
thanks for your comments!

> First, the function 'group' that you define seems to be the same as
> Clojure's 'partition' function.

Indeed. I have spent some time checking if something like this exists  
already, but I didn't consider "partition" as a name!

> Second, when I tried to load monads, I get the following error.
> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError (monads.clj:
> 165)
> Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: user$m_PLUS_m_seq_PLUS_m__252
>         at clojure.lang.RT.readString(RT.java:1163)
>         at user$m_PLUS_m_map_PLUS_m__272.<clinit>(monads.clj:165)
>         ... 26 more
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: user
> $m_PLUS_m_seq_PLUS_m__252

The definition of m-map makes use of m-seq, which is a macro that  
expands into a call to the function m+m-seq+m. It seems that this  
function doesn't exist on your system. It should have been created by  
the (defmonadfn m-seq...) just before.

On my system this works fine, but since I use a pretty old Clojure  
version (the 20080916 release), it is possible that something  
important has changed since. Unfortunately I can't easily test with  
more recent SVN versions as I live behind a firewall that doesn't let  
the SVN protocol pass.


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