A technique that works for me is to create sequences which are
with properties and then filter and transform those sequences in a
kind of pipeline.
Using that approach I came up with the following:
(defn eval-candidate [needle candidate]
"Returns a map representing derived informatio
That makes sense. I updated the function to:
(defn closest-match
"Returns the closest matches of needle in the haystack"
[#^IPersistentVector needle #^IPersistentVector haystack]
(letfn [(matching [candidate]
(println ">> checking " candidate)
On 28 Gru, 20:57, Robert Campbell wrote:
> How might I add a third and final condition, where those candidates
> with equal scores AND equal counts are all returned together?
Reduce can work with functions like
f : x * y -> x
So we can modify function closest to be like that (untested):
How might I add a third and final condition, where those candidates
with equal scores AND equal counts are all returned together?
A first try was this:
(defn closest-match
"Searches the haystack vecs for the closest match to the needle vec"
[#^IPersistentVector needle #^IPersistentVector hays
Thanks ajuc.
I updated the implementation to match your algorithm:
(defn closest-match
"Searches the haystack vecs for the closest match to the needle vec"
[#^IPersistentVector needle #^IPersistentVector haystack]
(letfn [(matching [candidate]
(reduce + (map #(if (= %1 %
I don't know if I understan correctly the requirements, but this is my
(def v #{[1 2 3] [9 8 3] [1 2] [1] [1 0 3 4] [1 2 3 4 5]} )
(defn matching [p v]
(reduce + (map #(if (= %1 %2) 1 0) p v)))
(defn better-match [p v1 v2]
(> (matching p v1) (matching p v2))
I would write this like that:
(def v #{[1 2 3] [9 8 3] [1 2] [1] [1 0 3 4] [1 2 3 4 5]} )
(defn better-match [pattern match1 match2]
;;here choosing better matching vec from these 2 - sorry, I'm too
lazy :)
(reduce #(better-match [1 2 3] %1 %2) [] v)
You received this messa
When given the following set of vecs
#{[1 2 3] [9 8 3] [1 2] [1] [1 0 3 4] [1 2 3 4 5]}
find the closest match to [1 2 3]
(defn closest-match
"Searches the haystack vecs for the closest match to the needle vec"
[#^IPersistentVector needle #^IPersistentVector haystack]