Go for option #1, use a "custom drag type" (in your case ships) to
aha ok understood that part. I think I know how to do it, shouldn't be
different form registering a tiff representation of an image just
register the NSData of the custom object no?
You could update the pasteb
On 9.12.2008, at 0:01, Graham Cox wrote:
Use a custom drag type for your ship objects.
Definitely DO NOT use image size as a way to identify the ship!
That's just weird.
Learn about MVC (Model-View-Controller). Your ship objects are part
of the model, which could include a list of p
you should be able to detect a double click and call a method then
that either temporarily allows the selection or directly starts the
edit mode. I do have a similar setup - don't do editing, but I use the
double click action via bindings to attach notes to such an
unselectable item.
I did something like this , long time back
hope, this is close enough to your requirement or may be its a wrong
practice ( user discretion required :) )
..// show modal window
NSTimer *myTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:someTime
target:self selector:@selector(
I want to close a Modal NSAlertPanel after specific period of time if user
does not click on any of the buttons. Is there a way to set up a NSTimer to
close the Alert Panel after 10 secs.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.appl
I am using NSAlert. When runModal is called on the NSAlert's object, timer
is not fired till the time i close the alert panel..
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:20 PM, rajesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did something like this , long time back
> hope, this is close enough to your requirement or may
> However, the arrangedObjects array, while existing, contains zero
> objects. I've checked the Outlet is connected ok. A timing issue of
> some sort?
No. Based on the above, your code isn't KVO compliant.
First of all, it's important to realize that nothing is ever bound to
an instance vari
no longer a violation of the NDA provided you're discussing publicly
released software, as the new NDA states; as far as I understand it.
You may or may not have better luck over the iPhone dev forums,
there's a couple of great people over there who are very good at
answering the iPhone odd
Hi Steven,
as far as I know, the fect happens in the next run loop. So you would
need to set the selection then. This is possible for example via the
performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: and a delay of 0.0 on self (?).
Ah, I understand. I've implemented the correc
As far as I remember, you can get something like 1000 512x512 image
draw per
sec on a mac pro (not a very good card, but not bad also). If you use
OpenGL instead of CoreGraphics, this is more like 7000 1024x768
image per sec.
Did you have QuartzGL turned on when you tested this?
I'm just dipping my toes into the world of signed code. After spending
some time with the Code Signing guide, I'm still not clear on how this
affects the work flows around my product (SCPlugin, http://scplugin.tigris.org
, which adds Subversion capabilities to Finder), partly because of
Le 9 déc. 08 à 05:12, Jack Repenning a écrit :
I'm just dipping my toes into the world of signed code. After
spending some time with the Code Signing guide, I'm still not clear
on how this affects the work flows around my product (SCPlugin, http://scplugin.tigris.org
, which adds Subversion
On 9-Dec-08, at 8:36 AM, Karan, Cem (Civ, ARL/CISD) wrote:
To lay the groundwork for this question, I'm going to state that I'm
getting my definitions for MVC, MVP, and Passive View from the
The +scheduledTimer* methods schedule the timer using the default
runloop mode. Try creating a timer without scheduling it, then adding
it yourself to the current runloop with NSRunLoop's -addTimer:forMode:
instead, using the NSModalPanelRunLoopMode mode:
myTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTim
Hi All,
I am trying out for the preference window.It is a simple app, and under the
main menu when I click on the preference it shows the preference menu popup.
But when I quit the preference window my app seemed to getting hang.I am not
able to quit the application and also the main menu also beco
Le 9 déc. 08 à 11:51, Ingvar Nedrebo a écrit :
On Dec 9, 2008, at 00:43, Chris Idou wrote:
I want to call a script with NSTask and I want to set an environment
But it seems like bad form to blow away the current environment. So
I guess I
need to read the current environment and e
On Dec 9, 2008, at 00:43, Chris Idou wrote:
I want to call a script with NSTask and I want to set an environment
But it seems like bad form to blow away the current environment. So
I guess I
need to read the current environment and extend it before passing it
Is there
It worked after adding timer in NSModalPanelRunLoopMode.Thanks
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Sherm Pendley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> The +scheduledTimer* methods schedule the timer using the default runloop
> mode. Try creating a timer without scheduling it, then adding it yourself to
> the c
To lay the groundwork for this question, I'm going to state that I'm getting my
definitions for MVC, MVP, and Passive View from the following:
Mahaboob wrote:
Hi all,
In my application NSPopUpButton shows the table names in the database.
When I'm pointing one table name and hitting delete key, I need
to delete
the table from the database. How can I implement delete key event
for PopUp
If I'm understanding correctly (or
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 4:12 AM, Jack Repenning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My experiments so far seem to show that none of those things happens. In
> fact, even if I modify one of the files, so that "codesign -v" no longer
> likes the bundle, it still seems to work. Is "codesign -v" the only
> (L
So, I think I know why ASLExpireTime had no effect on the making
messages persist in the main database.
It looks like syslogd has to be started with the -a flag to enable
archiving. When I added the flag to the ProgramArguments section of /
There is no reliable documented API for switching the default printer. There
are workarounds which might or might not work in the future.
Briefly: there are CUPS techniques for setting the default printer. Under
10.4 these worked. Under 10.5 these work unless the user has chosen "Last
Printer" in
One more thing, if MS Word 2004 is one of your targets, there are more
things to be aware of:
- If Word is set to display the "project gallery" on launch, which is the
default, it will ignore your request to open/print files, so this preference
has to be turned off.
- Occasionally Word will decid
i'm assuming this is simple, but i can't solve the problem. at launch
of the application, an NSRect is drawn with a userdefault color:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSData *colorAsData;
i have several views that are added and replaced by a main window
using core animation... i've noticed that the text (label objects,
checkbox text, etc.) in each view is not being anti-aliased.
this link (
) will show you an
On Dec 9, 2008, at 9:17 AM, Chunk 1978 wrote:
that works... but now i want that rect to redraw itself when notified
to do so, but i can't figure out how to notify the NSRect to draw
again... all my NSUserDefaults colorAsData is in place, as well as my
NSNotifications. it will print to NSLog so
On Dec 9, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Chunk 1978 wrote:
this link (
) will show you an image displaying this problem. the window on the
left is from
within Interface Builder (anti-aliased text), the window on the right
is the runn
I am in the process of creating a new interface for my program, which, for lack
of any good comparison, can be thought of as a 2D scrolling game with a bunch
of clickable sprites. I need to do hit testing to see if particular bitmaps
have been clicked on. I have the following information avail
On Dec 9, 2008, at 5:17 PM, Chunk 1978 wrote:
i'm assuming this is simple, but i can't solve the problem. at launch
of the application, an NSRect is drawn with a userdefault color:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUser
Le Dec 8, 2008 à 8:12 PM, Graham Cox a écrit :
On 9 Dec 2008, at 2:56 pm, Jim Correia wrote:
On Dec 8, 2008, at 10:51 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
In my app I have an NSOutlineView. I have contextual menus
relating to the overall table, but also relating to an individual
item row. I notice tha
i hadn't tried setNeedsDisplay:YES... but this works... and now i know
what setNeedsDisplay means, which is exciting :)
thanks everyone.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:27 AM, rajesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 5:17 PM, Chunk 1978 wrote:
>> i'm assuming this is simple, but i can
Le Dec 9, 2008 à 12:40 AM, Volker in Lists a écrit :
you should be able to detect a double click and call a method then
that either temporarily allows the selection or directly starts the
edit mode. I do have a similar setup - don't do editing, but I use
the double click action via bi
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Chunk 1978 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that works... but now i want that rect to redraw itself when notified
> to do so, but i can't figure out how to notify the NSRect to draw
> again... all my NSUserDefaults colorAsData is in place, as well as my
> NSNotification
I started an AP use NSTask in my project ,when I loaded this AP,
thread count will be increased ,after sending apple event to AP ,
and AP will exit, but thread count can't decrease. If I used this
method load AP more times, thread count will increased, but there
was no problem on tiger, ju
I would use Shark to isolate the counterperformant part of your
On Dec 9, 2008, at 12:11 AM, Brad Justice wrote:
My application spawns a POSIX background thread that polls for
certain hardware changes. I have found that according to Activity
Monitor and BigTop it is consum
Would the NSView (or NSWindow) method dataWithPDFInsideRect be a starting point
for you? It does let you obtain your view as PDF data.
Though, there might be a more direct approach to get what you need just by
using the basic printing classes.
In case these resources have eluded your ra
Out of curiosity, why spawn a second thread to poll when you can use
IOServiceAddMatchingNotification() [and friends, search in
/Developer/Examples] to get you notifications of devices appearing and
disappearing? That is going to faster than walking the entire
IORegistry every time to find the mat
I have created a simple application in cocoa.
when it is ran, the main window appears and a default dock icon in the Dock.
If i close the window, the dock icon still stays. But if i click on the dock
icon then also the main window is visible.
The only way i can see the main window is by quitti
In your app delegate, implement -applicationDidBecomeActive: to show
your window.
On Dec 9, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Arun wrote:
I have created a simple application in cocoa.
when it is ran, the main window appears and a default dock icon in
the Dock.
If i close the window, the dock icon sti
On 9 Dec 2008, at 17:02:19, Arun wrote:
I have created a simple application in cocoa.
when it is ran, the main window appears and a default dock icon in
the Dock.
If i close the window, the dock icon still stays. But if i click on
the dock
icon then also the main window is visible.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chunk 1978 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Text Not Anti-Aliased In NSView
To: Nick Zitzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
i studied apple's "Basic Cocoa Animations" example found here:
I have a situation where I'm archiving an array of objects via
NSKeyedArchiver's archivedDataWithRootObject: and later needing to set
a delegate on the NSKeyedUnarchiver that decodes it. The
documentation is a bit unclear on how one starts the unarchive process
when a NSKeyedUnarchiver is created
I totally agree with Herb here. If matching on a specific serial
number is not feasible, at the very least, match on the
IOHIDDevicesKey. As opposed to polling, you will be informed with the
HID topology changes.
One very important note though. I would avoid calling
The following returns a nil image with a path of lg002025-"Santa".tif
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
bool ok = [image isValid];
but returns a valid image if the path is lg002025-Santa.tif
so how can the finder allow " in the name but NSImage burp
This depends on your application.
A document based application will automatically create a new untitled
document for you. Which is generally what you want. If you app is
really document based, its best to use the document based project
If you app is not document based (say Mail
I did encounter the same problem (developing on 10.5 and testing on
It seem's to be a know bug in NSNumberFormatter
I solved it by subclassing NSNumberFormatter like this:
#import "MCNumberFormatter.h"
@implementation MCNumberFormatter
- (NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)anObject
It works for me. How is the string for path getting created?
- Original Message
> From: David Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Cocoa-dev List
> Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 10:32:19 AM
> Subject: Quote in path name
> The following returns a nil image with a path of
Hi all,
I'm looking for documentation/tutorial/pointers on how to handle the
situation when an NSArrayController is managing an NSMutableArray
which will contain multiple types of objects but all of which have the
same base class. So the NSArrayController's "Object Controller" "Class
I have a sheet which contains an NSTextField. I need to allow users to
enter line returns in the textfield, so I have implemented the
functionality according to this apple note:
This works great. However, if the user clicks out of the text field
On Dec 9, 2008, at 6:36 AM, Chris Suter wrote:
By the way, you should post code signing questions to the apple-cdsa
list rather than the Cocoa list as you'll get a better response there.
Thanks for that. I did look for a more focused list, but I guess that
acronym didn't catch my eye.
I'm trying to subclass NSTextField so that it accepts dragged
directory from the Finder... (I know it already does, but I need to
modify the behavior slightly)...
Instead of "inserting" the dragged file's path in the current text of
the text field, I need to replace the whole textfield's te
On Dec 9, 2008, at 8:21 AM, Chunk 1978 wrote:
i have several views that are added and replaced by a main window
using core animation... i've noticed that the text (label objects,
checkbox text, etc.) in each view is not being anti-aliased.
this link (
I've got several questions since I'm just starting to investigate Mach
1) Why is +LaunchThreadWithPort: so designate
Can you not recreate the bug in testing or identify the code where the possibly
faulty path variable is created?
- Original Message
> From: David Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Charles Steinman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 11:50:26 AM
> Subject
Le 9 déc. 08 à 21:36, John Love a écrit :
I've got several questions since I'm just starting to investigate
Mach Ports.
I am having a problem setting the Checkbox to show the address book
item is for a company. It seems to crash settig the value. What am I
doing wrong?
// we need to create this address item
addressItem = [[[ABPerson alloc] init] autorelease];
[addressItem setVal
In my application, I have to open a form window when a user press a button.
It is somewhat similar to Apple Mail. In Apple Mail, if you click "New
Message" button from the toolbar, a "New Message" window is appeared.
For now, what I did was something like this:
In IB, I added a window (or a panel)
On Dec 9, 2008, at 2:18 PM, development2 wrote:
int personFlags = [[addressItem valueForProperty:kABPersonFlags]
That should be an NSInteger, not an int, and you should use -
integerValue instead.
personFlags = (kABShowAsMask && kABShowAsCompany);
That shou
On Dec 9, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
On Dec 9, 2008, at 2:18 PM, development2 wrote:
int personFlags = [[addressItem valueForProperty:kABPersonFlags]
That should be an NSInteger, not an int, and you should use -
integerValue instead.
Yeah thanks, saw that in th
Hello, all,
CocoaHeads Lake Forest will be meeting on the second Wednesday in
December, 12/10, from 7 to 9 PM. We will meet in our usual location
at the Orange County Public Library (El Toro) community room, 24672
Raymond Way, Lake Forest, CA 92630.
Peter Hosey, one of the developers of the inst
Please note corrected subject.
Hello, all,
CocoaHeads Lake Forest will be meeting on the second Wednesday in
December, 12/10, from 7 to 9 PM. We will meet in our usual location
at the Orange County Public Library (El Toro) community room, 24672
Raymond Way, Lake Forest, CA 92630.
Peter Hosey, o
I've been busy adding some structure to the NSUserDefaults in my app. So I
would have a dictionary like 'generalPrefs' with some key/value pairs,
separate from 'otherPrefs' etc.
Now I wonder why the following doesn't work:
[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] valueForKeyPath:
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:34 AM, I. Savant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, the custom view that draws the rectangle should probably
> maintain this property itself (such as -rectColor). It's probably
> trivial for your current application (which looks like a learning
> exercise) but has perform
I want to implement a delayed file paste feature for file copy/paste. When I
first put file lists into the clipboard, the files are actually not existing
yet (in another unmapped network place). These files will only be created after
got the paste request. So my question is how to detect the pas
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Jim Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a situation where I'm archiving an array of objects via
> NSKeyedArchiver's archivedDataWithRootObject: and later needing to set
> a delegate on the NSKeyedUnarchiver that decodes it. The
> documentation is a bit unclea
Ok, my problem! We have some C++ code that preprocess our paths (for
our reasons) and it was REMOVING the " , duh, sorry!
But I did learn something. Some names come in with some UTF8
encoding and those were a problem until I realized
On Dec 9, 2008, at 1:45 PM, Ch
Even if it were slower, contorting the code like this without
having profiled the code and demonstrated that this is in fact a
significant slowdown is bad practice.
I disagree. Certainly it's "profile first", but to have a view that
reads a simple property from user defaults every time it
On 10 Dec 2008, at 3:34 am, Corbin Dunn wrote:
Le Dec 9, 2008 à 12:40 AM, Volker in Lists a écrit :
you should be able to detect a double click and call a method then
that either temporarily allows the selection or directly starts the
edit mode. I do have a similar setup - don't do e
for sometime now (i don't remember when this started, possibly w/
leopard or 10.5.5 or the previous dev tools update), i've been
getting a number of lines like the following on the debugger console
when hitting breakpoints:
warning: Trying to look up "NSString" in 'this' but 'this' is not an a
I've got a modal dialog with a couple of NSTextFields. Changes weren't getting
saved, so I thought I'd better call commitEditing on the text field before
retrieving its value with stringValue.
But when I call commitEditing on the NSTextField it gives the error:
-[NSTextField commitEditing]: unr
On 10 Dec 2008, at 10:53 am, Chris Idou wrote:
I've got a modal dialog with a couple of NSTextFields. Changes
weren't getting saved, so I thought I'd better call commitEditing on
the text field before retrieving its value with stringValue.
But when I call commitEditing on the NSTextField i
Le Dec 9, 2008 à 3:36 PM, Graham Cox a écrit :
On 10 Dec 2008, at 3:34 am, Corbin Dunn wrote:
Le Dec 9, 2008 à 12:40 AM, Volker in Lists a écrit :
you should be able to detect a double click and call a method then
that either temporarily allows the selection or directly starts
On 2008-Dec-9, at 18:53, Chris Idou wrote:
I've got a modal dialog with a couple of NSTextFields. Changes
weren't getting saved, so I thought I'd better call commitEditing on
the text field before retrieving its value with stringValue.
But when I call commitEditing on the NSTextField it giv
On 10 Dec 2008, at 11:02 am, Corbin Dunn wrote:
Actually, I think the row does have to be selected to allow it to be
edited. Is there a reason you can't let it be selected at this point?
In other words, what are you trying to do? I may be able to offer
another solution.
OK. The outl
I am getting this error over and over again, whenever I do a new
target in some place and then try to use it somewhere else.
I have a dynamic library in a project that is used in another project.
Then I added another dynamic library to the first one which is also
used by the second
First, I would like to thank all those who took the time to assist me
with this issue.
I have begun implementing the suggestions I received with good results.
Modifying the code to use IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty() rather than
IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties() resulted in CPU usage dropp
On Dec 9, 2008, at 5:31 PM, I. Savant wrote:
Even if it were slower, contorting the code like this without
having profiled the code and demonstrated that this is in fact a
significant slowdown is bad practice.
I disagree. Certainly it's "profile first", but to have a view that
reads a si
I could use a little guidance, please, on customizing cells for
display in an NSTableView. (My app is Leopard-only.) I looked around
the Apple docs and cocoadev, but didn't really find anything useful.
Other pointers would be appreciated.
My table has but one column, but each cell in tha
On Dec 9, 2008, at 8:09 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:
In some cases, other attributes, when set, will 'dirty' that flag
followed by a setNeedsDisplay. Colors will then be re-fetched/
created and then reused until the next change comes along.
Perfectly good example of "timely optimization".
thanks for your reply. I means in my project, I want to use NSTask to
launch an application, and send application some parameters, when use
NSTask launch application that will add a new thread, right? and then
send Apple event, when application received Apple event , it will
quit, usually,
On Dec 9, 2008, at 7:25 PM, I. Savant wrote:
On Dec 9, 2008, at 8:09 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:
In some cases, other attributes, when set, will 'dirty' that flag
followed by a setNeedsDisplay. Colors will then be re-fetched/
created and then reused until the next change comes along.
I searched the archives and didn't see anything relevant...
The -[NSManagedObject isDeleted] method "incorrectly" returns false if
the object has been deleted. This is in the documentation, despite the
misleading name, but how do I find out if an NSManagedObject has
really been deleted? Rig
On 10 Dec 2008, at 12:21 pm, Randall Meadows wrote:
I could use a little guidance, please, on customizing cells for
display in an NSTableView. (My app is Leopard-only.) I looked
around the Apple docs and cocoadev, but didn't really find anything
useful. Other pointers would be appreciat
On 10 Dec 2008, at 12:25 pm, I. Savant wrote:
Asking for the shared user defaults instance, then asking it for a
value, then unarchiving a more useful object from it, *then* using
it to draw is certainly more work than caching the value only when
it changes. It's not like it's performance
What I have done in the past with these sort of issues is either load
the nib in the button pushed action or depending on how complicated
your secondary window is, you could programatically create it like this.
myWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:myRect
Thanks for your reply, Rob
I found the following site had the same problem (using an Apple
Script) to mine.
In my App A I also use the Security Framework to authenticate the user
to elevate privilege because my App B must be run by
On Dec 9, 2008, at 6:21 PM, Randall Meadows wrote:
I could use a little guidance, please, on customizing cells for
display in an NSTableView. (My app is Leopard-only.) I looked
around the Apple docs and cocoadev, but didn't really find anything
useful. Other pointers would be appreciate
Here is an example loading from nib within an action method
- (IBAction)showMyNewWindow:(id)sender
NSLog(@"Loading Nib");
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"MyNewWindow" owner:self];
[myNewWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil
I’m doing something vaguely similar to this using a subclass of
NSCollectionView, which sets up the collection view item differently
depending on some attribute of the represented object it’s operating
on. In this case, the class is just another attribute.
NSArrayController being in the con
It sounds like you might want to set up the window in a new nib file,
which you load and unload with NSWindowController by creating a new
NSWindowController instance and then calling -showWindow: on it.
This also gives you a convenient location to start adding controller
code for the conten
Well, I just spent a half hour meticulously reproducing how to make
Apple's AbstractTree Sample Code project crash after two Undo
operations [2], and then found that this is a known issue [1].
Has anyone ever found a way to use Core Data + NSTreeController +
NSOutlineView without getting cr
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:31 PM, I. Savant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Even if it were slower, contorting the code like this without
>> having profiled the code and demonstrated that this is in fact a
>> significant slowdown is bad practice.
> I disagree. Certainly it's "profile first", but t
Daniel Luis dos Santos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 2008-12-10 7:38 PM said:
>I am getting this error over and over again, whenever I do a new
>target in some place and then try to use it somewhere else.
>I have a dynamic library in a project that is used in another project.
>Then I added another dynam
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 8:25 PM, I. Savant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 8:09 PM, Ricky Sharp wrote:
>> In some cases, other attributes, when set, will 'dirty' that flag followed
>> by a setNeedsDisplay. Colors will then be re-fetched/created and then
>> reused until the next ch
I. Savant ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 2008-12-09 8:25 PM said:
> Asking for the shared user defaults instance, then asking it for a
>value, then unarchiving a more useful object from it, *then* using it
>to draw is certainly more work than caching the value only when it
>changes. It's not like it's p
Jerry Krinock ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 2008-12-09 10:13 PM said:
>[2] Steps to Reproduce
>1. Download Apple's AbstractTree sample code project:
> http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/AbstractTree/AbstractTree.zip
>2. Doubleclick AbstractTree/AbstractTree/AbstractTree.xcodeproj
>3. Just
On 10 Dec 2008, at 11:21 am, Graham Cox wrote:
I did also try the idea of using an "active" marker in a separate
table column to indicate the active layer and that worked alright,
but much less obvious and visible than using the selection highlight
for this. It also added another column to
You probable do not have AppKit include into you command line tool
(under the 'External Frameworks and Libraries' folder) either add it
to your project or look at LaunchServices which is easy to use, I have
an example/wrapper on my web site.
On 08/12/2008, at 11:07 , John Velman wrote:
Thanks for the reply.
My app is not a document based.
I tried using the applicationDidBecomeActive to bring up my main window. It
works only when my application is not active. i.e., when the MenuBar is
occupied by other application. If i launch my app and close the window, the
menu bar is still o
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