incidentally, I seem to remember that the enclojure netbeans plugin does all
this for you, and even outputs the exact command you need to run to execute.
a default project starts with such a -main. That said, it's probably not a
good way to really understand what's going on ... if that's a goal.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I somehow managed to compile my first clojure program, generating a
class file that I could run using java.
I started with the overview provided by Stuart Sierra, and read the
article pointed by Raphaël. Didn't work at first, but after some trial
and error, it
Not really, he just needs decent instructions. :p I don't know a line
of Java. I figured it out. :)
On Apr 29, 9:15 am, Stuart Sierra wrote:
> Hi Santanu,
> Unfortunately, this is not a well-documented area, but it is
> possible. Here's the high-level view, but don't expect these
> instructions
On Apr 29, 1:04 pm, Santanu wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
> that I could run it using java. (I don't know what is the actual way
> to run clojure file. So far, I have only been trying it from within
> emacs/slime).
> But I don't
There was a very recent thread on the list related to the same
On Apr 29, 7:04 am, Santanu wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
> that I
Hi Santanu,
Unfortunately, this is not a well-documented area, but it is
possible. Here's the high-level view, but don't expect these
instructions to be sufficient:
1. Put (:gen-class) in the (ns...) declaration in your .clj file.
2. Add a -main function like: (defn -main [& args] ...)
3. Com
Hi Everybody,
I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
that I could run it using java. (I don't know what is the actual way
to run clojure file. So far, I have only been trying it from within
But I don't know how to create the .class/.jar file. I also don'