On Apr 29, 1:04 pm, Santanu <thisissant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
> that I could run it using java. (I don't know what is the actual way
> to run clojure file. So far, I have only been trying it from within
> emacs/slime).
> But I don't know how to create the .class/.jar file. I also don't know
> how to use ant (is that required?). I know javac can be applied on
> a .java file to get a .class file... but I dunno what applies to
> a .clj file?
> Kindly suggest how do I do this. Any pointer(s) to a suitable online
> article would be great.

I remember this helped me:



> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Reards,
> Santanu Chatterjee
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