Doug, I would like to see the pics of your 35-iii fix as well
Mike Amirault
C&C 33 MKii Lovely Cruise
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Dave, I originally put my p70 on the right side of the companionway. BIG
mistake. My reasoning for putting it there was that if i was to engage the
autohelm, i was leaving the helm anyway. Didn't work out like that, it's just
too far away and I had to go forward every time I made a course change
I don't like the auto tack feature, too damn slow for my liking.___
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I used muriatic acid to dissolve them, didn't hurt the hypalon one bit. It's a
slow process though, you'll have to apply the acid and wipe down several times.
Mike Amirault
Tantallon, ns___
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I agree with you Mike. The previous owner of my C&C 33II (boat was named
Pelagic) had most of the work done by "professionals" at one of the large
marinas in Halifax. Some of the repairs I have uncovered make me shake my head,
shoddy to say the least. I do all my own work on the boat now and it'
Stevan, mine just popped out with a firm rap from my hand. Had to fix up a few
small patches of gelcoat but nothing major.
Mike Amirault
C&C33 MKii SMSC___
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Gelcoat is just pigmented polyester AFAIK, so I would go with polyester if it
isn't going to show anyway. (note, some gelcoats may be based on epoxy) Styrene
applied before the polyester may help to make a better bond.___
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"Wow! You guys are lucky! My Windows came out in pieces with significant gel
coat damage."Well, Gary, you are "High Maintenance" ;)Mike AmiraultLovely
Cruise C&C33MKiiSMSC___
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David, in most hard groundings it is the back of the keel that gets driven up
through the boat causing cracks inside the bilge. My son who does repairs at a
local marina has seen this many times. Take a good look at the back end of your
bilge for cracks, you could have some serious structrual da
When the old battery "floor" collapsed, one winter, I rebuilt it and was able
to make a larger platform with a lot more room for an extra battery in my 33
mkii. I have a 4D gel cell and a group 24 in there with room enough to add a
group 27.
You just have to make sure you have enough height to
Bob, I own a 33mkii with a 2GM20F and it is definitely adequate for this boat,
pushes it along at 6.5 to 7 kts in flat seas, a little slower in a heavy sea.
Mike Amirault
C&C 33II "Lovely Cruise"
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Yes, I have replaced most of the wiring in my mast on my C&C33ii. It actually
has two separate conduits for wiring, although I think one side only goes up as
far as the spreaders. You should be able to split up the wires so they will fit
in the conduit. My advice is to use the old wires/cable to
Mike, I did this job last year on my C&C33ii (2GM20F) and, as others have
suggested, take off the 4 bolts from the manifold. If you try to separate the
mixing elbow from the adjoining piece in place, you are liable to break
something and I don’t think you will be able to get enough leverage anyw
I agree with Rob’s method; try to get a putty knife between the window and the
plexus and tap it along; it will likely let go. When I took mine out all I had
to do was give them a sharp rap with my closed fist and they just popped out.
Mike Amirault
C&C33II Lovely Cruise
St Margarets Bay, NS
Hi guys. I am wondering if any of you in the Halifax area know the history of
my C&C33II. I bought the boat in Lunenburg in 2013; it was named “Pelagic”.
I know that the boat was in the Halifax area for quite a few years before that
and someone hinted that it may once have been damaged in a hurri
There’s always a comedian in the crowd.
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I bought my Butyl tape at in industrial supplier in Dartmouth, NS, Arrow
Construction. It is grey, 1” wide and it seems to be just as good as any other
brand that I have seen and WAY cheaper than the “marine” brands. I used it to
rebed hatches and deck hardware on my C&C33ii, no leaks. Having s
Apple auto glass, another good choice. I’m sure they use quality products.___
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If I am by myself, flying a 130 genoa, I will reef the main at about 15kts,
makes for a much more comfortable ride. If I’m lazy, I’ll just fly the genoa
without main and still have plenty speed.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
St Margarets Bay, NS
I’ve been working on my C&C33ii keel/deck joint too Dwight, even though I can’t
prove the K/D joint is leaking. I have been plugging away at it whenever the
mood strikes me; I find that the vast majority of the fasteners do not spin
when I tighten them from below.
Mike Amirault
Dwight, you’re dreamin’. You are never gonna find 7 or 8 agile 200 pounders
willing to sit on your rail. neither will I.
For that reason, I have decided to not race Lovely Cruise any longer.___
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Brian, looking at the photos, it appears you have the shaft removed? If so, all
you have to do now is carefully score the old bearing 90% of the way through
with a hacksaw and then bend the bearing inward with a punch. Once loosened, it
should come out. I did this job a couple of years ago with
I replaced mine last year with a hose from Buck-Algonquin, costs a fortune for
a small piece but it’s not something you want to skimp on. It is multi ply
hose designed specifically for that application. DO NOT use ordinary rubber
hose; it could twist and eventually break.
Mike Amirault
The sump on a C&C 33MKii is very deep so I would say that crack is at the
bottom of the stub. Nothing to worry about; just grind it out and fair the
crack with compound suitable for below the water line.
Mike Amirault
C&C 33ii Lovely Cruise
SMSC St Margarets Bay, NS___
Usually, all that is needed to refurbish these sheaves is to press out and
replace the oilite bronze bushing, widely available at auto parts stores or
bearing suppliers. I did all my masthead sheaves a few years ago, got the
bushings at Princess Auto.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
St Marg
Thanks for the info about your rudder replacement,Bruno. Good company to keep
in mind if I ever need to do mine. Better to deal with a Canadian company with
our dollar being so low right now.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
SMSC St Margarets Bay, NS__
Make sure you put the autopilot control head within reach from the helm. I made
the big mistake of initially mounting it on the bulkhead, not good. I
eventually relocated it on a pod on the pedestal, big improvement.___
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Non ferrous fasteners
I ordered 100 which only cost me about 10 cents apiece. Great company and you
can order online.___
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Yes, I find CSC equally effective. It does depend on where you keep your boat,
though, some areas tend to attract more "fuzz" than others. This may be the
case for Dwight who is located way up the head of St Margarets bay.___
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i think the list is fine as it is but I would not object to a Forum type format.___
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A couple of weeks ago I posted that the cockpit drains on my 33 mkii were
frozen and the hoses had popped off. Upon investigation, I found that there was
a low spot in the criss-crossed drains. I am not sure whether they were
originally installed with a low spot or they just sagged over the year
Bradley, I have removed my edson pedestal on my 33 mkII for a paint job, so I
can easily answer that question. There is a shifter cable and a throttle cable
which are fastened to the rear of the pedestal. (there should be an acorn nut
visible on the back side of the pedestal) The steering cables
Try Shining Waters Marine in Tantallon, they are a Yanmar retailer.___
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Well, it doesn't take an expert to install it. Anyone with a reasonable
mechanical aptitude should be able to do this in less than an hour. However, if
the knurling on the brass gear is badly worn, the new brake pads will not help
Good luck.
Mike Amirault
C&C33 mkii "Lovely Cruise"
St M
Had the same problem on my Mirage 25. I curled a thin piece of stainless shim
stock around the pintle and slid it into the gudgeon. Worked fine for several
years until I sold the boat.___
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Dwight, I replaced the lenses in my two small opening ports but they are not
Beckson, not sure what brand they are. I used the old lenses as a template and
routered out the new lenses which I got from Sabic Polymershapes Burnside. I
bedded them in DOW795 available at about 10 bucks a tube from A
Permatex high temp is what my diesel mechanic recommended and that is what I
used. No leaks.___
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I prefer to say nothing at the start; just smile and wave. A few years ago,
when I was racing my Mirage 25 boat for boat against another Mirage 25, a young
chap yelled over that they were gonna "kick my ass". After the race was over
and they were beaten by about 20 min. they sailed past my moori
Painted mine with interprotect and overcoated with 6 coats brightsides, white.
Did a beautiful job but I had to pull the pedestal and sand to bare aluminum
before applying the interprotect. Did a complete steering overhaul at the same
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These aluminum tanks are worth recertifying. Had mine done in Bridgewater near
Halifax for $50, a lot cheaper than buying a new tank. Costco in Halifax will
not refill these aluminum tanks at all because the pumps are programmed and
cannot be over ridden manually. I take mine to a place that sti
There are spring clips on both sides of the gimbals. You need to push them both
in (away from the oven) at the same time and lift up. I used a piece of 2x4 as
a pry bar and out she comes. Be careful to not damage the propane line at the
As for rebuilding; there are no parts available for t
Mine was broken when i bought the boat. I replaced it and promptly stepped on
it and broke it again. i installed a lexan guard over it and problem solved. By
the way, it is 100A.___
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As previously mentioned, check the mast step, most of them have sunk a bit.
There is balsa coring in the hull in some forward panels, however, no issues
with my boat. It's a great racer/cruiser, fast and fun to sail.
Mike Amirault
C&C 33II "Lovely Cruise"
When my psycologist friend was looking for a name for his Mirage 25, I
suggested "Freudian Sloop" ; the name stuck and he has a Freud graphic on the
stern. When I bought my own Mirage 25, I named it "Mental Floss" (Jimmy Buffett
tune) My current C&C33 II is named "Lovely Cruise" (also Jimmy Buf
Dwight, where did you buy the batteries?___
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Kevin, I had the same problem with my newer EV100 this summer. The screw that
the lever pivots on was loose. Tightened it up and all was ok. Good luck.___
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I've done the same, Jim.___
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Agreed, more likely that the mast step is dropping, a common issue on c&cs.___
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My mirage 25 had a "split sheet" arrangement like the one shown in the photo.
Good arrangement allowing infinite arrangement of the main once you get used to
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Sorry, I meant to say infinite adjustment.___
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Congrats, Bradley, great boat, I bought my C&C33 MKii two years ago. Yes, the
sheaves are grooved for wire halyards. I elected to keep the wire halyards
because the rope size works better in the clutches and self tailing winches.
You may want to check the sheaves bushings for wear; I replaced t
Hello all. I brought my 10lb aluminum tank to Costco Halifax today for a
refill. The attendant did fill it but informed me that they are not supposed to
fill them any more because aluminum tanks are considered "commercial" and are
to be taxed accordingly which Costco is not set up to do at the p
On a C&C 33 mkii, has anyone experienced salt (or lake) water filling up the
sink in the head when heeled over hard on a stbd tack? Mine was filling up and
overflowing unless the sink plug was in or the drain cock closed. I suppose the
proper thing for a seaman to do would be to close the drain
Is there a need for 2 sinks? There certainly is if you are spending 10 days
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Just to clarify, I had the tank recertified by a local licensed tech, it is
fitted with the proper valve. I think the comment by Robert Boyer is probably
right on, they are confusing forklift tanks with marine tanks.___
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Bradley, Try the Australian Yacht winch Company for barient parts.___
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No, nobody is from Australia, I was just pointing out the Australian winch
company to a new C&C33 mkii owner.___
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I had those winchmate things on my Mirage, did not care for them at all and cut
them off.___
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Winchers Harry.___
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$1300 USD per pair??? Did you add an extra zero?___
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Yes, I apologize for the confusion, I had the Blue rubber "Winchers", not the
"winchmates". However. IMHO, the Winchmates are still "throwing good money
after bad".___
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Thanks for that Rick, I will certainly challenge Costco on this if they refuse
to fill my tank in the future. I suspect this is a case if misinformation from
the mgmt on down to the guy who works the pumps. ___
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Bill, I got the tank recertified by Tony Huntley out near Bridgewater. I could
not find anyone in Halifax to do it. I think it was $40,
· Tony Huntley 71 John Arnold Lower Branch 902) 543-8793
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NS has seen many freeze thaw cycles this winter. After a fairly substantial
rainfall this weekend, I found the bilge on my C&C 33mkii was full to the top.
This seemed like too much water to have run down the mast so I investigated and
found that one of the hoses on my cockpit drains was frozen s
I agree with John, the simpler, the better. I sail singlehanded 90% of the
time. When sailing on to my mooring, I furl the jib well in advance, approach
the mooring in irons, drop the main and grab the mooring lines. The main is
then flaked properly.__
I am in the same marina as Dwight Veniot and I did use Amercoat #4 for several
years. As an antifouling agent it works very well but I found it to be too
ablative for my boat which sails about 1000nm per season. After a power wash
in the fall, the hull would be nearly bare. Since that time, I h
Mine collapsed last year too. I replaced it with 3/4” ply epoxied both sides,
and custom fit it to accommodate one more 27 series battery.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
SMSC ___
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I also got mine to light by turning the set screw inside the shaft of the oven
control. However, BE CAREFUL, the tech at Sure marine Service told me you can
rupture the internal diaphragm if you turn the set screw too far. As far as I
know, there are no parts available for these old Seaward ove
Agreed re UPS, their brokerage fees for Canadians are insane. In many cases,
the shipping and brokerage fees exceed the value of the product being
delivered. UPS wanted a $35.00 brokerage fee for a warranty replacement sump
pump that was only worth $35.00 to begin with; I refused it. The only s
Christian, welcome to the group. Last year, I overhauled my steering system on
my C&C33ii; I am pretty sure yours will be very similar. It looks like you are
probably in the Halifax area, so, rather than buy an expensive kit from Edson,
may I suggest you take the chain and cable to Jamie at No
As others here have said, the best sailing is from June – Sept. If you are
sailing in Southwest N.S. before the end of May, you have to be very wary of
lobster traps; lots of them. The Lobster season in districts 33 and 34 runs up
to the end of May; this is an area that covers Digby to Sheet h
My C7C33ii has a small manually operated pump attached to the cooler drain and
can be pumped into the galley sink. I have no idea if this is original or was
installed by a PO.
As for the head, do you mean the sink won’t drain or the head itself?
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
“If it pumps up to the sink, how is it physically attached to the sink?.”Mine
just has a 2-3 ft length of hose that I can direct into the sink.Mike
AmiraultC&C33ii Lovely CruiseSMSC N.S.___
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The fuel filler hose most likely does have a metal spiral inside. I got mine
off by cutting along the edge of the metal spiral and ripping it out a bit at a
time. Messy, but doable.
You should be able to find fuel quality hose at most any marine supply store.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
Maybe the Kuuma product has improved some but the early ones were junk. A
friend of mine had one on his mirage 25 and the welds fell apart after one
year. IMHO, Dickinson or Magma are a better choice.___
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The raw water thru hull is on the stbd side in the fwd part of the cockpit
locker,(under the garbage can), it should be connected to the raw water
My C&C33ii 2GM20F has a key switch with a starter button and a T handle to
choke off the engine. If you do not have this arrangement, i
There should be a saddle clamp on the throttle cable inside the STBD cockpit
locker, near the companionway. Tighten it down to provide more resistance in
the cable. I have seen several C&C 33ii boats with this and I know the tartan
35 has the same config. I suspect this was an Edson solution.___
On my C&C33ii with Martec folding prop, I pop it into reverse for a second and
it will stop rotating. Then I shift to neutral and it does not rotate.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
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I converted all my square fixtures to LED. I removed the socket and hard wired
circular LED wafers to the switch. Cost about $5 each from Superbright LEDS.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
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Those small cringles in the middle of the sail are for “bunt lines”, to take up
the “bunt” or bag in the sail once it is reefed. As you pointed out, they are
not reinforced so they are not reef points and should not be used to flatten
the sail; they just keep the excess material from flapping ar
In all likelihood, it is the socket that the LED bulb is mounted on. Those
cheap sockets are notorious for corrosion and no amount of regulation is going
to prevent the LED from flickering. Go up the mast with a bit of sandpaper and
some contact cleaner and I am willing to bet you will find you
My Plastimo tank failed in the first year. Fitting at the inlet cracked open.
They did replace it under warranty and so far so good one year later.___
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Well, It would be helpful to know what part of NS you are planning to visit?
North shore, South Shore, Central NS, East, or West or Cape Breton.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
SMSC (Near Halifax)___
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Didn’t I read somewhere on this group that it was a bad idea to turn off the
key switch while the engine is running? Can someone confirm/deny this?
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
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LOL! Don’t have that problem up here in Nova Scotia.___
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Hi Dave, you would be well advised to put some kind on guard over your main
breaker on your battery switch. Every C&C33 ii I have seen has a broken lever
on that breaker. Somebody is bound to step on it; happened to me twice. I made
a simple angle bracket out of lexan and that has served me well
Nope. No gators up here in Nova Scotia. Whales maybe..
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely Cruise
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Great company, great service.___
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what we do, please help us pay for our costs by donating. All Contributions are
greatly appreciated!
Iain Tulloch is excellent. Very thorough but if you just want in “insurance”
survey you might want to get somebody who doesn’t dig so deep as the insurance
companies will want every little thing mentioned in the survey addressed before
they will issue a policy.___
I have had good success by scrubbing the moldy teak with Trisodium Phosphate
(TSP), rinsing and allowing to dry. I used Helmsman spar urethane satin finish
on all the interior teak, looks great.___
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I strongly recommend you put the control head at the helm, not on the side of
the companionway. I had mounted mine at the companionway and ended up moving it
to a box on the helm; much more useful there and you can display up to 6 boxes
of data connected to the backbone._
I agree with Alan; more screws are just going to make the leak worse. Get rid
of the screws, fill the holes and glue the window with Sika, or Dow795 or VHB
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Mine was doing the same thing and if you do a google search you will find that
many others have the same issue.
Tightening the screw that holds the lever in place may help for a while but the
problem eventually will resurface. I rectified the problem by filing down the
“bump” so that it locks in
I have the same tack setup on my 33ii as described by Andrew Burton; a block
just aft of the furler led to a cam cleat on the stbd side of the cockpit.
My halyards are all led aft to the cabin top, PITA when raising the gennaner
but I have a cleat on the side of the mast which I use to temporaril
If the company in Seattle is Sure Marine, they offer reliable advice. >From my
experience, they are the most reliable source for parts and service.___
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Rats, sorry about my reply in the subject line. My Samsung galaxy pulled a fast
one on me.
Mike Amirault
C&C33ii Lovely cruise___
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Here's a link to CBC's story.
Looks like you guys are onto something.
Mike Amirault
Lovely Cruise
The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.
Hi folks. I have noticed a bit of play in my rudder, probably ¼ to 3/8
deflection at the very bottom. I am contemplating dropping the rudder for a
closer inspection and possible bearing replacement.
I have removed the top bearing (easy) and found that it has a Delrin
(probably) bushing 2 3/8
I bought a tube at Arrow construction in Burnside. About $8 if I recall.
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