I would like to announce a little consistent hashing library I wrote. There
already exist some implementations but I saw none that use `subseq` for
amortized constant time lookups, so I wrote my own.
Hope it's useful. Any feedback appreciated.
Hi everybody,
How are you?
I saw some videos about Closure and I really liked the syntax and
possibilities, however all tutorials I saw was very old, nothing new is
coming out!!
I am coming from OO world, Java, C#, JS. but I am not a professional
programmer and I would like to build web apps.
Clojure is pretty simple. It works well. And nothing in it has ever been
deprecated. In short, do not worry about finding a very new resource.
What kind of project would you like to start out with?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
Clojure is only a few years older than Elixr.
I'd recommend https://www.braveclojure.com/ as a great online book/tutorial
as a starting point.
On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 4:02 PM Matching Socks wrote:
> Clojure is pretty simple. It works well. And nothing in it has ever been
> depre
I've also started learning clojure a few months ago. I will tell you my
The most painful at the beginning was to find the right environment setup,
in particular the IDE. Many Clojure professionals advice to use Emacs but I
could not get up to speed with it so I dropped it. I come from J
As you said you wanted to build web apps in Clojure, you could check out
Tony Kay's tutorials on developing them with Fulco here:
https://youtu.be/nlT45ikSEOE . Fulco isn't a beginner's approach, but Tony
is an excellent teacher, the tutorials are free and recent.
Also, Eric Normand's course on re
Hi Marcin, I gree 110% with you!!!
I am having the same problems and I agree 100% with you!! What's more, I am
on Windows...lol
It's just too much work right now, not enough free tutorials and I am not a
professional programmer.
I'd rather learn by video tutorials that's a weakness of mine...s
Cloverage is a line coverage tool for Clojure.
I just released cloverage and lein-cloverage 1.1.1. They have a few cool
new features and upgrades since the last time you probably looked at it,
including significantly improved performance (due to a change in a core
data structure enabling improved
> Such a beautiful language with so few tutorials, Elixir and other newer
> languages have so much video tutorials for the newcomers...I really don't
> understand.
Historically, Clojure’s main attraction has been for seasoned developers so
there hasn’t been much need or incentive to create tuto