Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-19 Thread jim
Konrad, Glad to know we were on the same page about monad transformers. That transformer was indeed a translation from the Haskell implementation. Using 'with-monad' does clean it up. I'll have to take a look at your implementation of m-bind. I did prefer the conciseness and the fact that it

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-15 Thread Konrad Hinsen
Jim, you were quicker than me in implementing monad transformers! What I had in mind is exactly what you did: a monad transformer would be implemented as a function taking a monad as an argument. That's in fact why I defined the monad macro in addition to defmonad. > I did some more work

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-15 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On Dec 14, 2008, at 23:16, jim wrote: > Also, I came across set-state and fetch-state being implemented in > terms of update-state. Indeed, those are the implementations I had in my first monad implementation. I replaced them by manually inlining update-state when I wanted to get rid of mona

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-14 Thread jim
Also, I came across set-state and fetch-state being implemented in terms of update-state. (defn set-state [s] (update-state (fn [x] s))) (defn fetch-state [] (update-state identity)) Jim --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-14 Thread jim
Konrad, I did some more work from the paper the parser combinator is based on. From that I built what I think is a state monad transformer: (defn stateT [m] (monad [m-result (fn [v] (fn [s] ((:m-result m) (list v s m-bind (fn [st

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-14 Thread Konrad Hinsen
Jim, > I would make some minor changes in two places. I would write with- > monad as: Obviously this is a better version. > And I would write m-lift as I like that one as well. I have uploaded a new version that integrates your improvements. Another one is that the monad operations are now

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-13 Thread jim
Konrad, I've looked over your monad code and I like it, FWIW. The macro programming will twist your mind if you don't have experience writing Lisp style macros, but the resulting syntax seems pretty clean. I would make some minor changes in two places. I would write with- monad as: (defmacro

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-13 Thread jim
Konrad, I got your code to work by doing the following: Replaced with-monad with: (defmacro with-monad [name & exprs] (let [bind-sym 'm-bind result-sym 'm-result zero-sym 'm-zero plus-sym 'm-plus] `(let [~bind-sym (:m-bind ~name) ~result-sym (:m-result ~na

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-11 Thread Konrad Hinsen
Jim, thanks for your comments! > First, the function 'group' that you define seems to be the same as > Clojure's 'partition' function. Indeed. I have spent some time checking if something like this exists already, but I didn't consider "partition" as a name! > Second, when I tried to load mo

Re: The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-11 Thread jim
Konrad, I haven't had a chance to look at this in depth but I did see two things. First, the function 'group' that you define seems to be the same as Clojure's 'partition' function. Second, when I tried to load monads, I get the following error. java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError (

The return of the monads: lessons learned about macros

2008-12-11 Thread Konrad Hinsen
A while ago I uploaded an implementation of monads in Clojure to the group's file section. I have now replaced it by a more or less complete rewrite. This rewrite was motivated by one serious problem with the original implementation, plus a number of minor points that I was not happy with. I have