Think about values first, symbols after.
Symbols are accessory, not values, values are the only things that exist at
Symbols are only there for you poor human (I include myself in this statement)
to grasp
roughly what is going on by tracking intermediate values with names. The names
On 12 February 2015 at 02:06, gvim wrote:
> That explains it but I think Clojure's syntax is misleading here. Without
> knowledge of this magic the mind doesn't readily translate:
> (let [x 1
> x (inc x)
> x (inc x)
> x (inc x)]
> into:
> (let [x 1]
2015-02-12 3:06 GMT+01:00 gvim :
> That explains it but I think Clojure's syntax is misleading here. Without
> knowledge of this magic the mind doesn't readily translate:
In some other lisps, clojure's let is called let* for this reason. Their
let binds only in parallel, similar to clojure's
I think that, from a user perspective, the important difference from
mutation to shadowing is, that outer x is available even in the inner
context, if captured by a closure.
Likewise, a second thread, that runs an outer closure, would see the
original x.
(let [x :outer
f (fn [] x)
On 12/02/2015 01:53, Ben Wolfson wrote:
The multiple-binding form of let can be recursively transformed into
nested lets:
(let [name1 value1 name2 value2 ... name value] body)
(let [name1 value1] (let [name2 value2] ... (let [name value] body)))
All you're doing with your let form is sha
Local bindings are immutable.
Your example demonstrates lexical shadowing of bindings.
This is an equivalent program semantically.
(let [x 1
x_1 (inc x)
x_2 (inc x_1)
x_3 (inc x_2)]
By the rules of lexical scoping, you cannot access the first `x` but it is
never mutat
(let [x 0
f #(println x)
x 1
g #(println x)
x 2]
there is no mutation of x, only scope shadowing hiding the other binding. Most
functional languages (all that I know) allow shadowing.
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The multiple-binding form of let can be recursively transformed into nested
(let [name1 value1 name2 value2 ... name value] body)
(let [name1 value1] (let [name2 value2] ... (let [name value] body)))
All you're doing with your let form is shadowing the name; there's no
mutation. If y
On 12/02/2015 01:44, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
You’re confusing mutation with single assignment. You’re not mutating anything:
1 is still 1, 2 is still 2; you’re just assigning the same name to different
numbers. The numbers themselves are immutable.
It's x that bothers me, not the val
> On Feb 11, 2015, at 5:42 PM, gvim wrote:
> Why is this possible in a language based on immutability:
> (let [x 1
>x (inc x)
>x (inc x)
>x (inc x)]
> x)
> ;;=> 4
> Maybe under the hood (ie. memory registers/pointers etc.) this isn't strictly
> mutation
Why is this possible in a language based on immutability:
(let [x 1
x (inc x)
x (inc x)
x (inc x)]
;;=> 4
Maybe under the hood (ie. memory registers/pointers etc.) this isn't
strictly mutation but as a relative newcomer to Clojure I find it goes
against the grain
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