Interesting. I think it makes sense in that `dissoc` is a function for
removing a kv pair from a map, not a function for setting v to nil given a
k. I could definitely see tripping up on this though.
On Friday, February 19, 2016 at 8:07:16 AM UTC-8, Alex Miller wrote:
> You can find some of th
You can find some of the background for this
at Records are intended to capture
"application domain information" - where the fields are known. Dissoc'ing
means you are removing not just a value, but the whole "field", and the
implication here is that you
Dissoc behaviour on records really surprised me:
user> (defrecord Foo [bar])
;; => user.Foo
user> (def foo (->Foo nil))
;; => #'user/foo
user> (dissoc foo :bar)
;; => {}
user> (assoc foo :bar nil)
;; => #user.Foo{:bar nil}
It lead to a bug where a component of min