Re: Sandboxing die.die.die

2012-08-30 Thread Mike Abdullah
On 30 Aug 2012, at 05:10, John Bishop wrote: > On 30 Aug 2012 07:01:04 +0800, Roland King wrote: > >> >> On 30 Aug, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Alex Zavatone wrote: >> >>> But before anyone reads too far, I am making certain assumptions that may >>> indeed be false. That iOS and Mac OS app Sandboxi

Re: Sandboxing die.die.die

2012-08-30 Thread Stephane Sudre
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1:59 AM, Greg Parker wrote: ... > OS X does not require sandboxing. For apps that are not sandboxed, > traditional file access is unchanged. Mountain Lion's Gatekeeper can be > configured to require signed apps, but it does not enforce sandboxing. Somehow, Gatekeeper can

Re: On handling those lovely unrecognized selector sent to instance SIGABRTs

2012-08-30 Thread Mikkel Islay
Hi Alex, On 30 Aug 2012, at 05:03, Alex Zavatone wrote: > And if you don't know that Symbolic Breakpoints even exist, or what they are > used for, how do you know that part of the documentation is where to turn to > to find a solution? > If the issue is "I have no idea how to track down what cr

Apple Mach-O Linker Error

2012-08-30 Thread Geoffrey Goutallier
Greetings Folks, I am right now working on an iPhone project, and I submitted it without any problem several time to the App Store. Upon the last approval from Apple, I witnessed that it was not working as expected. So I changed a few minor things (but blocking the in-app purchase, so kinda im

Re: On handling those lovely unrecognized selector sent to instance SIGABRTs

2012-08-30 Thread Fritz Anderson
On 29 Aug 2012, at 11:51 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: > There needs to be an Xcode manual. A'h'm. (And if anyone has criticisms, I'd be glad to know; I'm working on an ebook supplement.) By the way… > PS: And this is totally an xcode-users post, not cocoa-dev, so further posts > should probably go

ASIFormDataRequest doesn't fetch responseString

2012-08-30 Thread Kévin Vavelin
Hi there, I try to fetch a responseString from my request and I just can't get it working well… Everything is good but my request is send in asynchronous mode and I used block for fetching my string. This method doesn't working well so I ask you if you can help me more ;) Here's the code :

Re: Sandboxing die.die.die

2012-08-30 Thread Jeffrey Oleander
Sandboxing die.die.die Code-Signing die.die.die Javascript die.die.die Kludgey CPUs die.die.die Bodyshopping die.die.die (throwing hammer at hare-brained power-mad forces of evil) Now, when can we cut the chains and get back to developing great apps? ___

Re: Sandboxing die.die.die

2012-08-30 Thread zav
Easy. When the exact items that we have issues with are addressed. It's not that hard. Listen to the developers and fix what causes the most problems for them. You satisfy their needs and as a result have developers creating great apps easier and faster. If you don't do this, then the focus f

Re: Sandboxing die.die.die

2012-08-30 Thread davelist
But you're tilting at windmills here. This is not an official support channel. File Radars. And yes, we've had enough arguing about the effectiveness of doing that. You've spent far more time here and on the Xcode list complaining about losing fractions of a seconds waiting for animations to co

Re: CoreData UIManagedDocument saving/closing questions

2012-08-30 Thread davelist
I asked the question in quote email two days ago with no response so let me try a related, but perhaps more concise/simpler question: Is it even necessary to call -saveToURL:forSaveOperation:completionHandler in a UIManagedDocument subclass or will its autosaving mechanism take care of that at

Re: IKImageBrowseView and QuickLook panel

2012-08-30 Thread Graham Cox
Hi all, According to the documentation for IKImageBrowserView: > setCanControlQuickLookPanel: > Specifies whether the view can automatically take control of the QuickLook > panel. > > - (void)setCanControlQuickLookPanel:(BOOL)flag > Parameters > flag > YES, if the view can display the QuickLoo