Re: Recursive specs & forward declarations

2017-01-02 Thread John Schmidt
Ahh, thanks for the heads up! This is the minimal failing example I could come up with extracted from a larger spec. In the original spec both ::a and ::b contain several other keys with with simple predicates like string?, pos-int? etc. FWIW, adding some additional keys like this to ::a and ::

Re: [ANN] clj-cbor - Concise Binary Object Representation

2017-01-02 Thread John Schmidt
Looks neat! What would you say are the pros and cons of CBOR compared to Fressian , which seems to have similar goals? On Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 5:34:36 AM UTC+1, Gregory Look wrote: > > mvxcvi/clj-cbor is a nati

cljc aot compilation fails on Windows

2017-01-02 Thread Torsten Uhlmann
Hi, I was trying to build my ClojureScript project on Windows 10 instead of Linux or Mac, and I run into this problem. When running "lein uberjar" with ":aot :all" for every cljc file I have in my project it reports something like: Reloading Clojure file "\robur\middleware.cljc" failed. java.

Destructing lists using &keys -> Difference between '(:opt1 true) and [:opt1 true]

2017-01-02 Thread mattias w
Could someone explain why the first doesn't work and the 2nd does? (let [{:keys [opt1]} [:opt1 true]] [opt1]) ==> [nil] (let [{:keys [opt1]} '(:opt1 true)] [opt1]) ==> [true] According to "Associative destructuring also works with lists of key-value pair

Re: [ANN] data.xml 0.2.0-alpha1

2017-01-02 Thread Matching Socks
Whereas RFC3986 presents a bunch of options, the W3C has chosen one for use with XML: "Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition)", section 2.3 2.3 Comparing URI References URI references identifying namespaces are compared when determining wheth

Re: [ANN] data.xml 0.2.0-alpha1

2017-01-02 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
2017-01-02 15:29 GMT+01:00 Matching Socks : > Whereas RFC3986 presents a bunch of options, the W3C has chosen one for > use with XML: > > "Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition)", section 2.3 > > > 2.3 Comparing URI References > > URI references

Re: clojure.spec bug?

2017-01-02 Thread Steve Miner
> On Jan 1, 2017, at 7:13 PM, John Schmidt wrote: > > Steve: both ::game3 and ::game4 from your suggestions result in the same > error. > Sorry for my mistaken conjecture. My issue with the macroexpansion looks like a red herring. I guess I confused myself with quick tests in the REPL. T

Re: Destructing lists using &keys -> Difference between '(:opt1 true) and [:opt1 true]

2017-01-02 Thread Sean Corfield
This one had me scratching my head a bit too… here’s what I _think_ is going on: First off, note that the most usual way to use the :keys destructuring is with a map:     (let [{:keys [opt1]} {:opt1 true}] [opt1]) ==> [true] As you noted, the guide explicitly calls out “li

Re: Destructing lists using &keys -> Difference between '(:opt1 true) and [:opt1 true]

2017-01-02 Thread Nicola Mometto
AFAIK treating kv lists as maps in destructuring was only introduced to support kwargs destructuring, hence why it's not supported for vectors. On 02/01/17 18:00, Sean Corfield wrote: This one had me scratching my head a bit too… here’s what I _/think/_ is going on: First off, note that the

Re: Deploying multiple Clojure apps on one server using Reagent, Nginx, and Supervisor (Solved)

2017-01-02 Thread Seth Archambault
A new issue with this. I'm running on a Ubuntu server with 1000 gigs of ram - this has been enough in the past for dozens of php apps - however I'm finding with each jar I spin up on the server, it uses ~ 84mb each. At this rate it will become expensive to constantly create new apps. PHP's mem

Re: clojure.spec bug?

2017-01-02 Thread John Schmidt
No worries! Big thanks for digging into this, I saw your update on the JIRA as well and it certainly seems like you've found the likely culprit. On Monday, January 2, 2017 at 4:47:53 PM UTC+1, miner wrote: > > > On Jan 1, 2017, at 7:13 PM, John Schmidt > wrote: > > Steve: both ::game3 and ::game

Re: Deploying multiple Clojure apps on one server using Reagent, Nginx, and Supervisor (Solved)

2017-01-02 Thread William la Forge
> > Seth, something seems amiss. 1,000 GB is 1,000,000 MB. At 84 mb per jar, >>> you can spin up 11,904 jar files. Which is worse than only being able to >>> run only dozens of PHP apps. >>> >> --b -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. T

Re: foo.spec?

2017-01-02 Thread Jamie English
It's reassuring to hear there's interest! A précis sounds like a good idea. The API is pretty close to Clojure's right now but once the rest of the functionality is ported over I'll make it more Ruby-like and do a write-up. I'll reply here when I push a usable release. On Thursday, 29 December