My app maintains in its managed object context an array of, say,
Potato objects. The potatoes in this central managed object context
come and go occasionally -- someone might throw in a new one, or eat
one. An archived potato is low in calories, consisting of a half
dozen numbers or short string
There isn't an opportunity to interpose like this on other people's
stores, like the built in SQLite persistent store. However, you can
implement your own NSAtomicStore, and make something like the binary
- Ben
Cocoa-dev mai
I haven't been able to figure out how to set a custom identifier with
NSToolbarItem's. Is it possible? I don't see it anywhere in IB, or
anywhere in the class documentation? I can see the identifier at
runtime, but it's a uuid, can't I set a custom identifier?
Thanks all.
I've never seen it documented though perceived performance would
indicate this is indeed the case
Generally, implementation details about caching behaviors falls isn't
something that gets formally documented. It's not part of the API
contract, and can change some from release to release.
// Insert a Foo without telling the undo manager
[undoManager disableUndoRegistration] ;
Foo *foo = [[Foo alloc] initWithEntity:runEntity
That's standard alloc/init. It's retained and needs a matching
release from you. Whether or n
On Dec 22, 2008, at 00:44, aaron smith wrote:
I haven't been able to figure out how to set a custom identifier with
NSToolbarItem's. Is it possible? I don't see it anywhere in IB, or
anywhere in the class documentation? I can see the identifier at
runtime, but it's a uuid, can't I set a custom i
Under GC, retain/release is not the same as CFRetain/CFRelease
(retain/release does nothing but CFRetain/CFRelease ensures that the object
is kept around even if the GC might want to finalize it).
The general idea is then that you will have to "cast" the CFRetain at the
same time you cast the CFTyp
When I use [GCC_WARN_UNUSED_PARAMETER, -Wunused-parameter]
I get (in Release build, not in Development) for every @synthesize
statement a warning:
warning: unused parameter '_value'
There is no "value" nor "_value" in the source to be found.
What am I doing wrong?
Xcode Version 3.1.1; gcc 4.
Apologies in advance for what I think must be a basic question. It's something
I've never had cause to do before, assumed must be fairly straightforward, and
then seemed a lot more complicated than it should be which leads me to think
that I am using the wrong search terms...
All I want to
In my app I need a way to generate the name of a method based on a
property key. If the key is, e.g. -scaleFactor, and the generated
method name needs to be -displayNameForScaleFactor, how can I reliably
turn "scaleFactor" into "ScaleFactor"? I tried [NSString
capitalizedString] but I get "
So in essence my question is: How can I tell my application to
accept iCal events dragged directly from the iCal GUI?
When iCal events are dragged and exported to another application,
iCal will provide a promised .ics file in ~/Library/Caches/
TemporaryItems. This file has an extens
In my app I used NSTextView as editor and saves my project along with the
contents of editor by using archiving and also I can open the saved project.
Now I need to show a bubble in the close button when I'm making any changes
in the editor. How can I show the bubble? How can I notify when the edit
Either NSWindow or NSWindowController have a -setDocumentEdited:
method that will do what you want.
On 22 Dec 2008, at 11:39, Mahaboob wrote:
In my app I used NSTextView as editor and saves my project along
with the
contents of editor by using archiving and also I can open the saved
Fun problem
Basically it's safe to assume 24 hours in a day for date calculation
(check details at Wikipedia) so you just have to get January 1 of the
target year, January 1 of the subsequent year and increment until the
time interval between them equals zero. This makes no assumptions
I’m interested to know if there’s a better way to do this than the
ugly way I’ve been using, too:
NSString *first = [string substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
NSString *rest = [string substringFromIndex: 1];
NSString *result = [[first uppercaseString] stringByAppendingString:
Hi Keith,
Ken's suggestion is much more elegant than mine, but here's mine
anyway. I wrote a little Foundation Tool to test it and it works fine.
Note that the year (2009), and the fact that 2009 is not a leap year,
are hard-coded. You'll have to change that, of course.
Hope this helps.
On 22 Dec 2008, at 11:22 pm, Rob Rix wrote:
I’m interested to know if there’s a better way to do this than the
ugly way I’ve been using, too:
NSString *first = [string substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
NSString *rest = [string substringFromIndex: 1];
NSString *result = [[first uppercas
Graham Cox wrote:
In my app I need a way to generate the name of a method based on a
property key. If the key is, e.g. -scaleFactor, and the generated
method name needs to be -displayNameForScaleFactor, how can I reliably
turn "scaleFactor" into "ScaleFactor"? I tried [NSString
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
> I ended up writing this category method. I guess it will be reliable, as
> it's making no assumptions about encoding.
Actually it is! It assumes that the first character is the first
"character". You'll want to stick in a call to
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:42 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann
> When I use [GCC_WARN_UNUSED_PARAMETER, -Wunused-parameter]
> I get (in Release build, not in Development) for every @synthesize statement
> a warning:
> warning: unused parameter '_value'
> There is no "value" nor "_value" in the sour
I wrote a little app to do deep folder watching on Windows servers
from a Mac and am getting crashes when directories are added or
removed from the watch directory. The directory scanning takes place
in a thread and I tried to isolate the array from outside changes by
locking it, but i
Le 22 déc. 08 à 14:48, Michael Ash a écrit :
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Graham Cox
I ended up writing this category method. I guess it will be
reliable, as
it's making no assumptions about encoding.
Actually it is! It assumes that the first character is the first
In an application of mine I have some Objective-C classes with C++
instance variables (the Objective-C things own the C++ things). I
build with the option GCC_OBJC_CALL_CXX_CDTORS = YES, i.e. run non-
trivial default constructors and destructors on C++ instance variables
of Objective-C class
> Generally, implementation details about caching behaviors falls isn't
> something that gets formally documented. It's not part of the API
> contract, and can change some from release to release.
True, but significant performance behaviors should be documented.
Scott Ribe
Found a partial solution but it's ugly. If I copy the array before
enumerating it, no more crashes, but I'd prefer to not add that
On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:24 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
I wrote a little app to do deep folder watching on Windows servers
from a Mac and am getting c
The lock (the same one) has to be used by all the methods to coordinate
access. Taking a lock in updateDirectoriesInThread doesn't magically make
addDirectory and removeDirectory wait for the lock.
Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice
Unless that busy flag is only used for UI display or debugging info, lose
it. The lock is the way to coordinate access, you can't do that by checking
a flag.
Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice
If you can target Leopard and above, @synchronized is probably a
better route to go though as scott said, the object to be synchronized
around would need to be checked by all methods using it (in your case
this would be the instance of the NSLock).
On Dec 22, 2008, at 10:12 AM, Scott
How would one share a lock? Should I make it a property of the class?
And then what? According to the NSLock documentation, multiple calls
to tryLock are a no no, so how does one determine the current state of
a lock? I didn't see any methods like "isLocked"
On Dec 22, 2008, at 10:12 AM,
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
> How would one share a lock? Should I make it a property of the class? And
> then what? According to the NSLock documentation, multiple calls to tryLock
> are a no no, so how does one determine the current state of a lock? I didn't
> see any met
On Dec 22, 2008, at 10:30 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
Nowhere does the documentation say this. You can't call -[NSLock
lock] multiple times, because you'll block on a lock you already have
(that's why we have recursive locks). Otherwise -[NSLock tryLock]
would be quite useless, wouldn't it?
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
> "You should not use this class to implement a recursive lock. Calling the
> lock method twice on the same thread will lock up your thread permanently.
> Use the NSRecursiveLock class to implement recursive locks instead."
It says "lock", not "
I've looked through the archives and the documentation; most of the
information is related to using NSNumberFormatter programatically. I am
looking for a good explanation for using 10.4 style data formatters in
Interface Builder; when I configure a number data formatter I can only get
one of two be
On Dec 22, 2008, at 1:09 AM, Ben Trumbull wrote:
I've never seen it documented though perceived performance would
indicate this is indeed the case
Generally, implementation details about caching behaviors falls
isn't something that gets formally documented. It's not part of the
API contr
Many thanks to both of you for your very helpful replies - much appreciated!
I've gone with Ken's solution, which works perfectly for what I need. For the
sake of the archives, I've attached the method I created based on Ken's code,
which just creates a hierarchical dictionary of objects wi
> Given that, could you give a really simple example of how to
> coordinate access between the three methods?
First, your lock is an instance variable of the class, so in init you alloc
& init it, and in dealloc you release it...
- (void) methodA
[myLock tryLockBeforeDate: [NSDate distantFu
On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:34 AM, Keith Blount wrote:
Many thanks to both of you for your very helpful replies - much
appreciated! I've gone with Ken's solution, which works perfectly
for what I need. For the sake of the archives, I've attached the
method I created based on Ken's code, wh
On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:42 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
Problem is, I'm a thread noob so have no idea which type of lock is
right for my situation. As to @synchronized, Robert Marini seemed to
suggest that that was a Leopard-pnly solution. This app has to work
on Tiger as well.
As a self professe
On Dec 20, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Andre Masse wrote:
I'm using a master/detail view in my application. If the user select
another row in the master table and the detail has been modified, I
want to present an alert to save, cancel or return to detail. I'm
not using binding here, only dat
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:53 AM, Keith Blount wrote:
Apologies in advance for what I think must be a basic question. It's
something I've never had cause to do before, assumed must be fairly
straightforward, and then seemed a lot more complicated than it
should be which leads me to think t
On Dec 22, 2008, at 12:17 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
In a managed memory application, I have a managed object which,
besides its Core Data managed properties, has a single instance
variable, a worker-kind of object which does some heavy lifting for
it. So that this retain
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:42 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
When I use [GCC_WARN_UNUSED_PARAMETER, -Wunused-parameter]
I get (in Release build, not in Development) for every @synthesize
statement a warning:
warning: unused parameter '_value'
There is no "value" nor "_value" in the source to be fo
On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:47 AM, mmalc Crawford wrote:
There shouldn't be any need, though, to "add a month" for each
iteration, just start a new month with a date components object with
a new month number.
This could be made a little more efficient (and if you're not using
garbage collectio
On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
[Good advice, except:]
NSCalendar can handle overflow, so you can have an NSDateComponent
that says something like Year:2008 Month:1 Days:364 and you will
get the right date from components.
You should not rely on this behaviour.
I'd like to stop any drag image from being displayed under or near the
mouse cursor during a drag operation when something is being dragged
into my application from the finder.
The reason is that my app provides sufficient feedback to the user
about the dragging operation already, and
Many thanks for your replies, and for the pointers to the samples and your own
example - much appreciated. Before getting your second reply I'd just been
through the code and done something pretty similar, using the suggestions you
posted, to build up my hierarchical list for use in an NSOutline
Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to use these? I have to admit
to being stumped. I have some pre-written code written using NSData to
send data using CFNetwork and ASyncSocket code and I just can't seem
to figure out how to get the file stream stuff in there. What I would
love is not
Following everyone's advice, I came up with the following, more
compact, solution
- (NSDictionary *) dates:(int) inYear
NSMutableDictionary *result =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableArray *days =
Hi Ken,
The -colorSpaceName method on NSImageRep returns only a best-effort
approximation. This method, like many of the methods of NSImageRep,
is used by NSImage to decide which NSImageRep is the best choice for
drawing to a given destination. The design is easiest to comprehend
from that point
On Dec 22, 2008, at 11:20 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
NSCalendarDate *date = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear: ...
This is precisely the direction in which not to go:
"Important: Use of NSCalendarDate strongly discouraged. It is not
deprecated yet, however it may be in the next major OS release a
I am receiving a compiler warning: ³NSString may not respond to
characterAtIndex² from the following code.
This is from MathPaper Chapter 12 of Building Cocoa Apps. Any help is
- (void)appendString:(NSString *)string
int i;
for (i=0;i<[string length];i++) {
On Dec 22, 2008, at 11:38 AM, mmalc Crawford wrote:
On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
[Good advice, except:]
NSCalendar can handle overflow, so you can have an NSDateComponent
that says something like Year:2008 Month:1 Days:364 and you will
get the right date from compon
On Dec 22, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Richard S. French wrote:
I am receiving a compiler warning: “NSString may not respond to
–characterAtIndex” from the following code.
This is from MathPaper – Chapter 12 of Building Cocoa Apps. Any help
- (void)appendString:(NSString *)stri
On Dec 22, 2008, at 2:53 AM, Keith Blount wrote:
> All I want to do is this: I would like to generate the names of all the
> months for a specified year. Then for each month in that year, I would
> like to generate the names of every day. For instance:
> 2009
> - January
> -- Thursday, 1st Janu
On Dec 22, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Kenneth Bruno wrote:
Basically, NSCalendarDate gets you pretty much what you need:
As in a recent message:
"Important: Use of NSCalendarDate strongly discouraged. It is not
deprecated yet, however it may be in the next major OS release after
Mac OS X v10.5.
Thanks for the help ...
Is it possible to set up my Core Data doc application's Bindings so that
upon launch my mainColumn header is selected and the column is pre-sorted
(ascending) without implementing code?
thanks again.
Cocoa-dev mailing
setNeedsDisplay: and setNeedsDisplayInRect: do not integrate with
coalesced updates as well as they might. If you call setNeedsDisplay:
faster than 60 times per second, then you will encounter the problem
described in the technote.
Did turning off coalesced updates in Quartz Debug help? I
> > CGContextRef myContext =
> > (CGContextRef)[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]graphicsPort];
> Right now you're getting the current graphics context, which is purely
> arbitrary. Nothing has set it yet, so you're getting whatever happened
> to be hanging around.
Is there a way to crea
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:01:11 -0800, "mmalc Crawford"
> On Dec 22, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Kenneth Bruno wrote:
> > Basically, NSCalendarDate gets you pretty much what you need:
> >
> As in a recent message:
> "Important: Use of NSCalendarDate strongly discouraged. It is not
> deprecat
On Dec 22, 2008, at 6:49 AM, Klaus Backert wrote:
In an application of mine I have some Objective-C classes with C++
instance variables (the Objective-C things own the C++ things). I
build with the option GCC_OBJC_CALL_CXX_CDTORS = YES, i.e. run non-
trivial default constructors and destructo
On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:13 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
On Dec 22, 2008, at 1:09 AM, Ben Trumbull wrote:
I've never seen it documented though perceived performance would
indicate this is indeed the case
Generally, implementation details about caching behaviors falls
isn't something that gets
Let's say I have a class called SomeClass with a string property name:
@interface SomeClass : NSObject{
NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* name;
I understand that name may be assigned a NSMutableString in which case this
will may to errant behavior.
(1) For stri
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to cocoa development here, so please bear with me.
Is it possible to replace an object with another object so that all pointers
to that object now point to the new object? In other words:
Ptr A -> object1
Ptr B -> object1
Ptr C -> object1
I want to replace object1 with ano
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:22 PM, David Alter wrote:
>> > CGContextRef myContext =
>> > (CGContextRef)[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]graphicsPort];
>> Right now you're getting the current graphics context, which is purely
>> arbitrary. Nothing has set it yet, so you're getting whatever h
Le 22 déc. 08 à 19:48, Alex Kac a écrit :
Does anyone have a good tutorial on how to use these? I have to
admit to being stumped. I have some pre-written code written using
NSData to send data using CFNetwork and ASyncSocket code and I just
can't seem to figure out how to get the file st
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
> How would one share a lock? Should I make it a property of the class? And
> then what? According to the NSLock documentation, multiple calls to tryLock
> are a no no, so how does one determine the current state of a lock? I didn't
> see any met
Le 22 déc. 08 à 23:04, Debajit Adhikary a écrit :
Let's say I have a class called SomeClass with a string property name:
@interface SomeClass : NSObject{
NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* name;
I understand that name may be assigned a NSMutableString in which
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:04 PM, Debajit Adhikary wrote:
Let's say I have a class called SomeClass with a string property name:
@interface SomeClass : NSObject{
NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* name;
I understand that name may be assigned a NSMutableString in wh
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:04 PM, Debajit Adhikary wrote:
Let's say I have a class called SomeClass with a string property name:
@interface SomeClass : NSObject{
NSString* name;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* name;
I understand that name may be assigned a NSMutableString in whi
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:09 PM, DAS wrote:
Is it possible to replace an object with another object so that all
to that object now point to the new object?
No. There are techniques you can use to achieve something similar,
but I think the real problem is with your design. If you're
Hi Dimitri,
you can make use of the so-called Proxy design pattern. Write all your
code in terms of a proxy object that stands in for the real thing.
Then your code doesn't have to know, or care, whether the object
you're manipulating comes from the server or is local. It's the
On Dec 22, 2008, at 12:12, Corbin Dunn wrote:
Sorry for the late reply on this, but just to add what others have
said, and to make more sense of what is going on:
When the selection is changing, the tableview is in the middle of
tracking the mouse. It sends out the -
I have - and there are still so many questions with things like the
HTTP Post CF code I have and that's what I was hoping for something
more in-depth.
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:32 PM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:
Le 22 déc. 08 à 19:48, Alex Kac a écrit :
Does anyone have a good tutorial on how
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:03 PM, WT wrote:
> Of course,
> the proxy object's class has to share the same interface as the class of the
> objects it represents so that your code doesn't need to know whether it's
> dealing with a proxy or with the real thing.
This isn't true in Objective-C. Take a
My app is using garbage collection and I'm running into a memory
smasher bug where the app will crash at seemingly random times, with
Obviously there is some reference to an object that is being released
when I don't want it to be but I'm having a lot of trouble tra
On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Rob Keniger wrote:
My app is using garbage collection and I'm running into a memory
smasher bug where the app will crash at seemingly random times, with
Obviously there is some reference to an object that is being
released when I don't want i
On Dec 23, 2008, at 1:04 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:03 PM, WT wrote:
Of course,
the proxy object's class has to share the same interface as the
class of the
objects it represents so that your code doesn't need to know
whether it's
dealing with a proxy or with the rea
On 23/12/2008, at 10:24 AM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:
Not necessarily. Any number of things can cause crashes like this:
- trashing memory
- thread mis-synchronization
- something goes awry in the malloc zone
That it never happens under Instruments indicates that it might be a
threading issue
On 22.12.2008, at 22:54, Greg Parker wrote:
On Dec 22, 2008, at 6:49 AM, Klaus Backert wrote:
In an application of mine I have some Objective-C classes with C++
instance variables (the Objective-C things own the C++ things). I
build with the option GCC_OBJC_CALL_CXX_CDTORS = YES, i.e. run n
On 23 Dec 2008, at 00:30, WT wrote:
On Dec 23, 2008, at 1:04 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:03 PM, WT wrote:
Of course,
the proxy object's class has to share the same interface as the
class of the
objects it represents so that your code doesn't need to know
whether it'
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 4:30 PM, WT wrote:
> One is not obligated to use NSProxy to implement the Proxy pattern. I must
> admit not being all that familiar with NSProxy, but having the proxy and the
> object it stands for share the same public API (by being instances of
> subclasses of the same a
On Dec 23, 2008, at 1:55 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
On 23 Dec 2008, at 00:30, WT wrote:
On Dec 23, 2008, at 1:04 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:03 PM, WT wrote:
Of course,
the proxy object's class has to share the same interface as the
class of the
objects it represents s
On Dec 22, 2008, at 6:55 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
No, the whole point is that although the proxy descends from a
different hierarchy, no-one outside the proxy need know this. All
other code treats it as though it were a non-proxy object of the
expected class. Whenever one of the class's met
I've got a NSTableView controlled by a NSArrayController using content set
binding. One of the columns is a checkbox, and I need to take some action when
the user changes the value, but I don't want to put the code in the actual
object, because it would be beyond the concerns of this object to d
On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:19 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
I've got a NSTableView controlled by a NSArrayController using
content set binding. One of the columns is a checkbox, and I need to
take some action when the user changes the value, but I don't want
to put the code in the actual object, because
I got this working:
I placed the following in my windowControllerDidLoadNib method:
NSSortDescriptor * sorter = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"nameColumn"
[myArrayController setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sorter]];
I set the table sorting properties to:
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:
> On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:04 PM, Debajit Adhikary wrote:
>> Let's say I have a class called SomeClass with a string property name:
>> @interface SomeClass : NSObject{
>> NSString* name;
>> }
>> @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* na
On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:11 AM, Avery Nickelby wrote:
I've looked through the archives and the documentation; most of the
information is related to using NSNumberFormatter programatically. I
looking for a good explanation for using 10.4 style data formatters in
Interface Builder; when I confi
--- On Mon, 22/12/08, Ken Thomases wrote:
> From: Ken Thomases
> Subject: Re: observeValueForKeyPath and how to do it right
> To: "Chris Idou"
> Cc:
> Received: Monday, 22 December, 2008, 6:36 PM
> On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:19 PM, Chris
> Idou wrote:
> > I've got a NS
Hi.These are those I use frequently:
COMMAND+SHIFT+Y: view debugger
COMMAND+0: view Xcode main window
COMMAND+ENTER: build and go
COMMAND+OPTION+A: add to project
OPTION-[DOUBLE CLICK] over a word: find the word in xcode documentation
COMMAND-[DOUBLE CLICK] over a word: find the word in header fil
If you say so.. but for example how would you click at specified coordinates
in applescript? or get a pixel color?
Of course, if an app is scriptable I use appscpt or automator, but in many
case, even websites, I have to follow this path.
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Andrew Farmer
Hi All
We have an application in which we post keyboard events using the API
CGError CGPostKeyboardEvent (CGCharCode keyChar, CGKeyCode virtualKey,
boolean_t keyDown);
API works fine for all the events.
However, we are facing an issue with Caps Lock key.
When we post a synthetic event from
I have two applications communicating via NSConnection and a specific
protocol defined between them.
I'm getting the following exception in the server app randomally and I can't
seem to place a finger why, since the only relation from the exception stack
to my code is the RunLoop run message... (s
Is there any range within which the values returned by the method rate() of
the class NSSpeechSynthesizer lie? I see that the volume is always between
0.0 and 1.0.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (
Is there a way to make a plug-in for iTunes that adds another "tab" to
the sidebar? (ie. where the Music, Movies, Podcasts, and all the
playlists are...)
If so, does anyone have some pointers to some documentation on it?
I've spent the last 1.5 hours hunting around for something like that,
and ha
I'm using a Core Data model and letting NSPersistentDocument manage the task of
finding and loading the application's model. My model contains data that I am
displaying in a graph (SM2DGraphView) A problem I'm having is that once the
model data is done loading I want to send a refresh messag
On 23/12/2008, at 5:26 AM, Reema Sardana wrote:
Is there any range within which the values returned by the method
rate() of
the class NSSpeechSynthesizer lie? I see that the volume is always
0.0 and 1.0.
Hmm... I see that the values for rate
On Dec 22, 2008, at 10:19 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
--- On Mon, 22/12/08, Ken Thomases wrote:
On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:19 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
I've got a NSTableView controlled by a NSArrayController using
content set binding. One of the columns is a checkbox, and I need
to take some action wh
On 22 Dec 08, at 15:05, Neil wrote:
Is there a way to make a plug-in for iTunes that adds another "tab" to
the sidebar? (ie. where the Music, Movies, Podcasts, and all the
playlists are...)
If so, does anyone have some pointers to some documentation on it?
I've spent the last 1.5 hours hunting
Thanks for the help,
Now it is working well with the menu item's action. I also need to perform
the same thing when I'm clicking the close button of the window. I gone
through the NSWindow documentation but, I'm unable to figure it out to
perform close event of the window. How can I fire close eve
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