Bradley, I have removed my edson pedestal on my 33 mkII for a paint job, so I 
can easily answer that question. There is a shifter cable and a throttle cable 
which are fastened to the rear of the pedestal. (there should be an acorn nut 
visible on the back side of the pedestal) The steering cables are connected to 
a chain/gear drive shaft. There is also a brake ass'y on the shaft. The only 
other thing in there are two wires for your compass illumination so there is a 
lot of empty space inside the pedestal. However, if you are planning to run any 
more wires through it, make sure they are clear of the steering cables which 
are crossed over inside the pedestal. Also, be aware that there is NOT one big 
hole for the control and steering cables; they all run through separate holes 
approx 3/4" in you would have to drill another hole for your wires or 
enlarge the existing hole for your compass illum. (almost impossible to do 
unless you remove the fuel tank like I did) As for running wires through the 
guard, on my boat, one side is NOT drilled through the deck and the other side 
has only a 3/8" through hole. You would have to make a much larger hole through 
the bottom of the guard and deck to run a bunch of wires. The other option 
would be to run the wires along the outside of the guard and through a 
watertight connector through the deck.
Any questions, just ask. Good luck

Mike Amirault
C&C33 mkii "Lovely Cruise"
St Margarets Bay, NS.

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