Re: partition & fold

2019-01-29 Thread Renzo Borgatti
Hi Brian, I think what you’re searching for is: (require ‘[clojure.core.reducers :as r]) (r/fold concat ((comp (partition-all 5) (map #(apply + %))) conj) (into [] (range 1000))) However, the result of the above is undetermined (results are different every time you call). This is because you h

partition & fold

2019-01-26 Thread Brian Craft
Still trying to understand reducers & transducers. Is the difference between r/folder and r/reducer the parallelization? Anyone know what this error is about? (r/foldcat (r/map #(apply + %) (r/folder (into [] (range 1000)) (partition-all 5 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 47427 java.uti