks guys, that was very enlightening and helpful.
I found a cleaner solution, which depends on telling the runtime that it is to
use the NSRunningApplication version of the executableURL property. Then it
only requires
27;s nib file, at least if you
don't have to attach a sheet to it or do other things with it before it is
shown. It really means "visible when the nib file loads."
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
g was broken. Its
real meaning was eventually explained in an Interface Builder or Xcode tooltip
on the setting, maybe 6 or 7 years ago. (In trying to read the tooltip now, in
Xcode 6.2, I see that there is no tooltip for this setting, although there is a
control. I should have mentioned in my original post that the Visible at Launch
setting would not be sufficient if you use the -initWithWindow: designated
initializer, as the OP is doing, because, as Quincey pointed out, that
initializer expects you to load the nib file or create the window yo
> On Mar 20, 2015, at 5:21 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:
> On Mar 20, 2015, at 3:54 AM, Bill Cheeseman <>> wrote:
>> My launch sequence goes like this: My Info.plist file designates MainMenu as
>> the application's principa
't needed or that cause problems, and
when I do it right the edited header files work with Scripting Bridge.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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e' attribute," and then run sdp on the edited sdef file?
You will presumably have to give more than a little thought to what the missing
name attribute should be, but maybe you'll hit paydirt.
Bill Cheeseman -
u can
read about it in the AppKit release notes, I believe. Also, search for
"accessibility" in Xcode's documentation window.
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Please d
cial purposes (encouraged to) pay something. I know I
> can stipulate that in the licence, but since I’m a small, indie developer
> there’s no way I can enforce a licence in any case.
Bill Cheeseman -
People have been asking for this change for at least 15 years, and it has been
refused just as many times. As a born skeptic, I doubt there is any point in
asking again now.
Bill Cheeseman -
> On Jul 30, 2015, at 8:24 AM, Uli Kusterer
> wrote:
> Si
Can anybody confirm this is a bug in NSSplitViewItem, or suggest what I might
have misunderstood about the proper use of these classes?
Bill Cheeseman -
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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he 'collapsed' property of
NSSplitViewItem to true.
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Contact the mo
But just for the heck of it I implemented several of these delegate methods
without calling super, and they worked just fine. Very confusing.
Bill Cheeseman -
> On Aug 7, 2015, at 1:09 PM, Quincey Morris
> wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2015, at 05:47
erent techniques for the two different scenarios, and that fact is not
documented in the release notes, the reference document, or the header
comments. In fact, the header comments for NSSplitViewItem (in
NSSplitViewController.h) imply the opposite, falsely.
Bill Cheeseman -
I've every written. I'm
still struggling with the other part, collapsing and uncollapsing the bottom
subview of the splitview both with a toggle button and with double-clicking or
dragging the divider. I have that working, too, but there is one last cosmetic
glitch I haven't yet reso
or clicking the toggle button again. It would be easy to make a
double-click on the collapsed divider uncollapse it, too, and I probably will,
but as far as I can tell that is not an expected design feature. (The divider
is kept visible when collapsed using one of the NSSplitViewDelegate method
les, you should beef up Pacifist.qlgenerator to provide more info
about mpkg files, and maybe about zip files, too!
Bill Cheeseman
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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ethod that makes this a piece
of cake:
- (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview:
(NSView *)view
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the Classes tab, then in the bottom pane select
the Outlets or Actions tab.
Bill Cheeseman
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o in IB? To the best of
my memory, it gives you more control over what is produced.
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Cocoa-dev mailing list (
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s are decidedly not easy to remember.
By the way, I notice that the pop-up becomes an outline view if you
drag the divider below it downward. Very cute.
Bill Cheeseman
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
cation to my Web site at <
>. I'm interested in (private) feedback on how well it works where
you are.
Bill Cheeseman
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa
ed" key, so i didn't
test for nil.
Can a kSCNetworkInterfaceTypeIEEE80211 interface configuration
dictionary lawfully omit a "PowerEnabled" key? Under what
circumstances? Can anybody point me to documentation?
Bill Cheeseman
The only change is to improve detection of your AirPort card status.
So far, users have reported successfully finding themselves in places
like Boston, Massachusetts; Hamburg, Germany; and Sydney, Australia.
But failure in Bangkok.
Bill Cheeseman
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