Re: Displaying a sheet immediately after a window is opened

2012-08-20 Thread Dmitriy Balakirev
I use undocumented NSWindowDidOrderOnScreenAndFinishAnimatingNotification. Be careful when handling it. It seems firing more then one time, and sometimes from thread other then main. 16.08.2012, в 7:02, Rick Mann написал(а): > After googling, I found that in -[NSDocument windowControllerDidLoa

Pass data through view

2012-08-20 Thread Vavelin Kévin
Hi there, I know my question is a basic question but I'm not able to make it work and I don't know why :/ I have an UIViewController where I have a textField and another view who will be show when I tap on a button. That I want is to change a label in my another view with the content of my text

Re: fragile ABI and PPC64

2012-08-20 Thread John McCall
On Aug 19, 2012, at 10:14 PM, Dale Miller wrote: > PPC64's being included in this list surprised me, so I went to my docs (I'm > on 10.5.8 until they pry my G5 from my dead,cold hands). All the mentions I > can find of the fragile ABI explicitly describe it as inherent in a 32-bit > environment,

Re: PubSub Framework Alternative

2012-08-20 Thread Mike Abdullah
On 12 Aug 2012, at 19:53, Seth Willits wrote: > > On Aug 12, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Jens Alfke wrote: > >>> I reported these assertions years ago but did get no response. >> >> Disclaimer: I wrote about ⅔ of the PubSub framework. >> After I left Apple at the end of 2007 I don't think anyone else p

Re: Pass data through view

2012-08-20 Thread Alex Zavatone
On Aug 16, 2012, at 10:00 AM, Vavelin Kévin wrote: > Hi there, > > I know my question is a basic question but I'm not able to make it work and I > don't know why :/ I have an UIViewController where I have a textField and > another view who will be show when I tap on a button. > That I want is

Re: stripped down webview

2012-08-20 Thread Koen van der Drift
D'oh, I just discoverd that the website I'd like to display has a mobile version, which is already basic. I'll just display that instead in my webView. This only needs some minor tweaks to remove one or two divs, and saves me a lot of headaches. - Koen. On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Koen

iCloud and core data on Lion not pushing changes to ML

2012-08-20 Thread Martin Hewitson
Dear list, I failed to get any reponse to this on the Apple forums, so I thought I'd try my luck here. I've managed to integrate iCloud into a shoebox core data app, basically following the WWDC12 SharedCoreData sample code. I've also managed to get it working on Lion by using NSFileManager's

Re: How to (slowly) rotate a view

2012-08-20 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann
On 19 Aug 2012, at 00:18, Matt Neuburg wrote: > On Mon, 06 Aug 2012 00:11:39 +0700, "Gerriet M. Denkmann" > said: >> I use this code (iOS 5.1): >> CGAffineTransform m = { c, +s, -s, c, 0, 0 }; // rotation, s = >> sin(angle), c = cos(angle) >> CALayer *layer = self.view.layer;

Re: Adding localization on Xcode 4.4

2012-08-20 Thread Andreas Mayer
Am 17.08.2012 um 18:59 schrieb Kelly Keenan : > You should add new localizations to your project the same way that you add a > new target by selecting the Project, going to the Info tab for the Project > (not the target), and adding a new Localization. Adding a new localization > is really a

Re: Adding localization on Xcode 4.4

2012-08-20 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 20 août 2012 à 16:08, Andreas Mayer a écrit : > > Am 17.08.2012 um 18:59 schrieb Kelly Keenan : > >> You should add new localizations to your project the same way that you add a >> new target by selecting the Project, going to the Info tab for the Project >> (not the target), and adding a

Re: Apple Aperture-like look & feel

2012-08-20 Thread Andreas Mayer
Am 17.08.2012 um 21:27 schrieb Nick : > Did Apple developers > paint every dialog element manually? Are there some classes already > available that would allow to "theme up" an app like this? They are probably using lots of subclasses for the various controls. Since Apple wrote the original draw

Re: fragile ABI and PPC64

2012-08-20 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On Aug 19, 2012, at 11:14 PM, Dale Miller wrote: > while I'm at it, I have noticed several times mention being made of > "bugginess" in the PPC64 environment. I'm aware that converting a PPC > application to 64-bit might not improve performance because of the increased > size of pointers, etc

Re: Apple Aperture-like look & feel

2012-08-20 Thread Uli Kusterer
On Aug 17, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Nick wrote: > I am wondering what does it take to make panels/buttons that > customized, like it is done in Apple Aperture? Did Apple developers > paint every dialog element manually? Are there some classes already > available that would allow to "theme up" an app like

Re: Apple Aperture-like look & feel

2012-08-20 Thread Uli Kusterer
On Aug 20, 2012, at 7:03 PM, Uli Kusterer wrote: > essentially subclass all the controls and override drawRect: (and mouseDown: > where needed) to get our custom graphics in there. One note: Many controls on the Mac are NSCell-based NSControls, in which case you generally want to override the d

Re: Apple Aperture-like look & feel

2012-08-20 Thread Nick
Hi Uli, Thanks for the answer. Do you think using Nokia (trolltech) Qt (it supports CSS controls styling) might be a bad idea? It's pretty easy to customize looks, it seems. I am not sure about the native "look and feel" of such an application though.. 2012/8/20 Uli Kusterer : > On Aug 20, 2012, a

Re: Apple Aperture-like look & feel

2012-08-20 Thread Uli Kusterer
On Aug 20, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Nick wrote: > Do you think using Nokia (trolltech) Qt (it supports CSS controls > styling) might be a bad idea? It's pretty easy to customize looks, it > seems. I am not sure about the native "look and feel" of such an > application though.. Depends on what kind of an

How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Jens Alfke
I've just "modernized" a bunch of cross-platform code in Xcode 4.4, to use the new Obj-C literal and collection-access syntax. Works great when built for Mac OS. But now I discover that the code gets tons of compile errors on iOS because in the 5.1 SDK the NSArray and NSDictionary classes don't

NSSplitView crash upon restore from 10.8 Versions Browser

2012-08-20 Thread Jerry Krinock
SUMMARY While testing an app in 10.8 today, it crashed three times out of six upon restoring from the Versions Browser. But the problem has now gone away. I don't have enough information to file a bug report or try any more workarounds, so I'm throwing my observations out there in case someon

Re: How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Charles Srstka
On Aug 20, 2012, at 2:52 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: > My first thought was to declare some categories on NSArray and NSDictionary > to define those methods, but that's likely to cause issues when iOS 6 comes > out and already includes those methods — I'll get compile errors (which I can > work arou

Re: How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Jens Alfke
On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:52 PM, I wrote: > My first thought was to declare some categories on NSArray and NSDictionary > to define those methods, but that's likely to cause issues when iOS 6 comes > out and already includes those methods — I'll get compile errors (which I can > work around with

Re: How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Dave DeLong
Tough question. At a syntactic level, you could always download a recent version of Clang that you can use to compile your applications. This would allow you to use the syntax. Unfortunately, as you've observed, this would still stick you with the missing method problem: objectAtIndexedSubscr

Re: NSSplitView crash upon restore from 10.8 Versions Browser

2012-08-20 Thread Kevin Perry
Looks like the crash is happening while attempting to invoke -respondsToSelector:. Odds are that this is a message being sent to [self delegate], which looks like a deallocated object. Is it possible that the split view is outliving its delegate? Typically, when a delegate gets deallocated (or

Re: How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Greg Parker
On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: > I've just "modernized" a bunch of cross-platform code in Xcode 4.4, to use > the new Obj-C literal and collection-access syntax. Works great when built > for Mac OS. But now I discover that the code gets tons of compile errors on > iOS because i

Re: How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Greg Parker
On Aug 20, 2012, at 2:02 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: > On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:52 PM, I wrote: >> My first thought was to declare some categories on NSArray and NSDictionary >> to define those methods, but that's likely to cause issues when iOS 6 comes >> out and already includes those methods — I'll g

Re: NSSplitView crash upon restore from 10.8 Versions Browser

2012-08-20 Thread Lee Ann Rucker
I've hit issues with splitView delegate getting called after the delegate is dealloced, and my setDelegate happens in the nib - normally what gets set in the nib gets unset correctly later. I had to put in a NSWindowWillCloseNotification observer and clear the splitView delegate there. It's an

Re: How to make Obj-C collection subscripting work on iOS 5?

2012-08-20 Thread Rainer Brockerhoff
On Aug 20, 2012, at 19:41 , wrote: > Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 15:16:43 -0700 > From: Greg Parker > Message-ID: <> > > On Aug 20, 2012, at 2:02 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: >> On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:52 PM, I wrote: >>> My firs

Switching between window controllers in code ?

2012-08-20 Thread Erik Stainsby
This is either a stupid question or it is trivial. I just haven't run across the situation before. My app has two windows, ergo two windowControllers. I would like to toggle between them from a single menu item, ergo a single method handler. However that requires that the two window controller

Re: Switching between window controllers in code ?

2012-08-20 Thread Jens Alfke
On Aug 20, 2012, at 8:53 PM, Erik Stainsby wrote: > My app has two windows, ergo two windowControllers. I would like to toggle > between them from a single menu item, ergo a single method handler. However > that requires that the two window controllers have a common ancestor(?) in > the respo

Re: Switching between window controllers in code ?

2012-08-20 Thread Erik Stainsby
On 2012-08-20, at 9:15 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: > > On Aug 20, 2012, at 8:53 PM, Erik Stainsby > wrote: > >> My app has two windows, ergo two windowControllers. I would like to toggle >> between them from a single menu item, ergo a single method handler. However >> that requires that the two

Re: Switching between window controllers in code ?

2012-08-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 20, 2012, at 21:32 , Erik Stainsby wrote: > Okay so that is working fine, but isn't that a venal sin in Cocoa programming? -- You can connect an action directly to any object that implements the action. It doesn't have to be a responder. -- You could have connected the action to First R