Cloverage is a line coverage tool for Clojure.

I just released cloverage and lein-cloverage 1.1.1. They have a few cool
new features and upgrades since the last time you probably looked at it,
including significantly improved performance (due to a change in a core
data structure enabling improved concurrency) and a handful of new
convenience features (like the ability to exclude specific names from

There's plenty of work to be done on Cloverage. So far it's eating a decent
chunk of my time in maintainerhood: so I can promise to review code and cut
releases, but that's about it. A specific thing that needs to happen is
post-jigsaw (JDK9+) support. As you might expect, a code coverage tool does
a bit of work to get e.g. source code: some of that work needs to be
updated to work on newer JVMs. If someone else does the engineering work, I
can promise code reviews and timely releases, but I don't have the
resources to do this combined with work and all of the other projects I
work on.


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