On Mar 24, 2010, at 19:17, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
On Mar 24, 2010, at 7:44 PM, Brian Willoughby wrote:
Another potentially important detail is that I am running Leopard
10.5.8 on a 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4 PowerBook with 2 GB RAM.
Any ideas how to fix this? Do I need an even older release of
On Mar 24, 2010, at 23:42, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> In the Preferences.nib file, the checkbox and the textfield are bound to the
> defaults controller. So far, so good. In the application delegate's
> applicationWillFinishLaunching:, they have those 2 lines:
> [self bind:SKTAppAutosave
I've done some reading and some testing, but can't seem to make this work
properly -- ie, I can't get a nested VC's interfaceOrientation property to
update to the current interfaceOrientation of the device.
I've got a main UIViewController with code to support a toolbar with buttons
across the
At 12:02 AM -0700 3/25/10, Brian Willoughby wrote:
>>Switch to an Intel Mac, or revert to an older version of Xcode. This was
>>unfortunately broken in the last release of Xcode for Leopard, but only on
>>PPC Macs, and I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a fix.
>Thanks. That's the kind o
Is there any way to determine the source of a drag operation outside your own
application? For example, if I'm set to receive NSFilenamesPboardType, then I'd
like to distinguish between the Finder and Aperture as drag sources.
I had thought I'd seen a solution to this at one point, but can't see
On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 16:48:49 -0700, Dave Carrigan said:
>Create a branch for your feature, do all the work on that branch, then
>merge it to the trunk when it's ready. Put your released product in a
>different branch and do your bugfixes on that branch and merge them to
>trunk. Don't work on trunk
i know how-to use occi library in C++ based project on macosx, but when i try
including iostream and occi.h in my objective-c class when i build my cocoa
application and get error such as Cannot find iostream and more others bug...
If anybody know step-by-step guide for implementing occi library
Are you compiling your Objective-C code as ObjC++ or straight ObjC? Name your
source files with .mm extension to indicate ObjC++. Also read the following:
On 15 Mar 2010, at 07:08, Pa
Hello, all.
I came up with a problem where my entity Invoice has a toMany relation to an
entity called, ItemXInvoice, which hold the quantity and the total price, so
when I create an Invoice I add ItemXInvoice's when clciking an add button,
these ItemXInvoice's are stored in a NSArrayController
Hi All,
I am getting an error using NSXMLParser if it encounters a British
Pound Sign - it's encoded as & pound ; (minus the spaces).
Any idea on how to solve this??
Thanks in Advance
All the Best
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@li
Hi Peter,
On Mar 24, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:
> Yes, this is a known problem on Leopard. The issue is that when NSToolbar
> shows the customization palette, well, a view can't be in the toolbar and the
> customization palette simultaneously, so NSToolbar "copies" the popup via
> N
I am trying to sync a folder containing several files and the hidden file
.DS_Store. I know that this file contains special info about the directory,
so I sync it too. Should I really do that?
The problem is that when I modify a file,
e.g. I replace it with a newer file,
Hi Folks,
I've had problems with recursive functions before, but this one's making me
I have a trie (tree) data structure and I'm trying to find a sequence of ints
in the trie.
- (HSMM_TrieNode*) getTrieNodeFromContextSequence:(NSMutableArray *)aSequence
withNode:(HSMM_TrieNode*) aNode
You never seem to be capturing the result of the recursive calls for return
to the caller.
You final if block should look like this:
if(([endNode depth] < ([self contextDepth] - 1)) && ([mutableSeq
count] > 1) && (found == YES))
[mutableSeq removeObjectAtIndex:0];
> Can anyone see why the caller is getting the first match, rather than the
> last?
> Immense thanks to anyone who can see what's up.
I think in the line when going down the recursion, you have to assign the
result to endNode:
endNode = [self getTrieNodeFromContextSequence:mutableSeq withNode:e
Yipes, how embarrassed am I
So clever, yet so stupid...
thanks a million.
On 2010-03-25, at 9:58 AM, Howard Siegel wrote:
> You never seem to be capturing the result of the recursive calls for return
> to the caller.
> You final if block should look like this:
On Mar 25, 2010, at 08:36, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
> for(ItemXInvoice * acutalItem in [_itemsArrayController
> arrangedObjects]){
> [acutalItem setValue:[acutalItem
> valueForKeyPath:@"toItem.unitPrice"] forKey:@"creationItemPrice"];
> [acutalItem setValue:[self
On Mar 25, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Sean McBride wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 16:48:49 -0700, Dave Carrigan said:
>> Create a branch for your feature, do all the work on that branch, then
>> merge it to the trunk when it's ready. Put your released product in a
>> different branch and do your bugfixe
Hi Quincey
> This is not a good approach to MVC programming. You're trying to take short
> cuts by updating your data model "by remote control" -- that is, by
> programming NSArrayControllers instead of your data model. That's a bit like
> trying to disassemble a precision watch using a crowbar
On Mar 25, 2010, at 12:23 PM, davel...@mac.com wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Sean McBride wrote:
>> That's all fine and good until you need to change a xib (or worse,
>> nib). xibs are neither diffable nor auto-mergeable. In my experience,
>> they are the single biggest PITA when try
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 12:38:10 -0500, Ken Thomases said:
>The problem isn't so much the file format, it's Interface Builder. IB
>is too prone to renumbering/reordering objects or implementing a simple
>property change as removal of the object and replacement with a new object.
Exactly. Try this:
On Mar 25, 2010, at 10:25, Joanna Carter wrote:
> How about, with a Core Data app, getting the content of an NSObjectController
> after editing?
> {
> ...
> Customer *editedCustomer = [self.customerController content];
> ...
> }
Well, I'm probably missing your point, but why wouldn't yo
Hi All,
On 24 Mar 2010, at 06:05, Eli Bach wrote:
And if you don't have your code in a version control system that
supports branching [and no, CVS does NOT count], you go to your
bedroom and think about that while I go and make a switch to punish
you with. If you're a one or
Is it possible to prevent a window from hiding when NSApp is hidden, so it
always stays on screen? I only want the menu bar to go away.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the
On Mar 25, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Markus Spoettl wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> On Mar 24, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Peter Ammon wrote:
>> Yes, this is a known problem on Leopard. The issue is that when NSToolbar
>> shows the customization palette, well, a view can't be in the toolbar and
>> the customization pa
Am 25.03.2010 um 19:10 schrieb fabian:
> Is it possible to prevent a window from hiding when NSApp is hidden, so it
> always stays on screen? I only want the menu bar to go away.
Do you really mean "hidden" (like Command-H) or do you mean "not the frontmost
application"? If the latter is the c
On Mar 25, 2010, at 00:32, Quincey Morris wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2010, at 23:42, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> In the Preferences.nib file, the checkbox and the textfield are bound to the
>> defaults controller. So far, so good. In the application delegate's
>> applicationWillFinishLaunching:, they
On Mar 25, 2010, at 1:10 PM, fabian wrote:
> Is it possible to prevent a window from hiding when NSApp is hidden, so it
> always stays on screen? I only want the menu bar to go away.
That doesn't make any sense.
You "want the menu bar to go away"? So there would be no menu bar? Or so that
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 11:25:46 -0700, Laurent Daudelin said:
>I see. I thought about observing those properties managed by the user
>defaults controller but after I read the document "Controller Key-Value
>Observing Compliance", I saw that NSUserDefaultsController is a key-
>value-observing only for
Hi Fabian
> Is it possible to prevent a window from hiding when NSApp is hidden, so it
> always stays on screen? I only want the menu bar to go away.
Simply uncheck the "Hide on Deactivate" option for the window in IB.
Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting
Hi Quincey
> Well, I'm probably missing your point, but why wouldn't you get the Core Data
> object directly and leave the NSObjectController out of it? After editing,
> the object has already been updated.
Yes, you're missing the point :-)
My rubbish example was to demonstrate that you might
On Mar 25, 2010, at 11:29, Sean McBride wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 11:25:46 -0700, Laurent Daudelin said:
>> I see. I thought about observing those properties managed by the user
>> defaults controller but after I read the document "Controller Key-Value
>> Observing Compliance", I saw that NS
Hi Joanna, Ken, Knut,
Thanks, but the "Hide on Deactivate" option only works when NSApp is
deactived, not hidden (as in Command+H). The window I want to stay on screen
is a system wide icon window like the one you see when adjusting screen
brightness, so it's most definitely the expected behavior
On Mar 24, 2010, at 11:53 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
> On 2010 Mar 24, at 21:10, Bill Hernandez wrote:
>> I've looked for a couple of hours trying to find a simple example on how to
>> implement tooltips over three graphic buttons.
>> Most of the IB info I found during my search is very old.
On Mar 25, 2010, at 11:36, Joanna Carter wrote:
> My rubbish example was to demonstrate that you might want to access the
> object that is the content of an NSObjectController, as that my be the only
> way to determine which object is being edited.
So we're hypothesizing that there's some code
I writing an app that among other things organizes the movies a user takes
by the date and time the movie was shot. Is there a way to get this
information? Is the only way to use the timestamp of the movie file on the
phone or is there a way to figure this out by looking inside the movie fil
Am 25.03.2010 um 19:44 schrieb fabian:
> Thanks, but the "Hide on Deactivate" option only works when NSApp is
> deactived, not hidden (as in Command+H). The window I want to stay on screen
> is a system wide icon window like the one you see when adjusting screen
> brightness, so it's most definit
Sorry for being unclear. I want NSApp to behave normally, i.e. when the user
hides it (with Command+H) the menu bar and all windows _except this one
window_ should hide. I do know when this floating window is supposed to be
on screen and when it's not; it's displayed for a few seconds in response t
Am 25.03.2010 um 20:52 schrieb fabian:
> Sorry for being unclear. I want NSApp to behave normally, i.e. when the user
> hides it (with Command+H) the menu bar and all windows _except this one
> window_ should hide.
I am no expert here, but I don't believe that is possible.
> I do know when this
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Knut Lorenzen wrote:
> So why not use [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES], do all the stuff you
> need to do and finally use [NSApp deactivate] to resign control?
> I don't need to activate the app to display a window with a level higher
than NSNormalWindow
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Philip Mobley wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 12:52 PM, fabian wrote:
> > Sorry for being unclear. I want NSApp to behave normally, i.e. when the
> user hides it (with Command+H) the menu bar and all windows _except this one
> window_ should hide. I do know when th
Hi Quincey
> Or, I'd prefer to give my File's Owner object a "currentObject" property and
> bind the object controller to that.
I can understand that. It's beginning to look like you're more anal about OO
design than I am ;-)
> Or, if circumstances preclude either of these approaches, I'd prob
Hi Oleg,
did you look for in Mac Reference Library?
On Mar 25, 2010, at 12:52 PM, fabian wrote:
Sorry for being unclear. I want NSApp to behave normally, i.e. when
the user
hides it (with Command+H) the menu bar and all windows _except this
window_ should hide.
Easy: just set window.canHide = NO;
On Mar 25, 2010, at 9:42 AM, gMail.com wrote:
I am trying to sync a folder containing several files and the hidden
.DS_Store. I know that this file contains special info about the
so I sync it too. Should I really do that?
Ideally you should, because it contains some user
On Mar 25, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Dave wrote:
I am getting an error using NSXMLParser if it encounters a British
Pound Sign - it's encoded as & pound ; (minus the spaces).
Any idea on how to solve this??
Basic XML only defines a handful of character entities. The other
common ones are part o
> I need to open a bitmap file, perhaps do some filtering, and
> render it
> to the screen with the maximum possible performance.
Try it the easy way, see if it's fast enough. NSImage can load
most common bitmap file formats and draw itself.
Paul Sanders.
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:05 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2010, at 12:52 PM, fabian wrote:
> Sorry for being unclear. I want NSApp to behave normally, i.e. when the
>> user
>> hides it (with Command+H) the menu bar and all windows _except this one
>> window_ should hide.
> Easy:
I'm curious why you need to know where the drag originated since it
generally shouldn't matter. Do you have to do some extra work in one
case? And what happens if you see a drag from another application?
On Mar 25, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Jeffrey J. Early wrote:
Is there any way to determine the
On Mar 25, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
>> I am trying to sync a folder containing several files and the hidden file
>> .DS_Store. I know that this file contains special info about the directory,
>> so I sync it too. Should I really do that?
> Ideally you should, because it contains some
On Mar 25, 2010, at 15:39, Joanna Carter wrote:
> But, this dictionary method does mean populating the dictionary before
> editing and then shoving it into the object controller, then doing the
> reverse after editing.
Well, this statement confuses me.
The dictionary only has to be populated a
On Mar 25, 2010, at 1:10 PM, fabian wrote:
> Is it possible to prevent a window from hiding when NSApp is hidden, so it
> always stays on screen? I only want the menu bar to go away.
Honestly, it sounds like what you really want is to spin off this window into a
separate process with LSUIElement
On Mar 24, 2010, at 1:15 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:
> You can work around this by signing your app properly as part of building it,
> but I'm not sure it's common to sign development builds.
It’s somewhat common to sign debug builds of Internet applications, using a
self-signing certificate:
On Mar 25, 2010, at 11:51 AM, Dave wrote:
> Hi All,
> Regarding:
> On 24 Mar 2010, at 06:05, Eli Bach wrote:
>> And if you don't have your code in a version control system that supports
>> branching [and no, CVS does NOT count], you go to your bedroom and think
>> about that while I g
Hi Jens,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. We are a startup and basically
just trying to get thing going with what we have. I'm downloading the
XML data via a URL and I could just change the database and strip out
the offending characters. I was wondering if changing the XML charset
Typically what i do is download the XML into a string ... then if
there are special characters that i know about in advance, i can use
string class methods to replace them in the string before passing off
to the xml parser. just another option to consider.
On Mar 25, 2010, at 10:34 P
I've had similar problems in the past. I usually just filter out the
files you mentioned, e.g. ignore them. There are also AppleScript
etc. that will delete them for you, do a google and you are bound to
find them. Bottom line: it's not worth trying to treat them as normal
On Mar 25, 2010, at 8:34 PM, Dave wrote:
> Hi Jens,
> Thanks for taking the time to reply. We are a startup and basically just
> trying to get thing going with what we have. I'm downloading the XML data via
> a URL and I could just change the database and strip out the offending
> characters
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to open a bitmap file, perhaps do some filtering, and render it
> to the screen with the maximum possible performance.
> I am allowed to assume Snow Leopard.
> Now I am a bit confused what technology (-ies) I should use to
On Mar 25, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Dave wrote:
> I was wondering if changing the XML charset would solve the problem? From
> searching the Web I think the problem could be that we are assuming UTF-8, I
> was wondering if we changed it to one of the ISO char sets if this would
> solve it.
No, it has
60 matches
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