Re: Stus-List 35 - 3; hauliiing costs?

2017-08-05 Thread bushmark4--- via CnC-List
I agree its not a deal breaker...I had my 37 trucked from Newburyport Massachusetts to Louisville, KY about 3 years ago...cost was about $3700.00 more or less Richard s/v Bushmark4; C&C 37 CB; Ohio River Mile 584.4 Richard N. Bush 2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine Louisville, Kentucky

Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread Ron Ricci via CnC-List
Each year, I struggle with pulling a hose off my raw water strainer to flush anti-freeze through the system. I've considered installing a tee in the line. Recently I came across an adaptor (Sea Flush) that fits in the top of most any raw water strainer but it didn't look like there was enough ver

Re: Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread William Walker via CnC-List
Ron, I just close the intake through hull, take the top off the strainer, and pour in antifreeze with engine running..done. Bill Walker CnC 36 Pentwater Mi Sent from AOL Mobile Mail On Saturday, August 5, 2017 Ron Ricci via CnC-List wrote: Each year, I struggle with pulling a hose off my r

Re: Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread Edd Schillay via CnC-List
Ron, Having done the same struggle for years, in 2015 I installed a tee valve under that same floorboard. It was from this company: I also added a long enough hose to reach the helm, so now, when winterizing, I close the thru hull, change the te

Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread robert via CnC-List
My raw water strainer is deep inside the engine compartment and too inaccessible to easily pour antifreeze into it. I put a 5 gallon bucket in the cockpit with 2 gallons of antifreeze (50% - 50%) in it.disconnect the raw water intake hose from water pump..connect a hose from the bucket

Re: Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread Gary Nylander via CnC-List
I didn’t have enough room to pour into the top of the strainer, so put a T in the input line. It has the benefit of being able to pump the bilge in an emergency. Gary 30-1 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of William Walker via CnC-List Sent: Saturday, Augu

Re: Stus-List 35 - 3

2017-08-05 Thread John and Maryann Read via CnC-List
Shipping costs can be substantially reduced if you have time and can schedule delivery as part of the round trip the truck has to make We trucked our 34 from Rochester NY to Mystic CT when we bought her - paid the roundtrip cost of the truck but was not excessive John and Maryann Legacy III 198

Stus-List Diesel in bilge - Update

2017-08-05 Thread robert via CnC-List
Recreated the situation by over filling my fuel tank again right to the deckclimbed into the lazarette with tools/lights and observed.small amount of diesel leaking at the hose - tank connection..approx. 4 complete turns on the two SS hose clamp screws and the leak stopped. My

Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Richard Walter via CnC-List
Ahoy!  Any suggestions for adding a power windlass for our 1978 36-foot? In particular, what is good placement considering the anchor locker cover is prominent in the foredeck?  Thank you, Richards/v INDIGO Watch Hill ___ This list is supported by the

Re: Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
I have a sea flush and use it. It works but is not necessary. Like others I have installed a tee. It has a garden hose fitting and cap to allow easy connections. With this orientation the tee provides the ability to

Re: Stus-List Winterizing Diesel Engine Raw Water

2017-08-05 Thread David Knecht via CnC-List
I do similar except I run clear plastic tubing from the bucket on deck and shove it into the raw water intake port on the outside of the hull. I start with plain water to make sure water is being sucked in and then switch to a bucket with 50.50 antifreeze until it is all gone and I see green co

Stus-List Impeller

2017-08-05 Thread David via CnC-List
Short of pulling the dang thing every time...any magic coatings to keep the fouling off... Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone ___ This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you wish to make a contribution to offset our c

Re: Stus-List Overloaded boat overturns near Cape Cod Canal

2017-08-05 Thread Doug Welch via CnC-List
Is the disco volante they mention the C&C 35-2 on this list? Well done to them regardless. On Georgian Bay they call bow riders,  water scoops.  On Tuesday, August 1, 2017 11:08 PM, Russ & Melody via CnC-List wrote: A 24 foot bow-rider will have installed seating for at least 12 peopl

Re: Stus-List Impeller

2017-08-05 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
The zinc spray paint made by pettit helps minimize the tenacity with which the growth adheres. I would be lying if I was to suggest that it prevents all forms of fouling. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Aug 5, 2017 10:52 AM, "David via CnC-List" wrote: Short of pulling t

Re: Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
My suggestion is to go with a manual windlass. It will save a considerable amount of money and problems over the years to come. Getting power to the windlass will require heavy gage wiring to carry the requisite current or instead a dedicated battery in/near the anchor locker. Corrosion on the t

Stus-List Renaming

2017-08-05 Thread svpegasus38 via CnC-List
We had a great day yesterday renaming my boat. She is now known as the Rebecca Leah, named after my 2 daughters who were able to join us with their husbands.  I hope it was not a bad sign but a test of the gods. Right after denaming we dropped a light in the water, was able to fish it out. After

Stus-List Lessons learned from plastic welding water tank

2017-08-05 Thread Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List
Hello all, First, I want to thank everyone here for their help - it really gave me a jump start on fixing my water tank.  Here's what I found: - The tank is definitely made of LDPE (low density polyethelene).  HDPE does NOT stick to it, so don't even begin to think that all polyethelene

Re: Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Richard Walter via CnC-List
Thank you Josh. I will look into a manual windlass (currently I'M the manual windlass!).  Where on the foredeck should any windlass be placed?  Richard  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote: My suggestion is to go with a manual

Re: Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Richard Walter via CnC-List
Wow! I'd better budget a LNG time to raise the anchor!  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Richard Walter wrote: Thank you Josh. I will look into a manual windlass (currently I'M the manual windlass!).  Where on the foredeck should any windlass be placed? 

Re: Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Richard Walter via CnC-List
This?? On Saturday, August 5, 2017 1:18 PM, Richard Walter via CnC-List wrote: Wow! I'd better budget a LNG time to raise the anchor!  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 1:03 P

Stus-List instruments

2017-08-05 Thread patricia barkley-higginbottom via CnC-List
Does anyone have a B & G Harrier 6 boat speed and log cockpit instrument surplus to their needs which I could purchase. I know that this is an old instrument but for the amount of use it gets on my boat, I would like to continue with this model. I know that the transducer is OK because the cabin

Re: Stus-List 35 - 3; hauling costs?

2017-08-05 Thread Neil E. Andersen via CnC-List
Had my C&C32 trucked from MD to Syracuse for $2,500 last fall. Trick is to work with the trucker and get on a dead head run (return trip). That way the trucker is paid for both directions and will typically give you a good break on the price. Neil Foxfire 1982 C&C32 (going back to MD)

Stus-List Universal heat exchanger zinc issue

2017-08-05 Thread Dennis C. via CnC-List
Crap! Easy job went bad but yielded good result. Changing the heat exchanger pencil zinc on my Universal 25XPB is usually a 5-10 minute job every couple months. This time the zinc stuck in the nipple. Access is difficult with only 3 inches so their is no room to tap with "special tool alpha (

Re: Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
No this: I have one but still keep a lookout for others. I'll try to remember to send you a link next time I see one for sail. There are 2 different types of windlass. Vertical and Horizontal. It is a cons

Re: Stus-List instruments

2017-08-05 Thread Jake Brodersen via CnC-List
Harold, I may have what you need. I removed a complete B&G system from my boat two years ago. I still have all the pieces. Contact me off list and we can discuss exactly what you need. Jake Jake Brodersen C&C 35 Mk-III "Midnight Mistress" Hampton VA From: CnC-List [m

Stus-List Toilet Meanderings...

2017-08-05 Thread David via CnC-List
So our toilet is getting this lime like crust (sorry) remaining even after vigorous scrubing. Bleach too aggresive. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance from very scenic Great Harbour (Woods Hole). Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone ___ This li

Stus-List B&G Network Pilot display needed.

2017-08-05 Thread Brian Fry via CnC-List
My Pilot display is malfunctioning. The course number continuously scrolls down like the <1 button is stuck. None of the other buttons will work. This leaves the ACP in standby. Does anyone have a unit they have removed that still works? Can I use another model to replace since this model is no lo

Re: Stus-List Toilet Meanderings...

2017-08-05 Thread Neil Andersen via CnC-List
Vinegar Neil Andersen 20691 Jamieson Rd Rock Hall, MD 21661 From: CnC-List on behalf of David via CnC-List Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 7:23:10 PM To: CNC CNC Cc: David Subject: Stus-List Toilet Meanderings... So our toilet is getting this lime like crust (so

Re: Stus-List Toilet Meanderings...

2017-08-05 Thread Danny Haughey via CnC-List
I little CLR maybe Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device Original message From: David via CnC-List Date: 8/5/17 7:23 PM (GMT-05:00) To: CNC CNC Cc: David Subject: Stus-List Toilet Meanderings... So our toilet is getting this lime like crust (sorry) remaining even after v

Re: Stus-List Toilet Meanderings...

2017-08-05 Thread coltrek via CnC-List
Barnacle buster,  I think.  Practical Sailor just made recommendations this month  Regards, Bill Original message From: Neil Andersen via CnC-List Date: 8/5/17 19:56 (GMT-05:00) To:, CNC CNC Cc: Neil Andersen Subject: Re: Stus-List Toilet M

Re: Stus-List windlass for our 1978 36-foot?

2017-08-05 Thread Richard Walter via CnC-List
So will a vertical manual windlass raise an anchor faster than the horizontal?  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote: ___ This list is supported by the generous donations of our members

Re: Stus-List CnC-List Digest, Vol 139, Issue 31

2017-08-05 Thread Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List
Muriatic acid. But be careful. Vinegar works too, but the acid is better. Let it sit until it stops fizzing, then flush to the joker valve and let it do its stuff there too. So long as there is no exposed metal anywhere along the way, it's safe. Tom Buscaglia S/V Alera 1990 C&C 37+/40 Vas

Re: Stus-List CnC-List Digest, Vol 139, Issue 31

2017-08-05 Thread Neil Andersen via CnC-List
The nice thing about vinegar is it is a milder acid. You can give it a shot and if it doesn't work go stronger. Neil Andersen 1982 C&C 32 Rock Hall, MD 21661 From: CnC-List on behalf of Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 9:47:49 PM To: c

Re: Stus-List CnC-List Digest, Vol 139, Issue 31

2017-08-05 Thread Peter Fell via CnC-List
Don't forget there is regular vinegar, like you put on your fries, and also Cleaning Vinegar ... twice as strong. On Aug 5, 2017 6:51 PM, "Neil Andersen via CnC-List" wrote: The nice thing about vinegar is it is a milder acid. You can give it a shot and if it doesn't work go stronger. Neil And