Re: Stus-List Jibes End for End vs Dip Pole

2012-09-18 Thread jim aridas
oh my spelling mistake its Tom Dabney and looking him up on line Dabney Sailmaker still in business. He used to make sails for a friend of mines sabre 38.I think they were school buddies.JimGalaxy 34Brielle, nj _

Stus-List Jibes End for End vs Dip Pole

2012-09-18 Thread Helen Abbott
Keith says: "Safety is a wash. you either have a 13' pole hanging on a line with both ends detached, but unloaded. or you have a 13' pole attached to the mast but the free end moving at a high rate of speed toward your bowman on the pointy end. Neither is inherently safer than the other.