Most Clojure collections cache their hashcode, so that improves things
quite bit. Also, very large collections are rarely used as *keys* in other
maps. Most of the time key collections are one or two values. This means
that what we're really talking about is combining the hash values of a few
If you're looking for feedback, the input I gave on Reddit seems like a
good place to start (
I said, it's not really comparable to core.async at all, since it doesn't
properly support thread syn
I don't think the go blocks play well with the back-pressure. The code I
present here deadlocks the scheduler:
On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 2:17 PM, Jay Porcasi wrote:
> interested to hear any feedback on these features
> On Wednesday, No
All clojure ref types have validators that are perfect for this use case:!
On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Peter Hull wrote:
> I am using agents whose state is a map. I have a spec for this map,
> ::agent-state. What's the best way to validate
And google doesn't like that link, copy-paste that URL including the "!"
On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Timothy Baldridge
> All clojure ref types have validators that are perfect for this use case:
> O
I'm not exactly sure how the library works, honestly. It's seems that we
still don't have parking take, instead we have callbacks again? I'd love to
see an implementation of something like this with your library:
(println "Count"
(loop [acc 0]
(if-some [v ( wrote:
> Thanks for the
But this behavior is already documented in the official transients overview
On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 5:46 PM Matching Socks wrote:
> I would go so far as to (light-heartedly) call the "assoc!" docstring
> booby-trapped.
> There is an open issue in Jira for it.
>> Also, I think the transducer version should always be faster, no matter the
size of the source collection (no threshold).
It's a bit more complicated than that, mostly because transducer pipelines
require about 2 allocations per step during creation. Also, most of the
performance boost from tra
I think the major leap functional languages (esp. CLJS because that's where
it started) have made in the UI world is in the area of React-style virtual
DOM setups.
The overall view is this:
datamodel -> view generation -> dom differ -> UI -> events -> datamodel
The idea being that you can code in
I talked a bit about this in my video on Boolean Blindness:
Might be worth a watch.
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Stephen Feyrer
> Hi there,
> I have been trying to shake this thought for a while now. Essentially, my
> thought was if you
Great! So while this works, you'll still have a few problems, namely in
places that are not in a tail call position.
For example, core.async support this sort of behavior
;; inside an argument list (not a let)
(println "GOT Value" ( wrote:
> I just added `goloop` and `goconsume` to the Cloj
Sometimes there's some weird interop with stuff like pmap and program
termination. What happens if you end your program with this function:
On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 1:05 PM, Jacek Grzebyta
> Hi,
> I have multi -mains project. Thus the
Multi-process polyglot systems I understand, they aren't common, but I've
seen them. In most cases, immutable queues and HTTP APIs work great. But
(and pardon my bluntness), why would I ever want a polyglot single process
system? That sounds like a major design mis-step. The overhead of mental
A few other points of design:
1) Move the requires into the `ns` form:
(ns example.simple-http-server
(:require [io.vertx.clojure.core.core :as core]
[io.vertex.lang.clojure.vertx :as vertx]))
2) If you make sure that your functions always return the first argument
passed to th
Really, any comparisons between JS and JVM startup times are not useful at
all. For a long list of reasons, not limited to:
* CLJS doesn't have Vars, CLJ does
* JS VMs are highly tuned for excellent startup times
* JVM Bytecode is a binary format expressing classes, JS files are text
files express
ms in play here are completely different. So I re-state what I
said before: it's apples-to-oranges.
But I'd love to see more benchmarks in this thread, so far we only have
On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 9:37 PM, Timothy Baldridge
> >> If Var reification is part of the s
>> If Var reification is part of the slowness of Clojure startup over Java's
It's really not. If you completely removed vars from Clojure on the JVM,
Clojure wouldn't be faster by any measurable amount. If someone has
benchmarks that say that Vars themselves are the cause of Clojure JVM's
slower s
Yes, transients mutate when updated. Seqs over sets are a immutable view
over a collection. So if someone did get this to work, the implementation
could be incorrect. And you could get something really strange like this:
(def s (transient #{1 2}))
(def sq (seq s))
(first sq) => 1
(disj s 1)
>> If it happens to work, it is accidental, and should not be relied on.
Yes, and no. The actual order may change between Clojure releases (last
time it changed was with 1.6), or between two equal collections, but the
ordering will not change between two calls to `seq` on the same instance of
a h
I much more prefer putting implementation details into separate namespaces.
>From there it's simple to mark them as :no-doc in some documentation tools
so that the vars don't get published. That way I can still test all my
code, and yet I can commit to only those namespaces that have published
Sadly NREPL isn't a REPL it's a RPC protocol transport for remote
controlling a Clojure instance.
You might look into rebel: although I'm not sure how well that plays with
remote terminals.
Also look into doing some of this with readline. Perhaps you ca
Nice! I think I used this app the other day when working on a campaign and
didn't know it was using Clojure. I'd be open to contribute in my spare
time. What's the process for getting involved?
Timothy Baldridge
On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Larry Christensen
You often don't even need functions for this sort of thing. This is what is
often called "data driven" programs. Simply define this as a hashmap with
:description, :items, etc and then a single function that introspects this
data and figures out how to describe the room.
Also you might want to rea
I think you're calling `deref` on the collection before passing it in? What
it's saying is that `swap!` expects an atom and you handed it a vector. So
either pass in the atom, or return a updated collection by replacing the
call to `swap!` and the `doseq` with `(into collection selecteds)`
On Tue,
GraalVM does a lot of things, and I think it's important to separate these
GraalVM - most often this is used to refer to a project that was originally
designed to be a implementation of the JVM in Java. So when people ask
"does X run on GrallVM" the question is really "does X run in the JVM
It's not a seq, but it's seqable.
(seq? [1 2]) => false
(seqable? [1 2]) => true
(seq? (seq [1 2])) => true
On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 9:33 AM, ru wrote:
> Hi,
> user=> (seq? [1 2 3 4 5])
> false
> user=>
> Sincerely,
> Ru
> --
> You received this message because you are subscrib
seqable? was added in Clojure 1.9
On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 9:54 AM, ru wrote:
> user=> (seqable? [1 2])
> CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol:
> seqable? in this context, compiling:(/private/var/
> folders/5j/k0rtjxqn3b57nykc_1jf2xnrgn/T/form-
> init6382
I've worked on several projects where Zing was considered as a solution to
a few problems (normally GC pauses due to really large heaps). But in the
end we never trailed it, due to a few factors:
1) Zing isn't super cheap, it's not that expensive in the grand scheme of
things, but it's an addition
The best way to understand how/why this happens is to look at the source of
>!!. In short, the thread making the call doesn't block on the channel. It
starts an async put, then waits on a promise that is delivered by the async
put. So it works something like this:
1) Calling thread creates a promi
The whole "conj puts items in a place that's idiomatic for the collection"
makes stuff like `into` possible. In fact, into is (ignoring transients):
(defn into [dest src]
(reduce conj dest src))
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To po
Have you tried this with Transit instead of EDN? From what I understand by
all this Transit shouldn't have problems with spaces in keywords/strings as
it doesn't print them in the same way, it's more of a marshaling format
than a printer/reader, and you get the big upside of Transit being *way*
They're mostly stackful, but this distinction really doesn't apply to Java
where you can't manipulate the stack like C (or hand written) languages
can. The normal call stack is used for any functions called by a go block,
and for the go block itself. However when a go block pauses, it copies
> I never understood how Python is so popular, where spacing is most
> Using tab and shift tab to control parens is really intuitive, because I
want to structure my code anyway and doing it the parinfer way is no big
I think you answered your own question
On Thu, Aug 30, 2
I don't understand why this is needed. Why can't cider code complete on the
normal method format? What's the problem this code is trying to solve?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to clojure@go
ld get a compile time error rather than just a
> reflection warning about a non-existent java method.
> - In addition to making easier to *write* Java interop, I think it makes
> it easier to *read* Java interop
> I immediately know the Java type while reading the code, no need to
The instance based polymorphism is a bit wonky in some cases. Can we get
some sort of spec that tells us what the rules are for resolution? See
these cases where it breaks in some rather strange ways.
Clojure 1.10.0-beta5
user=> (defprotocol ILevel (level [this]))
user=> (extend-protocol IL
Nope, you're right, I missed the "extend, extend-type, extend-protocol"
part of the original post.
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 10:12 AM Alex Miller wrote:
> On Thursday, November 8, 2018 at 10:44:34 AM UTC-6, tbc++ wrote:
>> The instance based polymorphism is a bit wonky in some cases. Can we ge
>> We’re good with the name. The docstring exists for further
Except the code is less-readable. The name is meaningless. "async-require"
appends the adverb "async" to the verb "require", therefore making it an
asynchronous variant of require, which is exactly the opposite of what th
one who contributed code agreed in
> advance to give him co-ownership). Project maintainers get to craft the
> rules by which changes are made, for any project. Some choose to turn it
> over to a committee, others do not.
> Andy
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 11:25 AM Timot
My advice is to treat channel ops (!) as IO, which they are. In
functional programming we try to stay away from doing IO deep down inside a
call stack. So don't do that. Instead use async/pipeline functions and
channel transducers to create pipelines and flow the data through them.
A sort of anti-
One "gotcha" is that atoms add-watches do not always guarantee order
semantics. So if you have a watch put [old-val new-val] on a channel, and
your atom operation is something like (swap! a inc), you may see values in
your channel like this:
[0 1]
[2 3]
[1 2]
[3 4]
[6 7]
[4 5]
This is because the
I would also recommend reconsidering the premise that this is a feature
that is needed. Go back to what your design goals and think about
implementing them in a slightly different way. Function composition, for
example, can do all sorts of wonderful things.
At the risk of sounding rude, I've been
I don't recommend Avout as it hasn't been worked on for some time, and
never did get around the rather critical flaw in its design:
On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Andy- wrote:
> You might like some of immutant's stuff:
core.async has nothing to do with the DOM, so I don't know how this could
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Malcolm Sparks wrote:
> Would you mind pasting the rest of your dependencies? This is the most
> curious of puzzles and I'd love to know the answer - but I'm really stumped
> so ple
It's generally considered better practice to pass maps to a function
instead of keyword arguments. This also has the nice side-effect of making
it easier to call programmatically from other functions. For example:
(my-func 1 2 (assoc default-opts :c 42)) is way cleaner than
(apply my-func 1 2 (m
" I would think that having Clojure implemented entirely in Clojure would
have a number of advantages."
I think that's the place you should start. List those advantages.
Clojure-in-Clojure would be a "nice" thing to have...but I can't really
think of any major features it would enable that aren't
" isn't Clojure code easier to maintain/extend than Java code?"
Sure, but is that were the problems lie in Clojure maintenance? Take a look
at the JIRA tickets. The majority deal with how to map some concept to the
JVM (same problem in Java or Clojure), or the correct way to implement
something to
Auto generated symbols (x# style) are only valid within a single syntax
quote form. Instead declare the symbol ahead of time, something like this:
(let [fsym (gensym "f_)]
`(fn [~fsym]
~@(for [x (range 10]
`(println ~fsym ~x
Hope this helps.
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015
>> Thanks, it helps to know using a tagged vector is a real pattern :)
I don't know that it's a "real pattern". If I saw code like this in
production I would probably raise quite a stink about it during code
reviews. It's a cute hack, but it is also an abuse of a data structure. Now
when I see [:f
-id 123
> :address nil
> :email nil}
> and the equivalent variant was `[:pickup 123]`
> If the map was instead
> {:pickup {:store-id 123}
> :digital nil
> :delivery nil}
> then yes, a variant could be thought of as a key value pair. Is this what
of these
things during the life of an app, and transforming them from one format to
another, a little tweaking here and there may save you some pain in the
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 8:14 AM, James Reeves wrote:
> On 6 September 2015 at 14:41, Timothy Baldridge
> wrote:
>> Should be expressed as:
>> (swap! :atom a, :function inc)
One of Rich's talks on simplicity actually addresses that. He states that
the above method (with keyword arguments) is actually simpler, but that
this isn't exactly easy to program.
And yes, I would take this same position about positio
>> My understanding is that invocation of protocol methods incurs about 30%
overhead due to the need to look up the appropriate function for the type.
I'd like to see some benchmarks on that. Protocols are actually quite fast,
and if you create the protocol first, then implement a type using that
bably better to stick with async/pipeline with
a map transducer.
And yes, the 0 vs 1 thing is a typeo. I'll have to see if there is a way I
can submit some errata to O’Reilly. Thanks for the report.
Timothy Baldridge
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 2:40 PM, James Elliott wrote:
> We’ve been wat
I wouldn't be so fast to discount the JVM. http-kit isn't exactly the only
game in town when it comes to websockets on the JVM. And also it's written
by a rather small team. I'd investigate other tools (Netty?) before
discounting an entire platform due to a quick glance at a single library.
lol, wut?
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Fluid Dynamics wrote:
> I don't know what you guys did, but as of about 2 days ago, when browsing
> this site about 1 time in 20 after reading an article and then clicking
> "back" to go back to the topic list my main Firefox window disappears and
> is r
some site's view of a mailing list. This list has 0 control over
whatever site it is that you use, so complaining here not only is
pointless, but is also just spam.
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Timothy Baldridge
> lol, wut?
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:06 AM,
Often if you want to know if something is a lazy seq, you really want to
know if it is a delayed computation. If that's the case, realized? may
But I also wonder what you are trying to accomplish. There are many seqs in
Clojure that are not lazy, and so could have interesting results if you
It's funny, because most of the larger OOP projects I worked on were large
because of class bloat, not because of business concerns. For example, the
C# app I used to work on was a more or less simple CRUD app. We had a ORM
that served up objects to a Silverlight UI. So if we wanted to display
This sort of code is somewhat the worst case situation for atoms (or really
for CAS). Clojure's swap! is based off the "compare-and-swap" or CAS
operation that most x86 CPUs have as an instruction. If we expand swap! it
looks something like this:
(loop [old-val @x*]
(let [new-val (assoc old-val
Oh, then I completely mis-understood the problem at hand here. If that's
the case then do the following:
Change "atom" to "volatile!" and "swap!" to "vswap!". See if that changes
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 9:00 AM, David Iba wrote:
> Timothy: Each thread (call of f2) creates i
You might want to read up on records and protocols in clojure. This is
pretty much the use case for which they were designed.
On Friday, November 20, 2015, William la Forge wrote:
> You can tell I'm still new to clojure. The composition should have been
> written like this:
> (-> opts
So I feel compelled at this point to ask..."why?". The whole point of
functional programming in Clojure is to de-couple state from data. When you
need polymorphic dispatch on the contents of a map, you have access to
multi methods. Sure this is a fun thought experiment, but I don't
understand the d
correction"decouple state from behavior"
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Timothy Baldridge
> So I feel compelled at this point to ask..."why?". The whole point of
> functional programming in Clojure is to de-couple state from data. When you
> nee
>> But, if someone has to explain the etymology of their word to you for it
to make >> sense, then the word has failed.
If I took that approach with my kids, they'd never get out of first-grade.
On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Bobby Bobble wrote:
> "Careful - ‘complect’ has a very spe
So let's back up a bit and take a look at your assumptions. In your
previous post you stated ", I kept thinking about why I am avoiding
protocols. In general, I very much like having abstractions. But I find
that even small abstractions tend to complect what with how."
I would love to see an examp
In addition to mult/tap, if all you need is something that looks like a
promise, the newest core.async has "promise channels" which only accept a
single put, but that value can be retrieved by many takes.
On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 3:21 AM, Moe Aboulkheir wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 6:42
I believe that working with maps is a lot like working with locals and
function names...nothing will help you with bad naming. So don't do stuff
like {:foo 42 :bar 33} when you can do stuff like {:min-age 42 :max-age
33}. Also stick with sane naming conventions. Don't do {:maxAge 42} in some
Also, if you have so many atoms in your program that it becomes hard to
remember where they are, that would be another source of concern ;-)
On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 4:44 PM, James Reeves wrote:
> Why should they have any sort of naming scheme? Dynamic vars are unusual
> because their values can c
When the transducer code was originally added to core.async I asked Rich
this very question. He declined to specify where the transducer is run. The
reasoning is simple: since the transducer is executed inside the channel
lock, your transducers should always be fast enough that you don't care
So this will not be a very formal definition of "form", but I will do my
best. A "form" is a fully contained "thing". So yes 1 is a form, so is "1",
and ["1" 2] and (quote (foo bar)), and {:foo :bar}. You are right in
assuming that reading a ( will cause the reader to read to the matching ).
This i
I've done some evaluations of Vert.x in the past and was rather
underwhelmed. What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Stuff like
Pedestal offers async web services, but without the complexity of an
traditional evented server. So perhaps if we had a better idea of your
requirements we could be
Most would perhaps start with the classic approach of having each request
contain a :reply-to channel that the responses go into, but I think this is
a mistake.
IMO, there are two main ways of building systems with core.async 1)
request/response. 2) dataflow graphs.
I prefer the second approach w
Since most functions in core also support nil, it isn't as big of an issue
as some make it out to be. So things like this work as expected, even if a
nil exists somewhere
(-> coll
(map first)
(filter even?)
Since all these functions support nil it really isn't a problem.
You could do that, but I would encourage you to either check ReadPort or
WritePort, as there are some constructs in core.async that only implement
one or the other.
On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 2:26 PM, JvJ wrote:
> So, you can just check if #(safisfies?
> clojure.core.async.impl.protocols/Channel %)
It seems to me that there has to be a simpler approach to what you are
trying to accomplish. To that end, what is your end goal, and why is "splitting
the cljs into a .cljs file is not an option"?
On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Gregg Reynolds wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Matc
So a bit of constructive feedback on Fudje, firstly, I like that it's
pretty simple, I can take bits I want and leave bits I don't, so good work
on that.
But I do have a issue with the sweet.clj syntax, and I think it's best
exemplified by the code found in the intro:
(testing "arg-checker in mo
> checkers, there will always be a possibility for some very ugly code. apart
> from the `=>` symbol, which BTW can be anything you like as it's never
> evaluated, I don't see where you get the DSL impression from. fudje was
> specifically designed top to bottom to be
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 9:05 AM, Brian Marick wrote:
> Timothy Baldridge wrote:
>> This is a good example of a DSL, and it falls under the criticisms I
>> level at most DSLs, mainly they aren't Clojure. If we dive into
> I note that Mid
I find this subject interesting as I was just discussing this with a
co-worker recently. There's a few points I'd like to make:
Firstly, data is often a form of a DSL (domain specific language).
Libraries like Onyx often contain (as Lucas mentioned) a parser that walks
the data and performs some a
And since both boot and lein store projects in a human readable format
(aka. not machine generated XML), moving from one of these to another
project manager shouldn't be too hard.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 9:16 AM, James Reeves wrote:
> At minimum, both Boot and Leiningen just need to be told wher
Just wanted to jump in here and say that Thomas is correct. Plugging into
the CLJS compiler is probably not the right place to start. The CLJS
compiler is built for speed and as such is somewhat less modular than the
tools.analyzer/tools.emitter projects. So start there if you're looking to
build a
The question I would have is how do you define "halts"? And how do you know
if a program is halted or just waiting for IO, a timeout, or some other
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 5:34 PM, Andrea Richiardi <> wrote:
> Not that I know of at the moment, nonetheles
Ugh, and I mis-read that ignore my previous post.
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 6:13 PM, Timothy Baldridge
> The question I would have is how do you define "halts"? And how do you
> know if a program is halted or just waiting for IO, a timeout, or some
> other
This is fantastic! I've often wanted something like this when I first get
into a new codebase. Having the entire system visualized is a great way to
get up and running.
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 11:47 AM, Howard Lewis Ship
> system-viz is a tiny, simple library to visualize a system, cons
"Idiomatic" is always a hard word to define, and I think some of the points
made here are good, but let me also provide a few guidelines I try to abide
by when writing an API:
Start with data, preferably hash maps. At some point your API will be
consumed by someone else's program. Macros make it h
Just a side comment, Dragan, if you don't want to be compared against some
other tech, it might be wise to not make the subtitle of a release "X times
faster than Y". Make the defining feature of a release that it's better
than some other tech, and the proponents of that tech will probably start
I dusted off the fn-fx code today and fixed a bunch of bugs, and
implemented a few examples:
One of the most complex examples so far is here:
As you can see the library is capable of
I've been working on a "React for JavaFX" library for some time. Sadly I
have no use for the library, so I haven't talked about it much yet. But the
newest iteration has a interface I'm pretty happy with:
If there wa
, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Jason Zwolak wrote:
> You can diff JavaFX components like that?
> --
> Jason Zwolak
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Timothy Baldridge
> wrote:
>> >> If the app-state has changed then it starts re-rendering the UI.
>> T
>> If the app-state has changed then it starts re-rendering the UI.
That's pretty much exactly what fn-fx does in the latest version, with two
caveats: 1) there's no timer, just a watch on an atom. 2) If you properly
diff components you don't need to re-create them every time, just change
the prop
ing the best we know about GUI programming. At the moment
> that seems to be core.async and some kind of DOM that can be diffed.
> --
> Jason Zwolak
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Timothy Baldridge
> wrote:
>> I dusted off the fn-fx code today and fixed a bun
But we should mention that recursive data structures that contain refs are
a bit of a code-smell. Your structures are no longer immutable if they
contain refs which are mutable containers for immutable data. Something to
think about.
On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 9:53 AM, James Reeves wrote:
> On 31 M
ething like Loom (, and how I model all my dataflow graphs.
Start creating recursive self-referencing data structures you're in for a
world of hurt.
On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Kenneth Tilton wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Timoth
This is almost a perfect example of something that protocols could help
with (
(defprotocol IGetValuePathPairs
(getValuePathPairs [json]))
(extend-protocol IGetValuePathPairs
(getValuePathPairs [json] ...)
(getValuePathPairs [json] .
gvim, aside from the rather poor taste of critiquing a book's pricing in
the second reply to the announcement of that book. Perhaps also consider
that one book is named "Mastering", while the other is a introduction to
web programming. I have not read either of these books, but shouldn't we
The thing that this doc also advocates (and I am against) is manual
dependency management, your app start function must call start on its
dependencies. This not only hardcodes the dependency, but also requires the
user to think about the startup order of components on every usage.
In addition this
If it all seems confusing, do not despair, there's two things that will
handle the vast majority of the use cases you may have:
1) `future` - spawns a thread that runs the body of the future (
2) `atom` and `swap!` - Used to store data that needs to be
Non-singleton components that express themselves via a well defined
abstract protocol, wired together via data.
On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 4:59 AM, Renzo Borgatti wrote:
> Thanks Tim for reading down till the last line!
> > On 5 Apr 2016, at 19:09, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
Exactly. Clojure's strength is constraining mutability. How each primitive
constrains mutability is different. Note: that many of these defaults can
be overridden if the user really knows what they are doing.
atoms - given a mutable cell, provide a function to update the data, may be
run multiple
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