Re: Stus-List 30 Mkii

2015-04-27 Thread Kevin Driscoll via CnC-List
I echo Jim's statement. Aft berth is about a queen wide and plenty long, I am 6' as well. The inboard vertical clearance is low, but manageable for us. We are mid 30s and spend equivalent of several weeks aboard every summer. Vee berth is not as comfortable as aft beth. Kevin 30-2 On Sun, Apr 26,

Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Eric Frank via CnC-List
The 1.5 inch ID corrugated hose that runs from the bilge to a manual pump in the cockpit seems to be leaking in air just where the corrugated hose connects to an adaptor that screws into the hose with the threads of the corrugation and then provides a male 1.5 inch end that fits inside the strai

Re: Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Joel Aronson via CnC-List
Eric, I'd either try 1 some silicone sealant 2 I would get a piece of plastic pipe that fits inside the corrugated hose (like a kitchen tailpiece pipe) and figure out how to connect it to the strainer or 3 see if West will sell you a short piece of the new stuff and use a coupling to join the new

Re: Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List
Eric, I had this problem before. I jerry-rigged a solution (it is really a circumvention until I replace the entire length of the bilge pump hose) using a 3/4 (I think) _threaded_ to 1/2 hose barb PVC (grey, from Home Depot) fitting. Interestingly, no hose barb fitting would fit the corrugated

Re: Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Joe Della Barba via CnC-List
That hose should just be replaced by new hose with the smooth sections. When it gets old it starts getting pinhole leaks in various places Joe Della Barba Coquina C&C 35 MK I From: CnC-List [] On Behalf

Stus-List 2 coats of VC17

2015-04-27 Thread Marek Fluder via CnC-List
The specs are calling for at least 2 coats when stripped to bare fiberglass. First one came out nicely rolled on with 4" foam roller. When I started the second coat I've noticed the first one gets dissolved and white fiberglass is showing. This brought the memories when I've done the same on my pre

Re: Stus-List 30 Mkii

2015-04-27 Thread Jim Reinardy via CnC-List
I agree on the V-Berth, it’s great for my 9 year old, and might be OK for one adult. When I described the aft berth as confined, I was mainly talking about the height. Length and width are fine for 2 people, as long as the inboard person is not claustrophobic. Jim Sent from Windows Mai

Re: Stus-List 30 Mkii

2015-04-27 Thread Allen Miles via CnC-List
I echo Kevin's comments except I am 6'4" and 240 lbs, my admiral is 5'2" and the aft worked well for us on three week cruises.The vee berth was used by my 6"2" son and our guest used the starboard settee which is actually a nice sea berth with the back cushions removed.One time my other son tried t

Re: Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
I would try some KY to lubricate the threads so you can get the fitting tighter. I don't know exactly what type of fitting you have but a hose coupling like the one in this link will allow you to screw to pieces of 1.5" corigated hose together. Again more KY.

Re: Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Josh Muckley via CnC-List
Those hoses with the non-corrigated sections are of poorer quality and will not likely last very long. The Shields 141 hose is a reasonable value for bildge hose. Josh On Apr 27, 2015 8:59 AM, "Eric Frank via CnC-List" wrote: > The 1.5 inch ID corrugated hose that runs from the bilge to a manua

Re: Stus-List 2 coats of VC17

2015-04-27 Thread via CnC-List
Hi sounds to me like the 1st coat was not dry completely Brian Donovan 112 Frisbee Hill Rd Hilton NY 14468 (585) 313-1940 > On Apr 27, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Marek Fluder via CnC-List > wrote: > > The specs are calling for at least 2 coats when stripped to bare fiberglass. > First one came out n

Re: Stus-List Connection fittings for corrugated bilge pump hose

2015-04-27 Thread Eric Frank via CnC-List
Thanks to all of you who contributed answers to my question. It seems quite clear from the responses that to fix this properly, the hose should be replaced. Fortunately that can be done after Cat's Paw is back in the water. As others have noted, this list is great. I just asked this question t

Re: Stus-List Spinnaker pole storage

2015-04-27 Thread Joel Aronson via CnC-List
Thanks all! My pulpit also has a welded ring. I clipped the forward end of the pole to it and bought a used stanchion mounted chock at Bacon's for $10. The aft end of the pole is even with the rubrail so it is not a docking hazard. The aft deck fitting came off in a couple minutes. Epoxied the

Stus-List C&C 2015 Northeast Rendezvous -- SAVE THE DATES -- September 11-13, 2015

2015-04-27 Thread Edd Schillay via CnC-List
Listers, Now that it’s warming up and we’re all getting our boats ready for the season, I’m proud to once again announce the dates of the 2015 C&C Northeast Rendezvous in Long Island Sound — September 11-13, 2015 We have a private dock at Cedar Island Marina in Clinton, CT (http://www.cedarisl

Re: Stus-List 2 coats of VC17

2015-04-27 Thread Joseph Bognar via CnC-List
Marek . Did you clean the fiberglass with 202 cleaner ? I put inter-protect 2000 epoxy on the bottom before I applied the VC17 Sent from Joe Bognar > On Apr 27, 2015, at 11:10 AM, via CnC-List > wrote: > > Hi sounds to me like the 1st coat was not dry completely > > Bri

Re: Stus-List 2 coats of VC17

2015-04-27 Thread Marek Fluder via CnC-List
Joe, I have used 202 now and before on my old C&C24 when I did Interprotect 2000. Back then I did not use chemical bonding as I did not like the "orange peel" texture of Interprotect 2000 and wanted to sand it first. The effect back then was similar to what I am getting now, without barrier coat.

Re: Stus-List Furuno Radar for sale

2015-04-27 Thread svpegasus38
John, I haven't forgotten about your radar. Waiting on a call on one that is local.  Doug MountjoysvPegasusLF38 just west of Ballard, WA. -- Original message--From: John Bousfield via CnC-List Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2015 04:05To:;Subject:Stus-List Furuno

Re: Stus-List Furuno Radar for sale

2015-04-27 Thread svpegasus38
Hi John, sorry for the delay. I got a hold of the guy here finally!  I am going to get his unit. Thanks again for sitting on it. I know someone on the list will snag it up. Thanks again Doug MountjoysvPegasusLF38 just west of Ballard, WA. -- Original message--From: John