iCloud, core-data and transaction logs

2011-11-08 Thread Martin Hewitson
Dear list, Does anyone know what one should do with the transaction logs for a core-data shoebox app working with iCloud? If the user makes many changes, then these log files build up in the Mobile Documents folder. Over time, this could be a lot of data. As a developer, are we supposed to obse

Re: ObjectController preventing WindowController from releasing

2011-11-08 Thread Jonathan Taylor
> Well, in this case I certainly think it would be better to bind the object > controller to File's Owner.camera. Really, I wasn't so much getting at > anything in particular, I just find it odd for an object controller to have a > window controller as its content. I also find it odd to bind t

QTKit: surely this should be trivial?

2011-11-08 Thread Graham Cox
I want to run a movie in a window, and get notified when it has finished. I'm using QTMovieView, and it plays fine. But I can't see how I can get called when it finishes. I expected to see some sort of delegate protocol, or failing that a property I could observe, but neither of these things app

Re: Custom About Box with background shape

2011-11-08 Thread Chris Paveglio
Yes I did have that set... but when I unchecked it and rebuilt and ran it again, then the window has a black rectangle around it with no transparency. I tried moving most of those code lines to awakeFromNib, but none were successful. >Sounds like your window is initially visible before it's had

Re: QTKit: surely this should be trivial?

2011-11-08 Thread Michael Babin
On Nov 8, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Graham Cox wrote: > I want to run a movie in a window, and get notified when it has finished. > > I'm using QTMovieView, and it plays fine. But I can't see how I can get > called when it finishes. I expected to see some sort of delegate protocol, or > failing that a

Re: QTKit: surely this should be trivial?

2011-11-08 Thread Graham Cox
Thanks :) I really should not code at the end of an 16 hour day, it seems to make me blind…. --Graham On 09/11/2011, at 1:04 AM, Michael Babin wrote: > QTMovieDidEndNotification (sent by QTMovie). ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.

Detect Siri

2011-11-08 Thread Manfred Schwind
Hi, is there a way to find out if the current device generally supports Siri? I'm not interested if it's currently turned on or off. I just want to know if it is generally possible to use Siri on the current device. I could specifically check for iPhone 4S, but I think that's a bad idea, becau

Different deployment target for iPhone & iPad

2011-11-08 Thread Sasikumar JP
Hi, I have a iPhone application in the app store. This version is supporting from iOS 4.2 release. I am planning to add a support for iPad as an universal application. Is it possible to set the iPad minimum deployment target as iOS 5 and iPhone deployment target as ios 4.2. If this support

NSFileHandle readInBackground vs threading?

2011-11-08 Thread Alexander Bokovikov
Hi, All, I have a need to read some data from a local socket, which serves for IPC. And data may come very quickly, so (AFAIU) inner socket buffer might overflow, so a portion of data might be lost. I don't see a way how to define an inner system buffer size, so the only I can is to do my

Why does changing a UIScrollView's contentInset change contentOffset?

2011-11-08 Thread David Hoerl
I just had a lovely time trying to figure out why my UITableView was snapping back to 0,0 when the keyboard was going away. In the end I had recently modified my code to use contentInset (and scrollIndicatorInsets) when the keyboard was visible. Using lldb with a breakpoint on setContentOffse

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Wade Tregaskis
>> Before I started writing iOS code I did embedded systems development >> and Mac OS X device drivers. In both of those environments, Failure >> Is Not An Option. While you can certainly run out of memory or >> encounter other errors, one just has to back out gracefully. > > This turns out not

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Joar Wingfors
On 8 nov 2011, at 09:14, Wade Tregaskis wrote: >>> Before I started writing iOS code I did embedded systems development >>> and Mac OS X device drivers. In both of those environments, Failure >>> Is Not An Option. While you can certainly run out of memory or >>> encounter other errors, one just

ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Andy O'Meara
Hello, Question for the cocoa experts here. I've googled around to no avail and lists.apple.com has been down for days(!).As ya'll know, when an app loads multiple bundles, the loader loads all the objC class name identifiers into a flat namespace, so ya can get that warning "Class ___ is

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Andy O'Meara wrote: > > So the question of course is there any way to mark an entire objC class as > being private (non-exported) to a bundle? I'm half shocked and half amazed > that there seems to be no such way, in contrast to the compiler setting that > C/C++

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Greg Parker
On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Andy O'Meara wrote: > Yes, I know that one workaround is to mangle all objC class names based on > something unique in the project (we are forced to do this with our > screensaver products). I'd be more accepting of this if Xcode facilitated > this (with perhaps a ma


2011-11-08 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
Hi all, I'd like to be able to drag my finger around on a UIImageView, and without lifting the finger have a long press trigger a method of mine. I'd prefer to use UIGestureRecognizer if possible. Right now the longPress triggers only on a distinct press, not a drag around and then hold. Thank

Re: Private Method?

2011-11-08 Thread Sean McBride
On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 16:03:46 -0800, Jens Alfke said: >> I'm reviewing some sample code and am looking at a class with a method >declared in @implementation which isn't mentioned in any @interface. >> >> Is this a private method, something else entirely, or merely sloppy >coding? > >That’s consid

Re: NSFileHandle readInBackground vs threading?

2011-11-08 Thread Scott Ribe
On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote: > I have a need to read some data from a local socket, which serves for IPC. > And data may come very quickly, so (AFAIU) inner socket buffer might > overflow, so a portion of data might be lost. What makes you think that? If the buffers f

Changing the appearance of buttons

2011-11-08 Thread Tom Jeffries
This is probably an elementary question. I need to change the bitmaps used for buttons. Is there a way to do that with buttons created using Interface Builder or do I need to create a new class that gives me control of the bitmaps? If I need to create a new class, is there some example source co

UITapGestureRecognizer and state/action w/rt numberOfTapsRequired

2011-11-08 Thread Ben Kennedy
>From >http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UITapGestureRecognizer_Class/Reference/Reference.html > : > Although taps are discrete gestures, they are discrete for each state of the > gesture recognizer; thus the associated action message is sent when the > gestu

Re: UITapGestureRecognizer and state/action w/rt numberOfTapsRequired

2011-11-08 Thread Jeffrey Oleander
> From: Ben Kennedy > Subject: UITapGestureRecognizer and state/action w/rt numberOfTapsRequired > To: "Cocoa-Dev List" > Date: Tuesday, 2011 November 8, 14:56 > From > http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UITapGestureRecognizer_Class/Reference/Reference.html > :

Re: UITapGestureRecognizer and state/action w/rt numberOfTapsRequired

2011-11-08 Thread Ben Kennedy
On 08 Nov 2011, at 1:14 pm, Jeffrey Oleander wrote: >> In order to respond to both a single and double tap, do I >> thus need to attach two gesture recognizers? > > Go another layer more primitive: Yeah, I may end up just doing that. I wanted to use gesture recognizer(s) so that my containing

Re: Changing the appearance of buttons

2011-11-08 Thread Mike Abdullah
Mac or iOS? On 8 Nov 2011, at 18:52, Tom Jeffries wrote: > This is probably an elementary question. I need to change the bitmaps used > for buttons. Is there a way to do that with buttons created using > Interface Builder or do I need to create a new class that gives me control > of the bitmaps

Re: Changing the appearance of buttons

2011-11-08 Thread Tom Jeffries
Mac. sent from my mobile phone On Nov 8, 2011 1:37 PM, "Mike Abdullah" wrote: Mac or iOS? On 8 Nov 2011, at 18:52, Tom Jeffries wrote: > This is probably an elementary question. I need to... > ___ > > Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.c

Re: UITapGestureRecognizer and state/action w/rt numberOfTapsRequired

2011-11-08 Thread Conrad Shultz
On 11/8/11 1:14 PM, Jeffrey Oleander wrote: >> In order to respond to both a single and double tap, do I >> thus need to attach two gesture recognizers? > > Go another layer more primitive: Please don't drop down to UITouch unless you have to (which mainly means if you are supporting pre-UIGestur

Re: UITapGestureRecognizer and state/action w/rt numberOfTapsRequired

2011-11-08 Thread Ben Kennedy
On 08 Nov 2011, at 2:17 pm, Conrad Shultz wrote: > I'm not sure why you aren't receiving intermediate messages, but trying > to key off intermediates is not a great pattern anyway. Just attach two > gesture recognizers, then you have the benefit of separating your action > methods (which will be

Re: UIGestureRecognizer

2011-11-08 Thread Conrad Shultz
On 11/8/11 10:23 AM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote: > Hi all, > > I'd like to be able to drag my finger around on a UIImageView, and without > lifting the finger have a long press trigger a method of mine. I'd prefer > to use UIGestureRecognizer if possible. > > > Right now the longPress triggers only o

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Andy O'Meara
> >> >> So the question of course is there any way to mark an entire objC class as >> being private (non-exported) to a bundle? I'm half shocked and half amazed >> that there seems to be no such way, in contrast to the compiler setting that >> C/C++ symbols can be set to be private by defaul

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Ian Joyner
On 9 Nov 2011, at 05:21, Greg Parker wrote: > On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Andy O'Meara wrote: >> Yes, I know that one workaround is to mangle all objC class names based on >> something unique in the project (we are forced to do this with our >> screensaver products). I'd be more accepting of th

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 9 nov. 2011 à 01:37, Ian Joyner a écrit : > On 9 Nov 2011, at 05:21, Greg Parker wrote: > >> On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Andy O'Meara wrote: >>> Yes, I know that one workaround is to mangle all objC class names based on >>> something unique in the project (we are forced to do this with our

Re: Custom About Box with background shape

2011-11-08 Thread Ken Thomases
On Nov 7, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Chris Paveglio wrote: > I have a custom about box, and it's sort of like Adobe apps, where it's not a > traditional window but a graphic/image I made that is a shape like a hexagon > with a drop shadow. > It works fine and I can call it and I disable the window backgr

Re: Detect Siri

2011-11-08 Thread John Joyce
Have you asked Siri? On Nov 9, 2011, at 12:08 AM, Manfred Schwind wrote: > Hi, > > is there a way to find out if the current device generally supports Siri? I'm > not interested if it's currently turned on or off. I just want to know if it > is generally possible to use Siri on the current dev

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread John Joyce
This should be on the Obj-C list. This whole discussion is about the language implementation. The Obj-C list needs more love anyway. On Nov 9, 2011, at 10:30 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote: > > Le 9 nov. 2011 à 01:37, Ian Joyner a écrit : > >> On 9 Nov 2011, at 05:21, Greg Parker wrote: >> >>> On

Re: NSFileHandle readInBackground vs threading?

2011-11-08 Thread Alexander Bokovikov
On 09.11.2011, at 0:50, Scott Ribe wrote: On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote: I have a need to read some data from a local socket, which serves for IPC. And data may come very quickly, so (AFAIU) inner socket buffer might overflow, so a portion of data might be lost. W

Re: NSFileHandle readInBackground vs threading?

2011-11-08 Thread Scott Ribe
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:02 PM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote: > Sometimes data are lost when they come with high speed. I assume by "local socket" you mean either a UNIX domain socket or just a regular TCP socket on the local machine? If so, just using regular read & write calls there's no way for da

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
I just filed a bug report that includes a minimal test case, in which all the calls to calloc() are made from within main(). There are no calls of any sort to Objective-C methods or any use of Cocoa Touch classes. rdar://10417644 I don't REALLY need to exhaust my App's memory space. What I r

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Wade Tregaskis
> Simple as that, eh? Being able to gracefully handle all out of memory > situations to me seems as "simple" as being required to treat every single > method / function call as potentially raising an exception, and requiring the > developer to add handlers + cleanup code. No existing code (OS or

Re: ObjC's flat and all-exported namespace, help!

2011-11-08 Thread Karl Goiser
I think there is another solution that doesn’t involve making the language more complicated: I would complain to the suppliers of the bundles with conflicting class names. They know they are delivering into an environment with a flat namespace. It is up to them to defend against this sort of p

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Conrad Shultz
On 11/8/11 9:43 PM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > It would be enough if there were some way I could check ahead of time > how much I can safely allocate, without actually trying to allocate > it. Is there an API for that? I don't see how there COULD be an API for that for the simple reason th

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Wade Tregaskis wrote: >> Simple as that, eh? Being able to gracefully handle all out of memory >> situations to me seems as "simple" as being required to treat every single >> method / function call as potentially raising an exception, and requiring >> the develo

Re: NSFileHandle readInBackground vs threading?

2011-11-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Scott Ribe wrote: > I assume by "local socket" you mean either a UNIX domain socket or just a > regular TCP socket on the local machine? If so, just using regular read & > write calls there's no way for data to be lost & not delivered just because > it's consumed

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Graham Cox
Getting back to the original problem, you don't state how big a grid you want. But it seems to me that a bitmap like this can be stored very efficiently because it has a lot of zeroed out space. Run-length encoding for example should compress it very substantially. You might need to roll your ow

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Conrad Shultz wrote: > And there's a bigger problem.  That memory warning notification that you > referenced in your first message is there to tell you that you need to > free up resources ASAP at run-time.  Quoting from the iOS App > Programming Guide: > > "Using

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Wade Tregaskis wrote: >>> Simple as that, eh? Being able to gracefully handle all out of memory >>> situations to me seems as "simple" as being required to treat every single >>> method / function

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Graham Cox wrote: > Getting back to the original problem, you don't state how big a grid you > want. But it seems to me that a bitmap like this can be stored very > efficiently because it has a lot of zeroed out space. Run-length encoding for > example should co

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: > On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Don Quixote de la Mancha > wrote: >> Kids These Days. >> >> While the Space Shuttle exploded twice, I hasten to point out that >> neither of those failures was due to software bugs. > > The Shuttle's software w

Re: NSFileHandle readInBackground vs threading?

2011-11-08 Thread Ken Thomases
On Nov 9, 2011, at 12:45 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote: > On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Scott Ribe > wrote: >> I assume by "local socket" you mean either a UNIX domain socket or just a >> regular TCP socket on the local machine? If so, just using regular read & >> write calls there's no way for data

How to compiler arm assembler .s source file with Xcode 4.2?

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
Much Googling has determined that all I should need to do to compile an arm assembly code file in Xcode is to give it the ".s" extension, as well as use compiler directives to check whether I am building for arm for for i386. This isn't working for me in Xcode 4.2 for Snow Leopard. I think Xcode

Re: Allocating too much memory kills my App rather than returning NULL

2011-11-08 Thread Greg Parker
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: >> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Don Quixote de la Mancha >> wrote: >>> Kids These Days. >>> >>> While the Space Shuttle exploded twice, I hasten to point out that >>> neither of

Re: How to compiler arm assembler .s source file with Xcode 4.2?

2011-11-08 Thread Don Quixote de la Mancha
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > I can't figure out how to view the detailed build log.  Where is that > hidden?  Google yields no insight. Just so Google will yield insight to others in the future. To view the detailed build log in Xcode 4.2: View -> Navigator